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When we pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we have also

forgiven our debtors,” we pray that we would all

experience the unconditional love and forgiveness of
Jesus as we confess our sin, by extending forgiveness
and grace to ourselves and those who have sinned
against us.

When we confess our sins to God, he cleanses us from

all unrighteousness through the blood of the lamb.
God reminds us that we have the imputed righteousness
of Christ. Confession is a time to remember that we stand
before God in the grace of Jesus Christ


he lamb may be depicted bleeding from the area of the
heart (Cf. Revelation 5:6), symbolizing Jesus' shedding
of his blood to take away the sins of the world

Forgiving someone is easier said than done, especially if the

wrongdoing is severe. Sometimes, it feels like forgiveness is
impossible. But if we rely on the Savior, who suffered not only for
our sins, but for theirs as well, we can find strength beyond our
own. Pray for power to forgive and Jesus will help you. Elder
Kevin R. Duncan, a Church leader, said, “Even though we may be
a victim once, we need not be a victim twice by carrying the
burden of hate, bitterness, pain, [and] resentment.”

What is forgiveness? Forgiveness means different things to

different people. But in general, it involves an intentional
decision to let go of resentment and anger. The act that hurt or
offended you might always be with you. But working on
forgiveness can lessen that act's grip on you.
 It encourages you to accept that although the ego
feels guilty as hell, there is nothing wrong with the
essence of who you are. Yes, you may have made
mistakes in the past, but you are not your mistakes

Why cant a man forgive?

Too many people withhold forgiveness because they don't

believe the person who hurt them has changed or will change.
This is a trust issue not a forgiveness issue. Forgiveness allows us
to move forward after being hurt instead of staying stuck in the
past because of unreleased resentment.

Forgiveness is different than

Once you forgive someone, it may still take a long time for you to trust
them again. That’s okay. For example, you could forgive someone who
BROKE YOUR HEART, but that doesn’t mean you leave YOUR
HEART TO LOVE HIM BACK. Likewise, Fool me once, shame on
you; fool me twice, shame on me is a proverb that means if
someone takes advantage of me twice, I only have myself to
blame. Once someone has shown themselves untrustworthy, you
should not be surprised when they betray you again. someone who
has been in an abusive relationship can forgive the abuser without
entering into that relationship again. We should forgive everyone. But use
wisdom in deciding to trust someone again.


The negative consequences of not forgiving has been

documented in studies that show that it can lead to
emotional pain of anger, hate, hurt, resentment,
bitterness and so on and as a consequence can create
health issues, affect relationships and stop us from
experiencing the freedom that forgiveness enables.

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, nor does it mean that
you've given the message that what someone did was OK.
It just means that you've let go of the anger or guilt
towards someone, or towards yourself. But that can be
easier said than done. If forgiveness was easy, everyone
would be doing it
Jesus was crusified for your sins and mine, therefore,
once we receive Him into your life by faith, your sins are
taken care of once and for all – for all eternity

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