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What personality and behaviour is needed to avoid getting bulled and picked on

Confidence: bullies often target those they perceive as weak or vulnerable, so having self-confidence
can make you less of a target. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and try to project an air of

Assertiveness: if someone is bullying you, it's important to stand up for yourself and assert your
boundaries. Practice saying "no" or "stop" in a firm voice, and be prepared to walk away from a
situation if you need to.

Friendliness: having a good social support network can help prevent bullying. Try to be friendly and
approachable to others, and seek out friendships with people who treat you well.

Emotional intelligence: being able to read social cues and understand other people's feelings can help
you avoid conflicts and misunderstandings that might lead to bullying.

Openness to diversity: bullying often stems from a fear or dislike of people who are different. By being
open to different cultures, backgrounds, and lifestyles, you may be less likely to be targeted by bullies
who thrive on division and intolerance.

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