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Scouts Investiture Ceremony

Bong: A blessed day to everyone. This will be a memorable day for all of us as we
celebrate our Scouts Investiture Ceremony 2023 with the theme of:
Both: “Sustaining Growth”
Vina: I am Ms. Vina Cueno…
Bong: And I am Mr. Bong Dionisio. And we are your host for today.
Vina: The investiture ceremony is the time when a Scout, by means of the words of the
Scout Promise, publicly announces their commitment to the Scout Law.
Bong: At the ceremony, the scout makes the promise to the scouts and scouters of
their troop and to all the scouts of the world. It is once the candidate has
made the promise that he or she is a scout.
--------------------------------- PRAYER and ENTRANCE OF THE SCOUTS --------------------------------
Vina: Our program will start with an opening prayer.

Bong: Scout oath will be led by Breyanne Calli H. Avelida from Grade 2 Luke, Scout Law
by Jadon Mathhew Soberano, Grade 3 Acts, Scout Motto by Sophie Baas, Grade
1 Matthew and Scout Slogan by Aenslley Cauis Aure, Grade 2 Luke.

May I request everyone to please rise for the opening prayer.

Vina: (After Opening Prayer say: Please remain standing for ENTRANCE OF COLORS.
Kung may umupo)

(Please remain standing as we sing our National Anthem)

(You may now be seated.)
------------------------------------------ OPENING CEREMONY -----------------------------------------
Vina: To formally welcome everybody to this ceremony, may I call on Pastor Gilan
Avelida. ---- a big round of applause-----
------------------------------Welcome Remarks-----------------------------
Vina: Thank you Pastor Ghilan Avelida for that wonderful remarks.
------------------------------Lighting the Biggest Candle---------------------------------------
Bong: Let us have our presentation of our Kawani Committee by the Institutional

Charge to the Kawani Committee by the Institutional Representative

Ptr. Ghilan:
Please rise for the charge to our Kawani
The Kawani is responsible for establishing new Kawani. He/She is the one who gives advice to
the scouts to make that rules and policies of scouting of the Philippines are done properly.
He/She encourages the Kawan to uphold and practice the program of the scouting. He/She is
responsible to keep the Kawan’s resources or finance in order. Thank you.

Vina: Charge for the Kawan and the assistant Kawan Leaders b the Chairman of the
Kawan. (Sir Raffy)

Charge to the Kawan Leader and the Assistant Kawan Leaders by the Chairman of the Kawanis
Committee. (Sir Raffy, T. Anne, Sir Daryl)

May I ask the Kawan Leader and Assistant Leader to rise.

Here are the Senior Leaders of their Kawan, they serve and help their organization faithfully.
They encourage and motivate all the scouts to follow the program of scouting family.

Bong: Charge to the parents by the Institutional Representative (Ptr. Ghilan)

(sir Ghilan) May I ask all the parents, ninongs, and ninangs of these scouts please stand.

You were able to hear the rules and responsibilities of the Senior Kawan leader and their effort
to keep the relationship and growth of each kawan. You, as parents, ninongs, and ninangs, are
you willing to support your child by giving him/her pieces of advice that could help them to fulfil
the purpose of scouting. (S. Ghilan)

Vina: I’m calling the attention of the Kawan Leader and Assistant Leader to please
(Sir Daryl and T. Anne)

Kawan Leader: Dear friends, and my fellow scouts. It is our honor to accept the new girl scouts
and boy scouts in Scouting Movement. (T. Anne)
Assistant Kawan Leader: They are now the new members that device to become part of a
happy and meaningful scouting. (Sir Daryl)
Kawan Leader: We are here today to install these scouts formally to the Scouting Movement.
We have more than 20 million scout members that are doing their responsibilities to God, to
our country and live according to the law of scouting. (T. Anne)

Bong: Now, I am requesting the scout leader (Kawani – T. Annie) to give us the Tanglaw ng

The Kawan Committee Chairman lights the biggest candle and recites:
KAWANI (T. Annie)
This candle symbolizes the meaning of the scouting that should burn in the hearts of
every scout, through this light of God’s Word, we can overcome all the challenges and
hindrances in our lives, with this our paths will not become far, dark, and hard to reach.
We are looking forward that you fully understand the spirit and meaning of the purpose.
1ST Scout (Red Candle) (Jehann Ella – Grade 5)
I am promising to do all I can to love the Lord God and my country the Philippines and to
do good deeds daily and to obey the scout law. This candle symbolizes that I promised.
2ND Scout (Blue Candle) (King Asher Gatdula – Grade 6)
This candle symbolizes that I will do my best to fulfil whatever responsibilities that will
assigned to me.
3RD Scout (White Candle) (Maisie Avelida – Grade 6)
This candle symbolizes that we must love God above all. Let us show our love to God by
serving Him, reading His Words, communicate to Him in prayer, and serve other people.
4TH Scout (Another Blue Candle) (Francine Edea Young – Grade 4)
This candle symbolizes my country. I love my country because I am part of it. I will show
my patriotism by serving my countryman, by doing good things, obeying my parents and those
who are in leadership position in the government. And I will do good things all the time.
5TH Scout (Another Red Candle) (Elijah Jaiyana Bautista – Grade 6)
This candle symbolizes that we must obey the scouting law, in all games, there are rules
to follow scout has three fundamental laws that every scout must fulfil for us to become good
6TH Scout (White Scout) (Prince Joric Erni – Grade 4)
Obeying and respecting the authority or the aged. Our elders have the maturity of
school authorities, government officials and other community workers. These people will help
us to obey the scouting law.
7TH Scout (White Candle) (Sherine Nicole Manuel – Grade 4)
To help for the advancement of Kawan. As a scout I am a member of the Kawan. I will
attend to all to all the meetings and gatherings on time and help other scouts to fulfil our
Kawan Leader:
Now that these scouts have shown their interest and commitment to the mission of
scouting with plead for the ninongs and ninangs to put the scarf to the respective inaanak, this
symbolizes that they are now officially member of scouting movements of the Philippines.
Pastor: (Sir Ghilan)
May our good Lord bless us all as we adhere and support the vision of scouting. In the name of
the Father, of the son, and the Holy Spirit Amen.

Vina: Now, let us proceed to the pinning ceremony. Please welcome the Junior Scouts
with their sponsor.

(Name with his/her sponsor Mr./Ms./Mrs. __________)

Congratulations Grade 4,5,6 Scouters. Now let’s move on to Grade 5 Scouters.

Bong: Congratulations Scouters! You are now officially part of the Scouting Movement
of the Philippines. Let’s give them a round of applause.

Vina: For our announcements on February 21-25 we will be celebrating our 26 th

Founding Anniversary. On February 23 we will be having our PILIAN, Primary and
Intermediate in the morning and JHS and SHS in the afternoon at Master’s Place.
On February 24 will be the special presentation of the students at Mendez
Covered Court.

Bong: As this ceremony comes to an end, may I call on Pastor Gilan Avelida for the
closing prayer. May I request everyone to please stand.

Vina: To show our pride and respect to our school, please remain standing in singing
MCA Hymn.
(Institutional Hymn)

Both: Ladies and gentlemen, the recessional march.

Bong: The guest speaker together with the board of trustees, school directress,
principals, and Kawanis.

Both: Thank you for coming. May God bless us all.

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