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1.In what area of your life do you need cleansing?

ANSWER: The area of my life that I do need cleansing is my heart because my heart is not pure all the
time. I want my heart to genuinely desire things that are pleasing to Him – then, my lives will reflect and
produce things that are pleasing to Him. I know that I can only have a pure heart when I receive Jesus in
our hearts and make the commitment to follow Him, He begins a transformation in our hearts.Once I
clean the inside of my heart, then you can clean the outside. I need a heart change, and this is God's
work through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

2.Make a list of people against whom you are holding grudges or resentments. Pray for the courage to
begin a process of forgiveness and reconciliation with them.

ANSWER: To be honest, for now, I don't have anyone whom I'm holding grudges or resentment because
over theperiod of time, I learned to forgive. I learned to forgive those people who hurt me and pained
me. I know that the pain is a beautiful gift to us. Without pain, we will never know if we are touching a
hot or cold surface. We will end up hurting our bodies repeatedly beyond repair without a sense of pain.
And who I am not to forgive when God take the punishment for me, He did not only save me from my
sins but He forgive me even if I'm not deserving with the forgiveness He given to me.

3. Read the editorial pages of the newspapers. Compare the authors’ values with the values of the
gospel. Try to grow in social awareness.

ANSWER: Author's values in the editorial pages of the newspaper is they share their opinion on ongoing
topics. Author's values in editoria; pages are meant to influence public opinion, promote critical
thinking, and sometimes cause people to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an
opinionated news story.On the other hand, the value's of the gospel tqake the point of view of Jesus
Christ lifetime teachings and His miracles. The Gospel lessons of peace, love, compassion, truth,
understanding, and positive activism are all things that transform our lives, and young adulthood is a
particularly transformative time in life. These ancient narratives remind us of who we are and help us to
intentionally shape who we want to be.”

4.On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as the highest); for me, this is how important the Sacrament of
Reconciliation is ___. This is the reason_________________________________.

ANSWER: On a scale of 1 to 10, for me, the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is 10. This is
the reason it brings about a change of heart through God's mercy and forgiveness. Reconciliation (also
known as Confession or Penance) is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer
sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God. At the same time sinners reconcile with the
Church who is also wounded by our sins.In Reconciliation, we acknowledge our sins before God and His
Church. We express our sorrow in a meaningful way, receive the forgiveness of Christ and His Church ,
make reparation for what we have done and resolve to do better in the future.


Work in small groups to complete the following table. For each work of mercy, discuss how this action
can be an experience of healing. Then list one or two ways that young people today can put each work
of mercy into action.


Examine the custom mentioned below and give comments:

We still see certain custom at present time— down the aisle and “giving away the bride.” This practices
originally occured because the father owned his daughter. This was a custom during pre-Christian
cultures that the daughter was a property of her father. At the time of the wedding, he was simply
transferring his “property” over to the husband, who would now own the young woman as his wife.
Recognizing the traditional roots of this custom, many contemporary couples prefer other variations for
their wedding procession, such as the bride being accompanied by her mother and father, or the couple
being accompanied by both sets of parents. (Joseph Stoutzenberger 1992, pp.260-261)


It was fairly usual in ancient times for female youngsters to have planned marriages or to be bought by
their future groom. The root word "wedd" comes from Anglo-Saxon and signifies "pledge" or "vow." This
could allude to the groom's promise to marry the woman or the bride's father's barter money or trade
agreement for his daughter. The word "wedding" actually refers to a "wager." As a result, the groom's
father would draw up a contract with the groom in which he would trade for land, social prestige, or
even political notoriety, which was just as important back then as it is now. A female kid was considered
property of her father in those days, therefore passing "ownership" to her fiancé on her wedding day
was perfectly lawful. The bride's family would no longer have control over her or her belongings
(dowry), and her husband would take on the responsibilities and obligations that her father had held.
The "passing" of his property or obligation is symbolized by the groom taking his hand and laying it on
the bride's.

In our modern time, "giving away the bride" doesn't anymore means that it is a contractual agreement.
It's more of a symbol of his blessing and hope for the couple's good health and happiness. In reality, in
current times, the mother is frequently more active in some scenarios, as the officiant may ask both
parents who gives the bride away.

Evangelization Journal

1.Identify one learning from the story above.

2.Rituals celebrate special occasions.List five special events (either personal or

communal) in your life, as well as the rituals associated with each event.

3.Why do youthinkpeopleneedtocelebrateduringspecialoccasionsinlife?


Direction:Work with two or three others to test your memory about your past knowledge oft he

1.Which three Sacraments can you only receive once?

ANSWER: The three Sacraments that can only receive once are Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders
because they leave an indelible (permanent) impression on the soul, baptism and confirmation may only
be received once. If that mark is already present, receiving the sacrament again makes no sense because
it has no effect. Holy Orders leaves an indelible mark as well, but there are three levels of the Sacrament
to be received afterward. So, while each of the three ordinations can only be obtained once, they can all
be received, and they are all truly Holy Orders.

2.Which three Sacraments are called the Sacraments of Initiation?

ANSWER: The three Sacraments that are called the Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism,
Confirmation,and Eucharist.

3.Which Sacrament was formerly called Extreme Unction?

ANSWER: Anointing of the sick was formerly called Extreme Unction

4.Which Sacrament must you receive before all others?

ANSWER: Baptism

5.In which Sacraments do we experience Jesus’forgiveness as he wipes away your sins?

ANSWER: The Sacrament of Penance (also commonly called the Sacrament of Reconciliation or

6.Which Sacrament uses water to show our participation in Jesus’ death and resurrection

and our union with his Church?

ANSWER: The Rite of Baptism

7.Which Sacrament strengthens us with the gifts of Jesus’ Spirit and encourages us to act

as his disciples?

ANSWER: The Sacrament of Confirmation

8.Which two Sacraments enable us to experience and participate in Jesus’ priesthood?

ANSWER: Baptism, which receives us into the Body of Christ, and Holy Orders which Ordains a man as a
Priest; a man set apart to confer the Sacrament .

9.Which Sacrament unites us with Jesus and with each other as we share the Body and

Blood of Christ?

ANSWER: Eucharist

10.Which two Sacraments enable us to experience Jesus’ healing touch when we are sick?

ANSWER: The two sacraments of healing are penance and anointing the sick

11.Which Sacrament enables us to experience Jesus’ love through the love ofhusband,

wife and children?

ANSWER: The sacrament of Matrimony

12.Which Sacrament is sometimes called the Sacrament of Penance?

ANSWER: Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession


Evangelization Journal

⦁ The Sacraments show us the extra ordinary nature of our everyday, ordinary life.

ANSWER: The word sacrament means “a sign of the sacred,” which is fitting as they are all
outwards signs from God to us. Not only are they signs, they're also celebrations of a continued
journey and relationship with God, teachings to help live out His word and ceremonies to show
devotion to Him.

⦁ Identify actions in the past that brought Jesus’ real presence in to the world.

ANSWER: During Eucharist is the Christian doctrine that Jesus Christ is present in the
Eucharist, not merely symbolically or metaphorically, but in a true, real and substantial
way. Through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, we are joined to that sacrifice and receive its
benefits. At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and said, “This is my body.” He took wine and said,
“This is the cup of my blood.” Think about that the next time you are at Mass. Jesus is now truly
present on the altar.

⦁ Give one idea on how to bring the real presence of Christ in the world.

ANSWER: We believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

The Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments because, in this and in no
other sacrament, we receive the very body , blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. Communion is
an intimate encounter with Christ and innumerable, precious graces come to us through reception of
Holy Communion.


In entering a Church,Catholics frequently dip their hand in holywater and bless themselves.
Taking holy water and signing ourselves “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit” is intended to be a renewal of our Baptism. That makes this practice so much more
meaningful. But most Catholics don’t know the meaning of it. sk three Catholics if they know the
meaning of hoyter and blessing themselves pon entering a Church. Write out a brief report on the
response, each of the three gave.

ANSWER: I ask three Catholicsif they know the meaning of Holy water and blessing themselves upon
entering the Church and their responses are the first and second person I asked they said they don't
know and that they just bless themselves upon entering the Church because that what they saw and
that was taught by them. On the other hand the third person answered me that she know the meaning
of Holy Water and blessing herself upon entering the Church. According to her, blessing ourselves upon
entering the Church is Intended as a reminder of baptism, Catholic Christians dip their fingers in the holy
water and make the sign of the cross when entering the church. Furthermore, “The symbolism of water
signifies the Holy Spirit’s action in Baptism, since after the invocation of the Holy Spirit it becomes the
efficacious sacramental sign of new birth: just as the gestation of our first birth took place in water, so
the water of Baptism truly signifies that our birth into the divine life is given to us in the Holy Spirit. As
‘by one Spirit we were all baptized,’ so we are also ‘made to drink of one Spirit.’ Thus the Spirit is also
personally the living water welling up from Christ crucified as its source and welling up in us to eternal

Evangelization Journal:

List down the four graces of Confirmation

1. Deepens our relationship with God as our Father and our true identity as His sons and


2. Unites us even more to Jesus - as our Brother, Savior, Redeemer

3. Increases all of the gifts of the Spirit in us

4. Makes us fully Catholic and united to the Church

5. It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to:

1. spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ

2. to confess the name of Christ boldly

3. never to be ashamed of the Cross

Reflection the following Scriptural Passages: Genesis22:1-2,9,10-13,15-18, Romans8:31-34,

Mark 9:2-10


The passage(Gen22:1-19) reveals God's relationship through a trial with a major character, Abraham.
Key themes that are central to the Pentateuch lie within the passage; the sovereignty and grace of God;
sacrifice and obedience; the establishment and reaffirming of covenants and the redeeming nature of


Evangelization Journal

What are the signs of maturity in faith based on the readings given above?:


We all mature physically whether we want to or not. On the other hand, spiritual maturity is not
guaranteed. While you’re most likely to encounter the term “spiritual maturity” within the Christian
context, the principles of spiritual maturity can be found in all religious and wisdom traditions.You are
slow to hold on to grudges and quick to forgive. They learn to safely release the poison of resentment in
order to forgive those who hurt them. They recover more quickly and move on with life in order to free
themselves and others from the chains of unforgiveness.You are at peace with what cannot be changed
The spiritually immature worry themselves to death over things they cannot change. The spiritually
mature learn to let go of what cannot be controlled in order to focus on what can be influenced. You
practice personal responsibility



ANSWER: To be in Christ is to be organically united to Jesus Christ. So if to be a Christian is to be in

Christ, related to Christ, to be a mature Christian is obviously to have a mature relationship with Christ, a
relationship in which we trust Him, in which we worship Him, obey Him.Mature Christians stop pointing
out everyone else's sins, and start confessing their own. A mature Christian comes to this place where
they finally see their own glaring sins and continually focus on repenting in their own lives, and stop
trying to be the watchdogs of the world. They understand the weakness of their own flesh. Mature
Christians watch their words, and know when NOT to speak., spiritual maturity comes through being
more careful about the words we say. Immature Christians can't help but speak their opinions on
everything and everyone around them who goes the wrong way. They think they are the world's
spiritual police.



“For me Sunday Mass is the greatest form of the worship is the Mass. The Mass is classed as a
sacrament , because the Eucharist is received within each Mass. Sunday is a Day of Thanksgiving.
Eucharist means thanks. It is right and just to give thanks to the Lord our God, and the Mass is the best
prayer to offer thanks. God graciously blesses us with everything that we have: life and health, food and
shelter, family and friends, intellect and talents, opportunity and resources – and faith. These gifts are so
awesome that we ought to be overflowing with gratitude and eager to give our thanks and praise. The
ideal is to give thanks every day. Weekly thanksgiving is a bare minimum. If we give thanks only
intermittently or rarely we fail to adequately honor the Giver of the gifts."

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