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LOVING ENCOUNTERS with JESUS  The Holy Spirit will live with them, inspire,
JOY is an intense feeling of great happiness. teach and guide them what to do.
 The Holy Spirit will be a comforter to them.
Jesus gave us the SACRAMENTS as a sign of His
 Jesus wanted to tell everyone that he died for
great love for us.
the people.
Jesus gave us the SACRAMENTS as His way of  The last thing that Jesus told his disciples
blessing us with more heavenly gift. before going back to God was to teach others
SACRAMENTs are the gift given to us by Jesus about him.
that makes us follow God’s commandments,  He told them to teach and baptize those who
growing love and have a personal relationship believed.
with Jesus. How can you tell your friends about Jesus?
The Sacraments have the grace that will help, You can tell your friends about Jesus in so many
guide, inspire us to become like-Christ, Christ- and easy ways.
like and good Christians.
- You can teach them songs about Jesus.
 During the 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection - We show kindness and love for one
Jesus appeared to his friends. another.
 He told them about the coming of the - If they see you behaving nicely and treating
Kingdom of God. others kindly or in a Christ like manner,
 He asked them to stay in Jerusalem and wait then you also tell about Jesus by your
for His gift. His gift is the Holy Spirit. deeds and actions.
- We can share to others the stories of Jesus’ 4. Sacrament of Reconciliation
great love and sacrifice for us from the 5. Sacrament of Holy Orders
Bible. 6. Sacrament of Matrimony
- We become loving child of God when we 7. Sacrament of Confirmation
comfort our friends who feel hopeless and
helpless. A. Sacrament of Initiation / Welcome – they
 Christ’s Ascension is when he rose from the welcome us to the greater family of God, the
dead, went back to His Father in heaven to Holy Church. It gives us a strong and firm
prepare a place for us. foundation in life. Welcomes us in the bigger
family of Jesus Christ, the Holy Church
 Jesus left the Sacraments to us so we will
always feel his loving presence. 1. Sacrament of Baptism
 Every time we celebrate the Sacraments, He 2. Sacrament of Confirmation
is there to welcome us and give us His love 3. Sacrament of Holy Eucharist or
and blessings. Communion
 We should follow God’s will by obeying Him.

1. Sacrament of Baptism
2. Sacrament of Holy Eucharist or Communion
3. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
B. Sacrament of Healing – make us well in spirit C. Sacrament of Service – show service to our
and make us friends with God once again. It Holy Mother the Church and Her members in
makes us remember the power of Jesus to the family of God. Reminds us that as
heal our spiritual and bodily afflictions. members of God’s family, we must serve and
1. Sacrament of Reconciliation love one another at all times.
2. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick 1. Sacrament of Holy Matrimony (for the
Married and family Life)
2. Sacrament of Holy Order (for the
 THANKFULNESS is being grateful and
appreciative of what we are and have.
 GIFTs – It feels good when we receive gifts as
it tells us in a way that the giver remembers
us and that we are important to him or her.
 Jesus’ gift to us are the SACRAMENTS.
 PENTECOST the day when the Holy Spirit
descended upon the Apostles as promised by
Jesus giving them the gift of tongues.
 Jesus instituted the Sacraments.
 Gift of Tongues – the Apostles are able to
 The Sacraments give our souls more
speak many different languages and were
blessings. We are showered with blessings
able to proclaim and spread the good news
after we receive them.
about Jesus.
 Sanctifying grace – what makes holy good
 Christ-like or like-Christ – it makes us follow  The Holy Spirit is our comforter and refuge.
the examples of Jesus.  We received the Holy Spirit when we were
baptized. We then become followers of Jesus
 We are called Christians when we follow
 The Holy Spirit helps us to follow Christ. Inside the Church:
- Keep the area clean and orderly
- Join in the singing of songs and responses
As loving child of God, we can show that we
during mass
are ready to receive wonderful blessing from
- Listen to the sermon or homily of the priest
God through:
- Give donation for the maintenance and
At Home: upkeep of the church.
- Help our parents without being told St. Pedro Calungsod is the second Filipino saint
- Finish food in our plate after San Lorenzo Ruiz. He served as altar boy
- Be kind and loving to other members and taught catechism to young children. He
- Help younger siblings with their homework was kind and inspired many people.

In School:
- Be honest during exams
- Respect teaches, classmates and other
school personnel
- Fall in line during recess time at cafeteria
- Pick up litter from the ground
- Pay attention in class and avoid making noise
SACRAMENT of GOD the FATHER  Through Jesus, we come to know how much
 Obedience is to follow with willingness and God loves us so much.
respect.  God loves us all unconditionally despite of our
 Jesus is God’s greatest expression of His love since.
for all mankind. He is God’s greatest gift to us.  As a loving and obedient children of God, we
 Angel Gabriel is the angel sent by GOD to a can show we are grateful for the greatest gift
woman in Nazareth, a town in Galilee. The we received by following the examples of
Angel will deliver a message, “Hail Mary, full Jesus, our brother:
of Grace the Lord is with you.” At Home:
 The virgin’s name was Mary. 1. Say “thank you’ to Dad and Mom for all
 The Angel also said Mary was chosen by God the things they do for us.
to be the mother of Jesus – Son of the Most 2. Help in household chores
High, the promised Savior. 3. Help our little sister or brother with their
 Mary’s response – I am the handmaid of the homework.
Lord, be it done to me according to your word. 4. We feed and take care of our pets.
 Mary showed so much obedience to God. In School:
Even if she had lots of questions and fear, she  Help our teachers maintain discipline in
said “Yes” and trusted the God. class.
 Adam and Eve committed the first sin and  Fall in line properly
God wants His children to be saved and so He  Help stop bullying
promised us a Savior.
 Help maintain cleanliness
 St. Joan of Arc is also called “Maid of The SACRAMENT of GOD the SON
Orleans”. She is a simple young shepherdess  Love is becoming good example so that
who lived a holy life. others are inspired to live a good life.
 Archangel Michael spoke to her to go to
 The Holy Church is the living expression of
King of France and tell him to let her lead
Jesus’ love.
France out of slavery.
 Joan led a soldier to battle and won.  The Holy Church points us to Jesus.
 Friends and followers of Jesus lived in
 They waited instructions coming from
Apostles of Jesus.
 The followers of Jesus sold all their
belongings to be with Jesus.
 The Apostles of Jesus continues to serve the
people. They shared meal with others. By
doing so, they made other feel Christ
through them.
 What did the early followers of Jesus do in It is in the Church where we know all about
their communities? Jesus’s love and His mission to save us from
The first Christians were very faithful to the our sins.
commandments of Jesus: Miracle refer to a happening or event
beyond what is ordinary.
o To love one another
o To serve one another  How can we show Jesus that we are part of
 Faithful being true to one’s promise the Church and should observe and follow
 Where can we experience Jesus as one simple deeds:
community? At Home:
We can all be together with Jesus in the - Be patient with your younger brother and
Sacraments especially the Eucharist. sisters
- Help with household chores
The Eucharist is the center of the whole
- Look after our pets
Christian life.
- Take care of the plants in the garden
Covenant refers to the agreement between
two persons or parties At School:
- Help a sick classmate go to the clinic
 What is the relationship of the Church to
- Patiently wait for your turn in the library or
The Church is the Sacrament of Jesus.
- Discourage cheating during exams
The Church points us to Him.
- Study lesson very well and participate in
 St. Bernadette was a very sickly child. The GOD’s LOVING PRESENCE
Many people did not believe God. The  GRATITUDE is being appreciative of what we
Blessed Virgin Mary showed up to St. have.
Bernadette and told her to pray for the  Jesus Christ gave us the Sacraments to bless
people to change their ways and start us more.
loving God. Mother Mary showed a spring  The Sacraments give us grace.
and whoever drinks from it will be healed  Let us praise the Lord for all the wonderful
from sickness. St. Bernadette helped heal gifts He has given us.
the sick and may believe her.
 Our talents are God’s gifts to us.
 Jesus was preaching all over Galilee and a
great crowd followed him. He fed these
people using 2 fishes and 5 loaves of bread.
Jesus prayed to His Father in heaven and
blessed the food. The food multiplied and
was able to feed all the people. There were
plenty of leftovers.
 How do the seven sacraments reflect our life:
Baptism – reflect our birth
Confirmation – maturing
Eucharist – sustenance and nourishment
Reconciliation – repair and restoration
Holy Orders and Matrimony – service to the form of consecrated bread and
others wine during the Holy Mass.
Anointing of the Sick – sickness and o Reconciliation
preparation for death - We receive the love of God when we
 What happens in each Sacrament: are forgiven.
o Baptism - We are welcomed to His flock once
- Jesus gives us new life more.
- This is received only once o Holy Orders
- The sin committed by our first - It is a unique Sacrament that allows
parents, Adam and Ever, is removed ordinary men to do extraordinary
from us when the priest pours water work for God.
in our head, prays and welcomes us to - They are ordained in the service of
Church. God as priests, deacons or bishops.
o Confirmation - They are given the sacred task to lead
- Like baptism, it is received only once people to the right path of holiness.
- It strengthens us to be faithful to the - The bishop will anoint the man with
teachings of the Christ and to be good holy oil.
followers of Christ
o Matrimony
o Eucharist - Man and woman shares the same
- It feeds our soul and our faith with the faith and professes love for one
teachings of Jesus whenever we another.
receive the body and blood of Jesus in
- Man and woman faces God, in the - Keep our classroom clean at all times
person of the priest, exchange vows - Participate in school programs and
and rings, promise one another to contests.
love and cherish each other as  St. Agnes was a Roman girl who loved Jesus
husband and wife. with all her heart. Although she was rich she
o Anointing of the Sick was kind to the poor.
- The holy oil is given and placed on the
forehead of the sick person.
- The priest prays for the person’s
physical recovery and for the salvation
of his soul.

 We should share our talents with others

At Home
- Help our parents with household chores
- Water the plants
- We are kind and loving to one another
In School:
- Help sick classmate catch up with missed
- Help teacher is designing the bulletin board
1. Loving encounters with Jesus pages 2-12
Read with understanding the values and
boxed statement of the lesson. Review
and accomplish the activities on pages 8-10
and 12.
2. Grace from the Sacraments pages 14-25
Review and accomplish the activities on
pages 16, 22-23 and 25.
3. The Sacrament of God the Father pages 27-
Review and accomplish the activities on
pages 28, 34-35 and 37.
4. The Sacrament of God the Son pages 39-47
Review and accomplish the activities on
pages 44-45 and 47.
5. God’s Loving Presence pages 49-59
Review and accomplish the activities on
pages 56, 57 and 59.

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