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A strategic approach to supplier selection also helps us to understand how our own potential customers
value their purchasing decisions. Our choice depends on many factors such as price performance,
quality, reliability and service. Therefore, when looking for a supplier, it is best not only to pay for what
the supplier wants to sell to us, but also to clarify what our business needs and what we want to achieve
with our purchase.

Consequently, our business have chosen the best suppliers that gives the best service, reliability, and
quality. Hence, by choosing the good suppliers that will help us to establish more our business, the
business will be more attractive to buyers and build a good quality of products. Which is the business
will also be benefit able and will give advantages to all consumers. Therefore, our business will served
our products with high quality and finest service, which will satisfy our beloved costumers. Guaranteed
that our products will have its most standing clean and fresh ingredients and delicious taste from our
suppliers to us and to our valued customers.

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