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Group Members:
190996 Kashan Aamir
191053 Shoaib Abbas
191041 Hamza Abrar
Fabrication Process:
Fabrication Process chosen was electric arc welding and gas welding for some parts of
aluminum. We could have selected another material for our fabrication process but we were to
design a light weight electric vehicle so we selected aluminum pipes and profiles.

Aluminum fabrication is a process of converting raw aluminum material into useful products by
various methods such as welding, bending, cutting, and shaping. Electric arc welding is one of
the commonly used methods for aluminum fabrication.

The fabrication process of aluminum using electric arc welding involves the following steps:

Preparation: The first step is to prepare the aluminum material by cleaning and removing any
impurities such as oil, grease, or oxide layer on the surface. This is important to ensure proper
welding and a strong bond.

Welding setup: Once the aluminum material is prepared, the welding setup is prepared by
selecting the appropriate welding machine, electrode, and shielding gas. The most commonly
used electrode for aluminum welding is a tungsten electrode, and the shielding gas used is
usually argon.

Welding: The welding process involves creating an electric arc between the tungsten electrode
and the aluminum material. This generates a high heat that melts the aluminum material and
creates a pool of molten metal. The welder then uses a filler rod to add more aluminum to the
pool, creating a strong bond between the two pieces of metal.

Finishing: After the welding is complete, the welded material is cleaned and smoothed to remove
any rough edges or excess material.

Overall, the fabrication process of aluminum using electric arc welding requires skill and
expertise to ensure proper preparation, setup, and welding techniques are used to produce a high-
quality finished product.

In our design chassis was the main part. As we have designed our complete chassis with the
aluminum. So we need to keep all important instruction in our mind which includes the error
less than 0.1mm which can encounter in cutting and welding. And the second important thing
is to keep the heat limited as it can cause bending in aluminum.
Figure 1: Aluminum profiles and pipes as our design material

Figure 2: Electric arc welding for smooth welds

Figure 3: Precision is required for this rectangular frame

Figure 4: Main chassis

Other options we could have gone for:
There are several other options available for fabricating aluminum chassis, depending on the
specific application and requirements. Here are some of the alternatives to electric arc welding:

TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding: TIG welding is another method of welding that uses a non-
consumable tungsten electrode and an inert gas, usually argon. It produces a high-quality, precise
weld and is particularly useful for thin aluminum sheets.

MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding: MIG welding is a popular method for welding aluminum. It uses
a consumable wire electrode and an inert gas, usually argon or helium, to create a strong bond
between the pieces of aluminum.

Laser welding: Laser welding is a precise and efficient method that uses a high-powered laser
beam to melt and join the aluminum parts. It is commonly used in industries where high
precision and low heat input are required.

Brazing: Brazing is a process that uses a filler material, usually a metal alloy with a lower
melting point than the aluminum, to join the parts. The aluminum parts are heated to a high
temperature, and the filler material is melted and flows into the joint, creating a strong bond.

Mechanical fastening: This method involves joining the aluminum parts using fasteners such as
bolts, screws, or rivets. It is a simple and cost-effective method, but it may not be suitable for
applications where high strength or precision is required.

In summary, there are several options available for fabricating aluminum chassis, and the choice
of method depends on factors such as the application, the required strength and precision, and the
cost. In our case we didn’t go for other options due to unavailability of them locally, also we did
have cost constraints and a set budget.

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