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The importance of Statistics in accounting

Daniela Martínez Landaeta

Universidad Internacional del Trópico Americano

Economic Sciences Faculty

Public Accountancy Program

Alexander Duarte Novoa

Yopal, Casanare

March 8, 2023
The importance of Statistics in accounting

Statistics, being a method that allows us to gather and organize numerical data to later be

interpreted and analyzed, is important in the field of accounting because it helps us make

decisions based on the information provided.

The statistics use data that constitute variables, which are present in accounting such as

income, liabilities, assets, monetary movements, expenses, costs, customers, among others,

this information is constantly changing, and the information is affected by each other. most

of the time, except that in some cases external events unrelated to the activity that cause the

alteration of the data, however, since this information is important for the activity in which

it is carried out and that it is closely related, the need to keep track of these movements to

verify that the changeability of the data is not harmful to whoever is interested, this is

where statistics allow us to visualize these events in a graphic and practical way, helping

anyone to understand in a simple way a complex set of data and information and give

meaning and purpose to each action and decision taken directly and to future decisions that

for analysis and convenience of the interested party will take later.

Today, thanks to technological advances, such as accounting systems, we can collect,

analyze and organize much more data and variables in a more practical way and make it,

most of the time, 100% reliable information.

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