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Good Morninggg Ma’am! Good Morning guys I hope you had your breakfast already!

So I am
Leonard Narvacan and I’m (mutien). And We are here to present our snack meal called

● The Overnight Oats

The ingredients were very simple and nutritious these are
● Greek yogurt, rolled oats, water and kiwi or berries like strawberries and blueberries ,
we just chose kiwi because of its availability and its also high in antioxidants like those
berries. It was also high in vitamin c which is good for our immune system In fact, the
kiwifruit contains roughly 230% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. This bold
fruit provides a burst of immune-boosting nutrients in every bite. One kiwi also has
about 42 calories and 10 g of carbohydrates, so it's a smart addition to your
diabetes-friendly diet.

Moreover we chose greek yogurt bcs

A long-term study involving health data from more than 100,000 participants found that
a daily serving of yogurt was linked to an 18 percent lower risk of developing type 2
diabetes (13Trusted Source).

It may also help you lose weight, if that’s a personal goal.

Studies show yogurt and other dairy foods may lead to weight loss and improved body
composition in people with type 2 diabetes (14Trusted Source).

The high levels of calcium, protein, and a special type of fat called conjugated linoleic
acid (CLA) found in yogurt may help keep you full for longer.

What’s more, Greek yogurt contains only 6–8 grams of carbs per serving, which is lower
than conventional yogurt.

It’s also higher in protein, which may promote weight loss by reducing appetite and thus
decreasing calorie intake

In summary Yogurt may promote healthy blood sugar levels, reduce risk factors for heart
disease, and help with weight management.

On the other hand with the rolled oats, The type of soluble fiber in oats may help with
blood sugar control as well as weight maintenance. One of the simplest ways to fit
healthy oats into your diet is by eating more oatmeal.

High Fiber Content May Help You Manage Blood Sugar

“One cup of oatmeal has about 30 grams (g) carbs in it with 4 g fiber,” according to Leah
Kaufmam, RD, CDE, who's based in New York City. Fiber is important for all adults, but
especially for people with diabetes. Not only does fiber help with regularity, but
beta-glucan, a specific type of soluble fiber found in oats, increases the time it takes to
digest, helping slow down the release of glucose in the small intestine. According to the
National Library of Medicine, adults with type 2 diabetes who ate oats and oat bran for
six weeks experienced “significant” reductions in 24-hour blood sugar counts, as well as
overall insulin levels.

When it comes to oatmeal, cooking methods matter too. As a rule of

thumb, Kaufman notes, “the longer it takes to cook your oats, the better
they are for you.” Properly prepared oats may take a little more time, but
the potential benefits for type 2 diabetes — better blood sugar control,
decreased cholesterol and inflammation, and help with weight
management — are worth it. Baka lang isali bahala na

-Procedure paano niluto/pnrepare ang snack

Now we know the benefits of the ingredients and our nutritious snacks ,
lets know how we made it , its so easy .
1. Add ¼ cup of rolled oats in briskly boiling water , stir it well for 5
minutes and then drain the water and transfer to the container
2. Put the ⅓ cup of yogurt and mix it well,
3. Add the slice kiwi at the top, place the lid and store at refrigerator
4. Served it and enjoy the delicious yet nutritious snack

-Total carbohydrates (in grams) ng snack

● For the total carbohydrates, we have 15 carbs in kiwi, 12.5 grams in oat and 6.5 grams
in yogurt . Its total is only 26 grams of carbs .

-Case ng patient
-Why do you chose this snack for patients with DM?
50 grams ⅓ cup equals 6.5 carbs in yoghurt
20 grams ¼ cup 12.5 grams carbs in oat
½ 7 grams carbs in kiwi 15 grams of sugar per 140 total of 26

● Calories: 90
● Protein: 1 grams
● Fat: 1 grams
● Carbohydrates: 21 grams
● Fiber: 5 grams
● Sugar: 15 grams

Portion Sizes

Kiwi is a delicious and healthy snack, but, like all fruits, it still contains naturally occurring sugar.
Because of this, you should consume kiwis in moderation. Limiting your intake of kiwi to 140
grams or less is essential to maintaining a balanced diet.

Things to Watch Out For

Kiwis are a delightful fruit, but many people are affected by kiwi allergies. Symptoms can range
in severity from very mild to more severe. Mild symptoms might include

● Itching or discomfort of the tongue, lips, or mouth after eating kiwi.

● Visible skin rash.

Contact emergency services if you experience any of the following severe symptoms:

● Difficulty breathing or any other asthma symptoms

● Swelling of throat, lips, or mouth
● Abdominal pain
● Dizziness
● Vomiting

How to Prepare Kiwi

Because of their distinct tartness, kiwis add a bold flavor to anything they are paired with. To
maintain this unique flavor and retain the kiwi’s beneficial vitamin C content, kiwis are best
served raw.

Kiwis can be served as a supplemental powder, but most prefer to consume kiwis raw. Here are
a few ways to serve the kiwifruit:

● Slice fresh, room temperature kiwis for a delightful side to your breakfast.
● Blend kiwi into a strawberry kiwi smoothie.
● Serve sliced kiwis in a bold kiwi-and-banana fruit salad.
● Pair with Greek yogurt for a light and refreshing dessert.

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