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A Storypath Injury Condition Cheat Sheet
Author: Matthew Malis
Editor: Matthew Malis

Special Thanks: Scott Kuban, Josh Heath, and Chazz

Kellner for calling me out on the OptCast

Compatible with all Trinity

Continuum Gamelines

This product was created under license. STORYPATH SYSTEM, STORYPATH NEXUS COMMUNITY CONTENT PROGRAM, and all
related game line terms and logos are trademarks of Onyx Path Publishing. All setting material, art, and trade dress are the property of
Onyx Path Publishing.

This work contains material that is copyright Onyx Path Publishing. Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program. All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by
Matthew C. Malis and published under the Community Content Agreement for Storypath Nexus Community Content Program.
When a character suffers an Injury and the player decides which condition box to fill, Roll 1d10 and
consult the corrosponding chart below. If a character suffers the same Injury Condition, then their
effects stack.

Entries that contain a [ ] for a Skill, Attirbute, Arena, or Apporach, need to be randomly deteremined
by rolling another 1d10 and consulting the appropriate list.

Storyguides are welcome to choose the effects of the Conditions and those affected aspects.

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