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Diagnostic Test in Math 6

Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________________________

I. Find the sum. ( 2 points each )

1. 34 456 2. 743 564 3. 246 329 4. 467 563 5. 7 876 234

+ 36 465 + 545 373 + 456 576 + 452 365 + 6 456 765

II. Find the difference. ( 2 points each )

1. 887 998 2. 657 576 3. 564 034 4. 600 384 5. 450 678
- 452 449 - 351 536 - 156 132 - 584 151 - 342 439

III. Find the product. ( 2 points each )

1. 645 2. 332 3. 2 782 4. 4 062 5. 34 901

x 51 x 23 x 22 x 425 x 457

IV. Find the quotient. ( 2 points each )

1. 6 744 2. 7 8 974 3. 21 25,536 4. 10 113,450 5. 11 4,565

V. Solve the word problem.

A. May deposited 56 pieces of 50 peso bills in the bank. How much money did he deposit?

What is asked? _____________________________________________________________________________________

What are the given? _________________________________________________________________________________
What operation to be used? __________________________________________________________________________
Solution and answer: _______________________________________________________________________________

If 23 kilograms of chicken wings cost 1,725 pesos, how much does a kilogram of chicken
wings cost?

What is asked? _____________________________________________________________________________________

What are the given? _________________________________________________________________________________
What operation to be used? __________________________________________________________________________
Solution and answer: _______________________________________________________________________________

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