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Paper 1

o Part 1: Q1-8 MCQ (Reading and Use of English)

o Part 2: Q9-16 (Error Correction)
o Part 3: Q17-24 (Information Transfer)
o Part 4: Q25-34 (Comprehension)
o Part 5: Q35-40 (Fill in the missing line)

Paper 2

o Part 1 (Short Essay within 80 words)

o Part 2 (Long Essay about 120 words)


Tips for Paper 1:

Part 1: Reading and Use of English

- Read the options given first (A, B, C, D). This is to let you know a brief scope about the short text which
you are about to read at a latter part.
- Read the short text/ message given. Please make it a habit to circle all relevant information using a
pencil. This is to make sure your brain is still receiving & understanding the information. You may circle
as many as you can/ as big as you want. The paper is yours.
- When you finish reading the short text and ABCD, you might realise there are some words from the
short text appear in your ABCD option. STOP THERE! You must be alert, that might not be the correct
answer. Understand your ABCD option first, you may translate into Chinese and write it beside. Look at
the example below:

Dear Aunt Lisa,

Thank you for inviting me to Jane’s birthday party. I would be delighted to accept the invitation. I
can’t believe Jane’s already 7 years old and in school. The first time I saw her, she was just a baby
crawling all over the place. How time flies!
See you soon.

Mona wants her aunt to know

A that she will attend the party
B that her daughter is studying in school
C that she has known her aunt for a long time
- Try out the question above. Do you see same words appearing? Which is the same word? Look at the
word ‘in school’ from the text and in option B. Is that your correct answer? Be careful.
- Even though option B has the same word in the text, but it is not the main message to be conveyed (不
是主要传达的信息). Option B only shows that it is a part of the message. The answer is A, she’ll
attend the party.

Part 2: Error Correction

- The errors will usually be tenses, prepositions, articles and linkers (connectors). Examples are below.
 Tenses: present tenses (with/ without ‘s’/ -ing), past tenses (add -ed/ change -ed to t), future tense
(after the word ‘will’, the verb 动词 is in original form), plural/ singular
 Prepositions: in, on at, into, to, among, between, before, after, until …
 Articles: a, an, the
 Linkers: but, also, then
- Of course, the above are not a complete manual for you to score 100 in this part, but it is a general
mistake/ error which you will be tested in your exam. For those who are more capable in English
knowledge, you may revise your tenses accordingly from the listed ones above.

Part 3: Information Transfer

- Again, look at the questions first, not the reading passage. This helps you to understand what the
possible points will be to pay attention to while you’re reading.
- When you’re reading the passage, circle any possible points which you think are relevant. There is no
right or wrong points, just circle anything which you think might be the correct answer. This is to keep
you attach to the reading passage.
- ATTENTION! You can only fill in maximum 3 words in your answer. Anything more than that will be
considered as a wrong answer.

Part 4: Comprehension

- Similar with the technique in Part 3. In this part, you will be required to find a word from the reading
passage to match the meaning given. In short, your test paper will provide you the meaning of a word.
Your task is to find the word from the text.

Part 5: Fill in the missing line

- Chill everyone. I admit, this is the most difficult part, but relax. Don’t panic.
- As I mentioned above, please read the answer first (I mean the option, the sentences which the paper
give you).
- After reading the option, then read the passage. While reading the passage, pay attention to the verb (动
词). There is a pattern which you can spot from paying attention to the verb. Look at the example below.
Suddenly, Kevin spotted a motorbike lying abandoned at the side of the road. ( ) He saw that it was badly


A The man was still unconscious.

B As it was very early, there was practically no traffic on the road.

C He stopped and took a closer look.

- Look at the passage. It mentioned about ‘spotted a motorbike’ and ‘abandoned’. After the space, you
know that the condition was bad. So, you should know that the verb that you should fill in the space
would be something about checking on the situation. Option C will be your answer. (第一句提到摩托
情况很不妙。照这个思路,答案应该是 C 才对。)
- Sometimes, some word that appear in the previous sentence might be a clue for you. Look at another

Kevin then noticed a trail of blood leading down the side of the road. ( ) He walked slowly for some time,
and soon found a man lying on the ground beside the road.


A He biked as fast as he could to look for help.

B Kevin knew he had to get help.

C Kevin decided to follow the trail.

- Looking from the first part of the sentence, the passage told you about a trail of blood ( 血迹), then the
second part of the sentence told you about finding a man lying on the ground. So, the first sentence has
already provided you a hint on ‘the trail of blood’. Your answer should be C. A & B will not be your
answer, because you have to follow the blood to see someone lying on the ground. (第一句说明了主
角看到血迹,然后给你一个空格。后面又说看到一个人躺在地上, 这就代表中间发生的事情一
定是根据第一句的‘血迹’ 而跟踪下去,过后才会看到有人倒地。所以答案是 C。答案不可能
是 A/ B, 因为照着故事的发展,你一定要检查情况,才可以去找别人帮忙,所以顺序不对, A
& B 都不是答案。)
Tips for Paper 2

Part 1: Short Essay

- You are required to write about 80 words. Please follow closely this instruction. It means you are
allowed to write lesser than/ more than 80 words, but not too much. To give you a very good picture,
you can write 70-90 words.
- Important note! Look at what the question asks you to do. Look at the example below.

I’m thinking of taking up a new hobby. I am trying to choose between gardening, blogging and pottery.
Perhaps you have a better hobby I can take up? What do you think I should do?
Let me know your opinion.

- Look at the question above. It asks you to choose between gardening, blogging and pottery. It means
choose ONE. Please do not say more than one. ONLY ONE. If you give more than one opinion, ha!
Your marks get deducted.

Part 2: Long Essay

- This part of the essay has given you sufficient guidance. They give you a topic, then the points are there
as well.
- Again, the word limit is about 120 words. So that means you can write 110 – 130 words.
- Please avoid lengthy sentences. Make it as clear as possible, do not give endless commas in your
writings. (Especially for those if you do not have a very good command in your writing)
- If possible, add in some connectors. The connectors below are suitable for you to talk about a new point
or elaborations. Examples are provided below:
 In addition,
 Moreover,
 Furthermore,
 On the other hand,
 Also,
 Besides,
 Plus,
- Another type of connectors you can use is ‘how to give example’. Look at the words below.
 For example,
 For instance,
 As an illustration,
 To illustrate,
 To exemplify,
- How to you make conclusion? You may use the ones below:
 To conclude,
 To wrap up,
 In a nutshell,
 To summarise,
 Ultimately,
 All in all,

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