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1. The first step in the fieldwork process is ________. C) validating

A) the selection of field workers D) pretesting
B) the training of field workers E) transcribing
C) the supervision of field workers 7. Which of the following is the last stage of the data
preparation process?
D) the evaluation of field workers
A) questionnaire checking
E) the validation of fieldwork
B) coding
2. All of the following are mentioned in the text as
elements related to the fieldwork process EXCEPT: C) data cleaning
A) the selection of field workers. D) transcribing
B) the validation of fieldwork. E) selecting a data analysis strategy
C) the evaluation of field workers. 8. Which of the following is NOT an alternative for the
treatment of unsatisfactory responses?
D) the training and supervision of field workers.
A) return the questionnaire to the field to get better
E) All of the mentioned elements are related to the
fieldwork process.
B) assign missing values
3. An important aspect of supervision is ________,
which attempts to ensure that the interviewers are C) discard unsatisfactory respondents
strictly following the sampling plan rather than
D) delete the question from the survey
selecting sampling units based on convenience or
accessibility. E) C and D

A) questionnaire design 9. Which of the following is NOT an option available

for the treatment of missing responses?
B) sequential coding
A) substitute a neutral value
C) sampling control
B) casewise deletion
D) pretesting
C) modify the questionnaire
E) insurance
D) pairwise deletion
4. Which of the following is NOT recognized as a
phase of the interviewing process? E) A and C

A) validating the interview 10. A book containing coding instructions and the
necessary information about variables in the data set
B) making the initial contact is called a(n) ________.
C) asking the questions A) editing book
D) recording the answers B) sampling record
E) probing C) codebook
5. ________ of fieldwork means verifying that field D) questionnaire
workers are submitting authentic interviews.
E) checking book
A) Verification
11. Which of the following is NOT a statistic that is
B) Validation associated with the measures of location of
C) Pretesting frequency distribution?

D) Coding A) mean
E) Selection B) mode
6. A review of the questionnaires with the objective C) median
of increasing accuracy and precision is called ______. D) maxima
A) editing E) C and D

12. A frequency distribution for a variable produces C) The proportion of households who subscribe to a
________. daily newspaper exceeds the proportion subscribing
to magazines.
A) a table of frequency counts
D) The new service plan will be preferred by at least
B) percentages
70 percent of the customers.
C) cumulative percentages
E) The proportion of a bank's customers who have a
D) A and B checking account exceeds the proportion who have a
savings account.
E) A, B, and C
18. Regression analysis of an independent and
13. According to the text, which of the following
dependent variable can be used in all of the following
represents the highest peak of the distribution?
ways EXCEPT:
A) mode A) determining whether a relationship exists.
B) mean B) assessing the strength of relationship.
C) median C) determining the structure or form of the
D) maxima relationship.
E) crest D) predicting values of the dependent variable.
14. Which of the following often follows a well-known E) determining causality.
distribution, such as the normal, t, or chi-square 19. A procedure for deriving a mathematical
distribution? relationship, in the form of an equation, between a
A) test statistic single metric dependent variable and a single metric
independent variable is called ________.
B) level of significance
A) univariate regression
C) critical value
B) bivariate regression
D) z-test
C) multivariate regression
E) incidence of difference
D) parallel regression
15. The most common measures of variability are the
________ and ________. E) pairwise regression

A) median; range 20. All of the following are terms used in regression
analysis that arise from the mathematical relationship
B) variance; mean between the variables EXCEPT:
C) mean; median A) dependent variables.
D) range; variance B) criterion variable.
E) difference; trend line C) predictor variables.
16. ________ is a statistical technique for examining D) standard variables.
the differences among means for two or more
E) independent variables.
A) Paired samples t-test
B) Factor analysis
C) Distribution of variance
D) Analysis of variance
E) Discriminant analysis
17. Examples of hypotheses related to paired samples
include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Shoppers consider brand name to be more
important than price while purchasing fashion
B) Households spend more money on pizza than they
do on hamburgers.
21. A researcher wish to test the effect of different levels of price on household’s cereal consumption, he/she also
considers the influence of household size. In this research, which is the factor? Which is the covariate?
22. When using the chi-square statistic in cross-tabulation, the null hypothesis is __________________?
23. A researcher would like to examine the effects of educational levels (less than high school, high school graduate,
and college graduate) and age (less than 30, 30–50, more than 50) on consumption of a brand. Please list two
treatments of this study?
24. In cross-tabulation, what are the statistics that can help to assess the strength of association in a table of any
Table 1. The marks of Marketing Research
Valid 55
Missing 2
Mean 6.783
Skewness -1.158
Std. Error of Skewness .330
Kurtosis 1.870
Std. Error of Kurtosis .650
Range 9.0
Minimum .3
Maximum 9.3

25. A study have been conducted to examine the results of Marketing Research (MR). Students who enrolled on this
course have been invited to participate in this research. Based on Table 1 above, how many students who took part
in the study? How many students who provide their MR marks?
26. Based on Table 1, what is the average score? What is the highest score?
27. Based on the table 1 again, whether the data set has the normal distribution or not? Please explain.
28. If our data set have missing values, how can we cope with this?
29. Please list two analysis techniques to answer the question ‘What is the effect of consumers’ familiarity with the
store (measured as high and low) on preference for the store?’
30. If price and quality have Pearson correlation coefficient which is zero, what does this mean?
31. If we wish to determine whether an association exists between two nonmetric variables, please list two
appropriate techniques that can help to do so.

Table 2
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Male 15 6.927 2.1312 .5503
Female 37 7.068 1.5661 .2575

Table 3
Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances
t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed)

Equal variances assumed 1.069 .036 -2.139 50 .051

Equal variances not assumed -1.878 20.420 .049

32. Based upon Table 2 and Table 3, whether the average MR score of male students is equal to that of female
students? Please explain.

Table 4. Correlations
MRScore IntUsage Parttime
Pearson Correlation 1 -.327 -.69*
MRScore Sig. (2-tailed) .067 .010
N 52 52 52
Pearson Correlation -.327 1 .333*
IntUsage Sig. (2-tailed) .067 .016
N 52 52 52
Pearson Correlation -.69* .333 *
Parttime Sig. (2-tailed) .010 .016
N 52 52 52
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
33. Based on Table 4, is there any relationship between MRScore and IntUsage and why? If any, please indicate that
this relationship is positive or negative.
34. Based on Table 4, is there any relationship between MRScore and Parttime and why? If any, please indicate that
this relationship is positive or negative.
35. Based on Table 4 again, is there any relationship between Parttime and IntUsage and why? If any, please indicate
that this relationship is positive or negative.

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