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What will be the future like?-people ask themselves this question many times.

They are
curious of what it will hold for mankind and if it will be good or bad. .How far will technology
advance in 20, 30, even 50 years from now? How will it affect our lives? Personally,I look to the
future with a mix of optimism and pessimism.I believe that some aspects of our lives will change
for better ,but unfortunately some of them will change for worse.
There is bound to be a few changes in technology.The pace of scientific and technological
progress will speed up.New inventions will revolutionize each sphere of human life.There will be
hundreds of other modern and useful devices which will make our lives easier and more
It is believed that in 20 years we will no longer use keyboards and mouses as computers will
carry out our orders on the basic of what we will ''tell'' them. Another prediction is that people
will own their own planes and use them more often than their cars to reach their destinations.
What is more,travelling will be much faster ,new machines will do most of everyday
activities for us making our lives more enjoyable and giving us more leisure.
In all likelihood medical science will be improved and it will be capable of working
wonders.Treatment of many dangerous diseases will be possible and various effective vaccines
will prevent us from hazardous illnesses.I think people will find successful cure for cancer and
less and less people will suffer from it.
On the other hand,the same inventions which will improve human life    will also be used
to produce dangerous weapons and chemicals which will threaten our planet.The problem of
pollution and waste disposal will increase.Our environment will be in serious danger and many
species of animals will loose their habitats.
Moreover,we will be helped by so many machines that we will become lazy and
passive.We will adopt an unhealthy way of life.We will be addicted to technology and become its
To sum up,I believe that the future will change much and it will have a huge influence on
our lives.These changes will be positive as well as    negative.I hope that most of these changes
will contribute to improvement of our lives and making it more enjoyable and colourful.

Sylwia Sawicka

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