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Friends known to be the most beautiful

relationship on the world.We choose our friends

on our own unlike on family members and
relatives who form a part of our lives wheter or
not we want them to. a person who has a bunch
of good friends oround his happier than those
who dont.
To all my friends, I remember you i need you to
know that i have not forgotten you. I remember
all of you how we met, How we became friends,
and even how we became strangers. I might
have forgetten your name, I might have
forgotten how you look maybe, but i remember
the time we spent together.the time that made us
become friends.
Best friends are for’ever! But sometimes they’re
not. Even the best of friends have trouble
getting along at times, but it is getting through
those struggles together that forges the strongest
friendship stories of my friends new and old
who overcome whatever life throws their away.
I told this story too many times to my friends
who were there when it happened but wanted to
know my perspective, to my parents and to my
jornal. i’ve toid everyone, but somehow i still
can’t believe it’s true.
friends involve as little or as much intimacy as
the partners are inclined to express at any given
are not normally obligated to exchange benefits,
but do so in ways that are often so natural as to
be unwitting.

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