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I. Customer-Based Brand Equity

1. Definition:
- Differentiate effect
- Brand knowledge
- Customer response to the marketing activities
Mention trong final: Human traits, personality; brand image, 5 five,

2. How can we measure CBBE

- Brand awareness: recognition (marketing exposes), recall => long term
- Brand image:
3. Brand Positioning:

- How:
+ POD: stand out among others, nó là brand association
+ Brand Mantra: A brand mantra is a short, three- to five-word phrase
that captures the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning
+ Slogan: Can change over time but brand mantra đi mãi với thương
hiệu. Brand mantra bao gồm cả slogan. Slogan for short- term
- Cách determines brand mantra: 3 cách

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