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2 -Marks

1. Define Cryptography.
2. Problems on hieroglyph.
3. Define mono-alphabetic substitution cipher.
4. Define Caesar shift cipher.
5. Define Steganography.
6. Define Cryptanalysis.
7. Mention Security services of cryptography.
8. What is text Stegnography.
9. Define Cryptosystem.
10. Mention Types of Cryptosystem.
11. Define Symmetric key Encryption.
12. Define Asymmetric key Encryption.
13. Define Hash function.
14. Mention and explain applications of hash functions.
15. Draw the Design of Hashing Algorithm.
16. Define MAC.
17. Explain Limitations of MAC.


1. Explain working of Cryptography.

2. Write a note on Hieroglyph.
3. Explain Evolution of Cryptography.
4. Write a note on Steganography.
5. Explain characteristics of Modren Cryptography.
6. Problems based on Caesar shift cipher.
7. Explain techniques of Stegnography.
8. Write a note on Authentication.
9. Write a note on Confidentiality.
10. Diffrentiate between Classic and Modren Cryptography.
11. Explain Cryptography Primitives.
12. Explain components of Cryptography.
13. Explain Symmetric key Encryption with neat diagram.
14. Explain Asymmetric key Encryption with neat diagram.
15. Explain Challenges of symmetric key cryptosystem.
16. Explain Challenges of public key cryptosystem.
17. Explain Features of Hash function.
18. Explain properties of Hash function.
19. Write a note on MAC.
20. Draw the Model of Digital Signature.
21. Expalin Importance of Digital Signature.


1. Another name for Message authentication codes is.

a) Cryptographic codebreak
b) Cryptographic codesum
c) Cryptographic checksum.
d) Cryptographic checkbreak.

2. Confidentiality can only be provided if we perform message encryption before the MAC
a) True
b) False

3. MAC is a
a) One-to-one mapping.
b) Many-to-one mapping.
c) Onto mapping
d) None of the mentioned
4. If the sender and receiver use different keys, the system is referred to as conventional
cipher system.
a) True
b) False

5. Use Caesar’s Cipher to decipher the following HQFUBSWHG WHAW.


6. Caesar Cipher is an example of

a) Poly-alphabetic Cipher
b) Mono-alphabetic Cipher
c) Multi-alphabetic Cipher
d) Bi-alphabetic Cipher

7. Communication between end systems is encrypted using a key, often known as

a) Temporary key
b) Section key
c) Line key
d) Session key

8. PDU stands for

a) Protocol data unit
b) Pre data underscore
c) Permuted data unity
d) Protocol data unity

9. Cryptology, the study of cryptosystems.

c) Can be true or false
d) Can not say
10. Cryptology can be subdivided into ______ branches.
a)  1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

11. The art and science of breaking the cipher text is known as?

a) Cryptography
b) Crypgenalysis
c) Cryptanalysis
d) Both A and B

12. How many Types of Cryptosystems there?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

13. An asymmetric-key cipher uses

a)1 Key
b)2 Key
c)3 Key
d)4 Key

14. Cryptography term is used to transforming messages to make them secure and to prevent
a) Change
b) Defend
c) Idle
d) Attacks
15. Shift cipher is also referred to as the
a)Caesar cipher
b)cipher text
c)Shift cipher
d)None of the above

16. What is cipher in Cryptography ?

a) Algorithm for performing encryption

b) Algorithm for performing decryption

c) Encrpted Messages

d) Both algorithm for performing encryption and Decryption and encrypted message

17. The message before being transformed, is

a)Simple Text
b)Cipher Text
c)Empty Text
d) plain text

18. In the public key cryptography, the key decrypt the message is
a) Public key
b) Unique key
c) Private key
d) Security key

19. Cryptography, a word with greek origins, means

a) Open Writing

b) Secret Writing

c) Closed Writing

d) Corrupting Data
20.  Which of the following is /are offered by the Hash functions?
a) Authentication
b) Non repudiation
c) Data Integrity
d) All of the above

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