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SNA bullet 11 MCQS-50

1. Pretty good privacy (PGP) security system uses

a) Public key cryptosystem
b) Private key cryptosystem
c) Public & Private key cryptosystem
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: PGP uses many encryption techniques such as private key cryptosystem
and also public key cryptosystem.

2. Public key cryptosystem is used for the encryption of

a) Messages
b) Session key
c) Session key & Messages
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Public key cryptosystem is used for encryption of messages and private
key cryptosystem is used for encryption of messages.

3. Which block cipher has key length of 128 bits?

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: The block ciphers IDEA and CAST has key length of 128 bits where as
Triple-DES has key size of 168 bits.

4. What is the key size allowed in PGP?

a) 1024-1056
b) 1024-4056
c) 1024-4096
d) 1024-2048
Answer: c
Explanation: Pretty good privacy security system allows 1024 to 4096 bits of key size.

5. Which algorithm is used for public key encryption?

a) RSA
b) Diffie-Hellman
c) RSA & Diffie-Hellman
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: c
Explanation: The two algorithms used for public key encryption in PGP are RSA and
Diffie-Hellman algorithms.

6. Which should be used first to decrypt?

a) Public key
b) Private key
c) Public & Private key
d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: The recipient should first decrypt the message using private key and then
with the public key.

7. In hash function output length is fixed.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: In hash function the output length is fixed and it is easy to compute.
8. An asymmetric-key (or public_ cipher) uses
a) 1 key
b) 2 key
c) 3 key
d) 4 key

9. A straight permutation cipher or a straight P-box has the same number

of inputs as
a) Cipher
b) Outputs
c) Frames
d) bits

10. We use Cryptography term to transforming messages to make them

a) secure and immune to change
b) secure and immune to idle
c) secure and immune to attacks
d) secure and immune to defend

11. : The man-in-the-middle attack can endanger the security of the

Diffie-Hellman method if two parties are not
a) authenticated
b) joined
c) submit
d) separate

12. The shift cipher is sometimes referred to as the?

a) Caesar cipher
b) shift cipher
c) cipher
d) cipher text
13. DES stands for?
a) Data Encryption Standard
b) Data Encryption Subscription
c) Data Encryption Solutions
d) Data Encryption Slots

14. The cryptography algorithms (cipher) are divvied into?

a) Two groups
b) four groups
c) one single groups
d) Zero one groups
15: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), has three different
configurations with respect to the number of rounds and?
a) Data size
b) Round size
c) Key size
d) Encryption size
16. In Cryptography, the original message before being transformed m is called?
a) Plain text
b) simple text
c) empty text
d) filled text
17. An encryption algorithm transforms the pain text into?
a) Cipher Text
b) Simple text
c) Plain Text
d) Empty Text
18. SSH can be used in only _____________
a) unix-like operating systems
b) windows
c) both unix-like and windows systems
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: SSH isn’t confined to a certain network or operating system. It can be
implemented over different networks and on different operating systems.
19. Which standard TCP port is assigned for contacting SSH servers?
a) Port 21
b) port 22
c) port 23
d) port 24
Answer: b
Explanation: Port 22 is used for contacting ssh servers, used for file transfers (scp, sftp)
and also port forwarding.

20. Which one of the following is a file transfer protocol using SSH?
a) SCP
c) Rsync
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: SCP (Secure copy protocol), SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and Rsync all
are file transfer protocols which are used by SSH.

21. Secure shell (SSH) network protocol is used for __________

a) secure data communication
b) remote command-line login
c) remote command execution
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: SSH provides high encryption and security features while communicating
through a network. It is a cryptographic network protocol.

22. IPSec is designed to provide security at the _________

a) Transport layer
b) Network layer
c) Application layer
d) Session layer
Answer: b
Explanation: IPSec is a set of protocols used to provide authentication, data integrity
and confidentiality between two machines in an IP network. In the TCP/IP model, it
provides security at the IP layer i.e. the network layer.

23. In tunnel mode, IPSec protects the ______

a) Entire IP packet
b) IP header
c) IP payload
d) IP trailer
Answer: a
Explanation: In the tunnel mode, IPSec adds control bits into the packets to encrypt the
entire packet between the IPSec endpoints. Using encryption, it provides secure
communication between the two endpoints.

24. Which component is included in IP security?

a) Authentication Header (AH)
b) Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
c) Internet key Exchange (IKE)
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: AH ensures that there is no retransmission of data from an unauthorized
source, and protects against data tampering. ESP provides with content protection and
ensures that there is integrity and confidentiality for the message. IKE is used to make
sure that only the intended sender and receiver can access the message.

25. WPA2 is used for security in _______

a) Ethernet
b) Bluetooth
c) Wi-Fi
d) Email
Answer: c
Explanation: WPA2 or WiFi Protected Access 2 is a security protocol used to provide
users and firms with strong data security and protection for their wireless networks
(WiFi) to give them confidence that only authorized users can access their network.

26. Pretty good privacy (PGP) is used in ______

a) Browser security
b) Email security
c) FTP security
d) WiFi security
Answer: b
Explanation: PGP is an encryption method used in e-mail security to encrypt and
decrypt the content of an e-mail transmitted over the internet. It makes sure that the
message cannot be stolen by other unauthorized users.

27. PGP encrypts data by using a block cipher called ______

a) International data encryption algorithm
b) Private data encryption algorithm
c) Internet data encryption algorithm
d) Local data encryption algorithm
Answer: a
Explanation: The IDEA was designed in 1991 by Xuejia Lai and James Massey. Before
IDEA, PGP used the cipher method BassOmatic.

28. When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect information from a host that has no
authority giving that information, then it is called _________
a) DNS lookup
b) DNS hijacking
c) DNS spoofing
d) DNS authorizing
Answer: c
Explanation: In DNS spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning, an attacker gets the
valid credentials from a victim by spoofing the intended resource, and tricking the
victim to give his/her valid authorization credentials.

29) Which of the following is a mode of operation for the Block ciphers in

a. Electronic Code Book (ECB)

b. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
c. Counter (CTR) mode
d. All of the above

30) Which of the following options is not correct according to the definition of the
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)?

a. CBC is a mode of operation for stream ciphers.

b. Initialization vector (IV) is used in CBC in the initial phase.
c. It has better resistive nature towards cryptanalysis than ECB
d. None of the above

31) Which of the following modes of operations can be followed for both stream
ciphers as well as block ciphers?

a. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)

b. ECB (Electronic Code Book)
c. CFB (Cipher text Feed Back)
d. All of the above
32) What is the block size of plain text in SHA- 512 algorithm?

a. 512 bits
b. 1024 bits
c. 2048 bits
d. None of the above

33) Which one of the following can be considered as the class of computer threats?

a. Dos Attack
b. Phishing
c. Soliciting
d. Both A and C

34) It can be a software program or a hardware device that filters all data packets
coming through the internet, a network, etc. it is known as the_______:

a. Antivirus
b. Firewall
c. Cookies
d. Malware

35) Which of the following are the types of scanning?

a. Network, vulnerability, and port scanning

b. Port, network, and services
c. Client, Server, and network
d. None of the above

36) Which of the following are famous and common cyber-attacks used by hackers to
infiltrate the user's system?

a. DDos and Derive-by Downloads

b. Malware & Malvertising
c. Phishing and Password attacks
d. All of the above
37) The response time and transit time is used to measure the ____________ of a network.

a. Security
b. Longevity
c. Reliability
d. Performance

38) In the computer networks, the encryption techniques are primarily used for
improving the ________

a. Security
b. Performance
c. Reliability
d. Longevity

39. One of the protocols to provide security at the application layer is?
a) Pretty good Privacy
b) handshake protocol
c) Alert Protocol
d) Record

40. With reference to stream ciphers, the output of the generator is called?
a) Key Stream
b) Key Length
c) Re-seed Interval
d) Byte Stream

41. In the digital signature technique when the whole message is signed using
an asymmetric key, the receiver of the message uses _______ to verify the
a) the sender public key
b) her or his own public key
c) her or his own private key
d) none of them
42. . . . IP Security (IPSec) is a collection of protocols designed by the
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) to provide security for a packet at
the _________ level.
a) Network
b) data link
c) transport
d) none of them

43. . . . A packet-filter firewall filters at the ________ or ___________

a) Network & transport
b) network & application
c) transport & application
d) none of them

44. In symmetric-key cryptography, the key used by the sender and the receiver is
a) Shared
b) Different
c) Two keys are used
d) Same keys are used

45. in symmetric-key cryptography both party used?

a) Same Keys
b) Multi keys
c) Different keys
d) two keys

46. The keys used in cryptography are

a) different key
b) secret key
c) private key
d) public key
47. Data Encryption Standard is an example of ?
a) Complex block cipher
b) cryptography
c) Electronic Cipher Book
d) Electronic code Book

48. The relationship between a characters in the plaintext to a character is?

a) One to many relationship
b) many to one relationship
c) many to many relationship
d) one to one relationship

49. Cryptography, a word with Greek origins , means?

a) Secret writing
b) Corrupting data
c) open writing
d) closed writing

50. ECB stands for?

a) Electronic Control Book
b) Electronic Code Book
c) Electronic Cipher Book
d) Electronic Cryptography Book

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