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Fenway and Hattie



1. Dogs can count

Did you know dogs can be trained to select the larger
of two amounts? Pieces of cheese were placed into
two see-through cans. Dogs were asked to select the
can that contained the most cheese. They were able to
select the correct one!

2. Dogs sweat with their feet

Dogs don't just pant when they're hot. They can also
sweat from the bottom of their feet! Ever notice wet paw
prints tracked along the ground? That's the reason why.
Unless they just stepped in a puddle!

3. Dogs can see color

Many people believe that dogs see in black and white. But
dogs do see in color. Dogs see in shades of yellow and blue.
They lack the ability to see the range of colors from green to
red. Surprisingly, the most popular color for dog toys is red!

4. Dogs can tell time

Ever wondered if your dog knows how long you've been
gone? They just might. Research shows that dogs can tell
the difference between the length of audio tones. They
can be trained to push different buttons for long and
short tones.

5. Dogs don't understand connectivity

Ever get wrapped around a tree while walking your dog on a
leash? Your dog isn't trying to trip you up on purpose. Scientists
have found that dogs just don't understand that you're
connected together!

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