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Exercises – Stg 4 (TEST)

1. Which is right?
a. I ________________ milk today. ( ) drank ( ) have drunk
b. She ______________ with him this week. ( ) spoke ( ) has spoken
c. Jane ______________ her book to school yesterday. ( ) took ( ) has taken
d. Ken _______________about you. ( ) thought ( ) has thought
e. Helen _______________the News on TV last night. ( ) saw ( ) has seen
f. We ________________ late this month. ( ) slept ( ) have slept
g. They _______________ about the party. ( ) didn’t forget ( ) haven’t forgotten
h. Felipe _____________ all the food yesterday. ( ) didn’t eat ( ) hasn’t eaten
i. Bia and Rose _______________the letter to you. ( ) didn’t write ( ) haven’t written

2. A or An?
a. _____ university
b. _____elephant
c. _____umbrella
d. _____unicorn
e. _____ apple

3. Complete the sentences using will or would (FIRST CONDITIONAL OR SECOND CONDITIONAL)
a. If they had time, they ___________________ speak with her.
b. If Laura wants to go to London, she _____________ have to persuade her parentes.
c. If I need more money, I _______________ have to work more.
d. If Clara took her book to school, she ______________ learn much more.
e. If Kevin buys a new house, Lucy _________________ live with him.
f. If Bruno played football, he ______________ be stronger and faster.
g. If we want to be good students, we ________________ have to pay attention to the classes.
h. If Flavia went to the cinema, she ________________ watch a good film.
i. If I thought she was a good person, I _________________ help her.

4. Choose the best alternative for the meaning of the verb get
a. She needs to get tickets for the cinema. ( ) persuade ( ) become ( ) buy
b. We get milk from cows. ( ) obtain ( ) receive ( ) buy
c. I didn’t get any letters from my Family. ( ) persuade ( ) become ( ) receive
d. Julia doesn’t get hungry before midday. ( ) receive ( ) become ( ) take
e. They didn’t get the book to school last week. ( ) take ( ) become ( )obtain

5. Complete with “will” or “am/is/are going to”

a. Be careful!!! That wine glass ____________________ fall on the floor.
b. I ___________________ visit my friend who lives in Bahia next week.
c. It’s raining!!!! I ____________________ close the doors and the windows!
d. My son ________________________ study today, tomorrow he has a hard testa t university.
e. Laura, don’t do this! You ___________________ hurt your little brother!

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