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James Benedict M.

ETHICS: Asynchronous graded activity
1. Evaluate the criticism that: “Divine Command Theory is not based on
2. Will you support the argument that: “Equating God with Good is a Fallacy”?
Why or why not?
3. Differentiate through examples (concrete or hypothetical) the two
categorical imperatives of Immanuel Kant.
4. Do you think that Kantianism is a workable theory? Why and how?
5. Justify on the five criteria for a workable Ethical Theory.
- END-
1. According to the Divine Command Theory, the morally right course of
action is based on the one that God requires or commands because
morality ultimately depends on the commands of God or character. The
Divine Command Theory is somehow related to God, and obeying God's
orders fulfills one's moral commitment. However, the primary principle of
the idea is that morality and moral obligations are ultimately dependent on
2. No, because God's goodness is demonstrated by the fact that He does not
consist of evil, that He always acts morally and rightly, and that the results
of His plans are always positive. Nothing unpleasant, bad, or dark exists in
Him. The Bible declares that God is good in everything He does, from His
very nature.
3. A categorical imperative is to think about how you would like everyone else
to treat everyone else. As if it were a universal law, live by the standard
that you would want to see committed to by all other reasonable beings.
An example of this is “Do not steal”, “You shouldn’t kill”. A hypothetical
imperative is a code of behavior that is believed to only apply to a person if
they have made the decision to act on their goal to achieve a specific end
for example, The phrase "don't steal" is changed to the HI "don't steal if
you want to stay out of jail."
4. Kantianism is a workable theory because fairness and the value of the
individual are at the center of Kant's moral philosophy. His approach is
predicated on our capacity for rationality, independence, and consistency.
if an act of behavior complies with an appropriate moral law, it is morally
5. One of the workable ethical theory states that the assumption that “ethical
decision making is a rational process by which people can discover
objective moral principles with the use of logical reasoning based on facts
and commonly held values”. By examining whether an act of behavior
conforms to a proper moral rule, they can evaluate whether it is ethically
right. However, they use various criteria to decide if a moral principle is

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