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Adrianne Andre P.

Ramos Gr-9 Gawa

English BALLAD

A Mighty hero falls into a swoon in the earth with his crewmates

They feel weak and fragile like a plate about to break

They went to the chapel to find the king

The King then heard cries from the field

So the King ordered a warrior to investigate

Sir Lucan was wounded and bruised waiting to be healed

Sir Lucan then saw robbers and thieves stealing in the field

Sir Lucan slew them with his sword and shield

Sir Lucan returned to tell the King

To not go to that place if you do not want to be killed in one swing

But the Kings head aches either way

Then the king fainted with foam laying at the mouth

The King mourned his noble duke’s death in a sway

Then the King said to leave him as the death of Sir Lucan

Can grieve him evermore but his time goes faster

Arthur gave the Excalibur to SIr Bedivere

Like a student receiving a sword from his master

Arthur ordered him to throw it into that water and tell me what you see
Sir Bedievere got amazed by the excalibur

So he hid it under a tree in a count of three

He came back to the king and said

“My king I saw nothing but waves and winds”

“My king I saw nothing but the water lapping on the shore”

So Arthur went to see him throw the excalibur himself to see if he was lying

Then Bedivere threw the sword as hard can flying

A hand then caught the flying sword, shook it thrice and vanished

So they carried the King to the waterside

Ladies and women gathered and among them was a Queen

Then he took the three of does Queens with black hoods

Like picking three peas in a pod

He then went in a barge with the Queens

And so they rowed from the land

Bedivere cries as he was being left with him and his enemies alone

The King said to heal himself through the bone

As the queens and ladies wept and shrieked, was a pity

The ladies brought then Arthur to the city of Death

But in some places he didn’t die but died by the soul taken away by Jesus onto

Another place and shall come back and win the holy spirit….

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