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Past Simple

1.Минулий неозначений час

2.коротка дія в минулому, повторювані дії
в минулому, дії, коли вказано визначений
3.yesterday, 2 days ago, last month, last year,
in 2020, in spring
4.+ed, 2 колонка н.д.
didn’t + початкова форма дієслова
Did + початкова форма дієслова
I played basketball yesterday.
I didn’t play basketball yesterday.
Did I play basketball yesterday?

I went to my grandparents last week.

I didn’t go to my grandparents last week.
Did I go to my grandparents last week?
Past Continuous
1.Минулий тривалий час
2.довга дія в минулому, щоб описати
тривалість дій в минулому
was, were + V ing
was ( I, he, she, it)
were(you, we,they)
I was sleeping the whole day.
I wasn’t sleeping the whole day.
Was I sleeping the whole day?
4. at that time yesterday, at 3 o’clock yesterday,
from 3 till 5 o’clock, all day long, the whole
evening, while

Past Perfect
1. Минулий доконаний час
2.давньоминула дія в минулому, дія, яка
завершилася до певного часу в минулому
3. by 5 o’clock, by the end of, before
had + V ed, 3 колонка н.д.
Before I went to bed, I had had dinner.
I had learnt English before I visited the UK.

Past Perfect Continuous

1.Минулий доконано-тривалий час
2.минулий завершений довгий час, минула
тривала дія, яка мала результат в минулому
had been +V ing

I had been typing this text for 2 hours and then

found it on the Internet.
I had been waiting for my plane for 3 hours when it
was announced about delay.
I had been trying to telephone my mother all day.
When we came to Nick, he had been ill for 3 days.

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