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David Mwasikili

A Research Report to be Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Award of Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management (BHRM ) Mzumbe

We, the undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommended for the
acceptance by the Mzumbe University, a research report entitled, “Assessment of
employee’s satisfaction with non-financial rewards” A case of TANESCO Mbeya in
fulfilment of the requirement for award of degree of Human Resources Management
of Mzumbe University.

Major Supervisor

Internal Examiner

Accepted for the Board of


I, David Mwasikili declare that this dissertation is my own original work and that it
has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar
or any other degree award.



© 2021
This dissertation is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the
Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that behalf, on
intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in part, except
for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical scholarly review
or discourse with an acknowledgement, without the written permission of Mzumbe
University, on behalf of the author.

This research project is dedicated to my family, friends for their invaluable support
and encouragement during the entire process. I couldn’t do it without you.

The successful accomplishment of this research has been based on ideas and support
from many individuals and institutions. It is not possible to list everyone who
contributed to the success of this study in any way, ethically and financially. However,
I would like to give my sincerely thanks to all contributed to the achievement of my

First of all, I thank Almighty God for everything that he added to me. Omnipotent gave
me strength whenever I wanted to give up, his love, unlimited mercy and blessings
that gave me the courage to complete this report. Without Him, I would not have made
improvements to this study.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge the efforts, perseverance and guidance of
my senior supervisor, Madam Mongi for giving her time to read my work repeatedly.
Also, her special insight into the Assessment of employee’s satisfaction with non-
financial rewards was valuable as she provided positive feedback, advice, positive
criticism, and encouragement throughout this study.

In addition, I would like to express my gratitude to my family, relatives and friends,

my dear parents Raphael Mwasikili, Rodha Mwasikili, my siblings Lawrence, Baraka
& Frola, my beloved friend Mcdonald Jimmy for their prayers, material, financial,
ethical, and psychological support and guidance that enabled me to make my studies
successful. Moreover, I would like to thank TANESCO for giving me permission to
do practical research study (field studies).

May God the Most High sanctify you all abundantly.

TANESCO Tanzania national electric supplier company
HR Human resources
HRM Human resources management
USA United states of America
SACCOS Savings and credit cooperatives

This study is an assessment of employee’s satisfaction with non-financial rewards, the
main objectives was to analyze then on financial rewards such as employee’s
promotion, recognition and Training programs on employee’s satisfaction. My study
will focus on non-financial rewards at it link with employee satisfaction within the
organization. Data was collected by using questionnaire from Tanzania national
electric supply company in Tanzania from sample size of 40 respondents and analyzed
by descriptive analysis. The study reveals that employees’ promotion, recognition and
training rewards affects and contributed to the success of an organization as they
directly affect employee’s satisfaction. The study reveals. TANESCO employees
appreciate and value non-financial rewards and they would like the organization to
provide them with such kind of rewards. The study recommends that employees
promotion, recognition and training should be implemented in order to satisfy
TANESCO workers
Key words: Recognition, Training programs and promotion

CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION AND COPYRIGHT .................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................... iv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................... 3

1.3 Research Objectives ........................................................................................... 3

1.3.1 General Objective ........................................................................................ 3

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ...................................................................................... 3

1.4 Research Questions ............................................................................................ 4

1.5 Significance of the Study.................................................................................... 4

1.6 Organization of the Study................................................................................... 4

1.7 Scope of the Study .............................................................................................. 5

1.8 Limitation of the Study....................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO ....................................................................................................... 6

LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 6

2.0 Overview ............................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Theoretical Analysis ........................................................................................... 6

2.2 Maslow, hierarchy of needs (A.F, Stoner ) ........................................................ 6

2.3 Herzberg two factor theory, according to Rao (2009) ........................................ 8

2.5 Empirical Analysis ........................................................................................... 10

2.5.1 Measuring the non-financial rewards in escalating employees job

satisfaction (a study conducted in Pakistan) ....................................................... 11

2.5.2 A study on the effectiveness of non-monetary incentives in motivating Sacco

society staff conducted in Kenya. A case study of front office saving accounts
workers in Nairobi county .................................................................................. 11

2.5.3 A study of reward management and job satisfaction among frontline

employees in hotel industry in Malaysia (2014) ................................................. 12

2.5.4 Influence of non-financial rewards on employee’s job satisfaction: A case

study of Sri Lanka private banking Industry, (2018). ......................................... 12

2.6 Research Gaps .................................................................................................. 13

2.7 Conceptual framework ..................................................................................... 13

2.8 Summary........................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................. 15

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 15

3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 15

3.2 Research Design ............................................................................................... 15

3.3 Area of the study .............................................................................................. 15

3.4 Population of the Study Area ........................................................................... 15

3.4.1 Sample size ................................................................................................ 16

3.5 sampling Techniques ........................................................................................ 17

3.5.1 Purposive Sampling ................................................................................... 17

3.5.2 Simple random sampling ........................................................................... 17

3.6 Data collection methods ................................................................................... 18

3.6.1 Primary data ............................................................................................... 18

3.7 Data analysis ..................................................................................................... 18

3.8 Ethical issues consideration.............................................................................. 18

3.9 The study limitation.......................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................... 20

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................................................................. 20

4.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 20

4.2 Demographic characteristics of respondents .................................................... 20

4.3 Respondent rate ................................................................................................ 20

4.4 Gender .............................................................................................................. 21

4.5 Age ................................................................................................................... 22

4.6 Marital status .................................................................................................... 22

4.7 Staff category.................................................................................................... 23

4.8 Level of education ............................................................................................ 24

4.9 Years of worked ............................................................................................... 24

4.10 Employees promotion..................................................................................... 25

4.11 Influence of promotion to employee’s satisfaction at workplace ................... 25

4.12 Employees recognition ................................................................................... 26

4.13 How do employees at TANESCO Perceive employee’s recognition? ........... 26

4.14 Training programs .......................................................................................... 27

4.15 To what extent management support can influence job satisfaction .............. 27

CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................... 30

SUMMARY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................. 30

5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 30

5.2 Summary of findings ........................................................................................ 30

5.2.1 Employees promotion ................................................................................ 30

5.2.2 Employees Recognition ............................................................................. 31

5.2.3 Training programs...................................................................................... 31

5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 31

5.4 Recommendations ............................................................................................ 32

5.4.1 Employee promotion.................................................................................. 32

5.4.2 Employees’ recognition ............................................................................. 32

5.4.3 Training programs...................................................................................... 32

5.5 Contribution of this study to job satisfaction theories ...................................... 33

5.6 Suggestion for further study ............................................................................. 33

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 34

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 36

Table 3.1 Krecjie and Morgan (1970) Table for Determining Sample size from a Given
Population .................................................................................................................. 16
Table 3.2 Population of the staff category ................................................................. 17
Table 4.1 Respondent rate .......................................................................................... 21
Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents.......................................................................... 21
Table 4.3 Respondent age bracket ............................................................................. 22
Table 4.4 Marital status .............................................................................................. 23
Table 4.5 Staff category ............................................................................................. 23
Table 4.6 Level of education ...................................................................................... 24
Table 4.7 Years worked ............................................................................................. 24
Table 4.8 The influence of promotion to employees satisfaction at workplace ......... 25
Table 4.9 Degree of recognition of employees .......................................................... 26
Table 4.10 The extent to which provision of training programs is utilized in Tanesco
.................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 4.11 To what extent management support can influence job satisfaction ....... 29

Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs .................................................................... 7
Figure 2.2 Herzberg Two Factor Theory ................................................................... 10
Figure 2.3 The conceptual framework: Assessment of employees satisfaction with
non-financial rewards ................................................................................................. 14


1.1 Background of the Study
The term Employees’ satisfaction is more of an attitude, an internal state. It could for
example be associate with personal feelings of achievement, it is often suggested that
employee’s satisfaction is necessary in order to achieve high level of motivation and
performance (Laurie J Mullins 2010)
Non-financial rewards are the types of rewards that are not part of employees’ pay.
Typically, they cost little or no money yet carry significant weight (wage point 2018).
Not all employees are satisfied by given money as their awards as employees differ in
different aspects as perceptions so how one employee will be satisfied with the reward
is different to another employee. Dzuaranin (2012) argue that the company that
provides only financial incentives must also provide non-financial rewards to increase
employee’s satisfaction. This will increase the balanced satisfactions among
employees and automatically improve work performance in the organization although
it is not easy to gain satisfaction at work place with rewards
(Bayissa & Zewdie 2010) Employee’s expectations, needs and desire should be
necessarily realized and understood by managers and those rewards should be offered
to employees which led to satisfaction.
Bargraim et al (2007). Stated that employees have different needs, some have financial
goals, others have professional goals and other have personal goals. Therefore, this
shows that same rewards cannot be used to satisfy both employees as they differ in
their goals, hence managers should be flexible to make sure every employee are
satisfied according to their goals of needs
According to Arm strong (2009) in role of non-financial rewards in enhancing
employee’s commitment and performance on the job observed that essentially notion
of total rewards says that there is more to reward people than throwing money to them.
The increase of provision of Non-financial rewards has been increase in modern
organization as it has now been known for its positivity in employees satisfaction and
work performance within the organization by taking area Tanzania National Electric

Supply company (TANESCO) as an example whereby in this organization employees
are being provided by both non-financial and financial rewards so as to balance
workers satisfaction as employees are differ on how they become satisfied with
organization rewards
The organization provide chance for training depends with the organization needs at a
certain time but also provision of reasonable salary as monetary rewards so through
using non-monetary rewards it manages to satisfy employees with different perception.
Yavuz (July 2004) on the use of non-financial rewards as motivational tool that
satisfied employee revealed that absence of employee’s willingness to perform,
capacity and opportunity would not get generate the company desired results. The
public sector employees proffered monetary rewards so as to satisfy their basic needs
after which they will seek for non-financial rewards.
Therefore, in order for the employees to be satisfied with non-financial rewards
employer must make sure they are given enough salary to afford their needs so as to
compensate for their desired money incentives, therefore non-financial rewards are
only important when money is not an issue to the employees thus employees cannot
be satisfied with non-monetary rewards while they receive low wages
According to maslow humans are wanting beings they always want more
(mullins,Laurie J. management and organization behavior), therefore employees tend
to need more when they receive rewards hence when the organization provide
monetary rewards in other time they tend to need other rewards especially non-
financial rewards.
Job satisfaction is necessary in order to achieve high level of motivation and
performance, level of job satisfaction is affected by wide range of variables relating to
individual, social, cultural, organization and environment factor.
(Armstrong 2007,M handbook of human resource management practice 11th edition),
Reward system consist of number of inter related activities which combine to ensure
reward management is carried out effectively to the benefits of organization and people
who work for it ( Armstrong ) explained that total reward is combination of financial
and non-financial available to employees’ and Nonfinancial rewards are rewards
which do not involve any direct payments often arise from the work itself, for example

,achievements, recognition, scope to use and develop skills, training, career
development opportunities and high quality leadership.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Many researchers have done research in employee’s satisfaction, many in financial
rewards and few in non-financial rewards, many researchers do not link how non-
financial rewards affects employee’s satisfaction and how non-financial rewards are
useful to make sure the employees are satisfied with it and its impacts to the
My study will focus on non-financial rewards as it links with employee’s satisfaction
within the organization that led to many positive impacts in the organization as it
boosts employee’s performance while acting as a motivational factor so as to increase
organization production
Organization has different levels of employees starting from lower level, middle level
and upper level thus led to different in satisfaction of rewards among these levels as
rewards that will be given to lower level will not satisfy the same to the upper level
employees choose to carry my study at Tanzania national electric suppliers company
because it is a long time organization thus it will contained experienced workers and
has already made its strong foundation that I believe to find my research answers from
this organization
According to internet source (, TANESCO established 26th November
1931 and its function is to generate, purchases, transmit, distributes and sells electricity
to Tanzania with its vision, to be efficient and commercially focused electricity utility
supporting development of Tanzania and be power house of east Africa.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 General Objective
The main objective of this study is to explore employees’ satisfaction with non-
financial rewards

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

i. To determine how promotion led employee’s satisfaction

ii. To identify degree of employee’s recognition and its impact to employee’s
iii. To determine how training programs, facilitate employee’s satisfaction in the

1.4 Research Questions

The following were the main questions formulated to elicit the necessary information
i. How do promotion influence employee’s satisfaction at work place?
ii. How do employees perceive employee’s recognition?
iii. To what extent management support can influence job satisfaction?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The research is important to the society as it give an understanding of non-financial
rewards in worker’s satisfaction and hence contribute to knowledge and awareness. It
will also be a help for the students and researchers by providing knowledge of this
study also these researchers can do more on the same research topic by looking of this
study. As there is challenge of many organization regarding financial rewards as only
factor that satisfy employees they can also learn to consider about non-financial
rewards. The research is important to employers as they search for ways to satisfy their
employees without using financial rewards or money, also this research is significant
to company policies makers in formulating organization policy by helping them to
understand and imply non-financial rewards in organization culture. The research will
also be significant to government as it will be involved direct in making policies and
regulations that will influence relationship between employer and employees,
Research is important to the human resource managers as it will help to understand
more the best reward to the employees in exactly time the employees need it.

1.6 Organization of the Study

The research covers the assessment of employee’s satisfaction with non-financial
rewards at Tanzanian national electric supply Company (TANESCO) located in
Mbeya region Tanzania

1.7 Scope of the Study
The research consists of five chapters. Chapter one covers the background and
statement of the problem, research objectives and questions, the significance and scope
of the study. Chapter two is mainly literature review, conceptual definition, theoretical
and empirical analysis, research gap, conceptual frame work hypotheses and summary.
Chapter three contains of research design and procedures, data collection and analysis
and expected result of the study. Chapter four is concerned with presentation and
discussion of results while chapter five concern with summary of findings, conclusion,
recommendations, contribution of the studies to theory and direction for future

1.8 Limitation of the Study

the research has different limitations this includes financial limitations like money for
printing the research and also it had cost fare fees in order to collect data on the field
area the study also cost time in order for it to be conducted i had tackled all these
limitations by reducing unnecessary expenditures and also the field area was not too
far from my place of living so it was easy to attend field area to collect data even
without fare fee.


2.0 Overview
The chapter is summarizing the information from other researchers who have carried
out their research in the same field of study. The research has drawn information from
several sources which are closely related to the theme and objectives of the study. The
specific area covered here are theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual
framework and research gap

2.1 Theoretical Analysis

This research focuses on employee’s satisfaction and therefore we shall examine few
theories of satisfaction in theoretical analysis, which have strongly overlap with
theories explaining human motivation. A theory represents the coherent set of
hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principle forming the general frame for
reference for the field of enquiry

2.2 Maslow, hierarchy of needs (A.F, Stoner )

Developed by Abraham Maslow is the theory of motivation that people are motivated
to meet five types of needs which can be ranked in hierarchy, Maslow viewed human
motivation as hierarchy of five needs ranging from the most basic physiological needs
to highest needs for self actualization the important of needs depends on the individual
current situation and recent experiences.

Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Source: Researcher, 2021

(SATYARAJU, R 2000) Basic physiological needs are the primary needs of
individual; the survival of individuals depends upon the satisfaction on these needs
food, clothing, shelter, water and other necessary of life. Organization helps individual
to satisfy their basic needs by providing reasonably good salaries, benefits and working
condition once these needs are satisfied the individuals will get an idea about higher
level needs.
Safety and security needs, are considered immediately after satisfying physiological
needs of individuals. These needs can be satisfied from job security, insurance and
safer working condition. When employees feel safe and secured it brings more
satisfaction to the employees taking my field area TANESCO as example employees
feels comfortable because they being protected by securities as they continue to
perform their duties social needs are also called belonging needs When the basic and
safety needs are satisfied social needs become important, social affiliation will make
job interest. These needs are Love, affection, friendship and so on. These social needs

tend to play important role to satisfy employees as they are shown love and friendship
they get sense of belonging in the organization hence are important needs for the
employee’s satisfaction.
Esteem needs develop a concern for getting recognition, status, importance and respect
from others. These needs are independence achievement, competence, skill
knowledge, initiative and success. A very good co organization climate and more
opportunity to development, responsibility, praise and promotion can play avital role
to satisfy esteems needs.
Self-actualization, it involves realizing one potentiality, capabilities and continue self
-development and self -fulfillment it is a personal achievement, such challenges and
achievements provide more satisfaction to a person, these occur as people’s
satisfaction factors change over time to time for example employee may begin to
satisfy with salary at first time but when time goes on he or she become to demand
highest needs
The hierarchy of needs stated by Maslow proves the fact that the second and
subsequent needs do not dominate until the first and previous needs are satisfied.
(Satyaraju R. 2000, New delhi) Even though Maslow ‘s theory of hierarchy needs has
become popular it is still subjected to alotcritism. The experience in Belgium and
Spain workers feels that their esteem needs are better satisfied than their security and
social needs but not for satisfy higher-level needs. Some people may remain contended
with the satisfaction of physiological needs only without developing any further needs.

2.3 Herzberg two factor theory, according to Rao (2009)

In the late of 1950s the theory originally was derived by analyzing critical incidents
written by 200 engineers. and accountants in nine different companies in Pittsburg
area in USA : Herzberg an his associates conducted extensive interviews with
professional subjects in the study and asked them what they liked or disliked about
their work.

Herzberg studied the factors in the work environment that cause satisfaction and those
that caused dissatisfaction among workers and concluded that the factors causing
satisfaction were different from those causing job dissatisfaction and they cannot be
treated as opposite of one another, Herzberg (1998)

Stoner James, management (2009), from research Herzberg concluded that job
dissatisfaction and job satisfaction arose from two separate set of factors. The theory
as termed to factor theory
Dissatisfies, which he called (hygiene factors) include salary, working conditions and
company policy all of which affected the context in which work was conducted. the
most important of these factors is company policy which many individuals judge to be
major cause of in efficiency and in effectiveness. Positive ratings for these factors did
not lead to job satisfaction but merely to the absence of dissatisfaction.
Satisfiers, which he called motivating factor include achievement, recognition,
responsibility and advancement all related to the job content and rewards of work
According to satyaraju R. (2000), Herzberg stated that is also necessary to pay
attention to the motivational factor of satisfiers rather than concentrating on tradition
hygiene factors. Motivational factors are motivators which are essential to increase
productivity of the employees. They also known as satisfiers and they concern with
job itself rather than the environment, these factors are recognition, feeling of
achievement, responsibility, advancement, opportunity for growth and so on.

Definition of Key terms;

Employees’ satisfaction, is a measure of worker, contenders with their job, whether
they like the job or individual aspects of the job such as nature of the work or
supervision. According to Locke (1976), defines job satisfaction as “pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience’’
Spector (1997) lists 14 common facets: appreciation, communication, coworkers,
fringe benefits, job conditions, nature of the work, organization, personal growth,
policies and procedures, promotion opportunities, recognition, security and

Non-financial rewards, are the types of rewards that are not part of an employees’ pay.
Typically they cost the company little or no money, Mckinsey(2009), non-financial
were rated as more powerful motivators than financial incentives

Figure 2.2 Herzberg Two Factor Theory

Hygiene Factors
 Quality of Low High
 Pay Job Satisfaction
 Physical working
 Relations with
others Motivation Factor
 Job security
 Promotion
 Opportunities for
Job dissatisfaction personal growth
 Recognition
High Low  Responsibilities
 Achievement

Source: Maher, (2013)

This theory is relevant at TANESCO as the institution it has dissatisfies such as poor
working conditions as the employee complains about small office environment that
contain many employees at the same time it need to be used to listen customers and
employees problems, the institution needs to reduce number of workers in the same
office and reduce dissatisfies by increase hygiene factors such as employees
recognition, job autonomy encouraging career development by provide growth
opportunities to the workers thus will help to satisfy employees.

2.5 Empirical Analysis

A Study conducted in Pakistan on the determination of employee motivation and its
impact on knowledge transfer and job satisfaction
Zafar (2014) used self-administered questionnaires to collect data and processed the
data using descriptive and regression analysis to check the reliability and confidence
of the data in investigating the determinants of employee motivation and its impact on
knowledge transferring and job satisfaction. Zafar (2014) several factors, Extrinsic
reward where he focusses on pay, Intrinsic reward where he focusses on appreciation,

training and expectancy on employee motivation. The finding revealed that pay and
appreciation do not effect employee’s motivation directly, job satisfaction also does
not directly affect motivation. Employee training, expectancy and knowledge transfer
are the factor that directly affect employee motivation.

2.5.1 Measuring the non-financial rewards in escalating employees job

satisfaction (a study conducted in Pakistan)
Akbar, W et al (2018), Rewards play a vital role to increase satisfaction. To satisfy the
employees there is an important role of non-financial rewards. Though financial
rewards are considered to be more effective and is important form to escalate job
satisfaction, non-financial rewards are still overlooked at times. This study measures
the impact of non-financial rewards on job satisfaction at work place in Pakistan. Data
is gathered through self-administrated questionnaire from a sample of 100 employees
by convenience sampling technique. Correlation and regression test are applied to
analyses data
The result reveal recognition, flexible working arrangement, promotion, advancement
opportunities, empowerment, competitive working environment an individual reward
preference positively impact job satisfaction in the work place. It would be further
being suggested that focusing the factors that positively impact job satisfaction would
enhance performance of employees’ and create positive work environment which will
also help grow the 0rganization products.

2.5.2 A study on the effectiveness of non-monetary incentives in motivating Sacco

society staff conducted in Kenya. A case study of front office saving accounts
workers in Nairobi county
Lumumba (2011) assessed the effectiveness of non-monetary incentives in motivating
SACCOS and even cause employees satisfaction in the organization by using both
empirical and descriptive analysis, it was revealed that SACCOS used non-financial
rewards system to motivate and to satisfy their workers such rewards are; recognition,
satisfying work conditions, use of titles, job security and job rotation. Training emerge
to be one of the greatest motivator because it prepares employees toward the higher
position, as it increases staff involvement and finally enhances career development, a

study analyses that promotion and good working conditions are also likely to motivate
SACCOS have well defined promotion path to their employees and their jobs require
the use of different aspects of knowledge. Employees were also satisfied by provision
of benefits such as pension schemes, life insurance, worker’s compensation these all
motivate employees (Lumumba 2011).

2.5.3 A study of reward management and job satisfaction among frontline

employees in hotel industry in Malaysia (2014)
Reward system is comprised of financial rewards and non-financial rewards. Selecting
the right rewards for employees has always been an issue in the human resource
management. Many organizations in the hotel industry are unable to identify the types
of rewards which are best used to foster employees job satisfaction. This study was
conducted to investigate the relationship between rewards and job satisfaction. Base
salary raises and non-financial rewards has been discussed in this research. Frontline
employees working as front desk assistant in four and five star hotels in klang valley
Malaysia were taken as sample of this study. 150 questionnaires were distributed and
132 were collected for analysis the data was analyzed using correlation and multiple
regression analysis the results revealed that both rewards are positively and
significantly associated with job satisfaction.

2.5.4 Influence of non-financial rewards on employee’s job satisfaction: A case

study of Sri Lanka private banking Industry, (2018).
Normally banks use financial rewards to satisfy their employees. Due to the financial
turbulence, banks have been un unable to reserve a high amount of money for the
wellbeing of the employees. Also its clear that the people cannot be satisfied with only
money. Therefore, banks have to consider combination of both financial and non-
financial rewards. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between
non-financial rewards, feedback, recognition and work-life balance and the job
satisfaction of banking employees.250 full time employees were randomly selected
from southern region in Sri Lanka. Collected data were analyzed using the alpha test,
correlation and regression to understand this relationship between non-financial

rewards and employee’s satisfaction. Further, it shows that non-financial rewards have
positive influence on employee’s satisfaction.

2.6 Research Gaps

It is important to consider the role of employee’s characteristics because different
individuals need and interest has to be compromised with the organizations. People
are satisfied by unmet needs and these varies from person to person according to their
particular situations, beliefs, family, education, personality and work experience,
while some individual may be satisfied with job with more creativity over a high
salaried job others seek job just to earn money. Though some research has been done
on employee’s satisfaction, the researcher does not link satisfaction to specific
employee’s level.
They assume that a certain satisfaction factor will satisfy all employees which is not
necessarily the case. Considering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, people at different
level are satisfied by different rewards, for instance top level management and low
level management may not value the same type of rewards. This create gap in matching
employees needs to suitable.

2.7 Conceptual framework

A conceptual framework is a set of broad ideas and principles taken from relevant
fields of enquiry and used to structure a subsequently presentation (Reichel and Ramey
1987), According to Mc Gahie, Bordage, et al (2001) A conceptual framework is a
diagrammatical presentation of the independent and dependent variables and the
relationship among themselves. in this study conceptual framework illustrate effects
of non-financial rewards to employees’ satisfaction where by independent variables
like promotion, recognition and training opportunities are shown to influence
dependent variable which is employees’ Satisfaction.

Figure 2.3 The conceptual framework: Assessment of employees satisfaction with
non-financial rewards

Employees promotion

Employees Recognition Job satisfaction

Training programs

Source: Researcher, 2021

2.8 Summary
The figure 2.6 sums up my literature review which leads the research methodology
which is extensively handled in chapter three


3.1 Overview
This chapter entails methodology that the researcher uses during research study. It
covers research design, population, sample size and sampling procedure. It provides
data collection instruments, procedure and type of sampling techniques as well as
summary of methods used in data collection

3.2 Research Design

According to Kothari (2004), research deign is a plan a roadmap and blueprint strategy
of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions. This study
used a descriptive research design in collecting data from respondent in order to
identify effects of non-financial rewards towards employee satisfaction, the design has
given priority because it is concerned with answering questions as when, what, how
and how much. A descriptive study is well design to show assessment of employee’s
satisfaction with non-monetary rewards and to reduce errors in in interpreting data

3.3 Area of the study

The population of the study was TANESCO employees. The research shall target all
the employees in the organization which contains 415 employees

3.4 Population of the Study Area

According to Creswell (2005), the term population in research study is defined as
group of persons having a common characteristic. This study targeted all employees
at TANESCO, as they are the one associated with satisfaction and non-financial
rewards such factors that cause dissatisfaction at working places are employee’s
promotion, recognition and Training programs, although not all employees were
conducted on this study because of sample size taken of only 40 employees.

3.4.1 Sample size
According to (Kothari,2004). A sample is a smaller group of subject drawn from the
population in which a given study was conducted for a purpose of drawing conclusion
about population targeted. Kothari (2004) argued that the result from the sample can
be used to make generalization about the entire population as long as it is truly
represented. This study has used the sample size of 40 employees from 415 employees
at TANESCO The sample size was obtained through Morgan chart

Table 3.1 Krecjie and Morgan (1970) Table for Determining Sample size from a
Given Population

Table 3.2 Population of the staff category

Staff category Population frequency Frequency %

Top levels workers 50 11 27.5%
Middle level 240 20 50%
Low level 125 9 22.5%
Total 415 40 100%

3.5 sampling Techniques

According to Kothari (2006) refers to definite plans for obtaining a sample from a
given population, Refers to procedures that a researcher adopted in selecting items for
sample, Sampling techniques includes probability and non-probability sampling
whereby in probity every member of being selected to form a sample , it is not bias by
nature, probability sampling is more useful in quantities research designs and its
include techniques like simple random sampling, systematic, sampling, stratified
sampling and cluster sampling while non-probability sample techniques involves ,
purposive sampling, convenience sampling and quota sampling Saunders et al (2000).
The researcher used non probability sampling technique which is purposive sampling
technique and probability sampling which is Simple random sampling

3.5.1 Purposive Sampling

A purposive is a non-probability sampling that is selected based on characteristics of
a population and the objectives of the study. This type of sampling can be very useful
in situations when a researcher need to reach a targeted sample quickly and where
sampling for proportionality is not the main concern Kothari (2006). The study used
this sampling technique to the Head of departments, administrative officers and
supervisors in the organization, because these kind of employees tend to know better
about organization information’s, hence they provide useful information’s to the study.

3.5.2 Simple random sampling

This is a probability sampling whereby all members in a targeted population have
equal chance of being selected to form a sample, by using simple random sampling a
researcher to select sample at random from the sampling frame without replacement.
This study used simple random sampling because it is not complicated and every
employee had a chance to be selected and included in sample size, this technique is

more appropriate where the sampling frame is not too large and each unit is easily
accessible White (2002), the technique facilitates on quick selection of sample and
hence influence the success of the study.

3.6 Data collection methods

According to Ranjit Kumar (2005) the method of data collection is always involving
face to face interaction with the study community and the study participants.
According to him the method of data collection helps the research sort out how is or
his personality. Personal values and implicit prejudices. In the study, primary data
were used.

3.6.1 Primary data

Primary data was obtained through questionnaire where by respondents were required
to fill in. The researcher applied questionnaire method because it is simple way to
collect data from respondents as whereby questionnaire was divided to targeted sample
in the organization and then researcher collected them in order to analyze the findings
from questionnaires that are returned from respondents

3.7 Data analysis

This include qualitative and quantitative data, as qualitative analyzed on findings and
recommendations and quantities data has been analyzed on statistical data, as data
collected by using questionnaire was firstly edited for completeness then edited data
was summarized to facilitate tabulation, then analyze tabulated data by calculating
percentages where necessary. Descriptive statistical are a set of statistical tools that
allow us to accurately describe a large volume of data within few values. Therefore,
descriptive statistical were used to obtain frequency, analyze and summaries’ the data
collected. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such
percentages and frequencies of the data collected.

3.8 Ethical issues consideration

Ethical issues can occur as on employee’s confidentiality as when they are not free to
disclose some information for example those touch confidential areas like salary and
company policies, other issue as a researcher cheating was strongly avoided and

seeking consent of respondent during data collection hence ethical issues was
successful considered

3.9 The study limitation

The huge limitation of the study was shortage of fund that could be able to cover large
and enough sample size in this research



4.1 Overview
In this chapter it analyzes findings of the research and presented it in different ways
such as tables and graphs, the data collected from respondents are well interpreted as
set out on research methodology, study findings are presented on employee’s
satisfaction with non-monetary rewards with refine to Tanzania national electricity
suppliers company, TANESCO in Mbeya region, the data was gathered from
questionnaire which was designed in line with objectives of the study

4.2 Demographic characteristics of respondents

The study was conducted on the assessment of employees satisfaction with non-
financial rewards at Tanzania national electric supplier company (TANESCO) The
study involve TANESCO employees in specific top level , low level and middle level,
this because TANESCO staffs are the ones who receive non-financial rewards from
the organization to the employees , so in order to get background information of
assessment of employees satisfaction with non-financial rewards , demographic data
of the respondents was investigated in the first section of the questionnaire and
presented in sections under gender, age , marital status, staff category , education level
and years worked at the organization.

4.3 Respondent rate

Response rate is the extent to which the final data set includes all sample members and
it is calculated from number of people with whom interviews are divided by the total
number of people on entire sample, includes those who did not participate and those
who was un available. The study intended to collect data from all 40 respondents in
the target population with regard to the Assessment of employee’s satisfaction with
non-monetary rewards where the focus was at TANESCO.
The questionnaire returns rate result.

Table 4.1 Respondent rate

Response Frequency Percentage

Responded 35 87.5%
Not responded 5 12.5%
Total 40 100%

Source: researcher, (2021)

From the study 35 out of 40 targeted respondents in the population filled their
questionnaire contributing to 87.5%. this response rate was made possible after several
phone calls were made and by explaining to respondents the importance of this study
and their participation in the study.
Mugenda (2008) confirm that the respondent rate of 50% is adequate for analysis and
reporting a rate of 605 is good and response of 70% and above is excellent. So the
response rate was good enough for analysis as it is 87.5%

4.4 Gender
The research was sought to find out the gender of the respondents, as the study was
intended to comprise both male and female employees in different aspects of age and
groups therefore the study questionnaire directed employees to tick for their gender in
space provided in questionnaire so as to indicate their selves

Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Women 10 29
Men 25 71
Total respondent 35 100
Source: Author (2021)
With regard of Gender we have 10 women and 25 men, the group of men has been
dominated that shows the gap which should be considered for the future recruitment
so as to make balance between men and women however regardless of gender both
men and women are treated equally in the organization as they both get same
opportunities to lead, to be promoted and in decision making

4.5 Age
Age of respondents indicates experience and degree of reliability of information given
by respondents as regard to issue of the study Assessment of employee’s satisfaction
with non-monetary rewards, the study had to investigate the familiarity of the
respondents regarding to employee’s satisfaction with non-monetary rewards in term
of age bracket.

Table 4.3 Respondent age bracket

Age bracket Frequency Percentage

20-30 5 14
30-40 9 26
40-50 13 37
Over 50 8 23
Total 35 100%
Source: Researcher (2021)
The age of respondents employees, showed that majority members are at maturity age
of 40-50 age as in the study majority 37% were in 30-40 years age followed by 26%
years age as well as 23% in employees who are over 50 years age and finally 14% in
20-30 groups that has the lowest number of employees , this shows that most of
employees are at maturity age of 40-50 and satisfy with non-monetary rewards rather
than monetary rewards this call for an opportunity to youth with qualifications to attain
jobs as when these older employees retire, in the study it shows that staff with 20-30
age are few and likely they prefer monetary rewards more than non-monetary rewards
despites of having impacts to both ages.

4.6 Marital status

Majority of employees are married they representing 71% of the respondents then
followed by single with children which have 17% percent of respondents and finally
12% of single without children. Data analyzed indicates that employees at married
category value non-monetary rewards.

Table 4.4 Marital status

Marital status Frequency Percent %

Single with children 6 17
Married 25 71
Single without children 4 12
Total 35 100%
Source: Researcher (2021)
The married category dominates, most of which they prefer non-monetary rewards to
satisfy them but they insist in consideration of employees’ salaries so as the non-
monetary rewards to be effective because economic is tough, they also tended to prefer
training and recognition in the organization.

4.7 Staff category

The organization structure is vertical arranged: top level, middle level and low level,
this study has based on TANESCO employees in different levels of the organization.

Table 4.5 Staff category

Staff category Frequency Percentage

Top levels workers 10 29
Middle level 17 49
Low level 8 22
Total 35 100

Middle level staffs dominates by 49%, top level follow with 29% finally 22% of low
level employees, middle level percent involves middle workers such as human
resource department while top level include directors and in low level employees like
volunteers and other low level employees. Both middle level and top level agreed on
non-monetary rewards as factor to satisfy employees, low level employees suggest on
consideration of salaries so as to make non-monetary rewards worth their satisfaction.

4.8 Level of education
The employees in TANESCO organization are consisted with different levels of
education, this different levels might contribute to the different response from
respondents, the response of the question are depicted in the table

Table 4.6 Level of education

Education level Frequency Percentage

Diploma 4 11.4
Degree 13 37.1
Masters 12 34.2
PhD 6 17.1
Total 35 100%
Source: Researcher (2021)
From the data collected most of respondents had achieved degree level representing
37.1% of respondents followed by Master’s degree at 34.2% also PhD holders at
17.1% and finally diploma holders at 11.4%. This data indicates Employees are highly
involving in addition of knowledge while working by given chance of training by the
organization. As data collected most PhD holders and master’s holders attain their
additional education while working, both education levels they prefer non-financial
rewards as it helps them to improve their knowledge and skills by provision of
trainings thus led to promotion in the organization.

4.9 Years of worked

The respondents have been in their occupations for different time length thus may
result to differ in respondent’s response

Table 4.7 Years worked

Years worked Frequency Percentage

Below 5 5 14
5-10 20 57
10-20 10 29
Total 35 100%
Source: Researcher (2021)

Most of employees in TANESCO had worked between 5 to 10 years of service. this
category is highest compare to other categories where it represented by 57% of all
respondents and followed by 10 to 20 years worked employees at 29% and finally
those worked below 5 years, data collected indicates that TANESCO is the good
employer as turnover rate is obviously low as most of employees worked below 5 years
are new to the organization with 14%

4.10 Employees promotion

The first objective was to determine how promotion influence employee’s satisfaction
at TANESCO, the study aimed to determine how employees are promoted and
satisfied by collecting data from employees within the organization

Table 4.8 The influence of promotion to employees satisfaction at workplace

Influence of Strong agree% Agree Strong disagree Dis agree

promotion to
Promotion 18= 51%

Adequate 5=14%
Personal 10= 29%
Employment 7=20%

4.11 Influence of promotion to employee’s satisfaction at workplace

According to the results most of employees are satisfying and value promotion as non-
financial rewards 51% strongly agreed that promotion is the best reward to satisfy
employees compare to other determinants of satisfaction as 14% strong agreed with
adequate salaries while 29% agreed with personal growth and 20 percent represented
by employment security. This shows that how employees promotion creates

satisfaction to employees more than other determinants as huge number of employees
strong agreed that promotion is the best way to reward employees in the organization

4.12 Employees recognition

The second objective of the study was to determine the degree of employee’s
recognition at TANESCO. The study sought to establish the extent to which
employee’s recognition satisfy employees.

Table 4.9 Degree of recognition of employees

Is there Strong Agree% Strong Dis

employees’ agree% dis agree
recognition at agree%
0=0% 4=11% 28=80% 3=9%

Source: Researcher (2021)

4.13 How do employees at TANESCO Perceive employee’s recognition?

According to the outcome most of employees 80% value recognition and would want
to be recognized on achieved their targets and for satisfaction and good performance.
However, they feel unappreciated since recognition is very low in the organization
such that it is not common thing to be recognized for performance. According to
Sturman and Ford (2011), the purpose of recognition is simply say thank you for
exceptional service or performance that an employee achieves. The results in Table
4.9 suggest that the employees are not satisfied with degree of recognition as 80% of
employees have confirmed that they are never recognized for their efforts by strongly
dis agree with availability of recognition in the organization, this part should be over
looked as employees wish the level of recognition should be improved and utilized
more in the organization as their efforts to meet the target should be recognized by
their organization thus will increase satisfaction to employees. Burton (2012) in his
research on how to get employees moving concluded recognition is an important
aspect in motivating employees when managers clearly understand the needs of the

employees and should keep in mind that individuals are different and one theory may
not necessarily apply to every employee.

Table 4.10 How do employees at TANESCO Perceive employee’s recognition?

Whether employees Strong agree% Agree% Strong dis Dis agree

would value agree%
28=80% 4=11% 1=3% 2=6%

Source: Researcher (2021)

4.14 Training programs

The final objective of the study was to determine extent to which provision training
programs are utilized in TANESCO

Table 4.11 The extent to which provision of training programs is utilized in


Whether Training Strong agree% Agree% Strong dis Dis agree

programs are agree%
utilized in
0=0% 3=9% 28=80% 4=11%

Source: Researcher (2021)

4.15 To what extent management support can influence job satisfaction

From the survey most of employees suggested that employer should provide training
programs to their employers as factor of satisfaction , 80% of employees denied to
whether training programs are utilized in Tanesco and 9% agreed there is training
utilized in organization o this shows that even if an organization provide training it is
in small coverage thus few numbers of employees are able to get training, employees

are in need to increase their skills and knowledge’s , also the survey shows that most
of employees value training programs as non-financial rewards more than monetary
rewards this is by 71.1% of employees who said they value training programs than
monetary rewards in TANESCO while few 14.1% they said No and they value
monetary rewards.
According to HR department of TANESCO, Training programs are given to the
employees to study a certain course depends on organization needs in a specific time,
that is why employees are complain as they need training to be provided in every
arranged time in the organization. Hence due to this organization system it causes
dissatisfaction of employees and therefore it needs changes, such as organization
policy changes.
According to Lumumba (2012) in his study on the assessment of the effective of non-
monetary incentives in cooperative SACCOS in Kenya suggested that training
motivates staff through staff involvement in organization activities, brings about
professional development, improve communication, and prepare employees to
embrace change and more challenging responsibilities in the organization. Hence
satisfaction is inevitable to the employees
Sturman and Ford (2011) suggested that ongoing training at work is crucial as it helps
staff grow in sense of professional mastery and learning new skills which can be
achieved through job rotation highly motivated staff. management should also clearly
outline the expectation and purpose of each job or task so that employees to get to
discover their excellency and how to utilize their full potential as well as shortcomings
that could hindering them and ways to deal with them. Training can be made more
effective by allowing employees the freedom to choose the areas in which they want
to be trained in.

Table 4.12 To what extent management support can influence job satisfaction

Whether Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

value training
0=0% 5=14.2% 25=71.1% 5=14.2%

Source: researcher (2021)



5.1 Overview
This chapter presents a summary of findings, the conclusion, recommendations and
suggestions of the study based on objectives. The study sought on assessment of
employees’ satisfaction with non-financial rewards with focus on Tanzania national
electric supply (TANESCO).

5.2 Summary of findings

The findings show that employees’ promotion, recognition and training programs
contribute to the success of the organization as they directly affect employee’s
satisfaction, the study reveal that TANESCO employees’ appreciate and value non-
financial rewards and they would like the organization to provide them accordingly.
Despites of presented shortcomings of the organization TANESCO employees are
loyal to the organization and they currently enjoying the available rewards that are
provided to make them satisfied, but they tend to wait for the organization to fix the
shot comings of provision of non-financial rewards like promotion, recognition and
training program that’s are very important to the employees satisfaction , that might
led to organization, success and production increase due to employees satisfaction

5.2.1 Employees promotion

The study found out that employees promotion is rarely practiced in TANESCO and
hence affects employees satisfaction , the employees think that there is a big gap in
degree of promotion they need with what they receive hence few number of employees
accept the degree of promotion in the organization while large number of employees
do not enjoy degree of promotion that might contribute to employees satisfaction, the
employees said that they rare promoted for their hard working and this let them down
because they value promotion as a factor to satisfy them.

5.2.2 Employees Recognition
Employees recognition is very rarely practiced at TANESCO and affects employees
satisfaction even organization performance, employees’ think that there is a big gap of
utilization of employees’ recognition as satisfying factor, from the findings employees
said that their rarely recognized for their efforts, many employees confirmed they are
never recognized for their efforts on achievement of the set targets and that really puts
them down as they value recognition as the factor that satisfy employees’.

5.2.3 Training programs

Training programs are rare at TANESCO, most of employees stated that the
organization does not provide such opportunities although the organization shows that
it provide trainings for employees to acquire only needed skills by the organization in
a specific time , and therefore if one has to do it personally and privately as the
organization does not involved, Training is very important to employees as it gives
room to learn and acquire new skills that they need to effectively perform their job.
Training also helps employees to get upgraded and promoted that also satisfy
employees and it is beneficial to the organization too as it will consist skillfully

5.3 Conclusion
According to research, it is evident that employees’ promotion, employees’
recognition and employees’ training rewards are greatly affect employees’
satisfactions in an organization and have impacts in employee’ performance.
Employees’ desired to be promoted, trained and recognized, this is rarely done in
TANESCO and hence the organization management need to consider providing these
desires as a way of appreciating employees’. Non-financial rewards not only satisfy
employees but they are vital in motivating employees so as to perform their tasks as
organization targets hence play role to improve their performance by motivating them.
Employees’ recognition is important as it gives an employee a sense of self-worth and
encourage employees to utilize his or her full potentials and in turn helps organization
to achieve its goals. Finally, non-financial rewards are most effective mode of
improving employee’s satisfaction their performance.

5.4 Recommendations
5.4.1 Employee promotion
Employees promotion is very important to any organization as the employees the feel
their self-worth and that contribute to the employees satisfaction hence TANESCO as
an organization should provide promotion of employees and should be fare promotions
in order to avoid bias in the organization so as a deserved employees are getting
promoted that will improve the organization performance as employees work hard to
get promoted but is very strong factor to satisfy an employee within the organization
like TANESCO. This can be done by career ladder which based on rules that set forth
guideline to promote employees after serving a complete predetermine length of

5.4.2 Employees’ recognition

For the public organization in order to satisfy their employees effectively, it is
necessary to establish recognition as a wide practice it is important that TANESCO
should make recognition as part of their culture so as to avoid employees complaints
about absence of recognition which helps to satisfy employees, it is simple concept but
highly contributes to employees satisfaction , it can be implemented by congratulating
one in the presence of his peers, have employees of month contest and by giving thank
you note. The concept is to appreciate employee’s efforts in order to satisfy them and
in turn boosting organization success as employees increase their performance as they

5.4.3 Training programs

Training programs are crucial to employee’s professional development but it is
important to the organization as it contribute to skilled employees which will helps the
organization by using their knowledge and skills while in other hand is great help to
satisfy employees, Hence TANESCO should provide training programs which are
provided to employees in every specific of time by the organization cost so as to
preserve knowledge and skills among their employees.

5.5 Contribution of this study to job satisfaction theories
This study is a contribution to Maslow’s hierarchy theory as he classified human needs
un to five from most important to the least, this study is an expansion of maslow theory
on argument that even individual at the low level not necessarily value money alone
in order to fulfil basic needs but need esteem needs, safety and social needs. Hence an
individual’s differ when it comes to needs and satisfaction they may not necessarily
follow hierarchy order , in the study employees seek to be recognized, to get training
programs and promotion regardless of their levels in the organization , recognition ids
under esteem need of Maslow’s theory that’s contrary with his assumption that low-
level employees who earns less money would prefer financial rewards , Also the study
is contribution to Herzberg’s two factor theory , the factors that cause satisfaction in
TANESCO is Job security on the other hand the factor that cause job dissatisfaction
are lack of recognition, lack of training programs and lack of promotion . TANESCO
should work on these factors to convert them to satisfiers.

5.6 Suggestion for further study

The study has assessed employee’s satisfaction with non-financial rewards with
reference to Tanzania national electric supply company in Tanzania Mbeya region
which is public organization and there are many other public organizations spread in
various places and this create a room for the need of other studies to be conducted to
investigate for further aspects on non-financial rewards, to bring about understanding
of satisfaction of employees’ with non-financial rewards.


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SECTION A: General information. (Tick right option)
Please provide the following information. Be frank and honest in your responses. All
your responses will be treated with ultimate confidence
Tick the space provided
1. What is your gender? Tick the space provided
Male Female

2. What is your age?

Ages 18-25 26-35 36-45

3.What is your marital status? Tick the space provided

Married Single Widow Divorced or separated

4.How long have you been in your current work?

Years 1-5 6-10 11-15 15 and above

5. What is your education level? Tick in the space provided

Education levels Secondary Bachelor degree Postgraduate
certificate/diploma degree

6. Years of working at TANESCO?.....................................(Number of years)

SECTION B: Questions. ( Tick the right answer)

The following questions require ticking the number of the most correct answer in
your opinion in space provided
1.How can you assess general level of satisfaction on your work performance? (tick
the right answer

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

2.Are you satisfied with your work place? (Tick your answer)

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

3.Are you satisfied with your working condition? (Tick the right answer)

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

i. Are you satisfied with your paid salary?

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

4.Does your salary relevant to your qualifications and experience? (tick answer)
Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

5.does your employer provide opportunity for Training programs in your

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

6.Have you ever proceed in one of training programs either short term or long term?
Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

7.How often do you go for training (Tick your answer)

(a) Short term……………….(b)Long term…………………

8.Do you enjoy training?

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

9.Has training allowed you to perform your duty better?

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

10.If training does not affect your performance, why do you think is the stumbling
11.How do you think employees who get training could be more beneficial to the
12.Do you feel that your recognized in your Job? (tick your answer)
Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

13.If that feeling is lacked, what do you think is the major

14. What do you suggest could be done, so you could be able to feel recognized in
your job?..................................................................
15.What do you suggest should be done to remove this hindrance?............................
16.Is promotion provided in your organization?.................................................
Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

17. Have you ever get promoted?.................................(Tick your answer)

Strong agree Agree Strong dis agree Dis agree

18.What factors are considered to get

19. Mention things management can be done to improve employees’ satisfaction in
the organization?


Question for Management

Number of staff employed in your organization per year…………………………..

20.Symptompts of job dissatisfaction at your organization (please tick)

Reduction of productivity……………………………….
Poor employees’ attendance……………………
21.What are satisfaction strategies used to enhance the job satisfaction of employee’?
(insert tick)
Satisfaction strategies Tick

Extra duty

Short term training

Long term training


Any other(please specify


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