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Manansala, Zheandel Jim B.


The Call for New Evangelization

1. A Stranded stranger in the City

- As a Louisian Missionary and a loving Christian, when I see a stranded stranger in the City, I
would approach him/her and ask if where he/she will be going and help him/her to reach
his/her destination. While also talking to him/her I could share the word of God to him/her
and preach the gospel of Christ.
- If he/she is stranded on the City because of financial problem I would happy to help if I have
money but when I don’t have I would help the stranger to go to the nearest police station or
authorities so that they can accompany their request. Also, I could encourage the stranger to
go to church to serve him/her a refuge outside the city.

2. A classmate whose parents separated

- As a Loving Christian, I would help my classmate in different aspect so that he/she would
slightly forget the longing for his/her parents. I would also comfort him/her not only just
emotional and physical but also spiritual. I would share the God’s word to him and will
say that only God would turn your sorrows into joy.
- I would be also happy offering my help to my classmate when he/she is in need and ofcourse
encourage him/her to join to different youth groups and organizations in spreading God’s

3. An elementary neighbor who cannot cope with distance learning

- As a Louisian missionary embodied by the core value of our school I would like to help
my assistance to promote excellence in academics to my elementary neighbor who cannot
cope with distance learning. I would help him/her in making of his/her modules and teach
my neighbor the things he/she cannot understand in his/her lessons.
- I would also give him/her different learning materials so that he/she can easily understand
the topic he/she has difficulty with. And ofcourse, encourage my neighbor by words and
tell him/she that you can cope soon wait until you can adjust.

4. A self-proclaimed agnostic
- As a Christian, we would not also want to forced someone to join and introduce them in
Christianity. It would be disrespectful for them if we forced them to know Christ to them.
The only thing we can do is to pray them that he/she would new that there is a creator and
a super natural being.
- I would likely to respect his/her belief so that it would not be not that bad in his/her side. I
would not argue and debate with him/her about existence of God.

5. Fake news all around the internet

- As a Louisian and a student leader, I am an advocate of stopping the prefoliation of fake news
in the internet and especially in the social media. By these, I would spread and share only
factual and verified news in the internet so that people may know the true news and
happenings not only here in our country but in the around the world.
- I also want to verified news by fact-checking them and spreading awareness to people how to
know if the news is fake or true.

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