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If you were one of the 70 disciples sent by Jesus for a mission today in the Philippines who

are now suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic, state what you can do as loving
Christians in the following situations in this present crisis. Enumerate two doable and
concrete actions that you will do in each of the given situations. (20 points)

1. A stranded stranger in the city

- I will offer the stranded stranger my help. Give him/her something that he/she needs, for
instance some food and extra cash. I would also want to entertain the person to feel like
he/she isn’t all alone and to feel that someone is there for him/her.

- Share the situation of the stranded stranger on social media. I believe this is helpful
because it would be easier to contact or find the stranger’s family and friends, informing
them of his/her situation. Through this, the stranded stranger can be finally go back and
go home to where he/she should be.

2. A classmate whose parents separated

- Comfort is what I can give to a classmate experiencing this family problem. I may not
know exactly how it feels as I didn’t experience it, but to make her feel that I am there
for that person can be meaningful enough knowing that someone is there in times of
crisis in his/her life.

- Aside from comfort, what I can do for my classmate is to distract him/her into doing
something else so that he/she will not be stuck thinking about his/her problem. Perhaps,
doing his hobbies or if not I would really like to offer for us to play some instruments.
Besides, music is one of the best things I know to forget personal problems.

3. An elementary neighbor who cannot cope with distance learning

- Assuming that this is a kid or that the pupil is at an early age, it is expected that he/she
will get easily bored. If I have the free time, I will teach him/her with answering the
modules in a different or entertaining way so that hopefully he/she can already cope
with distance learning.

- As we are at home learning and using the technology, sending what I can find on the
internet about the topics that he/she is learning might also be helpful.

4. A self-proclaimed agnostic

- First of all, I would totally respect of what that person believes in, it’s his/her own personal
belief. Being a self-proclaimed agnostic for me is not a bad thing at all, that doesn’t mean
that the person is bad just because he/she neither believes nor disbelieves that there is a
God or even a religion.

- Out of my curiosity, I would just simply ask and talk to him/her why does he/she an
agnostic or how come he/she identifies his/her self to be one. When did it start or what
provoked him/her to proclaim or believe that he/she is an agnostic. Honestly, I will not try
to change and push the person to believe into something that he/she doesn’t want to.
5. Fake news all around the internet

- Before spreading any information form the internet, of course I have a responsibility to
check if it is legit or that a source is authentic. It would be better to search from different
sources just so I can compare them and not just settle for one source of information.

- If ever I would encounter news/information from the internet, I will and should not
believe it right away unless it is confirmed. I have to further inspect it by reading.

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