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Our brain operates at many Frequencies through time, we can take advantage of these

frequencies through the use of Binaural beats that can help us tune our brainwaves
and elevate our vibrations and the frequency we operate in.

This is a list of them below though there are many different interpretations of
where the ranges are:

Delta patterns: 0.1-4 Hz for deep sleep.

Theta patterns: 4-8 Hz for REM sleep, and meditation.
Alpha pattern: 8-12 Hz for relaxation.
Beta pattern: 12-40 Hz for concentration, and alertness.
Gamma patterns: 40 - 100 for Hz concentration, and memory recall.

Benefits of binaural beats:

The benefits in which binaural beats provide are things such as:

Help induce deep meditative states, and sleep

Increase concentration, and memory recall
Help lower stress, and anxiety

How to use binaural beats:

All you need in order to use binary beats is to simply listened to them in a pair
of stereo headphones, but it would also be helpful if you found a comfortable
space, and wore comfortable clothing, so that you would really be able to connect
with the binary beats as they are being played.

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