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Basic Education Program

SY 2022 – 2023

Learning Plan in English 8

Prepared by:
Roewyn Leigh D. Abis
Practice Teacher

Submitted to:
Mrs. Fritziel Orcullo 
Cooperating Teacher


Basic Education
Learning Plan in English 8

Student Teacher’s Name: Roewyn Leigh Abis BSED English 4

NO. 2

March 13, I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define and enumerate the four principal parts of verbs;
Day 1 b. identify the four principal parts of verbs from the story “What will
one do with that?” by Vilas Manwat
c. explain the importance of doing good actions as a Holynamian.

II. Subject Matter: Principal parts of verbs

III. Learning Materials:

 Book: Integrated English for Effective Communication Afro-
Asian Literature
 Other Materials: Pen, Paper, Laptop, Television and Power
point presentation.

IV. Motivation
The class will play a game called “Charade” with the teacher’s directive.


- The class will be divided into 2 groups.
- On the board, there are numbers. Each number contain a word
that they should act.
- Each group must have a representative and he will choose any
number to pick a paper.
- While the representative is acting the word, the rest of the
members should guess the act.
- Each group is given 30 seconds to guess the correct word.
- The group with the highest score will be the winner.
Words to guess:

Eat Talk
Sing Jump
Dance Run
Drink Blow
Read Drive

“What did you notice about the game?”

“What do you think will be our topic for today?”
V. Lesson Development
There are four principal parts of verbs. From these four parts, all forms
of verbs may be formed. Study the following table:
Present Past
Participle Participle
Verb Present Past (Used with (Used when
a be verb) has, have,
or had)
(Regular jump jumped jumping jumped
(Irregular ride rode riding ridden

1. The present form of a verb is simply the verb itself. It may end in
-s if the subject is singular.

"We all make mistakes. What is life if not a mixture of experiments,
mistakes, and failures?"

He puts a lot of milk in it; you'd think he owns a cow for that

2. The past form of regular verbs is written with an additional -d or

-ed. However, an irregular verb has an unpredictable spelling
pattern. In this case, consult the dictionary.

The youth stroked his chin and looked at Nai Phan with narrowed

Nai Phan did not tremble. He stood calmly and began in a

conversational manner.

3. The present participle form is written by using a be verb (is, are,

was, were. am) and by adding -ing to the verb.

Examples: The people who are living in that street, going home
from work at night after a long day spent on making money, Phant
siter would glimpse Nai Phan who is contentedly chatting with his

4. The past participle is written with has, have, or had. Regular and
irregular verbs are written differently. Particularly for irregular
verbs, there is no fixed rule in writing the perfect form. The
more familiar you are with the language, the better.

Examples: "I have never seen you before, and never have I seen
someone who speaks like you."
“I might have TB. I deserve it, I guess, because I have done so
much evil."

VI. Closure

On the board, the teacher asks students to identify the other forms of
verbs of the following words.

Present Past
Participle Participle
Verb Present Past (Used with (Used when
a be verb) has, have,
or had)

Buy Buy

Sing Sing

Cost Cost

Live Live

Plan Plan

“What do you think are the forms of these words according to principal
of verbs?”

“What are the four principals of verbs?”

VII. Assessment
INSTRUCTION: Complete the story by writing the correct form of the
verb on the lines.

The Honest Woodcutter

Once, there lived a woodcutter,

Ramu, who lived a very simple
life. He _______ (be-past) poor
but he was a good man and
worked hard. One day while he is
___________ chop- present
participle) down a branch, Ramu’s
axe _________ (slip-past) and ________ (fall-past) into the adjacent
river. He tried searching for his axe but all in vain. 

He _____ (sit-past) down by the riverbank and started weeping.

Hearing his cries, an angel ________ (appear-past) and _________
(promise-past) to help him find his axe. She _______ (dive-past) into
the water and ________ (retrieve-past) an axe completely _______
(make-past) of gold. Ramu said that this wasn’t his axe and refused
to __________ (accept- present) it. The angel __________ (dive-
past) again and ________ (return-past) with a silver axe, Ramu
________ (refuse-past) again and said that his axe was made of
steel. The angel __________ (go-past) into the water for one last
time and _________ (return-past) with Ramu’s axe. Elated, Ramu
_________ (thank-past) the angel profusely.

_________ (Impress-past) by his simplicity and honesty, the angel

________ (decide-present) to give Ramu the gold and silver axe too.
Ramu _____ (go-past) home happily.

VIII. Values Integration

Value Focus: Integrity
Why is it so important to be always honest?
IX. Assignment

On a 1 whole sheet of paper, create a 100-word essay narrating your

daily routine. Incorporate the four principals of verbs in your output.

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