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Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage".

Hitler's Secret Project" 2

Hans Ulrich von Kranz Ahnenerbe.

"The Heritage of Ancestors". Hitler's Secret Project

"Hans Ulrich von Kranz "Ahnenerbe. " Heritage of ancestors". Hitler's Secret
Project." Series: Labyrinths of Truth: Vector; 2004
This book is about the mysterious Ahnenerbe project, about the nazi leadership's
ties to occult forces, about a secret Antarctic base, about scientific research, the results
of which were not surpassed even twenty years after the end of the war. The secrets of
the "Heritage of ancestors" were kept secret by both the defeated and the victors,
because they were able to completely blow up the established ideas about the Nazi
empire. For a long time, historians have instilled in us the image of the Nazi regime as a
complete bankrupt, failing in all its endeavors, but in reality this monstrous, criminal
regime has achieved in some areas such successes that the rest of humanity did not
dream of.

Hans Ulrich von Kranz

Ahnenerbe. "The Heritage of Ancestors".
Hitler's Secret Project
"Son of an SS man" is a nickname that stuck to me in my earliest childhood. I
didn't understand what it meant at the time, but I didn't feel any resentment – it was
usually said without any hatred or contempt. In quiet serene Patagonia, the world war,
like everything that took place in Europe, seemed something distant, almost unreal. In
addition, most of those with whom I communicated in my childhood years were
residents of the settlement of German colonists, from which my mother was born and
where in the distant now forty-fifth year, my father arrived. Yes, he was indeed an SS
man. But not those who stood on the watchtowers of numerous concentration camps.
And not those who fought at the front as part of elite units. When the Nazis came to
power, my father was a young but promising scholar who studied the history and
traditions of the ancient Germans. Quite quickly, all these studies were taken under the
protection of the almighty SS heinrich Himmler. Before my father it is very
simple ...wrong choice, but can we blame him for it today? My father hardly talked
about his scientific work. He rose to a fairly high rank - SS “Obersturmbannführer”,
which roughly corresponds to the army rank. Major. When Germany was defeated,
Heinrich von Kranz fled to Argentina, where he met my mother and where the author of
these lines was born in 1950.
Father didn't like to tell about the details of his flight, he said only that he was
fleeing from a possible reprisal, which threatened all the SS men, regardless of whether
they were involved in war crimes.
Up to a point, I believed it. Only much later, in my student years, when I began to
take a serious interest in the history of the Third Reich, I involuntarily thought about the
veracity of my father's words. Hundreds of thousands of people served in the SS, of
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 3

whom tens of thousands were officers. The death penalty and imprisonment were the
fate of a few, mostly those whose hands were elbow-high in blood. It was these people
who tried to hide in Latin America. Researchers like my father survived relatively
quietly in the first years after the defeat and were able to return to their scientific
research. Why did he still run? And the second mystery: after arriving in Argentina, my
father completely abandoned science and began to engage in banal commerce. Why?
During my father's lifetime, I could not find the answer to these questions.
Moreover, I tried not to ask them to him or myself. I was afraid the answer would be too
scary. It wasn't before my father's death in 1990 that I found the clue while sorting
through his papers. To be honest, it was completely different from what I expected and
was afraid to know. And it made it even more shocking.
Here, in an old safe in the attic of our house, there were documents relating to such
aspects of the history of the Third Reich, which I had not previously suspected. About
the mysterious project "Ahnenerbe" ("Heritage of ancestors"), about the links of the
Nazi leadership with occult forces, about a secret Antarctic base, about breakthrough
scientific research, the results of which were not surpassed even twenty years after the
end of the war. They were kept secret by both the vanquished and the victors. Because
these secrets were able to completely blow up our ideas about the Nazi Empire. After
all, for a long time historians instilled in us the image of the Nazi regime as a complete
bankrupt, which collapsed in all its endeavors. Maybe at some stage it was right, but
you can't feed people the same fairy tale for decades in a row! Because in reality, this
monstrous, demonic, criminal regime has achieved in some areas such successes that
the rest of humanity never dreamed of. It's clear...
My first reaction was to publish my findings. However, the publishers I have
addressed have shown no interest in them.
"I can concoct more interesting," one of the editors said during a conversation with
me. I realized that I wasn't being taken seriously, and that made me angry and surprised
me equally.
After failing, I realized I was doing something wrong. And soon I realized what it
was. The documents I possessed were separate pieces of a large mosaic, many
fragments of which were missing. They did not create a single, holistic, convincing
picture, so they were not believed. And I realized that my task is to recreate the picture
in its entirety. This was required by the duty to my father, in addition, then I first
understood what the real excitement of the researcher is!
It took me no less than twelve years to find various pieces of the mosaic. It is only
now that I am ready to publish my first book, which I hope will soon be followed by
others. Over the years, I have repeatedly risked my good name and even my life, got
into various stories, lost and again found the ends of thin threads leading to the truth
hidden in the darkness. But looking back, I don't regret taking that path.
I made my choice. Now the choice is yours, my dear reader. What will you do? Put
this book aside without even reading? Will you read and immediately try to get it out of
your head forever so as not to violate established stereotypes? Or will you open your
mind to the new, unexpected, often shocking truth that I seek to convey to you? I
dedicate the fruit of my labor, which you are now holding in your hands, to my father,
Heinrich von Kranz, without whom my research would never have begun and,
accordingly, there would have been no this book.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 4

How it all began...

Shortly before my father died, I accidentally found a newspaper clipping on his

desk. It was in German, which, however, did not become an obstacle for me - I know
German and Spanish equally well. The article was called "Russian Secret Archives". It
told that the leader of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev, allowed the opening of classified
documents, once captured and taken out of Germany. In the note, several lines were
underlined in red ink..
Among the secret funds there are documents relating to the activities of state
bodies and special services of the Third Reich. There are also quite bizarre funds. When
the Red Army in 1945 successfully advanced in Lower Silesia, Russian paratroopers
occupied the ancient castle of Altan. The attack was unexpected for the inhabitants of
the castle - high SS ranks, who were just going to take out some papers from the castle.
They only had a couple of hours to do so. The papers went to the Russians. At first, the
soldiers thought that these were military plans or drawings of secret equipment. But no
– the texts of the documents seemed to be pages from some fantastic novel. They
concerned the occult sciences, magical psychology, there were protocols of Masonic
lodges and information about secret societies, works about the mysterious Tibetan
country of Shambhala and the equally mysterious Ahnenerbe Institute. The documents
were immediately classified, and for many years the Communists kept them in their
secret archives. Today in Russia began perestroika, and the door ...
As already mentioned, in my spare time I studied the history of the Third Reich
and could boast of a very extensive knowledge. Nevertheless, I was not aware of any
occult pursuits of the Nazi elite. At the time, I thought it was new to my father, and I
didn't ask him any questions. Which I regret very much now – maybe my later research
would have gone much faster.
But, sensing an interesting topic in my gut, I immediately began to look for
everything that could have to do with it. Not immediately, not suddenly, I began to come
across individual facts, random mentions, scraps of some important information. It felt
as if someone had torn a bundle of documents into small pieces and scattered them
around a large forest, and I was trying to collect all these pieces. But the difficulties
only spurred me on. However, I don't know how my amateurish idea would have ended
if it hadn't been for the discovery in the attic after my father's death.
And now, as I write these lines, he is standing in front of me – this old, peeling
safe, issued by Mannesman in 1936. Over the years, I've gotten used to the sight of him.
I remember the first time I opened it and picked up plump folders with documents.
There were several dossiers at the very top. At first, they only caused me surprise – why
did my father need to keep information about long-dead people for so many years, who
seemed to have nothing to do with him?
And only then, deep into reading the typewritten lines, I realized. All these people
were directly connected not only with the fate of my father, but with the fate of the
whole of Germany and the whole world. Because they were – willingly or unwittingly –
the teachers of Adolf Hitler.
Over the years since then, I have learned a lot about them, something that was not
in my father's dossier. I will not disclose the sources of information – some information
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 5

was not obtained in a completely honest way, others were transferred to me on condition
of maintaining the strictest secrecy. So, let's start with the first of them, who was called
the forerunner in the circles of the mysterious institute "Ancestral Heritage".


Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels (at least that's what this man called himself) was born,
according to his own words, in Messina on May 1, 1872. His childhood years are
covered with the darkness of obscurity – apparently, Lanz himself destroyed all the
evidence of his real past, correcting them to a beautiful fiction. However, some of his
stories were still true. In particular, we are talking about his interest in the Middle Ages.
From a young age, Lantz read chivalrous novels, he was captivated by the harsh power
of spiritual orders of chivalry. He considered them to be the spiritual elite of the society
of that time. By his own admission, in the first place for him was always the Order of
the Templars (Templars), whose history he knew thoroughly. Moreover, this story really
contained a lot of fascinating pages. The Order, founded in the era of the Crusades to
protect the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, for a short time became a real "state within a
state", accumulated huge wealth and actively intervened in European politics. Among
other things, the Templars founded their own scientific centers, where they actively
engaged in astrology, magic and other sciences prohibited by the Church. So, the
Templar Order, originally an instrument of the pope, began to pose a threat to him –
however, as for many kings of Europe at that time. These forces, united, dealt a
powerful blow to the order, at once arresting its entire top on charges of witchcraft and
heresy. The Order was destroyed, but no one was ever able to discover either their
wealth or the storehouse of their knowledge. These hidden treasures stirred the boy's
mind, forcing him to invent a romantic past. So, according to his own words, he was the
son of Baron Johann Lanz von Liebenfels, a representative of an old Swabian family
whose roots go back to the XV century. The founder of this family rose rapidly from
simple barbers thanks to his selfless service to the German emperor. This tradition was
continued by his descendants – all the Liebenfels, one way or another, devoted
themselves to military or spiritual service. For example, almost all the women of the
family for many centuries went to monasteries and became abbesses in various German
monasteries. Maybe that's why the genus quickly faded away – since the end of the
XVIII century, I have not found a single mention of the Liebenfels. Apparently, Lantz
also knew about this, and in this way he could appropriate his noble ancestors with
impunity. Apparently, at first it was just a game, which he soon began to take seriously.

Who was he really? Adolf Joseph Lanz was born in 1874 in a suburb of Vienna.
His father was a school history teacher who had a huge influence on the boy's
worldview. I managed to find the testimony of one of his acquaintances, who claimed
that Lanz the elder was an ardent supporter of the Great German idea and attached great
importance to the glorious past of the German people. At home he had heraldic shields
and antique weapons. It was in such an environment that the young Adolf Joseph grew
up. But if for his father all this was nothing more than a hobby, the son took chivalrous
romance quite seriously and went far beyond the limits that his parents would like to put
his romantic inclinations. A serious conflict was planned in the family, which, like an
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 6

abscess, opened in 1893. The young Lanz, having severed all relations with his father,
joined the Cistercian order under the name of Brother Georg.

The Cistercians are one of the few medieval orders that have survived to the
present day. It is not very well known in wide circles (unlike, for example, the Jesuits or
the notorious "Opus Dei"), but he is quite influential. The longevity of the order was
ensured by two circumstances: firstly, its very strict charter, which has not changed
since the XII century, and, secondly, its remoteness from all worldly affairs and its
purely peaceful nature. The latter did not suit Lanza much, but the choice was small.
And he, immersed in the atmosphere of his favorite chivalric novels, began to build his
spiritual career with enviable zeal.

In the first years of his stay in the Order, Lanz proved himself from the best side. I
managed to find in the monastery archives a description that the abbot gave him.
Among other novices, this one stands out for his zeal and faith. “He reveres our charter
sacredly, because he considers every word in it inspired by God. The most valuable
thing about this young man is that he is completely protected from all the harmful
influences of time – he sees himself entering Jerusalem at the head of a victorious
crusading army. These dreams are not dangerous, because, in this way, he becomes one
of the knights of our church, knights who are so lacking to us in the current atheistic
age. The developed intellect of this young man makes us cherish the brightest hopes for
his future. He has all the makings to become one of those whom our church is proud

In 1897, Lanz became a monk, and the next year he began teaching at the
theological seminary. He not only taught, but also studied: in the monastery of the Holy
Cross, as if outstanding scientists worked in the Middle Ages. For example, Nivard
Schlegel, an expert on early biblical history, who had a huge influence on the young
man, or Axel Franz, one of the best historians of the Medievalists, for whom the young
brother Georg became a favorite student. Their communication was so close that some
(however, I think, without any real reason) suspected them of a homosexual
relationship. At this time, Lanza's name is gradually becoming known in the scientific
world. First, he took up the history of the abbey itself – a very fruitful topic and not yet
touched upon by scientists. Works on the history of the ancient monastery, belonging to
his pen, appear in various scientific journals. According to some reports, Lantz even
managed to prepare a book dedicated to this plot. But it never saw the light. In 1899,
Lanz renounced his vow and left the abbey.

What happened? The fact is that, being carried away by the Old Testament tales,
Lanz felt more and more disgust for the people depicted there, who constantly sinned
and responded with evil to evil. On every page of the Bible, these people did evil,
behaved like wild animals. Gradually, Lanz began to think about the nature of evil in
man and took up anthropology in addition to everything else. The monastery authorities
at first encouraged these classes. But only on the first ones. It has not yet become
known what conclusions the young and zealous monk came to.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 7

And these conclusions were simple. On the pages of the Old Testament there are
Jews who are worthy only of contempt. Christians are people of European culture, of
the European racial type. After reading the literature available on this issue, Lantz
highlighted the characteristic features of this type – light skin and hair, blue eyes. In
short, it was about the notorious Aryan race. It is it who is the bearer of good, and by
her inner nature, regardless of religion. But Negroes, Asians, Jews are the embodiment
of evil. And even if they accept Christianity, it will not change anything in their dark

These statements were essentially heresy. The mentors first tried to guide Georg on
the right path, but he was already obsessed with his own idea. Moreover, rereading the
ancient charter of the Cistercian order, Lanz found some passages in it that echoed his
ideas. And now, in the eyes of the young man, it was not he himself who was a heretic
and an apostate, but all the other brothers – traitors who perverted the original tenets of
the order. In the dossier collected by my father, there is a dilapidated piece of paper
written in Lanz's handwriting – cursorily recorded thoughts about this problem.

The Cistercian Brotherhood was created for the great purpose of preserving the
Aryan race as chosen by Christ. It was supposed to counteract the attempts of the dark-
skinned to penetrate into the bosom of Christianity and mix with us, destroying our
kind. For centuries it has stood guard over its ideals. But nothing lasts forever, and
today the brotherhood has been reborn. Apparently, the enemy's agents still penetrated
into his environment. The Brotherhood must be re-created.

The idea of founding his own, new monastic order will haunt Lanza throughout the
rest of his life. In the meantime, returning to the world, he temporarily discards all
spiritual pursuits and devotes himself to science. Receives several patents for
inventions, is published in serious scientific journals. In 1902, Lanz became a doctor of
sciences. He is still engaged in Old Testament history and one day, studying Assyrian
inscriptions, came to an incredible discovery.

Back in 1848, the English orientologist Austin Henry found two obelisks during
excavations, which depicted Assyrians with strange mythical animals of unknown
species. Cuneiform reported that these animals were sent by King Myusri to
Ashurbanipal II as a tribute. Then followed the inscription that the lord of Assyria bred
these animals in the zoological garden of Kalah.

Who were these animals? Lantz stared at the reproductions of the tablets for a long
time. And then I realized: they're pygmies! So, since ancient times there have been two
races on Earth: Aryan people and subhuman pygmies. Jews, Blacks, Asians are the
result of the criminal incest of these two races, from which, however, modern
Europeans have also suffered.

Lantz considered the topic of incest with special gusto. Apparently, the years spent
in the monastery affected. To confirm his conclusions, he took material from
everywhere – from Old Testament biblical texts to the latest discoveries of
anthropology. A broad but superficial outlook played the saddest role here. The sexual
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 8

promiscuity of Aryan women, Lanz believed, led to the degeneration of the race – while
men hunted and foraged for food, women indulged in debauchery. Hence, in his
opinion, the biblical myth of Adam and Eve originates.

Lanz justified all his conclusions in detail in the book "Theozoology, or the
Grimaces of Sodom and the Electron of the Gods." Today, its main provisions seem silly
to us, but at the turn of the century, when almost every day the world was shaken by
new discoveries, people were ready to believe in the most incredible things. Moreover,
Lantz carefully intertwined all these discoveries with his theory. In particular, he
endowed the gods with organs that received X–rays and radio signals - this is the secret
of their omnipotence and telepathic abilities. The Aryans also possessed similar
abilities, but lost them as a result of criminal incest. The last true Aryan was Christ –
this explains his miracles.

Are the times of the Aryans gone forever? No, humanity can still resume its
upward movement on the evolutionary ladder, Lanz assured, For this it is necessary to
abandon all Jewish religions, separate the "white" descendants of Aryans from the
"colored" descendants of Pygmies and forbid them mixed marriages. Ideally, it would
be better to sterilize the second. Inferior people must be sacrificed to the gods, and
Jews... where would they... be sent to Madagascar, or what?

The division into the chosen and all the rest Should be preserved within the white
race. No socialism, no emancipation, all this is the invention of evil pygmies! A woman
should maintain a subordinate position, the same laws as in living nature should prevail
in society. Only then will the mechanisms that ensure evolution – natural and sexual
selection – work again. Lantz, like many of his contemporaries, understood Darwin's
teaching in the most literal sense and suggested breeding people like breeding valuable
breeds of dogs.

Let's stop for a second and ask ourselves: does it remind you of anything? Yes,
these are in their purest form the main features of Hitler's teachings! Although Hitler did
not refer to Liebenfels anywhere (of course, because he attributed to himself the
authorship of all these ideas), the half-mad ideologue was well known in the ranks of
the SS. That is why he was called the Forerunner, and in closed research institutes they
established the Liebenfels Prize, which was given to the most distinguished scientists
and was a small passenger car. By the way, that's how my father got his first car.

However, back to Lanz. Writing the book was not the culmination, but only the
beginning of the path. His next idea was the foundation of the order, which was to bring
the light of his teachings into the world. In order to give himself (and the order) more
weight, Lanz in 1903 takes the surname von Liebenfels, invents a romantic story of his
life and creates an aura of romantic mystery around himself. By this time, he no longer
maintained any relations with his parents.

In 1905, the order was founded. Liebenfels did not think too much about the name,
dubbing his brainchild "The New Templars". At the same time, the publication of the
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 9

order's magazine called Ostara began, which was published in a fairly large circulation.
Lanz considered his order to be a direct successor of the Knights Templar (whom he
identified with the legendary Knights of the Holy Grail for greater persuasiveness). The
Templars in the image of Liebenfels became fearless missionaries, fighters against racial
mixing and world-enveloping Jewry. They planned the foundation of the Great German
Reich from the shores of the Atlantic to the steppes of Eastern Europe, which was to
include the entire area of settlement of the descendants of the Aryans in its borders. All
the lower races should, of course, be exterminated or turned into slaves.

The Order quickly launched an active activity. His singularity attracted many
intellectuals of that time. There were also representatives of the upper class, who were
bored with the endless court life, and wanted new sensations. Lanz personally
developed the charter of the order, spent long nights working on a detailed study of the
ceremonials. The Cistercian code became the basis for it (it was not for nothing that
Liebenfels belonged to its members for several years). The first nine points of the
charter contained a statement about the goals of the order and its principles, a list of the
rights and duties of the brothers, a brief description of the rituals of the order, separate
articles devoted to ceremonial, hierarchy, heraldry and forms of clothing. Then there
were no less important articles concerning property rights (as we will see later, taking
care of the order's property was far from the last place for Lanz).

From what I have already told about Lanz's ideas, it is quite possible to draw a
conclusion about the principles on which his order was built. It was a religious and
racial association, where only people with Aryan appearance were allowed, which
indicates the predominance of pure blood. Roughly speaking, to join the order, it was
necessary to be the owner of light hair, blue (or at least gray) eyes and an "Aryan"
physique, which was established in the form of certain proportions of body parts. For
example, a true Aryan had to be "long-headed", that is, the length of his skull should
exceed the width. The purpose of the order was to promote racial purity, as well as the
promotion of Aryan science and art. Lanz thought for a long time about what kind of
religious basis could be brought under the order. Christianity mixed with Judaism – the
religion of the pygmies – was clearly not suitable. I had to come up with something of
my own. The result was a mixture of Christian commandments, Darwinism and
mystical cults, which Liebenfels himself, apparently, could not fully organize and sort

Members of the order had to take on a large, albeit somewhat amorphous set of
obligations. This was their main difference from the members of traditional monastic
orders: no one was obliged to live in a monastery or to mortify their flesh. Everyone had
to make a feasible contribution to the activities of the order. Lantz, as we can see,
proved to be a pragmatic person. The members of the order were, firstly, to conduct
propaganda and attract new members, and secondly, to help their fellow order and race.
In addition, their marriages had to be racially pure. The creation of new centers of the
order and large donations in its favor were strongly supported.
Within the order there were scientific and spiritual circles. They were called to
develop Lanza's teachings. In particular, the "learned brothers" were engaged in
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 10

genealogy and anthropology. Within the framework of the order, several ritual books
were created jointly, the main of which was the "Hebdomadary". Every day, three
services were held within the order (matins, mass, vespers), which changed depending
on the day of the week. Despite the similarity in name, they differed quite a lot from
Christian rituals. In particular, all those participating in the ceremonies had to put on
special clothes and perform ritual dances. The texts of the prayers, on the contrary, were
quite short and capacious – apparently, Liebenfels was simply too lazy to write long
liturgical books.

The order had its own hierarchy. The position of each member depended on his
racial purity, willingness to devote himself to the order and the duration of his stay in its
ranks. A complex system for determining racial purity was developed, which was
passed by all those who reached the age of 24. Younger novices and those whose racial
purity was less than 50% formed the lowest category of "servants" in the hierarchy of
the order. The next category is "family", it was created specifically for those who were
formally part of the order, but did not seek to devote much time to serving the Lanza
gods. As a rule, the "family members" included aristocrats and other wealthy people
who were the main sponsors of the order. The category of "neophytes" included people
with more than 50% racial purity who had recently joined the ranks of novices. The
highest ranks of the order were divided into masters, canons, presbyters and priors, who
differed in the degree of racial purity and the scope of rights within the order. Only
priors, for example, could accept new members into these higher ranks. Within each
rank there was its own hierarchy based on the length of service in the order of one or
another of its members.

Land also developed a special uniform for members of the order. Their attire was a
white cassock with a pointed hood (there is a strong suspicion that Lantz borrowed it
from the American Ku Klux Klan), decorated with a red cross. The size and shape of the
cross depended on the rank of the wearer. The priors had a golden baton resembling a
marshal's. Each member of the order had its own coat of arms, as well as members of
the branches of the order. All these coats of arms were approved personally by Lanz,
and they should have been based on the coat of arms of the order. In particular, they
were necessarily attended by an angel and a faun. In addition, upon joining the order,
each brother took a new name for himself.

So the Liebenfels Order flourished. But was it the merit of Lanza alone? After
studying some of the materials hidden much better than others, I came to the conclusion
that this is not quite true. Moreover, although the order was founded in 1905, the first
two years of his life he dragged out a very miserable existence. And only in 1907 came
some inexplicable turning point. The affairs of the order went up sharply, and at the
same time its financial well-being increased. Lanz acquired the ancient Werfenstein
Castle, a romantic medieval ruin located on the edge of a sheer cliff above the Danube.
At the same time, new members flowed into the order, they started talking about it in
court circles. What is the reason?
I found the answer in a very unexpected place – in the biography of the Austrian
Emperor Franz Joseph, which was published in Vienna in 1926. The author, apparently
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 11

an Austrian socialist, scolded the Habsburg dynasty and, in particular, mentioned that
the heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, "patronized mystical pseudo-religious
orders." There were no other similar orders in Vienna at that time, apart from Lanz's
creation. It is logical to assume that Liebenfels somehow arranged a meeting with the
Archduke, secured his patronage and therefore became popular in court circles.

I would have given a lot to go through the order's bank accounts and check where
the money came from to pay for Lanz's mystical quirks. Unfortunately, they are not
available yet and are unlikely to become available in the near future. The fact is that
Lanz conducted his financial affairs not somehow, but through world-famous Swiss
banks, which, as you know, keep their secrets sacred. Apparently, those who gave
money to the order of the "New Templars" really did not want anyone to find out about
However, let's go back to 1907, when Lanz solemnly moved into his castle and
began, as a good owner should, to deal with its interior. Two flags flew over the towers
of the building: one had the coat of arms of Liebenfels, and the other had a red swastika
surrounded by four blue flowers on a golden field. Lanz borrowed the swastika from the
symbols of ancient Indo-European tribes, which he considered to be real Aryans. He
was, in general, not alone: many similar movements chose the swastika for their
banners. Since 1908, annual festivals have been organized in the castle, which attracted
numerous crowds of spectators. As the organizer of the show, Liebenfels was above all
criticism (in this regard, Hitler will also become his worthy heir). Costumed festivities
were accompanied by images of mythological scenes to the music of Wagner and ended
with concerts and fireworks.

The First World War was hailed by Lanz as a "battle of the Aryan race". However,
he himself did not go to the front, although his age still quite allowed. Other members
of the order fought in the ranks of the Austrian and German armies, which, however, did
not save the latter from imminent defeat. After the war, the order managed to gain even
more authority – its ideology attracted more and more supporters who were
disappointed in Christianity and were looking for the light of a new teaching. But the
bad luck is that in a difficult economic situation, the flow of financial injections has
almost dried up, and the influx of new members who did not have a penny in their
pocket did not represent much value for Lanz. The year 1921 was the high point of the
activity of the Order of the "New Templars", followed by the inevitable decline.
But Lanz's story didn't end there…


In addition to the "Forerunner", Hitler also had a "Teacher". Under this name, the
famous geopolitician Karl Haushofer appeared in my father's papers. His fate also
seemed very interesting to me.
At first, however, I was surprised a lot: we used to hear that Haushofer was used
and deceived by Hitler, after which he fell out of favor, and his son was executed. In the
encyclopedias that I flipped through in a hurry, the halo of a martyr, an armchair
scientist who was poorly versed in politics and therefore should not bear any
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 12

responsibility for the atrocities of the Third Reich, was literally built over Haushofer. Is
it so? After all, in the dossier found in the safe, Haushofer was attributed a different,
sinister role.
The great geopolitician was born in 1869. The boy was assigned to a military
school, he was to become a career officer and spend his whole life in the barracks.
However, it quickly turned out that the military path did not quite correspond to the
inclinations of a young man who had great spiritual and intellectual demands.
Fortunately, the authorities took this circumstance into account, and at the turn of the
century Haushofer traveled almost the whole world. I've been to India, China, and
Japan. Instead of his direct duties, he was often engaged in comprehending the spiritual
practices of the sages of these countries. It is said that he even received initiation in one
of the most influential secret Buddhist societies. However, this had little effect on his
career advancement. He met the First World War as a general.
At the beginning of the XX century, Haushofer got acquainted with von Liebenfels'
book. However, by this time he already had a fully formed worldview, which Lanz's
creation only reinforced. Haushofer shared the belief in the racial exclusivity of the
Aryans, whose direct descendants he saw in the English and German nation.
During the First World War, Haushofer was no longer up to geopolitics. But his
past was telling: his colleagues were surprised to note the gift of foresight inherent in
their commander and completely inexplicable from a rational point of view. Haushofer
always knew exactly in advance when the offensive would begin, how the weather
would change, on which sector of the front it was better to strike. He was predicted to
have a great future, but Haushofer had detractors at the court, who in every way
hindered his upward progress. Perhaps it is partly for this reason that Haushofer, after
the defeat of Germany, finally and irrevocably disappeared from the army, immersed in
science. He founded the journal "Geopolitics" and published several scientific papers in
which he outlined his basic views.
Many of the provisions of this doctrine were subsequently used by the propaganda
of the Third Reich to justify the expansion of the living space of the nation. It was
Haushofer who brought the "scientific" basis for the seizure of the territories of Eastern
Europe, which are supposedly absolutely necessary for the German people for
successful development. The Germans, Haushofer wrote, are literally suffocating within
their current borders, while fertile Ukraine is populated by low-value Slavic peoples
who do not really know how to dispose of the wealth they have inherited.
It is believed that it was thanks to Haushofer that the swastika became a symbol of
the Nazi movement. The geopolitician saw in it a secret magical symbol, a sign of the
sun and thunder, life and fertility. In addition, Haushofer considered the swastika to be a
truly Aryan symbol, which, unlike other well-known signs (cross, triangle, etc.), is
found only among representatives of the "pure race". It originates from Aryan India,
from where it spreads to Europe, while in the area of residence of Semitic peoples, the
swastika is not found almost anywhere. Is this not the best evidence of the "purebred"
origin of the "tailed cross"!
And then Haushofer moved along the path beaten by Lanz. The Aryan race, he
said, must return to its original purity. After the First World War, he learns about the
semi-mythical (despite all my efforts, I was never able to find out if it really existed)
society "Green Dragon", the symbol of which was the swastika. The source of
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 13

information in this case was the White Guard General Kutepov, who fled to Berlin after
the revolution and told about the secret society to almost everyone he met. Apparently,
Haushofer also could not understand where the Russian was lying and where he was
telling the truth. But the idea of a secret society inspired him. In 1919, he founded the
order of the "Luminous Lodge", which was to establish links with the other world (in
the existence of which Haushofer was more than confident) and conduct certain genetic
experiments in order to create a superman.
Haushofer, as a very intelligent person, quickly realized that a small and not too
influential secret society would not be able to achieve its goals. He needed a lever of
influence on public policy, his own person in power. And he managed to find such a
person quite quickly. It was none other than Adolf Hitler.


The beginning of the 1920s turned out to be more than turbulent in Germany. The
defeated country, on which the victors imposed huge reparations, was shaken by
continuous economic and political crises. The decline in production, hyperinflation, the
despair of millions of people, and against this background – the activity of radical
parties, communists, on the one hand, and nationalists, on the other hand. In November
1923, one of these nationalist groups, led by a short brunette with a funny mustache,
however, a good speaker, raises an uprising in Munich. Or rather, he tries to raise it,
because the authorities take control of the situation the very next day. The man with the
moustache ends up in Landsberg prison along with some of his associates. And among
them is Professor Haushofer's assistant, a promising young scientist Rudolf Hess.
It is through Hess that Haushofer gets acquainted with Hitler's teachings. It is quite
primitive, but at the same time it cannot fail to arouse the sympathy of the professor:
Hitler is fighting for the same national racial goals as the "Luminous Lodge"! And
Haushofer, begins to regularly visit the Landsberg prisoners, while simultaneously
seeking a relaxation of the regime and early release of the future Fuhrer of the German
There are lively discussions between him and Hitler. The young man is
increasingly falling under the influence of a well-known geopolitician. It was at the
initiative of Haushofer that the book "Four and a half Years of Struggle against lies,
Stupidity and Cowardice" was written, which became known under another, shorter title
– "Mein Kampf", "My Struggle". Haushofer allowed Hitler to enjoy the memories of his
past to his heart's content, to invent for himself a glorious military path on the fronts of
the First World War. That wasn't the main thing for him. The main thing is that Hitler
reproduced in his work, which later became the Bible of National Socialism, the basic
principles of Haushofer's geopolitics – naturally, simplifying and coarsening them so
that they were extremely understandable to any German. Indeed, what could be simpler:
you are a representative of a chosen race, there are enemies around who hate you for
this because of their own inferiority and at the same time are afraid of you!... It's time to
take away your living space from them, which they seized by force, lies and cunning!
Hitler was the perfect tool for Haushofer. The very origin of the young rebel spoke
volumes. He was born in Braunau on the Inn, a well-known center of European
mediums. It is not known what exactly influences such features of the city, I will not
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 14

rule out that some kind of natural anomaly is involved here, but the fact remains that
mediums are born very often in Braunau. It was a potential medium that Haushofer saw
in Hitler.
Who are these mediums? I had to dive into this question as soon as I fully realized
the irrational, mystical nature of the relationship between Hitler and Haushofer. It was
not just a relationship between a student and a teacher, a famous scientist and a
politician using his theories.
No, it was precisely the relationship of the magician and the medium, such as they
are painted by occult practitioners.
According to these practices, a magician can perform certain miracles on a small
scale. In order to extend his influence to a more or less significant group of people, he
needs an intermediary – a medium. It is the medium who is able to gather a huge mass
of energy, and then "pump up" the crowd in accordance with the program put into it by
the magician. Pump up with hatred, love, aggression – anything. And Hitler has long
had certain abilities in this direction – his art of influencing the crowd, according to
contemporaries, was unsurpassed. Such a medium was an ideal partner for the
"magician" Haushofer.
I will make a reservation right away – I am not an occultist and do not attend
spiritualistic sessions. However, it would be foolish and naive to assume that modern
science has reached the limits of its development and is able to explain everything that
is happening around us. There are many things that are still beyond our understanding,
but this does not mean that such phenomena do not exist in nature. These include, for
example, the talents of Haushofer, who created a national leader out of Hitler.
By the way, many contemporaries remembered Hitler precisely as a medium. So,
one of the observers wrote:

"Looking at him, one has to think of mediums. Most of the time they are ordinary,
insignificant creatures. Suddenly, as if from the sky, a force descends on them, a power
that lifts them above ordinary standards… Medium – possessed"

Having exhausted this impulse, he falls back into insignificance. I am absolutely

convinced that something similar happened to Hitler. The character bearing this name
was a temporary garment of quasi-demonic forces. This combination of banality and
exclusivity – an unbearable duality, was immediately felt upon contact with him.
Dostoevsky could have invented such a creature: a combination of painful disorder with
disturbing power.
He was echoed by many others.
Listening to Hitler, he suddenly saw the appearance of the leader of glory... as if a
dark window was illuminated. The gentleman with the funny mustache brush turned
into an archangel. Then the archangel flew away, and there was only a tired Hitler with
a glazed look.

"I looked into his eyes: they became mediumistic… Sometimes it looked as if
something was moving into the speaker from the outside. Currents were coming from
him… Then he again became small, mediocre, even vulgar, seemed exhausted – as if his
batteries were completely exhausted..."
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 15

Hitler resembled a medium at a seance. As if from communion with spirits, his

face lit up with unprecedented inner energy, and the nondescript little man in the eyes of
the crowd turned into an omnipotent and formidable god who knew all her innermost
aspirations. Everyone who appeared before him at that moment was ready to follow him
into fire and water, to accept death, obeying only a wave of his hand.
He was falling into a kind of mediumistic trance. His face expressed ecstatic
delight. Behind this "medium", undoubtedly, there was not one person, but a group, a
set of energies, a magical energy center.
Subsequently, many will say that Haushofer was deceived in Hitler, that the student
turned out to have too low intelligence, which did not allow him to perceive the ideas of
his teacher. This is true, but not all of it is true. Haushofer knew the true value of his
medium, but he simply had no other choice. At first, he wanted to start his large-scale
project as soon as possible, and any person capable of broadcasting his ideas to the
masses was suitable for him. Let it be in a distorted, vulgar version, but otherwise these
masses will not understand! And then, when Hitler had already ascended to the heights
of his power, it was too late to change anything.
There are many facts that speak about the close connection of two people so unlike
each other. From 1923 to 1933, Hitler and Haushofer practically did not part, they were
in constant contact. Wherever the future Fuhrer goes, the professor follows him like an
invisible shadow. At the same time, the ranks of the "Luminous Lodge" are significantly
expanding, because Haushofer positions it as an organization capable of controlling
Hitler, and more and more representatives of the German elite are striving for this every
year. Many people wanted to play with a dangerous weapon. That's just… which of
them eventually turned into a tool?
Haushofer failed to keep control of Hitler in his hands. And he owes this not least
to two more powerful magicians who wished to take the possessed Fuhrer under their
control. The first of them was a certain von Sebottendorff, the founder of the Thule

On the way to the land of Tula

The story of von Sebottendorf in some of its features repeats the story of von
Liebenfels. His real name is Glauer, his first name is Adam Alfred Rudolf. He was born
a year later than Lanz, in the densely populated Saxon lands in the family of a railway
worker. Since childhood, the young man was very ambitious. When he came of age, he
decided to study engineering. But it turned out to be too difficult: after several years of
studying at the Ilmenau Technical School, he applied to join the Navy. He was refused,
after which the young man, who dreamed of the seas, hired himself as a stoker on a
merchant ship. After visiting the most remote corners of the globe (in particular,
Australia and the Far East), the young man decided to go home after several years of
wandering. For a number of reasons, it had to be done by a roundabout route through
Egypt and Turkey. At that time, young Glauer had not yet imagined that he would stay
here for many years.
In 1900, he sailed from Alexandria to Constantinople via Piraeus and Izmir. On the
shores of the Bosphorus, he is looking for his old acquaintance, the rich landowner
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 16

Hussein Pasha. It is not known exactly when and how the connection between these two
people was established. The most plausible version is that Hussein and Glauer met
during one of the voyages. The young German was seriously interested in occult
practices, and Hussein, who was the head of one of the secret Turkish orders, took him
under his protection. And now, after Glauer's arrival in the Turkish capital, they met
again. The German is fascinated by the country and its customs, he greedily studies the
Turkish language and, like a drowning man, grasps at a straw for Hussein's offer to
work as a manager in his Anatolian estates. Glauer does not even know that he is
already completely under the control of the cunning Turk.
And now he finds himself in Anatolia. In addition to economic activities, the
young man communicates a lot with Turkish mystics living in estates, and quickly falls
under their influence. Glauer takes part in their secret ceremonies and, according to
some reports, even passes initiation. His main companions in walking around the
neighborhood are the Termudi family of Greek Jews, who moved here from
Thessaloniki. The members of this family enjoyed a bad reputation – its head was once
a rabbi, but was excessively carried away by Kabbalistic practices and alchemy and was
deprived of his post for this. But he continued his studies, and Glauer became his
associate for a while. In addition, Termudi belonged to a Masonic lodge and was in
close contact with the Rosicrucians.
Before his death, Termudi made Glauer one of his main heirs. In addition to a very
decent share of the property (the old Jew was also the owner of a fairly large bank), the
German received his entire occult library, as well as a set of magical items that he kept
and, obviously, used until the end of his life.
The money allowed Glauer to go on a long trip to Europe. Financial independence
gave him the opportunity to choose any life path. Under the influence of European
mystics, he joined the increasingly widespread doctrine of the pure, Aryan race. There is
information that in 1908 he met with Liebenfels and had several long conversations
with him, during which both mystics found a lot in common. However, there were also
insurmountable differences: if Lanz unconditionally believed that Turks and Jews were
an inferior race, then Glauer was by no means so categorical. He believed that Islamic
mysticism and Talmudic Kabbalism had common roots with Aryan occult practices. On
that, the failed companions parted. Glauer returned to Turkey, having acquired,
however, a very useful acquaintance with the family of Baron von Sebottendorf, one of
the most unusual people in Europe at that time.
The surname von Sebottendorf has been mentioned in European chronicles since
the 10th century, when one of its representatives served at the court of the German
emperor, who knighted him. Subsequently, the family acquired its own estate on the
Baltic coast, and two centuries later found another "nest" in Southern Silesia. The
Middle Ages were the heyday of this family, which was divided into numerous powerful
One of them, the Zebottendorfs von der Rose, moved to Austria, and all its
representatives served the House of Habsburg. Maybe that's why this branch turned out
to be the most tenacious of all. While all other lines are lost among the numerous
immigrants to North America, the von der Roses managed to stay afloat and even
preserve a particle of their former power. There were persistent rumors that the family
belonged to one of the main Masonic families. Whether this is true or not, but in the
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 17

XIX century, its representatives began to strenuously collect everything related to the
occult sciences. Sigmund von Sebottendorff was quite familiar with Liebenfels, and
even for some time was among the members of his order. Apparently, it was through
Lanz that his acquaintance with Glauer took place.
The old man and the young man quickly found a common language. So much so
that Sigmund, who had no children of his own (his wife died in her youth – according to
some reports, she was sacrificed during one of the occult ceremonies), decided to adopt
Glauer. In Austria, it was impossible to do this, since the emperor's permission was
required, which, being in his right mind, he would never have given. The old man could
not wait until Franz Ferdinand, who patronized the occult, came to power. There was
only one way out – to make an adoption in Turkey.
So after his wanderings, Glauer returned to Turkey with a noble title. Here he led
not even a double, but a triple existence: he worked as a modest teacher in a Jewish
colony and at the same time was a major intermediary for Swiss and German firms. In
particular, it was with his participation that the project of the famous Baghdad railway
was developed. And in 1910, the newly minted von Sebottendorff founded his mystical
lodge, based equally on the traditions of the Eastern Dervish orders and European
Theoretically, the entrance to this order was open to everyone: Christians,
Muslims, Jews. In practice, the swan, crayfish and pike hardly got along in one "bottle",
and Sebottendorf quickly realized that he could not achieve success in this way. In 1913,
he left the lodge in the care of one of his few students and returned to Germany. In
1915, he married a certain Bertha Anna Iffland, the owner of a fairly large fortune. This
was very useful, since Termudi's financial condition had deteriorated greatly. He happily
avoided serving in the army, because he accepted Turkish citizenship, and in 1916
settled in a charming Bavarian resort.
Another person might have calmed down on this. But a quiet life was not to
Zebottendorf's liking. And when he gets his hands on a newspaper advertisement of a
certain German Order that aims to achieve racial purity of Germans, he immediately
establishes contacts with the leadership of this organization.
The head of the order was a certain Herman Paul. Sebottendorf quickly found a
common language with him. The general fascination with esoteric practices, as well as
ancient Germanic runes, affected. Runes, Paul believed, are the magical writings of the
ancient Aryans, whose heirs were the Germans. But their racial purity was violated as a
result of mixing with Semites, and the runes were forgotten. Only a few aristocrats of
body and spirit keep the genes of the ancient Aryans in their blood. The task of the order
is to bring such people together to restore the mighty ancient race. Sebottendorf liked
the idea, and he gladly agreed to become the head of the Bavarian branch of the German
Order. Throughout 1917, he traveled around Bavaria, agitating suitable candidates to
join the ranks of the order. Gradually, there were quite a lot of them, and our hero
moved on to holding regular meetings and lectures. Subsequently, he invited Paul to
publish a monthly magazine, which was accepted with great joy. The successes of the
head of the Bavarian branch were amazing: the number of members of the order in the
territory entrusted to him was six times greater than in the central branch of Berlin! Paul
was gradually forced into the background.
One of the members of the order was an outstanding pilot, the famous fighter ace
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 18

Herman Goering. This was a very valuable acquisition for Sebottendorf, who
considered Goering one of his best students. It is thanks to the surviving papers of
Goering that we have most of the information about the activities of the German Order.
In particular, the future Nazi No. 2 describes the ceremony of admission to the order of
new members in this way.

"The ceremony began with the soft sounds of the harmonium, the brothers
performed the choir of pilgrims from the Tannhauser Wagner. The ritual began at dusk,
when the brothers made a gesture symbolizing the swastika – the Master answered
them. Then the Master of Ceremonies led the neophytes into the hall, dressed in the
robes of wanderers, blindfolded. Here the Master told them about the Chalice, and the
novices were stripped of their robes and bandages. The master approached the neophyte
and performed magical actions with the spear of Wotan, the knights crossed their
swords over them. There were questions and answers, accompanied by the music of
"Lohengrin", then the novices took the oath of allegiance. The initiates were surrounded
by "forest elves" and as new brothers led them to the Grail Cup, where the sacred flame
of the singer burned."

Meanwhile, the Socialists were gaining more and more influence in Germany.
Sebottendorf regarded them as the main threat to the national movement and therefore
considered it necessary to fight them with all available means. But here's the bad luck –
the small aristocratic lodge did not have any improvised means to compete with the
thousands of "red" crowds. Moreover, after several right-wing rallies praising the
Kaiser, the German race and the ongoing war, the German Order came under the close
supervision of the workers' leaders. So close that Sebottendorf was forced to change the
name of his (yes, at that time completely his own) organization. However, he did not
have to think long.
Apparently, even as a child, Glauer read a book of legends about the mysterious
country of Tula. It was mentioned in their historical writings by the ancient Greeks.
According to them, the country of Tula is located in the very north of Europe, the
climate in it is harsh, it is inhabited by blond and blue-eyed people of high stature. The
Greeks considered the state structure in Tula to be ideal. The Romans wrote the same
thing about this country. Subsequently, scientists placed Thule in Northern Germany,
then in Scandinavia, then in Iceland. Historians are still arguing about whether such a
country existed, and if so, where it was located. In any case, for many romantics, she
embodied the land of perfect people. Sebottendorf's imagination instantly turned these
chosen ones into Aryans, and so the name of the order was born – the Thule society.
According to its creator, the name was supposed to symbolize the desire of the members
of the order for racial purity and perfection.
But it was already 1918. After the military defeat, a revolution broke out in
Germany. Munich, in which the Bavarian Socialist Republic was proclaimed, was also
seized by the uprising. Red Guard patrols walked the streets. And at this time, in the
front hall of a chic hotel, the next meeting of the Thule society is taking place, at which
Sebottendorf delivers one of his most fiery speeches. Thanks to the diary entries of
Goering, who managed to arrive by private plane literally for one day in Munich,
engulfed by the revolution, it has been preserved to this day.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 19

"Yesterday we experienced the death of everything that was dear to us, close and sacred. Instead
of our princes of German blood, deadly enemies are in power: Jews. What this chaos threatens us with,
we don't know yet. But we can guess. The time that will come will be a time of struggle, bitter losses, a
time of danger… And as long as I hold my iron hammer, I swear to give all my strength to this fight.
Our order is a German order, and our devotion is German.
Our god is Valvater, his rune is Ag. And the trinity: Wotan, Wili, Vi are one in the triplicity. From
today on, our symbol is the red eagle, let it warn us that we must die to survive. We must fight until the
swastika shines above the cold darkness."

The appeal to the swastika was not in vain. The soldiers of the volunteer corps who
crushed the Red Republic in Bavaria a few months later painted this sign on their
helmets. Not without the participation of the Tula society, the swastika, in principle, has
become one of the most famous symbols of all right-wing armed formations and
political movements.
Sebottendorff himself created the "Combat Union of Thule" and gradually began to
stockpile weapons for the upcoming coup against the German Republic. His
organization began to lose its aristocratic, elitist character. The son of a railroad worker
understood perfectly well that without the mass of ordinary people, he would not be
able to get at least some serious influence. And he began to gather around him all the
small nationalist circles and groups that had multiplied in great numbers after the defeat
in the war and the revolution, Everything went into the common pot: Masonic lodges,
small aristocratic societies, and unions of former front-line soldiers. This is what
ultimately weakened the Tula society: the public turned out to be too diverse. But so far,
this society, unlike the order created by Lanz, was on the rise.
Therefore, it is not by chance that the Thule Society became the first organization
with which Hitler's dwarf National Socialist Workers' Party contacted. There was a kind
of separation of roles between these two organizations. Members of the Thule society
were primarily representatives of the middle and upper class – they were lawyers,
judges, university professors, aristocrats belonging to the royal entourage of the
Wittelsbach dynasty, industrialists, doctors, scientists and successful businessmen. And
the NSDAP served as a kind of branch of the society for working with the lower classes
– with former front-line soldiers, peasants, workers and the unemployed. A certain
difference in the software installations of the two organizations did not bother
Sebottendorf – Hitler was nothing more than a tool for him.
It was the financial support of the Thule society that gave Hitler the opportunity to
defeat all competing groups and include them in his party. "Dual membership" was also
practiced – for example, prominent Nazis such as Alfred Rosenberg, Dietrich Eckhardt
and Rudolf Hess were members of the Thule society, and Hermann Goering met Hitler
through Sebottendorf and took second place in the Nazi Party. Apparently, the head of
the society "Thule" predicted Goering for the role of a kind of observer under Hitler.
And so it was, until the carefully created mechanism got out of control. However, let's
not get ahead of ourselves.
It was Sebottendorf who provided the NSDAP, as they say now, with a "good
press" – the party's name was increasingly flashing in newspaper headlines. Moreover,
with the money of the Thule society, Hitler began to publish his newspaper. It is thanks
to Sebottendorf that the future Fuhrer gets acquainted with occult practices, participates
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 20

in spiritualistic sessions, studies Masonic esotericism, comes into contact with

astrologers, magicians and fortune tellers. In addition, during this period, Hitler
acquired many useful connections in high society, which he could not have dreamed of
without the support of the Thule society.
All this was very useful to Hitler later, But for now, in 1923, the leader of the
NSDAP considered the moment suitable for the start of a national revolution. He
consulted with Sebottendorf, and he gave his blessing: the crisis in the country seemed
to have reached its climax, and a more suitable time for a coup could not have been
desired. However, the calculation turned out to be false: the "beer hall putsch" in
November 1923 failed, and the Fuhrer ended up in Landsberg prison.
During the trial, the investigators managed to get on the trail of the Thule society
and Sebottendorf himself. The failed ruler of Germany was forced to flee to Switzerland
after one of his associates, Hermann Goering. There have been changes in the Tula
society that have made his return undesirable. He also lost his influence on Hitler, which
Haushofer immediately took advantage of. And Adolf himself sought to get rid of the
rather boring tutelage of the Tula society.
But, being an intelligent man, Hitler appreciated the useful connections that this
society could provide him. Therefore, he did not break off the relationship. His
associates become the leaders of the society, and the roles change dramatically: since
1924, the Tula society has become an instrument of the NSDAP. Subsequently, it will be
organically "integrated" into the system of SS institutions.
And Sebottendorf was forced to wander abroad. He took up astrological
predictions and achieved considerable success in this matter. In the 20s, he spent time in
Turkey, then in North America. Here he joined the ranks of the Knights of the Order of
the Empire of Constantine, but he treated this organization rather indifferently and did
not pretend to leadership positions in it. In 1933, Sebottendorf returned to Germany,
naively hoping that Hitler, who had come to power, would remember his services and
adequately thank his assistant and mentor. This, perhaps, was the stupidest act in his
life: the Fuhrer had long said that he had achieved everything himself, and terribly
disliked being reminded of the services rendered. As a result, Sebottendorf, having
miraculously escaped the concentration camp, left Germany in 1934, now forever, and
settled on the shores of the Bosphorus dear to his heart. He still hoped for a German
victory, cooperated with German intelligence, practiced occult sciences and made
astrological predictions. On May 9, 1945, when all his hopes collapsed completely and
irrevocably, the old baron rushed into the Bosphorus. Thus ended the life of another of
Hitler's teachers.

The Prophet

So we got to the fourth dossier, which was kept in my father's safe. It is dedicated
to a man who has never tried to appropriate high-profile aristocratic titles. He
considered it absolutely unnecessary, because his teaching should make him famous and
respected anyway! The name of this man is Hans Gorbiger.
Gorbiger was born in 1860 in Austria. He studied at the technological college,
worked as a draftsman, then as a specialist in compressors. He achieved considerable
success, patented a number of his inventions and even got a little rich. In general,
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 21

Gorbiger could have become quite a successful technician, if not for his hobby.
And the hobby was quite unusual even at that time. Gorbiger became interested in
temperature physics, astronomy and ancient myths at the same time. If you put it all
together, it won't just be a hodgepodge. It will turn out – at least, Gorbiger thought so –
an ideal explanation of the origin of our world, seriously different from what official
astronomy declares. Moreover, his doctrine of eternal ice makes it possible to predict
the future. If his theories diverge from the data of mathematics, chemistry and physics –
well, so much the worse for these sciences. It seems that gradually Gorbiger began to go
crazy on the basis of his theories. His reactions became less and less predictable, he did
not tolerate any objections from others, according to eyewitnesses, a fanatical,
completely insane gleam appeared in his eyes. At the same time, Gorbiger's theories
were distinguished by their perverted, but magnetic logic, which attracted others to him.
Adolf Hitler was among those around him,
It was thanks to his attractive demonic power that Gorbiger managed to organize a
whole movement of his associates. Of course, evil tongues said that the newly-born
prophet had extensive financial resources in his hands. But where do they come from?
Even I, with all my cynicism, did not find any selfish motives in Gorbiger's actions
(unlike the same Lanz). Yes, his movement had money coming from its well-to-do
members. But at the same time, Gorbiger himself led a very modest lifestyle and spent
all the funds received, as they say, "on business." Therefore, soon the movement had its
own information service, recruitment bureau, its own staff of propagandists.
Gorbigerian newspapers and magazines began to be published, quite crowded rallies
were organized. Even a kind of trade union was organized, whose members could count
on guaranteed work from Gorbigerian entrepreneurs. The movement experienced such a
powerful surge of strength that Gorbiger could talk to his opponents in the scientific
world in the language of threats: "Either you will learn to believe in me, or you will be
treated as enemies."
Three major scientific works, forty popular books, hundreds of brochures, the
monthly magazine "The Key to World Events" – these are the results of several years of
Gorbiger's activity. The newly-revealed prophet lived, as well as many other actors I
have mentioned, in Bavaria, in Munich. And it was far from accidental that he met
Hitler, who by that time was already an adherent of the theory of "eternal ice", in 1922.
A half-crazed old man with a huge white beard was expounding his theory in a
thunderous voice, and the head of the NSDAP listened to him with his mouth open. If
Hitler tried to interrupt Gorbiger, an angry shout followed: "Shut up!" So no one else
will be able to talk to the future Fuhrer of the German nation.
And rudeness, and an imperious tone – everything was forgiven to Gorbiger. In the
mid-1920s, his movement and the NSDAP went hand in hand. It was believed that
together they were doing the same thing: Gorbiger – in science, Hitler – in politics. One
of the leaflets popular at that time read:

"Our northern ancestors gained strength in the snow and ice. That is why the belief
in world ice is a natural inheritance of the Nordic man. Austrian Hitler expelled Jewish
politicians, another Austrian, Gorbiger, will expel Jewish scientists. With his own life,
the Fuhrer showed that an amateur is superior to a professional. It took another layman
to give us a complete picture of the universe. Gorbiger will clear the way in science,
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 22

Hitler in politics. Together they will lead Germany to a brilliant future!"

Gorbiger's support proved to be very valuable for Hitler. Tens and hundreds of
thousands of people believed in the doctrine of "eternal ice", among them were major
scientists, such as the famous physicists Lenard and Stark. In addition, Gorbiger agreed
to consider and call his science "truly Aryan." Now the Aryan political doctrine had its
own science, which was supposed to fight back against Jewish scientists!
The teachings of the mad prophet were aimed at giving a single, universal
explanation of everything that happens on Earth. As a matter of fact, it claimed to be a
super-science, bizarrely combining chemistry and physics, biology and history. Most
importantly, she gave an answer to the main questions: who are we, people? Where did
you come from? What awaits us in the future?
What was the essence of Gorbiger's doctrine? It is based on the idea of an endless
struggle between ice and fire, between the forces of repulsion and attraction. This
struggle reigns not only in space, but also on Earth and defines the history of mankind.
This story, Gorbiger writes, is not a long gradual evolution. This is a story of sharp ups
and no less sharp downs. In human history, one epoch succeeded another. At first,
millions of years ago, the Earth was inhabited by gods. Then they were replaced by a
race of giants, followed by other, no less bizarre civilizations. The last of them, which
has reached the very peaks of development, is the Aryan race. She was the most
beautiful and perfect of all human races and, if not for the evil ape-like competitors,
could have existed to this day. It was they, representatives of the lower races, who
managed to mix with the Aryans, push them off the true path, invented their own
religion and science, designed to destroy the very memory of the higher race. All the
ideologies of the modern West are nothing more than the fruit of a conspiracy, an
ancient, millennial conspiracy that needs to be crushed. Because only by doing this,
humanity will be able to purify itself and return to its origins – to the high and noble
Aryan race.
This is not only how it should be, it will be. Gorbiger claimed to discover higher
laws common to heaven and earth, to the universe and human society. These laws, he
said, are quite comprehensible and allow predicting the future. Given the eternal
confrontation of ice and flame, these two elements of the equation, you can calculate
any value, guess any event – past, present, future. In short, to prophesy on a completely
scientific basis. And Gorbiger prophesied to his heart's content.
For example, he claimed that the Moon would sooner or later fall to Earth. The
distance between the planet and its satellite, which seems unchanged to us, is actually
gradually decreasing. The smaller this distance, the faster the Moon will attract, and so
at an ever-accelerating pace. At the same time, tidal waves will rise higher and higher
until, finally, they will not flood the land (in addition, perhaps, to the highest
mountains). The climate will become more humid, many animals that live on land today
will become amphibians or even marine inhabitants. Cosmic forces will increase their
influence, and mutations in the animal world will occur much more often than now.
Finally, the Moon, approaching the Earth, will explode, and our planet will be
surrounded by a dense belt of stone and ice blocks. Sooner or later they will crash to the
Ground, causing an unprecedented catastrophe. Only a few species will survive it, and
evolution will actually start from scratch. There will be new animals and plants, new
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 23

human races. But this will only be a prelude to a truly universal catastrophe.
Like the Moon, Mars will gradually be attracted by the Earth. In the last years of
life on the planet, a blood-red luminary will cover the entire horizon, obscuring the sun.
But Mars is too heavy to become just a satellite, as the Moon was. It will fall on the
Sun, but first it will touch the Earth and attract its atmosphere. And then the end of the
world will happen. The oceans will boil and overflow their shores, all living things will
be destroyed in an instant. The Earth's crust will explode, and the planet will cease to
exist, becoming a block of dead stone. Having attracted asteroids to itself, covered with
a crust of eternal ice, it will sooner or later fall into the Sun. For millennia, the Earth
will melt inside a red-hot star until it, in turn, explodes, giving rise to new worlds.
But this is the end of a gigantic drama. What was its beginning?
The young Earth had not one, but four satellites.
One big one is the moon and three small ones, which one after another collapsed
on our planet. Their falls were separated by four geological epochs, each of which was
completely different from the other. All the fossils that we extract from the bowels of
the earth appeared during the fall of one of the satellites – these are "instant
photographs", and posthumous, of the corresponding epoch.
Following the death of one of the satellites, a new one soon appeared – a large
asteroid attracted by our planet from space. After the fall of the third "magnifying
glass", 138 thousand years have passed, during which the Earth circled the Sun alone.
The Earth was dominated by powerful civilizations created by giants. They formed two
huge states: one – in the Andes, and the second – where the cold waves of the North
Atlantic are now splashing. It is this second state that Plato described when he spoke
about his Atlantis. Obviously, the ancient Greek somehow gathered together fragments
of ancient legends passed from mouth to mouth, and restored a fragment of our history.
Only 12 thousand years ago, the Earth received a new satellite – its current Moon.
It was much larger than all the previous ones, and under its influence the world began to
change rapidly. Even the shape of the planet itself has changed. The Atlantean
civilization disappeared overnight. The seas flowed to the poles, and a new ice age
began. So there was a Worldwide flood, which is mentioned in the Bible. Well, the text
of the Apocalypse is an absolutely accurate prophecy concerning the catastrophes still
awaiting our planet!
After the beginning of a new ice age, our human civilization was born on the ruins
of previous cultures. We are all the fruits of mutation and degradation of the great ones
who died in the flood. However, different races have degraded to varying degrees.
Blonde Aryan is closest to the legendary Atlanteans. The rest of the nations are moving
towards their degeneration, and only the Arias have tried to reach their former heights.
This, of course, caused universal envy, and the Judeo-Christian civilization created by
decadent races is doing everything to keep the Aryans in their shackles. She made them
forget their great past, but what the mind has lost is stirring somewhere in the depths of
the subconscious.
Exciting? Yes, indeed! And now imagine how all these fantasies affected the
listener when Gorbiger personally spoke to him with his brilliant gift of eloquence.
Moreover, the Gorbigerians brought a lot of historical and pseudo-historical facts to
prove their theories. For example, ancient Chinese legends that depict the Moon as a
huge ice dragon threatening all life on Earth. Or the sacred books of the mysterious
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 24

indigenous inhabitants of South America – the Toltecs, in which the history of the Earth
is described in full agreement with the theory of Gorbiger. There are also New Guinean
stone figures ten meters high, exactly repeating the appearance of ancient giants, and
aboriginal legends telling that this is how their distant ancestors looked.
Gorbiger's teaching successfully walked hand in hand with the Nazi doctrine up to
a certain point. And then he suffered the fate of all those who tried to claim to share his
success with the Fuhrer. Traces of the founder of the skill are lost. Maybe if I had paid
more attention to his fate, I would have been able to unearth the truth about Gorbiger's
demise, but it would have taken several precious months or even years. Therefore, I
decided to be satisfied with the formula contained in the dossier of the German criminal
police: "Missing in action." Thus ended the path of the man whom the Nazis called the
Copernicus of the twentieth century.
And what about the school he founded? It continued to exist, but already within the
framework of a new, Nazi science. And although, in the end, her position turned out to
be almost marginal, and the Gorbigerians survived only thanks to the incessant support
from the all-powerful SS, Hitler listened to their predictions, especially concerning the
weather, for old times' sake. For which, in the end, he paid: in 1941, before the attack on
the Soviet Union, the Fuhrer consulted for a long time with the students of the old
madman: what should we expect from the upcoming winter? Their answer was
unanimous: the upcoming winter will be one of the warmest and mildest in the entire
XX century! And Hitler, convinced that he had concluded an "alliance with the cold,"
did not provide his army with warm uniforms. As a result, the soldiers of the
Wehrmacht, who reached almost as far as Moscow, fell victim to the frosts that struck in
December. The grease in the weapons froze, the soldiers went crazy from the cold,
completely losing their combat capability. And only the Fuhrer, refusing to believe in
reality, shouted that "eternal ice" would help him defeat any opponent…
So, four dossiers lay in front of me. In a few years, I have significantly
supplemented them. Of course, some nuances remained hidden from me, but the main
thing I learned: Hitler was not alone, many people moved next to him, leading the
fanatical head of the Nazis, directing his activities in a certain direction, inspiring him
with certain ideas. They all underestimated the power of their partner, who managed to
gradually get rid of them and move on his way. The roles have changed: the puppet has
become a puppeteer, deftly using the abilities and talents of those who tried to claim the
main role, all these mystically minded intellectuals.
But even this was not the most curious thing in the whole story. I did not
understand why the role of Lanz, Haushofer, Sebottendorf and Gorbiger is not
mentioned in books on Nazism, why you will not find a couple of lines about them in
the giant hill of literature dedicated to the Third Reich. It is quite understandable why
their role was hushed up in Hitler's Germany – the Fuhrer did not tolerate competitors
next to him. But why was nothing said about them after the war?
Stagnation and not curiosity of researchers? Or are these people the key to some
secret that would be better kept from human eyes?
To find out, I continued my research. And my way lay to the institute "Ancestral
Heritage", in which, as it turned out, my father also worked.

The birth of Anenerbe

Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 25

My father, as I said above, did not like to talk much about his research. When I
asked him about it, he answered rather evasively: "In principle, my son, I was doing the
same thing as before the thirty-third year. Ancient history, runic writings, the customs of
the Germans – Himmler took all this under his care. Then we were led by Herman
Wirth...". This name, however, I heard from my father only once. After mentioning him,
he stopped and fell silent.
I was fifteen years old at the time, and I was eager to learn as much as possible by
any means. Of course, I did not find any information about Mr. Wirth in the literature.
And I decided to use the method I read about in one of the cheap detectives. The
reception was, as I understand it now, frankly hooligan, but it worked. And how it
I remember Olaf's uncle, Olaf Weizsacker, from my earliest childhood. An old
friend of my father's – they had known each other since the mid-1930s, and, as I
suspected not without reason, thanks to the general subject of the study. He lived not far
from us and often came to visit. Once again, Uncle Olaf appeared on the doorstep of our
house two days after a memorable conversation with his father, in which he mentioned
the name of Wirth.
My father was not at home, and as the host, I started a small talk with Uncle Olaf.
At first, after talking to him on general topics, I just blurted out: "Uncle Olaf, do you
have any books on ancient German history? Well, at least those that Herman Wirth
wrote...". I didn't have time to finish. Uncle Olaf's face changed, he grabbed me firmly
by the shoulders and looked into my eyes. "What do you know about Wirth?" he barked.
Realizing from my confused face that I knew absolutely nothing except my last name
and first name, he let me go, grinned and said: "It's better for you not to know anything
about him." He didn't seem to have said a word to my father about this incident, and I
didn't bring up this slippery topic anymore.
And now there is a small piece of paper on the table in front of me – a yellowed
advertisement that says about the opening of the Deutsche Ahnenerbe exhibition in
Munich on July 23, 1933 – "The Heritage of German ancestors". Professor Herman
Wirth is listed as the organizer of the exhibition. Yes, that's right. The mysterious and
powerful institute saw the light thanks to a simple historical exhibition. However, not so

It all started with an exhibition

So, on July 23, 1933, the Deutsche Ahnenerbe exhibition was inaugurated. What
could visitors see attracted by noisy advertising?
There are quite a lot of interesting exhibits. To be honest, I would love to go to
such an exhibition myself. But, since this is physically impossible, let's mentally run
through its halls.
Let's start with all kinds of runic inscriptions. Runes – the ancient Germanic
alphabet – were generally held in high esteem by all German nationalists, and especially
by the Nazis. They were strongly associated with the "pure race" and therefore in every
possible way their age was lengthened. Among the runes presented at the exhibition,
there were also those that, according to the researchers, were no less than 12 thousand
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 26

years old (for reference: according to the ideas of modern scientists, writing on Earth
appeared no more than 5-6 millennia ago). What Wirth showed visitors was collected all
over the planet – from the sands of Palestine to the caves of Labrador. And this,
according to the researcher, was an additional argument in favor of theories about the
dominance of the Aryan race on the whole planet.
In addition, various amazing artifacts were presented here. Ancient weapons,
fossils of an incomprehensible shape, which the exuberant imagination of the organizers
of the exposition turned into tools of the ancient Aryans. The exhibition was supposed
to prove that the Germans were the first in the world to switch to complex agriculture,
learned how to handle metals, mastered crafts, they had fine art before anyone else. It is
not surprising that in addition to ordinary visitors, Nazi leaders showed great interest in
the exhibition.
Richard Darre, one of the leading ideologists of the NSDAP, who was responsible
for ancient history and soil theory in the party, was the first to arrive at Deutsche
Ahnenerbe. A good economist, an expert in agriculture, who was fond of anthropology,
Darre arrived at the Wirth event accompanied by Friedrich Hilscher, a pagan and
occultist who had never been a member of the NSDAP, but enjoyed great respect in its
ranks. It was they who, having familiarized themselves with the exposition in detail,
recommended it to the all-powerful Reichsfuhrer of the SS Heinrich Himmler.
On July 30, Himmler visited the exhibition. Without any exaggeration, this day can
be called one of the most fateful in the German history of those decades. The
Reichsfuhrer, who had an unhealthy interest in romantic ancient tales, was literally
shocked by what he saw. And the cunning Wirth, who knew how to make an impression,
slipped his distinguished guest more and more unique artifacts. Here is the "Hurrah
Linda Chronicle", a book found in the XVIII century and considered a fake for many
years. It tells about the life of the ancient Germanic tribes, as it was several millennia
ago. The chronicle is written in old Dutch, which fell out of use in the XIII century, it is
almost impossible to fake this language! In addition, judging by the style, the book was
not an original, but a translation from some older, possibly forever lost original! And
here is the hilt of the sword, covered with runes. The sword was found in layers of soil
that are more than 6 thousand years old! It means that the Germans already knew how
to make weapons from iron and knew the runic script!
Himmler was not used to thinking long. In mid-August, he made an offer to Wirth,
which he could not refuse, especially since, it seems, he had been looking forward to it
for a long time. Wirth was invited to create the institute "Heritage of Ancestors" on the
basis of the exhibition funds and its organizing committee. The task of the institute is to
study everything that was connected with the history, culture, language, traditions of the
ancient Germans. The head of "Ahnenerbe" was Wirth himself, his deputy was the
already mentioned Hilscher. Financing of the institute came at first from the budget of
the Ministry of Agriculture, the head of which was none other than Darre. Himmler
carried out the unspoken leadership of the entire undertaking.
The first thing Ahnenerbe did was monopolize Ancient Germanic research. Within
a few months, he integrated into his composition all scientific groups dealing with
similar problems. In the same places where it was impossible (for example, in the
departments of large universities), branches of the "Ancestral Heritage" actually arose.
In short, Wirth acted on the principle: "If the mountain does not go to Mahomet, then
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 27

Mahomet goes to the mountain." That's how my father came under his leadership. By
1937, Ahnenerbe consisted of almost fifty institutes. It was at this moment that Himmler
took him under his sole leadership, including him in the SS structure. All employees of
the Ancestral Heritage, starting with Wirth himself and ending with simple laboratory
assistants, automatically received SS titles. At the same time, the ranks were, it should
be noted, quite high.
By this time, "Ahnenerbe" began to move more and more away from strictly
scientific research. The bias towards the realm of the spirit, into the realm of mysticism
and magic increased more and more. Despite the fact that in its program documents, the
Heritage of the Ancestors declared the full scientific nature of all its research, occult
practices as a new branch of knowledge were quite firmly rooted in its structure. A lot of
money was spent on the work of Anenerbe – more than the United States spent on its
"Manhattan Project" (which, to open the veil of secrecy, ended in shameful failure). The
research was conducted on a colossal scale, millions of marks were spent, from the
point of view of a rational person, on complete nonsense. So did the Ahnenerbe really
turn out to be a big and useless toy, a luxury item of the leaders of the Nazi Empire? The
labor of thousands of people, huge funds were directed to chimerical purposes and did
not give any effect? If you believe some scientific books published after the war, it was
so. But for some reason I didn't believe them…
Another figure connected with "Ahnenerbe" seemed interesting and mysterious to
me. After the transfer of the institute to the SS structure, its manager was appointed –
SS Standartenfuhrer Wolfram Sievers, a man with a university education, who was
supposed to play the role of a "liaison" between scientists and Himmler. He performed
this role very successfully, not remaining a superficial observer, but penetrating deeply
into the affairs of the institute. He was accepted: as his own, because Sievers was a
student of Friedrich Hilscher! A huge black-bearded man with a piercing gaze, he
became the symbol of "Ahnenerbe" for many years. However, this is not even the most
interesting. The most interesting thing is how Sievers ended his days. And he graduated
from them on the gallows by the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
Let's think for a while. If Ahnenerbe was such a harmless – as well as useless –
institution, then why hang its leader, who had not committed any atrocities?
Much larger SS officials were not even imprisoned, and the relatively "small fry"
Sievers was hastened to hang. Moreover, if you believe the rumors, he was hanged in a
terrible hurry, after a botched trial, and during pre-trial detention, all channels of
communication with the outside world were cut off for him. The Americans and the
British tried Sievers, in fact, not letting the Russians and the French into the process.
Suspicious details, isn't it? What could Sievers have blurted out that the winners might
not like?
Let's start with the information about "Anenerbe", which is in the published
literature. It was impossible to simply silence the existence of such a powerful scientific
center, so they tried to belittle it in every possible way and weigh it down with tons of
lies. But we can still find out something useful.
So, it is known that the SS teachings dealt with many serious historical and cultural
issues. For example, the history of the Holy Grail, the debate about which continues to
this day, and was further fueled by the publication of the famous book by Dan Brown.
Further, they thoroughly investigated all heretical currents and occult schools, including
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 28

alchemist societies and the Rosicrucian Order. In addition, they organized Tibetan
expeditions with uncertain goals and studied the prophecies of Nostradamus.
Since the beginning of the war, the specialists of Ahnenerbe followed the
victorious Wehrmacht, taking under their "care" the treasures of European museums and
libraries. They carefully selected any artifacts related to ancient German history, in
particular, and curious pages of German history in general. In 1940, Sievers created a
special "Einsatzstab", which had branches in almost all major European cities – in
Berlin, Belgrade, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Paris, Nice, Brussels, Amsterdam,
Copenhagen, Oslo... 350 specialists, experts with a brilliant education, an excellent
scientific career and academic degrees worked here. They excavated mounds in
Ukraine, conducted archaeological research in the center of Paris and Amsterdam,
searched and found ancient treasures and parking lots. However, the museum
collections of European countries were subjected to thorough "revisions", the most
valuable, from their point of view, the exhibits were transported to Germany. By the
way, most of them were never found after the war. There are various rumors about the
fate of the missing collections. We will still try to get to the truth.
So, here is the picture of the activities of "Anenerbe", which can be obtained by an
inquisitive reader from a variety of books. And again, a strange contradiction: a huge
scope of activity, excellent specialists – and not the slightest practical effect. As if
someone, having built an atomic reactor, began to prove to you that this is nothing more
than a constructor for elementary school children. Do you hardly believe it? Me too.
Let's figure it out together…

The Ways of the Black Master

Let's start with the most famous of the whole company, namely, as you probably
already guessed, with Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler. The future ruler of the most terrible
army in the world was born in Munich in the family of a modest teacher (oh, how many
dark personalities these teachers have generated!). Since childhood, the boy dreamed of
a military career and when the First World War began, he was very worried that all the
exploits would be accomplished without his participation. But the war unexpectedly
dragged on, and young Henry had a chance. He entered the officer's college, but
Himmler still did not have time to get to the front before the surrender of his native
country. This was the first major disappointment of his life. Without despair, the young
man joined the "volunteer corps", which fought against the "red menace". Obviously, it
was then that he formed distinctly nationalistic and racist views – the environment was
very suitable for this. But the corps was soon disbanded in accordance with the terms of
the Versailles Peace, and Henry, who was eager for active activity, was again left out of
Spinning around in the hustle and bustle of the city, choosing a career as a minor
official (by the way, he had the most suitable appearance for this) – all this was not for
him. He chose rural quiet and solitude and, in a hurry to realize his dream, entered the
Munich Higher School to study as an agronomist. Here he was remembered by
everyone (or rather, by very few who remembered him at all) as an exceptionally quiet
and diligent student, who did not stand out from the crowd in any way, did not tolerate
alcohol and did not fight a duel. But when it came to politics, the silent Heinrich was
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 29

transformed: he was boiling with rage, hatred of "traitors" and "foreign villains", whose
main desire was to crush Germany.
It is not surprising that one day Himmler joined the NSDAP. So far, he was on the
sidelines – not too strong physically, he could not achieve much success in shock assault
squads. During the "beer hall putsch" of 1923, he was entrusted with a quite worthy, but
not a combat mission – to carry a huge banner with a swastika. Subsequently, this
banner, pierced by bullets and grandiloquently called the "Banner of Blood", will
become one of the main Nazi relics. But that's all ahead. In the meantime…
In the meantime, Himmler has completely quarreled with his family. His parents
turned away from him, and the party became his family once and for all. Subsequently,
this will play a fatal role in his fate once again, when Himmler, having received a
diploma in agronomy, gets a job in a company producing artificial fertilizers. After a
year of fairly successful work, he was fired for his connection with the Nazis.
Himmler's position was saved only by a lucrative marriage to the daughter of a
landowner, Margaret Woden, who allowed him to purchase a small farm. However,
things were going badly for the newly–minted landowner - he was clearly bypassed by
business talents at birth.
A decisive role in Himmler's fate was played by acquaintance with Walter Darre,
who saw in the young "soil worker" his kinsman in spirit. Darre becomes the main
protégé of the young Nazi, who since then has never had to experience financial need.
After a while, Himmler was appointed head of the "security detachments" of Hitler
himself – the famous SS. At that time, it was not such a powerful institution, but rather a
handful of people who stood out from the boundless sea of assault troops. But Himmler,
who is completely bankrupt commercially, is well-versed in the world of intrigue. And
his position brings him fame and influence.
The power of the "faithful Heinrich", as the Fuhrer himself called him, has been
growing especially rapidly since 1933. And not even from the moment the Nazis came
to power – no, from the very exhibition "The Legacy of German ancestors", which I just
told you about. And before her, Himmler was quite a powerful man, but he turned out to
be really all-powerful only in the second half of the 30s, apparently, not without the
active support of Ahnenerbe.
What was this support? We can only speculate. It could be very prosaic: the staff of
Ahnenerbe included many excellent scientists, including those associated with purely
practical research, whom Himmler could regularly consult. Thus, under the
Reichsfuhrer of the SS, a kind of brain headquarters was formed, which improved his
position. Besides, ancient German history and occult sciences were Hitler's own
weakness, and Heinrich knew how to use it perfectly. Often the predictions and
prophecies made at his institute influenced decisions of national importance.
In addition, the specialists of the Ancestral Heritage played the role of spies. They
could make a dossier on any leader of the Reich (including Hitler), while emphasizing
his origin and pedigree. But each of the Nazi bonzes, from the point of view of the
Aryan racial theory, had serious flaws in terms of ancestors: someone's grandfather is a
Jew, someone's great-grandfather is a Slav. Himmler carefully collected all these facts
while compiling his dossiers.
But, obviously, this list does not end there. In any case, Himmler was not a
complete pragmatist: he firmly believed in mysticism and esotericism, and considered
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 30

himself neither more nor less than the reincarnation of the medieval German king
Heinrich the Fowler. Quedlinburg Cathedral, where the king was buried, became a real
shrine for him. Himmler declared to his entourage that he communicates with the spirit
of the late monarch within the walls of the cathedral.
It was Himmler, on behalf of Hitler, who took into his own hands the task of
eliminating the "subhumans" and planting the true race. Apparently, the Reichsfuhrer of
the SS himself very persistently sought to transfer this mission to him. After all, the
empire of concentration camps created by him needed constant replenishment and
expansion. In addition, the huge human masses, doomed to destruction, could at the
same time be used as free labor, as well as as experimental animals.
Everyone in the world knows the names of giant concentration camps, such as
Buchenwald, Auschwitz or Ravensbruck. Much less: the name Obersalzach is known,
although this camp played a crucial role in the "empire of death" of the SS. And not at
all because of its scale – compared to the same Auschwitz, its scale is simply ridiculous.
However, the chief of the Obersalzach occupied the highest position in the official
hierarchy of the SS of all his colleagues, and he reported directly to Himmler. Why? The
name of the camp clarifies a lot: "An exemplary colony for scientific research." Here, in
Obersalzach, people were kept who were planned to be used as guinea pigs for various
scientific experiments. One of the main customers of the "human material" is the
institute "Heritage of Ancestors". Yes, yes, the most harmless scientific institution that
dealt with all sorts of myths and legends!
Sievers even once wrote a petition for the transfer of the camp to the subordination
of "Ahnenerbe". Himmler did not agree: he sought to hold all the threads of power in
his hands.
By the end of the war, Himmler had concentrated in his hands a power similar to
that of the head of state.
As a matter of fact, by this time the SS had already turned into a state – with its
factories, institutions, its army of more than a million people. Every fifth German
soldier who fought at the front in the spring of the forty-fifth was an SS man. Himmler,
at the end of the war, decided to try himself also as a commander, although he did not
succeed very well in this matter. The Vistula Army Group, which he took under his
command, was blown to pieces by the advancing Russian troops. After that, the
Reichsfuhrer fell into a deep depression – it began to seem to him that fate, for unknown
reasons, had turned away from him. The last, convulsive attempt to argue with evil fate
was made by him after the defeat, when Himmler tried to get lost among the refugees
under the name of Gitsinger. He almost succeeded, but he was let down by excessive
diligence: the British officers who checked the documents of the crowd of refugees at
the checkpoint noticed that, unlike the others, Gitsinger had a full set of required
documents. After a brief interrogation, Himmler stopped fighting fate and gave his real
name, swallowing an ampoule of poison.
Why did the SS Reichsfuhrer need the Ahnenerbe project? The answer is simple: in
this way he wanted to concentrate even more power in his hands. Obviously, the
research of scientists from the "Ancestral Heritage" really helped him solve this
problem, otherwise, why would he have been so long and hard to support this institute?
But how exactly did this happen? We will look for the answer…
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 31


And here we must again return to the personality of Herman Wirth, a scientist quite
famous, but diligently forgotten. The first head of the Anenerbe project, who, after
several years of brilliant success, had to leave the stage quickly and for unclear reasons.
In the 1920s, Wirth was a very famous archaeologist and Germanist. In the studies
published in those years, which can be found, albeit with difficulty, in libraries today,
there are numerous references to his works – "The Origin of Mankind", "The Sacred
Proto-Writing of Mankind", "The Chronicles of Ur Lind", "The Babylonian Question".
The main idea that he proved on the pages of his books is this: there are two proto-races
at the origins of modern humanity. Northern, Nordic, sublime and noble, it is to her that
the merit of creating civilization belongs. It was the representatives of the Nordic race
who invented writing, sophisticated tools, and created the first works of labor. The
southern, lowly race is not capable of creative work, its lot is imitation and envy.
Modern peoples are mostly heirs of one of these two races. As you can see, the theory is
very close to the Nazi one. Do I need to explain, the descendants of what race Wirth
considered the Germans?
Preserving and spreading the memory of the glorious German past – in this Wirth
saw his mission. Already in the 20s, he began to create a team of like-minded people, on
the basis of which the Anenerbe Institute would later be formed. At the same time, the
museum collections of the "Ancestral Heritage" were initiated – Wirth traveled to
German museums and looked for something that could take a worthy place in the
exposition he planned. In 1928, Wirth met the richest Bremen businessman and
philanthropist Ludwig Roselius, who was literally fascinated by the scientist's ideas. He
agreed to provide very serious financial assistance to the brainchild of Wirth. We
started, as it should be, with the building: by 1931, the container for the permanent
exhibition of German archaeological antiquities, proudly named "House Atlantis", was
completed. It was a bizarre sight: a combination of ultramodern architectural forms with
ancient Germanic symbols. So, from the facade it was decorated with a giant totem – a
carved image of the Tree of Life, the sun wheel and a cross superimposed on it with the
crucified god Odin. The totem itself was covered with runic signs.
It was the expositions of "House Atlantis" that formed the basis of the exhibition
"The Heritage of German ancestors". And the House Atlantis building soon became the
headquarters of the Ahnenerbe Institute.
But the cloudless relationship between Himmler and Wirth lasted relatively short.
The fact was that Wirth focused mainly on historical and theoretical research, and
Himmler wanted something more. He dreamed that "Ahnenerbe" would begin to bring
practical benefits. In a letter sent by Professor Wirth to one of his relatives in 1936, he
complained about his fate in the following terms:

"Unfortunately, mutual misunderstanding is deepening between me and the SS

Reichsfuhrer. Three years ago I was happy to find in him a kindred spirit and a high
patron for my undertaking. Now I detect signs of a certain impatience in him.
Although our research is bearing fruit, and the fruits are rich and amazing, this does
not satisfy the Reichsfuhrer at all. I can't figure out what he wants. He talks about
some kind of "practical effect" from our actions. But what can be the practical effect
of our research, other than the amazing knowledge that we receive again and again?
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 32

Ultimately, Ahnenerbe is not a tank factory and cannot rearm the Wehrmacht
materially, its tasks lie in the field of ideology. When I say this to the Reichsfuhrer,
he agrees, but continues to bend his line. I hate to think about how all this can end."

And everything ended very simply – in 1937, simultaneously with the inclusion of
the "Ancestral Heritage" in the SS system, Wirth was deprived of his post. At first,
mindful of his past achievements, he was left under house arrest, but then, when the
Second World War came close to the sad end for Germany, he was destroyed in one of
the concentration camps.
The academic scientist could not understand one simple thing: Himmler's
fascination with ancient history and the occult sciences was by no means platonic. The
Reichsfuhrer craved power and expected that this power would be given to him by the
"Heritage of his ancestors." When Wirth did not understand what was wanted of him, he
was instantly replaced by a more suitable person.
On Sievers? – you ask. Yes, at first I also thought that it was so. But almost
immediately I doubted it: the wrong scale. With all his talents, Sievers was in no way
suitable for the leadership of the "Ancestral Heritage" mosh system. Administrator,
caretaker, communications officer – yes. But not the boss.
And only later, in the shadow of Himmler, I managed to make out the figure who
actually ran all the affairs of the Ahnenerbe after 1937. This man had many names. Let's
just call him a Magician.

The Magician

Karl Maria Willigut was born on December 10, 1866 in Vienna. Following the
family tradition, he entered a military school, and in 1884 became an officer of the
valiant Austrian army. By 1903, he had risen to the rank of captain. In general, he had
every chance to become one of thousands and thousands of unremarkable soldiers
pulling a dull army strap. If it weren't for one thing: literary talent and the associated
ambition. Willigut begins, as befits any novice writer, with poems. And then more solid
works appear – in 1903, a whole treatise on mythology was published. Trying at first to
balance on the edge of literary creativity and science, Willigut, ultimately, cannot hold
on to any of these spheres. He chooses the third way, which was very popular at that
time, and, in fact, even now: he begins to engage in non-traditional, occult sciences.
Willigut was also pushed on this path by the history of his family, which he learned
by chance. The young officer did not even suspect until a certain moment that he
belonged to a very ancient clan that the Catholic Church persecuted and anathematized
for heresy and paganism back in the Middle Ages. Since then, the Villiguts were
considered a "cursed family", although this reputation gradually began to be forgotten
by the XIX century. Unlike the fictional story of Liebenfels, the past of the Willigut
family was authentic, except that it was slightly embellished with all sorts of legends
and legends. But how, without it?
And so Willigut begins to greedily absorb the knowledge concerning his family.
Naturally, it is impossible to do without studying all kinds of secret knowledge. The
captain joins the Masonic lodge, in which he quickly reaches the top of the hierarchy –
becomes the first chancellor. Here he is given a new name – Lobesam, which he will
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 33

use from time to time throughout his life. However, in 1909, the paths of Willigut and
the Masons diverge. The fact is that the first chancellor tried to significantly change the
doctrine of the lodge, turning it into a kind of pagan order. He claimed that the relevant
knowledge was obtained by him from distant ancestors who contact him from the
afterlife, and in general he has a generic memory that allows him to remember
everything that happened to members of his clan for thousands of years. In 1908, he
formulated his doctrine that God is everything that surrounds us, he includes spirit,
matter and energy, he is cause and effect. The whole world is in continuous and eternal
motion. In general, there was nothing particularly new in these ideas, so Willigut failed
to captivate anyone with their originality.
For a while, the activity of the Villigut subsides. Apparently, he replenished his
knowledge and formulated a more original teaching. Promoted to major in 1912, he
shows his best side on the fields of the First World War. The bosses can't get enough of
an executive, intelligent officer, who is always accompanied by luck. Promotions and
rewards followed one after another. However, Willigut, of course, could not save the
Austrian army from defeat. After the surrender, he ends his military career and tries to
find himself in a peaceful life.
At this moment, his path intersects with the path of Lanz von Liebenfels. Villigut
comes to the attention of the head of the popular order of the "New Templars". The
winter of 1920-1921 was devoted to close communication between the two mystics.
They found a lot of common ground. Willigut's theory had been developed in some
detail by this point – he claimed to be the heir of an ancient line of German kings, spoke
in detail about the customs and religion of the ancient Germans. It was the Germans, the
retired lieutenant colonel said, who wrote the Bible, the content of which was initially
somewhat different than in the modern version. Later, those who wanted to make the
Germans forget their faith rewrote the holy book and invented a certain Jewish god. He
called this original religion irministic.
The history of the ancient Germans, Willigut said, began more than 200 thousand
years ago. Then there were three suns in the sky, and giants and dwarfs, gnomes and
elves roamed the earth – in short, all the creatures we know from ancient German
legends. Willigut modestly made his own family much less ancient – its history
allegedly began only about 80 thousand years ago, when the city of Gotslar was
founded. It was Willigut's ancestors who created the Irministic religion 12.5 thousand
years ago, the light of which united all Germans. It flourished for 3 thousand years, until
there were competitors heretics who worshipped Wotan. From this moment, the struggle
of the Votanists with the Irminists begins – a struggle that has exhausted both sides and
made them easy prey for newcomers from the east. The Willigut clan gradually lost its
position, having lost the royal throne. His representatives became margraves in Austria,
then lost these possessions. Centuries of wandering through the lands of Eastern Europe
began – in 1242, the Villiguts founded the city of Vilna (modern Vilnius) and created the
Gothic empire, which, however, did not last too long.
But the flight of the retired lieutenant colonel's thoughts was rudely interrupted by
members of his family. In 1924, his wife and daughters send him – where would you
think? That's right, to the psychiatric clinic in Salzburg. Here he is classified as mentally
ill, having been diagnosed with schizophrenia with megalomania and paranoid
disorders, and kept for three long years. At first, Villigut raged, threatened to deal with
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 34

treacherous relatives, but then calmed down, because no one prevented him from
developing his theories further and corresponding with like-minded people all over
Europe. It was with their help that he was released and in 1932 left Austria for Germany,
breaking off all relations with the family that betrayed him. His path lies – and this is
not just a coincidence – in the same Munich. By this point, he is quite well known to the
duck in the circles of mystics and occultists. It is through them that the SS learns about
In 1933 Willigut was introduced to Himmler. Since the old man was able to speak
very convincingly and eloquently (this is noted even in his medical history, which I
managed to get to by hook or by crook), the Reichsfuhrer of the SS was fascinated. The
appointment of Willigut as the head of the Department of Ancient German History of
the Ahnenerbe Institute immediately follows. At the same time, he joins the SS, starting
from the modest position of Hauptsturmfuhrer (captain) and quickly rising to
Gruppenfuhrer (general). At the same time, he appeared in the service records under the
pseudonym Vaystor.
Communication between Willigut and Himmler was very close. Unlike Wirth,
Weistor not only theorizes and studies history and tradition. He also offers all kinds of
projects related to mysticism and the occult sciences. For example, to organize an
expedition in search of an artifact, which, according to legend, gives its owner
superhuman abilities. Or undertake a study of runic texts in search of very ancient, but
ageless wisdom. Such undertakings appeal to the Reichsfuhrer of the SS, who himself
believes in the irrational and is inclined to occult practices. These two have found each
other in the full sense of the word. Soon, Wirth, who did not complain about Willigut,
will become a victim of this friendship, and in his place will come Sivera, who tries not
to contradict the mad old man in anything.
In 1934, Willigut met another kindred spirit – Gunther Kirchhoff, a connoisseur of
ancient German history. Kirchhoff was my father's supervisor and was primarily
engaged in looking for echoes of real events in legends. In addition, he was interested
(at a stunningly amateurish level) in physics and assumed the existence of energy
"lines" and "nodes" that entangle the globe with a network. Where a knot is formed, the
connection of times is strengthened and a great civilization appears. The largest of the
nodes, according to Kirchhoff, is located about 100 kilometers east of Munich, near the
Austrian border.
In 1936, Willigut and Kirchhoff made an expedition to the Black Forest (Black
Forest) – one of the most famous natural complexes in Southern Germany, which is a
mountain range covered with forests, during which they undertake a comprehensive
study of the archaeological monuments there. My father also participated in it. I will
quote from an abridged version of the report on this trip, published in a very limited
"Many ancient monuments have been discovered in the designated area. In
particular, we are talking about stones with runic inscriptions, the remains of ancient
(obviously religious) structures, stone crosses, the age of which is undoubtedly older
than a thousand years. In addition, several monuments of wooden architecture were
explored along the way. A comprehensive study led to the conclusion that about 8
thousand years BC in the Black Forest there was a center of irministic religion. This
center existed at least until the XII century, after which it gradually faded away."
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 35

The first trip was followed by others – all over Germany, friends were looking for
traces of ancient Irminists. Of course, the surroundings of Gotslar were subjected to a
particularly thorough study. A number of Ahnenerbe scientists raised their voices against
the profanation of history, but Himmler silenced them quickly enough. My father seems
to have taken part in these expeditions, but how much he shared his teacher's views is
not entirely clear to me. I think, as a sane person, he treated them very skeptically and
used trips to study real monuments of German antiquity.
However, back to Willigut. Himmler's confidence in him grew. It was he who was
appointed head of the project for the construction of the Wewelsburg Castle – the SS
Order Castle. The castle was conceived as the headquarters of the "black order", its
museum and repository of ancient Germanic traditions. The Fuhrer's "security
detachments", originally created for purely utilitarian purposes, were now, according to
Himmler, to become an analogue of the knightly orders of the Middle Ages. But the
spiritual basis for them was not to be a Christian, but an Irminist faith. When new
members were admitted to the SS, they were initiated in Wewelsburg and had to
renounce their past. At the same time, a complex Irminist ritual was observed. Similar
rituals existed for weddings and funerals. Willigut personally developed them and
submitted them to Himmler for approval. The SS Reichsfuhrer was delighted. Then
there were other holidays: annual meetings of spring, harvest festivals, summer
In 1935, Willigut moved from Munich to Berlin together with the central branch of
Ahnenerbe. His influence on Himmler is growing by leaps and bounds. During these
years, he writes memoirs concerning his family, clarifies the subtleties of irministic
religion, compiles all kinds of mantras, calendars, astrological forecasts... in a word,
there were more than enough cases. Every morning, a company car was waiting for
Willigut under the window, which brought him back home only late at night.
And one could say that life was a success, if not for a thoroughly undermined
health. Old age and serious loads made themselves felt. To keep himself in shape,
Villigut began taking strong medications. This gave only a short-term effect, but at the
same time, destroyed the Willigut's body. Gradually, the old man developed a severe
form of nicotine addiction and alcoholism.
His rivals in the ranks of the SS tried to take advantage of this. Many Ahnenerbe
employees were jealous of Willigut and secretly dreamed of taking his place. The search
for compromising material finally led to a positive result: the story of the old man's
imprisonment in a psychiatric clinic, as well as his old diagnosis, surfaced and were
solemnly presented to Himmler. For the Reichsfuhrer of the SS, this was the strongest
blow: how, after all, his close friend and teacher, the man he trusted so much, turned out
to be a banal lunatic!
In February 1939, Willigut was dismissed from the SS. And then the inexplicable
happens – occupying very high positions in Anenerbe, Willigut knew a lot and, in
theory, was subject to destruction. In principle, the fate of Wirth should have befallen
him. But instead he is left at large, moreover, Elsa Baltrush, one of Himmler's
confidants, is sent to him as a companion, She had to report daily to the Reichsfuhrer of
the SS about the old man's condition.
Why did Himmler behave like this? Sentimentality? Hardly, the Reichsfuhrer never
suffered from it. It seems that the old man's life was under reliable protection, that
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 36

Himmler was afraid to touch him. But why? There are several versions on this score.
One of them is connected with the past of the Villiguts. It is known that they were
anathematized for keeping magical tablets on which pagan rituals were recorded.
According to the legends that have come down to us, these rituals allowed us to gain
great power over the minds of people. Willigut kept these tablets in a secret place that
no one knew about except him. And Himmler, seeking to get valuable property, kept the
old man alive.
But why couldn't the old man be forced to find out the location of the tablets? No
such attempt has been made! Perhaps Himmler still recognized Willigut's magical
abilities and was afraid of him. Or maybe the second version is true – Willigut, even
after leaving Ahnenerbe, did not cease to be Himmler's consultant. When the story of
insanity surfaced, the Reichsfuhrer of the SS hastened to outwardly break the
connection, which could have greatly compromised him. But only outwardly – in fact,
Himmler continued to maintain secret communication with the "magician". And many
of the initiatives taken by Ahnenerbe after 1939 were born precisely thanks to the
recommendations of Willigut…

Ahnenerbe Projects

No matter how difficult it was to get information about the main actors involved in
the creation of Anenerbe, it still turned out to be much easier than investigating the
activities of the institute itself. Because each of the persons appearing on the pages of
this book has left its mark in history, regardless of the deeds of the "Ancestral Heritage".
But the life of the institute itself is a mystery shrouded in darkness. And someone
diligently protects this secret to this day. And it's not just about archival funds that have
fallen into the hands of the Russians. During one of my trips to Germany, while working
in the archives there, I almost managed to grab the most valuable materials by the tail.
But it didn't work out ... it happened like this: in the catalog of archival affairs, there
was a card that was quite innocent at first glance. On it stood: "Funds of the historical
management of the SS. Volume 1". I knew perfectly well that there was no historical
management in the SS, of course, and we are talking about someone's banal mistake.
Most likely, some documents of "Ahnenerbe" got into the case. I immediately requested
these materials and three hours later I could be convinced of the correctness of my
assumptions. The documents related to Operation Grail, and I worked with them until
the archive was closed. What was my surprise when, returning there the next morning, I
found neither the card nor the case! The archive staff just shrugged their shoulders: the
most intelligible thing I heard from them was that the case had been selected for transfer
to another, specialized archive. However, they could not tell me the name and address of
the profile archive, but they accidentally let slip that several more similar cases had
"gone" with it. I could only bite my elbows…
However, not all of my searches ended in such a sad fiasco. Otherwise, I think you
wouldn't be holding this book in your hands. Quite often fortune smiled on me too. I
learned about operations that shocked the imagination, about secret expeditions, about
mysterious finds. However, I will tell you about everything in order.

Cathars and the Grail

Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 37

One of Ahnenerbe's first secret projects was Operation Grail. Her idea was
submitted personally by Hitler. Carried away by romantic legends about the Holy Grail
and the knights of the Round Table who devoted themselves to its search, he dreamed of
recreating something similar in the modern world. As a matter of fact, the SS Order
itself was to become the embodiment of the Order of the Round Table. Such a table, by
the way, stood in the Wewelsburg Castle – Himmler's favorite brainchild – and was used
for the most direct purpose: meetings of the highest ranks of the SS and all sorts of
mystical ceremonies took place behind it.
But how did Hitler manage to combine fascination with the Holy Grail with hatred
of Christianity? Indeed, in his contradictory nature, these two tendencies hardly got
along. "I had no reason," the Fuhrer would later say, "to admire all these insignificant
knights who dishonored their Aryan blood by following all the superstitions of the Jew
Jesus." Hitler thought for a long time about solving this riddle and, in the end, found a
way out: The Grail, he said, is not a Christian shrine at all. The legend that this is a cup
with the blood of Jesus Christ was invented later. In fact, the Grail is of much older
origin than Christianity, it is at least ten thousand years old.
What is the Grail? Hitler could not answer this question exactly. Obviously, we
must be talking about some kind of Aryan shrine. Perhaps it is a stone with runic
inscriptions, on which the main events of the true history of mankind, not distorted by
the Jews, or the foundations of the Aryan religion are recorded. In general, it was about
the Aryan shrine, which the knights of the Round Table kept precisely because of their
origin, and not because of the Christian faith.

"What can such a path of initiation have in common with a Jewish carpenter
from Nazareth? – Hitler declared. – With this rabbi, whose upbringing was based on
submission and love for one's neighbor and whose goal was only to forget the will to
survive? No, indeed, the trials associated with the search for the Grail and designed
to awaken the latent capabilities of a person with pure blood had nothing to do with
Christianity! The virtues of the Grail were inherent in all Aryan peoples. Christianity
has added here only the seeds of degeneracy, such as forgiveness of insults, self-
denial, weakness, submission and even rejection of the laws of evolution
proclaiming the survival of the fittest, the bravest and the most dexterous."

Did the Holy Grail really exist? Hitler quite admitted that yes. But then it is
absolutely possible that he was able to "live" to this day. Indeed, the legends say nothing
about the destruction of the relic, but only mention that it was carefully hidden. To try to
find the Holy Grail – this was the task set by the Fuhrer before the Ahnenerbe Institute.
A letter from Hitler to Wirth, dated October 24, 1934, was found in a folder with
documents that was given to me by a lucky chance in the archive. In it, in particular, it

"Dear Mr. Wirth, The rapid growth of your institute and the successes it has been
able to achieve recently give grounds for optimism. I believe that now Anenerbe is
ready to cope with more serious tasks than those that have been set before it so far.
We are talking about the search for the so-called Holy Grail, which, according to my
opinion, is a real-life relic of our Aryan ancestors. To search for this artifact, you can
use additional funds in the required amount."
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 38

To fulfill the task set by the Fuhrer, Wirth was given very broad powers.
However, he would hardly have been able to achieve anything if it hadn't been for
another person who was no less interested in finding the Holy Grail than Hitler. His
name was Otto Ran.
Ran was relatively young – he was born on February 18, 1904 – and therefore did
not even have time to take part in the battles of the First World War. While his peers
eagerly followed the situation at the front, Otto was fascinated by the history and creed
of one of the largest heretical sects – the Cathars. He continued his studies in the 1920s,
entering the university.
Who are the Cathars? This heretical sect appeared in Southern France in the XII
century. They believed that there are two principles in the world, two gods – good and
evil. Moreover, it was the evil god who created our material world. The Cathars denied
all Christian attributes – the cross, icons, statues, did not recognize the sacraments of the
Catholic Church. The existence of hell and heaven, the doctrine of the Last Judgment,
were also rejected by them. Instead of Christian Cathars, they developed their own
rituals, their own system of sacred symbols. And one of the central places in it, oddly
enough, was occupied by the Grail.
At a time when the Catholic Church had completely discredited itself, the Cathar
heresy began to spread rapidly across Europe. More and more people – not only poor
peasants and apprentices, but also noble knights and counts – followed their teachings.
The situation was becoming dangerous for the Vatican, and in 1209 Pope Innocent II
declared a crusade against the Cathars. He was almost too late: in order to eradicate
heresy, it took more than half a century, it was so deeply embedded in the minds and
hearts of people. In the end, however, the Cathars were defeated, and the remnants of
their army besieged in the impregnable castle of Montsegur – and the main sanctuary.
Montsegur lasted more than a year and was taken only with great difficulty. In 1244,
mass executions officially ended the Cathar heresy.
But what does the Grail have to do with it? The fact is that, according to
fragmentary information that has come down to our days, the Cathars did not worship
the Grail in an abstract way – the sacred object was located in the main sanctuary of
Montsegur. Where he went afterwards is unknown, but Ran reasonably assumed that the
Cathars hid the Grail, and so securely that no one could find it, or the finder managed to
hide his find well enough. In 1928-1929, the Russian Academy of Sciences went on a
long trip to the "Qatari" places of France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. To the greatest
extent, his attention is attracted, of course, by the ruins of Montsegur, which are located
near the village of Lavlan. There are many caves in the mountains surrounding the
ruins, and Ran systematically explored them for three months.
An important role in the fate of the young German was played by acquaintance
with another specialist in Qatar – Antonin Gabal, who was much older than Ran and
managed to accumulate a lot of valuable information during his life. Gabal was looking
for another shrine of the Cathars – the Gospel of John – and therefore two fanatical
researchers were able to become not competitors, but partners. Gabal's rich experience
and knowledge and Rana's sharp analytical mind made a brilliant combination.
Ran explored the Pyrenean caves week after week – however, without much
visible results. And indeed, the haphazard search for the Grail (which Ran did not even
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 39

really know what it was, in fact) in the mountain range strongly resembled an attempt to
find the notorious needle in a haystack. It was necessary to find some solution, some
method, to get the key to solving the mystery.
And Ran sat down again for the manuscripts of the Cathars. The materials
provided by Gabal provided him with invaluable assistance. Among them was a fairly
detailed plan of the castle of Montsegur. Studying it, Ran suddenly discovered that it
completely coincides with the description of the legendary Monsalvat Mountain, where
the relic is hidden. So the Grail is in the immediate vicinity of the castle, if not in the
castle itself! Continuing the study of Montsegur, Ran discovered that the castle is
geometrically perfect and, if not for individual moments, would represent a perfectly
symmetrical building. On the one hand, such errors were quite normal for the level of
architectural skill of the XII century. And yet something about these deviations from
symmetry–the missing corridors and rooms–did not give the Wound rest. Until he asked
himself the question: who said there really aren't any?
Indeed, if you finish the plan so that the castle acquires perfect symmetry, several
rooms will appear on the plan that supposedly never existed. Ran suggested that these
secret underground passages and halls are simply buried under a pile of ruins and it is in
them that the relic is hidden. Together with Gabal and several other enthusiastic
assistants from among the local peasants, he takes up work. And then something
incomprehensible happens.
The wound really manages to discover underground passages, the existence of
which no one suspected. They led to sacred caves, the entrance to which "outside" had
long been blocked by avalanches. Traces of people from many eras have been preserved
in these natural grottoes – from the Neanderthals, who decorated the walls with their
simple drawings, to the Cathars, who turned them into their sanctuaries. This is how
Ran describes these caves:
"In immemorial times, in that distant epoch, which has barely been touched by
modern historical science, the grotto was used as a temple dedicated to the Iberian god
Illhomber, the god of the Sun. Between two monoliths, one of which has collapsed, a
steep path leads to the giant vestibule of the Lombriv Cathedral. Between the
stalagmites of white limestone, between the dark brown, sparkling rock crystal walls,
the path leads down into the very depths of the mountain. The hall, about 80 meters
high, served as a cathedral for heretics."
Here, Ran made another discovery: the walls of the caves were covered with,
among other inscriptions and drawings, the symbols of the Templars! So, the Knights
Templar were indeed associated with heretics and may have guarded the Holy Grail for
many years after the destruction of Montsegur! After returning from the expedition, Ran
devoted several books to these issues. Unfortunately, he wrote, the Holy Grail could not
be found. So it is still considered. But I, using the simplest logic, want to question this
Let's assume that Ran really didn't find the Grail. What would such a fanatical
researcher do? Of course, I would organize a new expedition in the hope of success! Or,
completely disappointed due to failures, in principle, he would have abandoned his
research. But Ran doesn't do either! He continues his research on the history of the
Cathars, but is no longer looking for the Grail – this is how only a person who has
achieved his goal behaves.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 40

Let's assume that the Grail has been found after all. What prevented Rana from
making his discovery public?
We can only make assumptions about this. Perhaps the Grail turned out to be the
carrier of some information that seemed too shocking to the Wound, and he was slow to
publish it. Perhaps he wanted to collect as much information as possible first and give
his discovery a decent "shell". Anyway, in 1934, when Hitler sent his letter to Wirth (in
fact, an order), no one even guessed that the Grail had been found and was at the
And they only needed to read the customs declarations that the scientist filled out
when crossing the Franco-German border in 1929. Among other items, they listed "a
copper boiler for a high-power steam installation." Tell me, please, why would an
archaeologist need a steam boiler? Only in order to hide some rather large object in it
from prying eyes. Apparently, this is how the Grail got to Germany.
Rahn's books attracted the attention of the Ahnenerbe and Himmler personally. He
was invited to first cooperate with the institute, and then become its full-time employee.
In 1936, Otto Ran officially joined the SS.
The young scientist's promotion through the ranks went at an incredible speed. In
1937, he took part in a major expedition "Ahnenerbe" to Iceland, aimed at finding the
legendary land of Thule. As part of the expedition, the Russian Academy of Sciences
solves its task – looking for traces of being on the far northern island of the Cathars,
though without much success.
And in 1938, a young scientist, making a brilliant career, falls out of favor. The
reasons for this are as mysterious as many other things in the turbulent and eventful life
of the Wound. There are several versions about why this happened.
The first version says that the Ras tried to restore the religion of the Cathars within
the SS and even seems to have achieved some success in this direction. This seems to be
true – according to the testimony of many contemporaries, Ran really at some point
began to profess the faith of the Cathars. If he had done it quietly, without attracting
anyone's attention, everything would have been fine. But Ran openly propagandized his
views, seriously at odds with Hitler's theory. In particular, he said that it is necessary to
avoid a European war at any cost, that on the basis of ancient religion, ancient values,
the revival and unification of Europe are possible.
He rejected the harsh persecution of dissidents, allowed negative statements about
concentration camps. In one of his letters, he spoke with pain about how hard it was for
him to observe everything that was happening in Germany.
"I am saddened by the way things are going in my country. Two weeks ago I was in Munich. In
two days I would prefer to go to my mountains. It is impossible for a tolerant, liberal person like me to
live in a country like my homeland has become. I am ashamed of the black uniform that I have to wear,
and I dream of getting rid of it."

Deliverance has happened. Ran submitted his resignation and left, pursued by many false
rumors. According to some, his parents turned out to be Jews, according to others, the young scientist
was convicted of homosexuality. But in this case – just as if the Ras had revealed obvious political
unreliability – he would have been thrown into one of the German concentration camps without any
pity, and the young man would have turned into ashes. This did not happen, Ran could safely walk
free. However, Ran complained to his loved ones that he felt constantly threatened, that his life was in
great danger. The premonitions did not deceive the young scientist: in the spring of 1939, while skiing
on the slopes of the Tyrolean mountains, he was buried by an avalanche.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 41

The official version –death by accident– was soon overshadowed by another, semi-
official one: suicide. They recalled that in the religion of the Cathars, unlike
Christianity, suicide is allowed, moreover, it is almost encouraged as a way to overcome
a sinful and perishable earthly existence. Obviously, this version was used to make
people forget the obvious: Ran wanted to live and was afraid of death. Therefore, we are
talking about a real murder.
Let's postpone the search for the killers for a while. Let's ask ourselves: for what
purpose was the fact of the murder itself hidden, why did it take such a complicated way
to kill? Obviously, there can be only one answer: The wound was feared. He knew too
And the second question: where did the Grail disappear after Rana's death? It is
easier to answer it than it seems. The awl is extremely difficult to hide in a bag, and in
the early 40s, rumors spread throughout Germany that the Grail was kept among other
relics in the SS Wewelsburg Order castle. After the defeat of Germany, it was officially
announced that in fact there was nothing of value in the cellars of the castle, and the
word "Grail" meant a large piece of rock crystal. Plausible? To be honest, not really.
Why would the SS drag rock crystal into their lair, and even call it the Grail? It's like
putting a bag of trash in your dresser and calling it a "jewelry box." Therefore, two
options remain: either Himmler's employees were clinical idiots (which I hardly
believe), or the Grail was really in the vaults of Wewelsburg, but they carefully tried to
hide it. Where he went after the war is a separate question, we will return to him later,
but for now we will turn to the fate of the Wound.
So, in 1934, Hitler had no idea where the Grail really was. And he was at the
At the end of the 30s, the Grail safely migrated to the vaults of Wewelsburg. What
happened? It is logical to assume that the Nazis somehow became aware of who keeps
the Grail in their bins. And it is quite natural that they were seriously offended by Ran
for trying to hide the relic. This could be the main reason for the disgrace and the
mysterious death of the Wound.
It would be possible to calm down on this, if not for the third version. The fact is
that in the unpublished manuscripts of the Wound, which I got to in a completely
unthinkable way, there is one powerful and mysterious organization that could take the
sin of killing a scientist on its soul. An organization closely associated with both the
Catholic Church, Freemasonry and the Nazi elite. We are talking about the Priory of
The priory is known to the modern book lover except for the works of Dan Brown.
The American writer, however, heard the ringing, but does not know where he is. He
turned the Priory of Sion into an organization hostile to the Catholic Church. In fact, it
was exactly the opposite.
In the course of his research, Ras came across the manuscripts of the Cathars
written in an incomprehensible cipher. After many months of work, he managed to
uncover this cipher. And before the surprised scientist, new sides of a seemingly long-
forgotten story were revealed. It turns out that the Cathars had connections not only
with the Templars.
The heretics had a whole network of their "agents of influence" – those famous
troubadours, wandering musicians who sang about love. This is how Otto Ran himself
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 42

described his discovery.

When we talk about the religion of love of the troubadours, about the initiated
knights of the Grail, we must try to discover what lies behind their language. In those
days, the word "love" was not meant what we mean today. The word "love" (Amor) was
a cipher, it was a code word. Amor, if read from right to left, is Roma (Rome). That is,
this word meant that, as it was written, the opposite of Rome, everything that Rome
embodied. In addition, Amor can be divided into two parts: A mor (without death),
which means the possibility of immortality, eternal life. This is esoteric, solar
Christianity. That's why Rome (Roma) destroyed the Love (Amor) of the Cathars, the
Templars, the guardians of the Grail, the Minnesingers (minstrels).
There was also an indication in these texts of the forces that opposed the Cathars.
And the first was the mysterious Priory of Sion, to which the lion's share of the
encrypted pages was dedicated. Ran undertook to investigate it – and discovered a
whole layer of European history, carefully hidden from our eyes.
It turned out that the Priory of Sion is a secret order that operates "in tandem" with
the Catholic Church. But if the church acts openly, then the Priory is an extremely
secretive secret society that does not restrict itself by the conventions of the creed. The
Priory's task was something that the official Church could not cope with – to establish
full control over the minds and souls of people. Shortly after its creation in the XI
century, the Priory tried to create its own state, and chose the land of Palestine for this.
The famous Crusades were initiated and financed by this organization, the crusading
kings are actually the highest officials of the Priory.
When this valiant initiative was nipped in the bud by the Arabs (by the way, since
then the Priory has been desperately fighting Islam; the modern hotbed of tension in the
Middle East is largely his handiwork), the leadership of the Priory decided to organize
its "secret state". However, some of them did not want to serve not too pure goals and
left the order, founding the Cathar movement. It is clear that they were doomed to
destruction for two reasons at once – they knew too much and resisted.
When the Cathars were finished, the order faced a new threat.
The Knights Templar, initially the main military pillar of the order, rebelled and
began to claim independence. They also had to be destroyed. Only after that, an internal
reform took place in the order, which finally fixed its foundations.
The head of the order was the Grand Master. Many amazing, legendary
personalities have visited this position – Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac
Newton, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy. The Master is surrounded by a narrow circle of
confidants – the so–called Sighted - only they know who is in charge the head of the
order. The lower level – Initiates – those who do not know the identity of the Grand
Master, but are deeply enough initiated into the affairs of the order. These two highest
levels form, strictly speaking, the basis of the order – people get here only after careful
selection, and the only reason for their departure from the order is death. The two lowest
layers are those who serve the Priory, unaware of its true goals and objectives. These are
people invested with power (politicians, financiers, military leaders) and simple
"cannon fodder", expendable human material.
A member of the Priory–and an Initiate, if not a Sighted One–was Haushofer.
Apparently, it was he who suggested that the order support Hitler. Historians are still
surprised: how could a dwarf nationalist party, which had a bunch of competitors, reach
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 43

unprecedented heights in a few years? What made industrialists and financiers give her
multimillion-dollar subsidies? Apparently, this can only be explained by the influence of
the Priory – and nothing else.
The Priory reached out directly to the Nazi leaders, and a certain agreement was
concluded between the two sides. Obviously, the creation of a certain state in Southern
France was envisaged, where the Priory would be able to realize its thousand-year-old
dream of its own territory.
Further, it is not by chance that after the defeat of France in 1940, Germany
occupied only the northern part of it, and left the puppet government of Petain in the
south. According to the available data, both Petain and the head of his cabinet Laval
were executors of the Priory's will. This is evidenced by the rapid activity that the
Priory of Sion developed in Southern France in the early 1940s. At the risk of breaking
the conspiracy, the order even published its own magazine "Venkr". Subsequently, there
was a lot of talk that this magazine was organized by the Resistance movement, since
some of the material in it had a frankly anti-German character. However, this, to put it
mildly, does not quite correspond to the truth. Firstly, the magazine, unlike other
publications of the Resistance, was published on fine paper, which could not be
obtained anywhere except from the Germans. Secondly, it will not be possible to find
any particularly anti–German statements there, even with a strong desire - I personally
looked through the entire file of "Venkra" and found there only what I expected to find:
the hidden preparation of readers for the establishment of the secular power of the
clergy. In particular, many articles are devoted to the experience of theocracy, which
you interpret exclusively positively. The Priory of Sion was preparing a favorable
ground for itself.
The Priory was closely connected with the "Ahnenerbe", primarily through specific
employees of the institute, who were at the same time Initiates of the order. The most
interesting thing is that the Priory was also active in the Western countries – members of
the anti-Hitler coalition. Apparently, this explains the desire to hide some facts of the
history of the Third Reich.
How deep could Ran penetrate into the secrets of the Priory of Sion? We probably
won't know that ever again. In any case, he had learned enough to doom himself to
certain death. And take with them to the grave many secrets, the solution of which we
are still looking for.

"The Rose and the Cross"

Operation Rose and Cross began in 1935. Its essence is quite simple – the
Anenerbe Institute studied the legacy of the famous Rosicrucian Order. Modern
Rosicrucians were of little interest to the Nazis – it was believed that the order had
degenerated and could not be the guardian of ancient knowledge.
The history of the order goes back to the Middle Ages. The Rosicrucians tried to
overcome the barrier between science and religion within the framework of their
brotherhood. The Church reacted rather nervously to these attempts, and the
Rosicrucians had to go underground. It was in their midst that many outstanding
alchemists appeared. In addition, the Rosicrucians studied in detail the capabilities of
the human body and came to the conclusion that each of us, in addition to the physical
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 44

body, has a spiritual body, an energetic one – the contents of our soul. It is as if it is
"attached" to the physical body at certain points, called "nails". If you learn to "pull out"
these "nails", then a person can exist outside of his mortal body, travel to other worlds.
True, true astral travel is available only to a few initiates of the highest rank – this
position can be achieved only after many years of diligent practice in the ranks of the
order. Nazi scientists were especially interested in this discovery of the Rosicrucians
and made numerous experiments related to the energy body, and often these were
experiments that were very life-threatening. In such cases, prisoners from the
concentration camp were used.
In their experiments, scientists from the "Ancestral Heritage" managed to achieve
some success. But rather limited: they failed to ensure eternal life for the soul of any of
the Nazi leaders. But the teaching about the energy body included many other aspects
concerning the development of personal abilities. I will quote an excerpt from a report
that in the spring of 1938 lay on the table personally to Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich

"Already the first experiments carried out within the framework of the operation "Rose and
Cross" have given a certain positive result. A group of volunteers was able to seriously improve their
abilities, develop their senses.
Although cardinal breakthroughs have not been achieved to date, all experts agree that such
breakthroughs can be achieved in the near future. The methods we have discovered can be used in a
variety of fields, in particular for the training of Wehrmacht personnel. The ability to control your
energy body will seriously improve the combat capability of our soldiers."

However, it never came to the introduction of Rosicrucian practices into the

German infantry training program. "All the experts" hastened with their optimistic
conclusions. Equally unsuccessful was another ambitious program dedicated to the art
of medieval alchemists. The Rosicrucians, among other things, struggled to create a
"philosopher's stone" – a substance that was supposed to turn any metal into gold.
According to some reports, some of the alchemists managed to achieve good results.
The specialists of the Anenerbe Institute, which even created a special chemical
department, needed not only gold. The World War was approaching, and Germany was
threatened with the fate of being again in an economic blockade. The supply of a
number of extremely important metals for military production would be interrupted. To
reproduce them with the help of Rosicrucian recipes is exactly what the leaders of the
"Ancestral Heritage" wanted. However, the experiments did not lead to any positive
Why am I talking about these failed experiments? The fact is that the Third Reich –
and with it the "Ahnenerbe" – existed for only 12 years, an insignificant period by
historical standards. Many studies require much longer time. The first results – and the
results are encouraging – have been obtained. If the history of the Ancestral Heritage
had allowed the employees another dozen years, perhaps they would have been able to
come to unexpected, amazing discoveries.
Or maybe someone else has already come to these discoveries?

Prophecies of Nostradamus
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 45

Michel Nostradamus, a medieval French fortune teller, has been stirring people's
minds for several centuries. His popularity has not waned to this day. Go to any
bookstore and ask the sellers – they will surely bring you at least one (and most likely
not one) book dedicated to the prophecies of Nostradamus.
The "Heritage of the ancestors" did not remain aloof from this trend. It must be
said that the leaders of the Nazi Party were more than superstitious people. Hitler
himself surrounded himself with a whole staff of astrologers, to whose predictions he
was often more attentive than to intelligence reports and the opinion of his own
generals. Himmler did not lag behind either: he considered the existence of "prophets"
an integral feature of Aryan cultures and, like an ancient leader, surrounded himself with
astrologers. In the negative attitude of Christians to astrology, he saw another proof that
reading the future by the stars is an ancient Germanic science.
"Ahnenerbe" took up the study of the legacy of Nostradamus in the late 1930s.
There were several goals of such a study. Firstly, the predictor was widely used for
propaganda purposes. Here is what, for example, Walter Schellenberg, the head of SS
foreign intelligence, wrote about this in his memoirs.

"An example of how we were able to direct the flow of refugees in the right direction for us in
Northern France, and somewhat later in the Paris area, is a nondescript-looking brochure we produced
containing the gloomy prophecies of the medieval astrologer Nostradamus. This brochure was
distributed to the French population through our agents by radio and dropped from airplanes. We have
chosen those quotes in which Nostradamus predicted the appearance of "machines spewing smoke and
fire" that will fly over cities with a roar, bringing terror and destruction to people.
On our own behalf, we added a "prophecy" that only the south and south-east of France will be
saved from these disasters. After that, the panic-stricken masses of refugees moved in the direction we
suggested. Thus, the German troops received the desired freedom of movement, while the
communications of the French army were paralyzed."

There were many other cases that Schellenberg does not mention. Which, however,
is not surprising, because in the process of interpreting the prophecies of Nostradamus,
the Nazi elite itself believed in its own fairy tales, they seemed so convincing. Take, for
example, such a prophecy:

"The throwing fire machine

Disturb the beleaguered great leader.
There will be such a riot inside,
That the vanquished will fall into despair."

What is it about? Experts from the "Ancestral Heritage" authoritatively stated: of

course, about the destruction of Britain! "Flying fire machine" – what can it be, other
than a bomber combat aircraft dropping this "flying fire" on enemy cities? The
"beleaguered Great Leader" is none other than Churchill. Bombing English cities will
cause a riot among the civilian population, which will make any resistance meaningless.
True, the experts of the Ancestral Heritage preferred to keep silent about the fact
that in the Middle Ages the most ordinary catapult was called a "flying fire machine",
which fired projectiles soaked in a combustible compound and set on fire before firing.
Such "fireballs" were widely used during sieges of cities. However, even if this
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 46

circumstance would have been revealed, the Anenerbe expert had another prophecy in
store, seemingly speaking about the same thing. It sounded like this:

"They will see how

the British people will change seven times,
Painted with blood in the two hundred and ninetieth year, –
Not free at all, but thanks to German support,
Aries is afraid of his breadth in Bastarnia."

The term of 290 years was counted from 1649, the execution of King Charles I,
which was interpreted as "the first bloodshed of the British people." Further "changes"
occurred during the events of the English Revolution, the Restoration and the new
overthrow of the Stuart monarchs, the Napoleonic Wars and the Chartist movement. So,
in 1939, there will be a stronger shock to the British people – so Dr. Kritzinger argued
in his book, which was published even before the Nazis came to power. Moreover, this
crisis will be connected with Poland – "Bastarnia" in Ancient Rome was called the area
of Eastern Europe adjacent to the Baltic Sea. As for Aries, it is, according to the old
astrological treatises, a symbol of Britain. What could be clearer!
When the walls of the "Ahnenerbe" became seriously interested in Nostradamus,
Kritzinger's book came to court as well as possible. And in the autumn of 1939, when
the Second World War began with the German attack on Poland, which caused a serious
political crisis in Britain, prediction experts rejoiced: it turns out that with the help of
Nostradamus' prophecies, it is really possible to foresee the future! Since then, there has
been a special department within the institute dealing with predictions and prophecies.
Not only Hitler and Himmler were interested in the work of the department. The
Minister of Propaganda of the Third Reich, the notorious Dr. Goebbels, also turned
here. Goebbels asked to prepare for him a set of prophecies of Nostradamus, which
would talk about the imminent triumph of Germany. And such work, indeed, was
carried out in the first half of 1940. It was led by the famous astrologer Karl Kraft.
Fame came to Kraft in the fall of 1939. Prior to that, he was engaged in private
practice, compiled horoscopes by order of Berliners – wealthy and not so wealthy. But
then, in the process of regular research, it was revealed to him that in the period from
November 7 to November 10, 1939, the Fuhrer's life would be in danger. As a loyal
German, he sent a warning letter to Hitler personally. At first they didn't pay attention to
him. But when on November 8, the Fuhrer only by pure chance did not die as a result of
an assassination attempt, they remembered about the letter.
The Gestapo took over the Kraft case. However, it quickly became clear that the
eccentric astrologer had nothing to do with the preparation of the assassination attempt.
Kraft generally gave the impression of a man out of this world, and the attitude towards
him quickly changed. He was declared, almost a prophet, arranged an audience with the
leaders of the Reich. Then Kraft was enlisted in the ranks of "Ahnenerbe" and even
almost appointed head of the entire andrology department. Only the obvious resistance
of the astrologer himself and the obvious lack of even a shadow of "bossy" talents
forced him to confine himself to the position of "leading expert".
After preparing a set of prophecies that were widely used by Nazi propaganda,
Kraft finally found himself in favor. Most of all, Rudolf Hess favored him – Hitler's
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 47

closest associate, his "shadow", Nazi No. 3. A man with a complex character, not
indifferent to astrology and mysticism, Hess was used to consulting a soothsayer in
everything. At the same time, he was strongly influenced by the Haushofer family.
It is not known by whose advice, but one day Hess decided to take on a historic
mission of great importance – to reconcile Germany and Britain. To do this, he believed,
little was needed – just to personally appeal to those forces in England who did not like
the war. On May 10, 1940, Hess flew to England to carry out his "peace mission". There
are many mysteries connected with this flight, which we will not dwell on. In any case,
the mission ended in failure – the British did not listen to Hess and treated him as a
prisoner of war. And if for a certain time Hitler associated some hopes with the flight of
his pet, then after their obvious collapse he was forced to pretend that he knew nothing
about Hess' intentions. It was officially stated that Nazi No. 3 made his flight in a fit of
insanity. Here's what Schellenberg will write about it in his memoirs.

"According to intelligence, it was established that Hess maintained strong ties

with astrologers ... and that his flight was made in accordance with the calculations
of astrologers. After that, the mass arrests carried out by Mueller captured these
people as well… Hess constantly quoted the statements of ancient soothsayers and
the predictions of seers such as Nostradamus... At the same time he referred to
previously compiled horoscopes, the predictions of which, in his opinion, confirm
his personal fate, the fate of his family and the whole of Germany."

It was astrologers who were ultimately made scapegoats. The astrological

department of "Ahnenerbe" was dispersed, Kraft was put in a concentration camp. They
say that shortly before his arrest, he predicted an imminent war with Russia – and it
again came true! Maybe that's why he was placed not in an ordinary barrack with
hundreds of other prisoners, but in a comfortable solitary cell, was released from any
work, received enhanced nutrition. About once a month, a large black car came for
Kraft, which took him to Berlin for a couple of days – for consultations with Himmler,
and possibly with the Fuhrer himself. In the spring of 1945, when the collapse of
Germany became obvious, Kraft was successfully put to death.
What did the chief astrologer of Ahnenerbe know that should not have fallen into
the hands of the allies? What did he manage to find in the prophecies of Nostradamus,
what is the right key to choose for them? Riddles, riddles again…

Veles 's Books

Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 48


1. In vain we forget our valor of the old times and go somewhere unknown. And
so here we are
2. We look backwards and say: "Are we really ashamed of the Nav, the Rule and
the Reality of the nobility and
3. all around vedati and go to the mind (or: "think")." Then God created an egg
for us, which is the light of dawn
4. we are radiant. And in that abyss, God hung our land, so that it was kept.
OD IRU… /…/
5. Then the souls of the forefathers are, and they shine dawns to us from Iria…
7. Rule is unknowingly arranged by God and
8. along it, as it hides, Reality flows, and she created our life, and if she departs,
death will be. Reality is current, and it is created in the Rule. Nav
9. there is after them. Before that there is a Nav and after that there is a Nav. And
in the Rule there is Reality. Let's learn
OWN, and HE is OUR OWN, and we will SEE him ON THE STAKE
10. To the old, and we will cast our souls into him, for there is our own, which
from God goes to the Stake
11. us. If you have seen the God–creating power in yourself, then it is given - a
gift from the Gods, and I will not need it –
12. I eat, because that is in vain. Then the souls of our forefathers from Iria are angry at us, and
out of pity
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 49

13. they cry and arise (?) to us that we did not take care of the Rule, the Nav and the Reality, and
do not take care of
14. God's, laughing at that. That is true: we are not worthy to be even God's grandchildren.

The Institute "Heritage of Ancestors" was engaged, however, not only in the
subjects of German antiquity. This is eloquently demonstrated by the story of the so–
called Veles Books - one of the most interesting and controversial historical documents.
Let's start from the beginning. After the revolution of 1917, a Civil War broke out
in Russia, in which the red communists, led by Lenin, fought against the whites who
defended the tsarist government. One of the largest leaders of the whites was General
Anton Denikin, who operated in Southern Russia. His operations developed very
successfully, but up to a certain point. Since 1919, the white armies have been retreating
One of the white units, commanded by a young colonel Fedor Izenbek, stopped in
a small village, the former estate of some landowner. The owners themselves were not
there, but their estate survived. Under her roof, Isenbeck and his staff settled down for
the night. Obviously, before the whites, looters had repeatedly visited here, because the
inside of the house had been looted. In the midst of the general debacle, Isenbeck found
some strange plaques, darkened by dampness and time. Before the revolution, the
colonel was interested in Slavic antiquities and, after looking closely at the tablets,
realized that this was a very ancient "wooden book". Some of its "pages" were seriously
damaged, while others clearly showed strange writings, drawings of people and
animals. The next morning, continuing his retreat, Isenbeck took with him all the tablets
that he could find and collect.
In 1920, the Whites were finally defeated, and many Russians ended up abroad to
escape from possible revenge of the Communists. Isenbeck ended up in Brussels. Here
he met the expert of Russian antiquity, Professor Yuri Mirolyubov. Together they
investigate the mysterious writings and come to the conclusion that the language in
which they are written is a very ancient version of Old Slavonic. It was not difficult to
decipher the writings, and soon the two friends of the researcher with bated breath read
stories about the ancient Slavs, as they were long before they appeared on the well-
known historical scene, about their interaction with the Goths – the ancestors of modern
Germans. The latter circumstance forced Mirolyubov to involve his good friend
Professor Alexander Eck, a German who dealt with ancient Slavic and Germanic tribes,
in the study. However, Eck reacted to these so-called Veles books rather skeptically,
considering them a fake. But his assistant Mark Sheftel became interested in them. After
reviewing the artifact, he recognized it as authentic.
Isenbeck tried to bring his discovery to the public, but he failed.
Moreover, he was considered an adventurer, a manufacturer of fake relics, of
which there were a lot in Europe at that time. After that, Izenbeck kept the tablets at
home, without making any attempts to make their contents public.
Years passed, Sheftel got a job at the Anenerbe Institute, but he did not forget about
the Veles books. In 1940, when German troops occupied Belgium, Sheftel was the first
to ask for a business trip to Brussels. A few days after his arrival in the city, Isenbeck
died under mysterious circumstances. The official heir of Izenbeck was Mirolyubov, but
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 50

the Gestapo, behind whose back the figure of Sheftel is visible, took everything more or
less valuable from the deceased's house. So Veles's books ended up at the Anenerbe
The further fate of the mysterious tablets is unknown. We only know that Sheftel,
within the walls of the Ancestral Heritage, was actively engaged in their research and
even published several articles in a scientific journal published by the institute? In these
articles he wrote that historians now have irrefutable proofs of the primordial
superiority of the Germanic race. The ancient Slavs allegedly wrote about the Goths as
demigods, from whom they borrowed all the achievements of science and culture. In
this regard, the question arises as to how accurately this thesis reflects the content of
ancient books, because it was forbidden to write anything that contradicted Hitler's
racial theory in the Third Reich.
After the war, Sheftel emigrated to the United States, continuing his scientific work
at the University of Cornwall. About the Veles books, he says that it is nothing more
than a fake. A very strange change, isn't it? Moreover, the tablets themselves could not
be found after the war. There were only photocopies of some of them that accidentally
survived in Mirolyubov's personal archive.
In this regard, the question arises again – where are the secret archives of
"Ahnenerbe"? The Russians? The Americans? From some third parties, secret heirs of
the Hitler regime? Or are they hidden in inaccessible caches?
We have yet to find an answer to this question…

"Ancestral heritage" and propaganda

"With the help of skillful propaganda, even the most miserable life can be
presented as paradise and, conversely, the most prosperous one can be painted with the
blackest colors," wrote Hitler in his work Mein Kampf.
Propaganda formed the basis of the existence of the Third Reich, it was thanks to
skillful and skillful propaganda that the head of the NSDAP came to power. Therefore,
it is quite natural that the Ahnenerbe Institute was also connected to the work of Hitler's
propaganda machine.
Historians argue a lot about how a man like Adolf Hitler was able to take power
into his own hands. This is usually explained by purely economic reasons: the global
crisis, the impoverishment of people, the growth of unemployment… All this, they say,
undermined the base on which the Weimar Republic rested, did not allow it to
strengthen. And it all started with the Treaty of Versailles, which left the Germans with a
terrible moral trauma and inspired them with hatred for democracy imposed by the
To some extent, this is true. But a trauma inflicted once tends to be gradually
forgotten. In order for it to continue to remain an open wound, to continue to cause pain
to the Germans, it was necessary to make some efforts. And it was Hitler who was the
one who spread the wounds of the German people, who tried to inflate the scale of
"historical injustice", "national shame", as he portrayed the Treaty of Versailles. Here
are his own words about this:

"As for the "guilt for the war", no one cared about this feeling anymore... almost
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 51

all means were used that... could be expedient for propaganda purposes."

It is Hitler's incredible talent in the field of propaganda that is considered the main
reason for his coming to power. At the same time, the abilities of the future Fuhrer were
especially clearly manifested in the period before 1933, when he still did not have a
monopoly on the printed word. Only by skillful, subtle propaganda could it be possible
to attract more and more new voters who gave their votes to the NSDAP at the next
election. Without technology, as we would say today, "black" and "gray" PR, Hitler
would never have come to power.
At the same time, Hitler himself did not represent anything outstanding. As we
have already said above, he was only a "medium", a conductor of the energy of other
people. Behind his back, the sharks of the press, the owners of newspaper concerns, the
captains of the economy laughed at the nondescript Fuhrer. They laughed until he
became the Fuhrer with unlimited power. As long as he still allowed others to control
him. And the "others" unwisely provided him with a weapon of terrible destructive
power – a whole staff of first-class propagandists, specialists in their field, who would
later form the basis of the propaganda service of the "Ancestral Heritage". Yes,
Ahnenerbe had its own propaganda service, not even controlled by Goebbels – the all-
powerful doctor had to communicate with the institute's specialists on equal terms. And
this is far from accidental, because the people who made up the staff of this service
were those to whom Hitler largely owed his rise to power.
The scale of Hitler's own propaganda talent is well known. He could speak in beer
halls filled with tobacco smoke in the early 1920s, could infect the crowd with his
energy, could intuitively find the right tone, the right words. He would have turned out
to be an excellent local politician, who, perhaps, after the onset of the "period of
stability" in the mid-1920s, would have been successfully forgotten. But it didn't
happen. The head of the NSDAP quickly reached the national level, gained popularity
throughout the country. To do this, he needed to become more than just a talented
speaker. He needed to master the technologies that allowed him to subdue the minds and
souls of millions of people.
The first steps on this path were helped by Haushofer and the Thule Society. But
Hitler made a serious mistake when he tried to take power in 1923. In Landsberg prison,
he had enough time to reflect on his mistakes and move on to new tactics, more
thoughtful, more effective. Strange visitors come to the leader of the Nazis every day –
journalists, scientists, little-known persons of liberal professions. All of them,
apparently, give Hitler advice on how to fight for power after gaining freedom. The
outcome of these meetings is clearly visible in the book "Mein Kampf", some chapters
of which are entirely devoted to the art of propaganda.
So, what should this propaganda be like? Hitler thanks to his mentors learned five
basic principles on which everything else was built.

Firstly, propaganda should always appeal to the feelings, not to the reason of
people. She has to play on emotions that are much stronger than reason. Emotions
cannot be countered with anything, they cannot be defeated by reasonable arguments.
Emotions allow you to influence a person's subconscious, completely control his
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 52

Secondly, propaganda should be simple. As Hitler himself wrote, "any form of
propaganda should be publicly available, its spiritual level is adjusted to the level of
perception of the most limited people." You don't need to be too abstruse, you need to
speak simply and clearly, so that even a village fool can figure everything out.
Thirdly, propaganda should set clear goals for itself. It should be explained to each
person what he needs to strive for, what exactly to do. No semitones, no probabilities,
no alternatives. The picture of the world must necessarily be black and white.

"Maybe only positive or negative, love or hate, right or disenfranchisement,

truth or lie."

Fourth, propaganda should be based on a limited set of basic theses and endlessly
repeat them in a variety of variations.
"Any alternation of them should not change the essence of propaganda, at the end
of the speech one should say the same as at the very beginning of it. Slogans should be
repeated on different pages, and each paragraph of the speech should end with a certain
slogan," Hitler wrote.
The constant repetition of the same thoughts makes people accept them as an
axiom, suppresses any resistance of consciousness. If you repeat an unsubstantiated
thesis many times, it will work better than any evidence – these are the features of the
human psyche.
Fifth, it is necessary to react flexibly to the arguments of opponents and not leave a
stone unturned from them in advance. Hitler wrote:

"It is necessary to break down the opponents' opinion in your own speech
without a trace. At the same time, it is advisable to immediately bring possible
arguments of opponents and prove their inconsistency. It is absolutely not necessary
to make sure that opponents actually express these arguments – it will be quite
enough if you come up with these arguments yourself (and the more obvious their
stupidity and absurdity, the better), and then smash them with a bang! And who will
then listen to opponents mumbling something about the fact that they, they say, were
not going to say such nonsense at all?"

In addition to these basic rules, it was necessary to know a lot of smaller secrets.
For example, about how to artificially "warm up" the mood of the public. Banners,
banners with slogans, the same uniform, bravura music– all this was firmly included in
Hitler's propaganda arsenal. The combination of all these means made it possible to
literally turn people into zombies who were not able to control themselves in any way.
Hitler played on their basest instincts – hatred, anger, envy – and invariably won.
Because the one who relies on base instincts inevitably gets approval from the crowd.

Hitler was able to make the very last, the smallest man feel like the master of this
world, a great Aryan, standing above all other people. This feeling was clearly linked to
the personality of the Fuhrer himself. The listener had a feeling:

"I am the lord of this world, but only if I go with this speaker from the podium."
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 53

At the same time, Hitler brilliantly possessed the gift of reincarnation. He could
put on a variety of masks, play any role. Sometimes he presented himself as a
reasonable, practical person, sometimes as a bundle of feelings and emotions, a living
embodiment of the indomitable German spirit.
He had excellent teachers and associates. A whole army of propagandists behaved
the same way as her Fuhrer. The famous historian Golo Mann wrote about this:

"They were all very different. Some presented themselves as conservatives,

decorated officers, fat and imaginary aristocrats. Others played strong hard workers,
deceived German hard workers. Still others specialized in whipping up ancient,
hidden in all European peoples without exception, bad instincts – hatred of Jewry.
Others portrayed themselves as vulgar and malicious, while others portrayed the
highest, free–spirited intelligentsia of the party."

It is felt that the NSDAP propaganda was directed from a single center. This center
was by no means the Goebbels department – it was only a banal performer. Behind
Hitler and his henchmen stood a small group of high-class masters of propaganda,
brilliant theorists with practical experience, who later found their place in the walls of
the Ahnenerbe. Why do we hear nothing about them, but only know about the
extraordinary talents of Goebbels?
By the way, with these talents, everything is also not very clear. Until the moment
when fate brought Goebbels and Hitler together (and it happened in 1929), the future
Minister of propaganda of the Reich did not show his extraordinary talents in any way.
He was a good journalist, but nothing more – he did not like and was afraid to speak in
front of large audiences. At the end of the 1920s, Goebbels seemed to be transformed
overnight, while his diary entries published after the war do not give us any flight of
thought or the art of handling the word. It is obvious that Goebbels did not act himself,
but was only a tool in someone's hands.
Propaganda is the most powerful weapon of the XX century, more terrible than the
atomic bomb. Therefore, the winners – primarily the Western powers – were interested
in putting the German "masters of propaganda" at their service. That is why their huge
contribution to the victory of the NSDAP was hidden, their names became a secret
Almost the entire propaganda department of "Ahnenerbe", according to the data
available to me, was transferred to the American special services, even its structure was
preserved. Having crossed the ocean, these people continued to fight against the same
enemy – communist Russia.
But back to Hitler. Another successful propaganda solution was the use of red as
one of the main colors of the movement. At the same time, the other two colors – white
and black – played a subordinate position. The solution turned out to be simple and
ingenious: the three colors corresponded to the three colors of the Kaiser's flag and
made it possible to attract conservatives and all those who longed for the "good old
days" without democracy and economic turmoil to National Socialism. The red color
made it possible to lure supporters of left–wing parties, creating the illusion that the
NSDAP is another socialist party, only with a national bias.
In addition, the propagandists behind Hitler skillfully played on another need of
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 54

the common man. Psychologists call this the "need for group self-identification." What
is it?
After the defeat in the war, after the economic crises, the German felt lonely, weak,
betrayed. But if you dress him up in a beautiful uniform, put people like him in line,
play a battle march and parade him down the main street of the city, he will immediately
feel part of a very strong whole. It is no coincidence that Nazi parades were one of the
main means of agitation and propaganda, which attracted new adherents in abundance.
The NSDAP–SA assault detachments grew at a furious pace. By 1933, there were
already several million people in them! Almost every tenth adult German male was a
stormtrooper. The SA has become the most powerful armed force in Germany, instilling
fear even in the army.
The rise of the party began in the 1930s, after the onset of the global economic
crisis, which hit Germany very hard. Production fell, unemployment grew before our
eyes, reaching incredible proportions. On behalf of all these unemployed people, Hitler
branded the current government, called on them to fight for a well-fed and comfortable
life. The NSDAP faction in parliament grew by leaps and bounds. Nazi actions became
more and more widespread, parades and demonstrations turned into professionally
staged performances. It was then that the greeting "Heil Hitler!" was introduced into
circulation, and any possible opposition to the Fuhrer within the party was suppressed.
The deification of Hitler began, to whom almost supernatural features were attributed.
The intensity of passions has reached its highest point.
The latest technical means were widely used for propaganda. In particular, we are
talking about radio, which was widely used at that time. The NSDAP owned several
radio stations that allowed Hitler to speak not in front of thousands, but in front of
millions of people. Aviation was also used: the famous Lufthansa company provided the
leader of the NSDAP with the newest passenger plane, on which he flew around
Germany during successive election campaigns. "Hitler is over the country!" the Nazi
propaganda exclaimed about this. His private plane allowed him to speak at three or
four rallies in different cities a day, which was not available to his rivals.
Quite traditional methods of propaganda were also used – leaflets, newspapers,
brochures. Each party cell was obliged to hold permanent meetings, rallies, processions,
and agitate people. Nazi rallies acquired the features of religious ceremonies, which also
had a strong effect on the minds of those present.
After 1933, propaganda changed, became, on the one hand, more refined, and on
the other – more massive. This is not surprising: after coming to power, Hitler gained
virtually unlimited control over all radio stations and periodicals in the country. Now he
had no competitors. And propaganda faces a new task – not just to force the layman to
vote for the Nazis in the elections (this was not required now), but to subordinate his
whole life, all his thinking to the Hitlerite state.
Various organizations are being created in abundance, designed to cover all aspects
of a person's life, to accompany him from early childhood to old age. The Hitler Youth
is for young people, the National Socialist Women's Union is for representatives of the
beautiful half of humanity, the German Labor Front is for all workers, "Strength through
Joy" is for organizing leisure time for Germans… You can't list everything. And all
these structures were aimed, in fact, at achieving one goal – domination over the souls
of people – and in this regard they worked in a single propaganda team.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 55

The mass production of cheap "people's radios" began, which could receive only
one wave – state radio broadcasting. Every year, many films promoting Nazism were
released on the screens. Sometimes openly, as, for example, in the famous "Triumph of
the Will". Sometimes – in a hidden form, as in numerous lyrical comedies. And it is not
by chance that every major film studio had an authorized representative from
"Ahnenerbe" – formally, he played the role of a consultant when shooting films about
the ancient Germans, in reality, he directed the propaganda line in the cinema.
It was the "Heritage of the Ancestors" that launched a huge, almost unthinkable
campaign to prepare the German people for a new world war. After all, the previous one
ended quite recently, and the memory of terrible losses was still alive in every German
(by the way, a similar memory in the French would cause their rapid defeat in 1940).
"Anenerbe" managed not only to overcome people's fear of possible heavy losses, but
also to make them believe that there is no other alternative, that enemies have
surrounded the country from all sides and fighting them is a sacred necessity. At the
same time, the German soldiers kept faith in the imminent victory until the very end,
until May 1945. This is the highest achievement of the propagandists of the Reich,
whose names are still hidden from us by a veil of secrecy.
However, this veil, like all the others, will open sooner or later…

The Birth of a New Faith

Nazism had its own leader, its own historical myth, its own administrative
apparatus, its own army, its own laws. What else was he missing? Right! Religions.
Hitler hated Christianity. He considered him a by-product of Judaism, this base
Jewish religion, armed with which the Jews planned to conquer the whole world. The
modern church indulges these dirty aspirations – it has absorbed too much of the
Jewish, there is nothing Aryan in it. Consequently, Hitler sums up, such a church must
be done away with. And put a new, truly Germanic one in its place.
These views of Hitler were supported and nourished by Dietrich Eckart. One of the
creators of National Socialism, he preferred to remain in the shadows, being one of
Hitler's main teachers. "He will dance, but I created the music for him," Eckart will say
on his deathbed (he died in 1923). Dietrich Eckart began to lay the foundations of
religion, which was to flourish in the victorious National Socialist state. His work was
continued by others – those who would later become part of the Ahnenerbe collective.
Indeed, who, if not them, who studied the ancient Germanic history, culture and
spirit of the Aryan ancestors, was to revive their original religion? The irministic faith,
which, according to legend, was supplanted by Christianity? Indeed, Irminism became
only one of the religious concepts that were discussed within the institute, Because there
were several of them – similar in form, but still quite different from each other. It was
these disagreements that caused the world to never see the new, Nazi religion, which
was supposed to be the antipode of Christianity.
However, this did not prevent us from giving religious features to Nazism itself at
an early stage. Mass processions, solemn oaths, "cathedrals" of searchlights aimed at the
night sky – all this appealed to the religious feelings of the Germans, forcing them to
believe in their Fuhrer as in God. Elaborate ceremonies were prepared with pseudo-
church chants, rhythmic chanting, and specially selected color symbols. The participants
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 56

of these ceremonies brought themselves to ecstasy, similar to religious, and the

exclamation "Heil!" became an analogue of either a Christian "Amen" or a Buddhist
Like the church, the specialists of "Ahnenerbe" were able to use the psychological
impact on the human consciousness of twilight, semi-darkness, which is invariably
associated with something mysterious, frightening, sacred. Hitler himself in his book
"Mein Kampf" wrote:

"In all such cases, we have to face the problem of influencing a person's free
will. This is especially true of mass rallies, where there are always people whose will
is opposed to the will of the speaker and who need to impose a new way of thinking.
In the morning and in the daytime, the power of the human will with the most
powerful energy resists any attempts of someone else's will and opinions to influence
it. On the contrary, in the evening she easily obeys the pressure of a firm will ... The
mysterious artificial twilight reigning in Catholic churches also serves this purpose,
as do burning candles, incense...".

Many researchers believe that the Third Reich sought to become a church state, to
replace religion with its ideology. To some extent, this is true: the deification of Hitler
himself has gone beyond all imaginable limits. However, it wasn't exactly what he
wanted. National Socialism, no matter how it was modified, still remained a secular
ideology. There was also a need for a church – a church in which the Fuhrer could be
the high priest. After all, he is not immortal like the gods, but he must grant immortality
to his "millennial reich". It would be much easier for the new state to stand on two legs
– ideology and religion.
Ultimately, in 1934, Hitler gave a direct order to the Ahnenerbe specialists: to
develop the foundations of a new religion. After a long debate, the experts came to a
common opinion and worked out a rather lengthy document, the author of which was a
former professor of theology E. Bergman. The document was rather of a compromise
and temporary nature. Bergman did not set out to create a creed on a gigantic scale. He
had a much more modest task before him: to carry out the Fuhrer's order.
What did the Ahnenerbe Institute offer? Nothing particularly original. The Jewish
Old Testament is not suitable for the new Germany. He distorts the image of the
historical Christ, who, naturally, was an Aryan. Called to save the world from the Jewish
contagion, he was crucified by his vile opponents. But since his image became very
popular among the common people, the Jews hastened to appropriate this hero for
themselves. For almost two thousand years they have been able to do this, but now a
new messiah has been sent to Earth – Adolf Hitler, who will have to complete the task
that Christ failed to do – to cleanse and save the world from Jews.
True, Germanic Christianity, according to Bergman, existed long before the
coming of Christ. It is almost extinct, but it is quite possible to revive it to a new life.
Instead of the Jewish cross, the swastika should become a sign of the new faith. The
sacred land of true Christians is not Palestine, but Germany. German land, blood, soul,
art are sacred. It is on this earth that the rebirth of true, Aryan Christianity should take
place, which should spread from here all over the Earth ... of course, together with the
Aryans themselves. Missionary activity among other nations was not supposed – the
church had to remain purely national. It is the attempt to create a universal church that is
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 57

one of the main claims that Bergman and his comrades made to Christianity.
What other claims were put forward by these pundits? In general, in its criticism of
Christianity, the "Heritage of the Ancestors" was based on the ideas of Nietzsche.
Firstly, Christianity protects the weak and humiliated, which means it prevents natural
selection in society, makes it sick. Secondly, the Christian dogmas of forgiveness of sin,
resurrection and salvation of the soul are complete nonsense. Compassion and mercy
are harmful because they are a manifestation of weakness, unworthy and dangerous for
a strong Aryan spirit.
It also proposed a plan of concrete actions to introduce a new religion in the
country. Let me quote him a little:

"1. The National Church demands that the publication and distribution of the
Bible in the country be stopped immediately.
2. The National Church will remove all crucifixes, Bibles and images of saints
from its altars.
3. Altars should have nothing but "Mein Kampf" and a sword.
4. On the day of the foundation of the national church, the Christian cross should
be removed from all churches, cathedrals and chapels and replaced with a single
invincible symbol – the swastika."

Hitler liked the project, but being a fairly sane person, he understood what a storm
of indignation it would cause among German Christians. The split of society on the eve
of the great war was completely unnecessary for him. Therefore, the Christian Church,
albeit infringed in many rights, continued to function quite legally and almost
unhindered. Moreover, Catholic and Protestant priests were not ashamed to support the
regime and use the labor of Russian slaves brought from the east.
Hitler decided to introduce a new religion gradually. Start with the Order of the SS,
with the party, and only then spread it to the whole people. And soon the party rituals
really began to gradually transform into a sacred ceremony – such were, for example,
the ceremonies associated with the "Banner of Blood" already mentioned above.
Blood generally played a central role in the ideology and racial doctrine of the
Nazis. She had to play the same role in their religion. After the Nazis came to power, a
special ritual of "consecration of banners" was developed within the walls of the
Ahnenerbe, which all party and SS banners passed. The French researcher Michel
Tournier describes this custom as follows.
"Beer Hall putsch". A volley thundered, which killed sixteen people from Hitler's
entourage. Goering was seriously injured, Hitler was crushed to the ground by the dying
Scheibner Richter, and the Fuhrer managed to free himself, dislocated his shoulder. This
was followed by the Fuhrer's imprisonment in the Landsberg fortress, where he wrote
"Mein Kampf". But all this had no echo. As for Germany, people reacted to this quite
indifferently. The only thing that was remembered on this day, November 9, 1923, in
Munich, was the banner of the rebels decorated with a swastika – a banner lying on the
ground among the bodies of sixteen victims of the rebellion and stained with their
blood. Therefore, the bloody banner – the famous Blutfahne – was considered the most
sacred relic of the Nazi Party. Since 1933, it has been publicly demonstrated twice a
year: on November 9, when it was taken out during the march at the Felcherrhalle in
Munich, when a theatrical spectacle resembling medieval passion was played out. The
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 58

main event was the removal of the banner at the annual party congresses held in
September in Nuremberg, which were the culmination of Nazi rituals. These days, the
Bloodstained Banner, like a producer bull ready to impregnate an infinite number of
women, came into contact with new and new standards seeking to conceive from it…
Then whole armies marched in front of him, each soldier of which was a standard-
bearer and who represented whole hordes of banners. Oh, it was a whole sea of flags,
standards, banners, banners, insignia and oriflams swayed by the wind. These
gatherings reached their climax at night, when the light of many torches illuminated
flagpoles, banners and bronze statues, plunging huge masses of people into shadow.
Finally, the moment came when the Fuhrer ascended the monumental altar, the rays of
one hundred and fifty searchlights were simultaneously and suddenly directed into the
sky, forming a real cathedral of pillars of light that shot up to a height of a thousand feet,
emphasizing the absolutely fantastic nature of the mystery that took place there."
After the construction of the Wewelsburg Castle, the ceremony of "consecration of
banners" took place there. Over time, other rituals were developed within the walls of
the "Ahnenerbe", which, if possible, were timed to coincide with traditional holidays. At
the same time, pagan heritage was actively used. So, within the framework of the SS,
the holidays of the Sun and harvest were celebrated. At the same time, even the ritual of
the "Invincible Sun", developed more than a millennium and a half ago by Emperor
Constantine, was resurrected. This holiday in honor of the young sun god, resurrected
from the ashes, was celebrated primarily by boys from special SS boarding schools.
A special ceremony was designed for weddings and funerals of SS officers. For
example, no one put crosses on their graves. Runic signs were installed instead.
The last attempt to introduce a "new religion" dates back to 1944. One of the
prominent experts of the Ancestral Heritage Institute, Dr. Kremer, proposed, in fact, a
complete rejection of all parallels with Christianity and a return to the ancient Germanic
roots – pagan religion with Aryan gods. The project presented by him, one of the copies
of which miraculously survived to this day, is striking in its simplicity and logic. In the
cover letter , Kremer urged Himmler:

"At a time when the Reich is undergoing total mobilization, when we all have to
rally around our Fuhrer, it seems absolutely necessary to me to create a new religion
with which we can achieve victory. We need a complete break with the entire
Christian tradition, and the more radical it is, the better. The German must feel that
he has nothing in common with his enemies, that he differs from them in faith, that
he is above them, because he defends a much older and purer tradition. I believe that
the introduction of a new religion is absolutely necessary for our victory in the war."

However, neither Himmler nor the other leaders of the Reich had any time for
religion. They tried desperately to save the dying front. The new religion, which was
perhaps destined to become the most unusual cultural phenomenon in Europe of the XX
century, never saw the light.

The Tor Project

Very little is known about the development of psychophysical weapons in the

Third Reich. First of all, because the developments of scientists from Ahnenerbe were
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 59

subsequently captured by the winners and became their secret weapon. It was only by
pure chance that I managed to get on the trail of the project, which in the depths of the
institute was codenamed "Thor" in honor of one of the ancient Germanic gods. And to
this day, my knowledge about him is sinned by a lot of "black holes".
The task of a psychophysical weapon is to provide its owners with power over
people's minds! For the first time, such developments became known after a small
edition of a book called "Hammer of Thor" was published in Switzerland in 1959. It
could be treated as a banal "jaundice", if not for two circumstances. Firstly, the author of
the book was Wilhelm Alpenthal, an assistant of the famous physicist, one of the
leading employees of Ahnenerbe, Karl Maur. Secondly, immediately after the books
appeared on the shelves, almost the entire circulation was bought up by unknown
people, and the author himself drowned a month later in Lake Geneva under rather
mysterious circumstances. Only a few copies of the publication have accidentally
survived to this day, one of which fell into my hands.
So, what did Alpenthal write? According to him, in the depths of the "Ancestral
Heritage" a weapon was created that gives power over people. At the same time, some
knowledge of unearthly origin was allegedly used.
And here again we will have to turn to the "cursed family" of the Villiguts. Do you
remember those runic tablets that this family kept throughout its history? So, one day
their photocopies: caught the eye of Maur. He looked closely – and gasped, the tablets
were nothing more than the most complex schemes and formulas describing previously
unknown phenomena. At the same time, only about half of them were at the level of
modern physics, the rest, obviously, were still beyond the understanding of modern
It was on the basis of the texts of these tablets that the so-called technomagic
apparatuses were created.
To begin with, scientists had to tinker a lot to decipher runic symbols. But then
things went faster. The principle of operation of the devices was based on the use of so-
called torsion fields consisting of many elementary particles forming vortex flows.
Torsion fields directly affected the pituitary gland and the nerve centers located in it that
control the will of a person.
The project was named "Tor". His test was carried out on prisoners from the same
"auxiliary" concentration camp of the institute. The huge device, the size of a cottage,
was carefully disguised as a cozy manor house, and few people could guess its true
purpose. In 1944, the staff of Maura began experiments with people. We had to move by
trial and error. The fact is that the mechanisms of the device's effect on the human body
had yet to be studied.
To speed up the work, Maur contacted Professor Hirt from the Imperial University
of Strasbourg. Hirt was known as one of the "luminaries" of racial science, a collector of
skulls and skeletons of people of various races. The purpose of his life was to prove the
existence of cardinal biological differences between representatives of different races,
which would allow them to be attributed to different species and, thus, bring the racial
doctrine of the Nazis to perfection. Maur asked Hirt to examine along the way the
pituitary gland of the corpses that came to him, in particular to pay attention to the so-
called crystals of will. Hirt set to work with enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, Maur and his team continued field experiments. He had already
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 60

managed to completely suppress the will of a person, so that he could not make any
movements. The sensitive ones even lost consciousness at the same time. Little by little,
it turned out to force people to perform some simple actions. However, it took time to
study all the effects of the torsion field and create a more or less workable telepathic
apparatus. Maur called a period of ten years, after which it would be possible to put
psychophysical systems into service. But he didn't even have a year.
The inheritance of "Anenerbe" was received by Russians and Americans. At the
same time, the Americans, apparently, got the device and some of the employees of
Maura, the Russians – all the documentation. Where Maur himself has gone is still
unknown. It is equally unknown how far modern scientists have advanced in their
research – judging by some indirect signs, they managed to succeed, at least some
processes in the modern world seem very strange, if we do not assume that they are
caused by psychophysical weapons.

Doctors in the service of the Nazis

As you can see, the Ahnenerbe Institute was not only engaged in historical
research. Completely different studies were concentrated here, which had one thing in
common – they all had an innovative, breakthrough character. For this innovation, we
often had to pay a terrible price. So, for example, it was with medical research.
The head of the medical department of the Ancestral Heritage was Dr. Sigmund
Rasher. A very highly qualified professional medic, he became interested in racial
theories in his youth. Rasher believed that the ancient Arias possessed superhuman
abilities, and it is the task of medicine to return them to the modern Germans.
To solve this problem, Rasher began to investigate the extreme conditions of the
human body. In particular, the effect of high altitudes on a person – the air force was
interested in these studies. The subjects were taken from the same concentration camp at
the Institute. They were placed in a decompression chamber, where low pressure was
created by pumping air. In his work diary, Rasher described these experiences as

"The experiment was carried out in the absence of oxygen, corresponding to the
height of 8820 meters. The subject at the age of 37 is in good physical condition.
Breathing continued for 30 minutes. Four minutes after the start, the subject began to
sweat and twist his head. Five minutes later, spasms appeared, between the sixth and
tenth minutes the breathing rate increased, the subject began to lose consciousness.
From the eleventh to the thirtieth minute, breathing slowed down to three breaths per
minute and completely stopped by the end of the test period… Half an hour after the
cessation of breathing, the autopsy began."

In reality, it all looked much worse. People tore their hair, scratched their face and
head, beat their heads against walls – all in order to reduce unbearable internal pressure.
The following experiment was devoted to freezing. These experiments became
especially relevant due to the invasion of the German army in Russia, where winters are
known to have incredibly low temperatures. In addition, the same Air Force was
interested in them – the crews of the planes that bombed England were sometimes
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 61

forced to parachute over the North Sea and spent many hours in icy water. Rasher had to
establish two things: firstly, how long a person can withstand the cold before he dies,
and secondly, how best to warm up the frozen one.
The experiment was conducted as follows (I will quote Rasher himself again).

"The subjects were immersed in water in full flight gear with a hood. Life
jackets kept them on the surface. The experiments were carried out at a water
temperature of 2.5 to 12 degrees Celsius. In the first series of tests, the cheekbones
and the base of the skull were under water. In the second, the back of the neck and
the cerebellum were immersed. With the help of an electric thermometer, the
temperature in the stomach and rectum was measured, which was 27.5 degrees
Celsius and 27.6 degrees Celsius, respectively. Death occurred only if the medulla
oblongata and cerebellum were immersed in water. Upon autopsy after death under
these conditions, it was found that a large mass of blood, up to half a liter,
accumulated in the cranial cavity. The maximum expansion of the right ventricle was
regularly detected in the heart. Subjects in such experiments inevitably died, despite
all efforts to save, if the body temperature dropped to 28 degrees Celsius. The
autopsy data clearly prove the importance of head heating and the need to protect the
neck, which should be taken into account when developing a sponge protective
jumpsuit, which is currently underway."

The maximum duration of a person's stay in ice water was 1 1.5 hours. Only two
Russian officers, brought from the prison camp, lasted almost five hours!
The second part of the experiment was devoted to warming up the frozen.
Completely different methods were used for this. In particular, as exotic as the warmth
of naked female bodies. For these experiments, women were brought from the
Ravensbruck concentration camp. Ultimately, however, it was found that a conventional
hot water bath was much more effective.
It is difficult to calculate how many thousands of people Dr. Rasher destroyed
during his experiments. His data was then widely used by the winning countries, despite
the official condemnation of such methods. Rasher himself, it is believed, did not live to
see the defeat of Germany. In 1944, he was sent to a concentration camp, and after him,
his wife was also imprisoned there. Traces of the Rasher are then lost.
The reason for this, according to many historians, was his attempt to deceive
Himmler. Rasher stated that he was able to succeed in recreating the Aryan race – his
wife gave birth to three children with a short interval, who, from the point of view of
racial theory, possessed perfect qualities. The SS Reichsfuhrer was delighted, but later it
turned out that the children were simply abducted from orphanages. For this, Himmler,
who worshipped German mothers, threw the deceivers into a dungeon from which there
was no way out.
The illogicality of this version is immediately visible. Only a complete idiot could
resort to such a primitive deception, but not an intelligent and educated medic, such as
Rasher was. I decided to check the facts – and it turned out that the doctor really had
several adopted children. But he never hid that he adopted them, taking them from
orphanages! Destroying thousands of "subhumans", Rasher was exceptionally kind and
merciful to German children. Obsessed with the Aryan race, he naturally selected for
himself the stepsons and stepdaughters who most corresponded to the racial canons.
Then what was the reason for his imprisonment? However, who says that the
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 62

conclusion really took place? There are no documents about Rasher's arrest, there are
only oral testimonies, which, as you know, can not always be trusted, It is quite possible
that in 1944 he was sent to a concentration camp to conduct new experiments. And then,
after the war, his traces, as well as the traces of many other Ahnenerbe figures and
leaders of the Nazi regime (such as Muller and Bormann), were lost.


In the late 1980s, the last of the prisoners who ended up there under the verdict of
the Nuremberg Tribunal died in Berlin's Spandau prison. It was Rudolf Hess. Or the
man who portrayed Rudolf Hess – this mystery has yet to be revealed.
Why do I doubt that the real Hess served his time in Spandau? However, I'm not
the only one.
Many researchers pointed to a number of strange circumstances that accompanied
Hess's flight to England. For example, one plane took off from the airfield in Outsburg,
from where Nazi No. 3 started, and landed (or rather crashed) in England completely
different. Hess's behavior at the trial also seemed inadequate. Did the Germans send a
double of Hess to England?
I had such thoughts long before my father's death. And then I found a letter signed
by Rudolf Hess in his papers. In the letter, Hess asked my father for some data related to
his previous scientific research. In general, there would be nothing strange in this if the
letter had been sent from Berlin – in the end, correspondence to the prisoners of
Spandau was not prohibited. But the letter was sent, judging by the postmark, from the
main post office of Rio de Janeiro! There was no return address – obviously, it was
assumed that my father knew where to write, or would provide information in some
other way.
However, Hess is a fairly common surname. Probably, a lot of Hessians are called
Rudolphs. It could simply be about the namesake of Hitler's assistant, who was an old
acquaintance of my father. However, for some reason I have not heard of such
acquaintances of his. And then in one of the books I accidentally found a photocopy of
Hess's signature – and was amazed: it exactly matched the signature on the letter that
my father received at the time! Aren't there too many strange coincidences?
I will definitely come back to this letter. In the meantime, we are interested in
something else. A man who called himself Rudolf Hess and languished in Nuremberg
prison left behind diaries. They were rather chaotic, but they allowed us to assume that
he was privy to some of the secrets of the Ahnenerbe. In particular, the following was
recorded in his diary.

"Germany's march to the East, in fact, was sanctioned by the Center of Space
Contact on Earth, the so-called Shambhala. The mahatmas not only suggested to
Hitler the need to defeat the source of the proletarian evil that had seized the territory
of Russia, but also sent their "specialists" to the general staff of the Reich. The
Shambhala warriors were not only in the Fuhrer's personal guard, but also in the
center of strategic planning...".
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 63

The mysterious country of Shambhala is usually located in Tibet. Is it a

coincidence that one of the most powerful and secret research expeditions "Ahnenerbe"
was sent there?
However, about everything in order…

Sources of interest

For European secret societies, the East has always remained a source of secret,
mystical knowledge, millennial wisdom. Back in the days when the Crusaders were at
war with the Saracens, they unwittingly found themselves at the mercy of the charm of
this ancient culture. It is from the East that the wisdom of the Templars originates.
By the 19th century, large areas of East Asia had been explored. Only Tibet
remained inaccessible and mysterious – the highest mountains in the world, where the
passage of time seemed to have stopped, where people lived slowly and steadily, where
an ancient religion existed, from where, according to legend, many legendary sages
originated. It was to Tibet that those who tried to comprehend the foundations of the
universe aspired. And the specialists of "Anenerbe" were no exception.
The history of the "Tibetan SS project" dates back to 1922. The main role was
played in this by the already well-known Haushofer. He invited several Tibetan lamas to
Germany, from whom he tried to learn divine wisdom. It was not for nothing that he
called himself a "disciple of the Eastern Mystery" and believed that Tibet should
become the main German colony, which could grant the new Reich mystical power.
In 1926, a Tibetan society was organized in Berlin at the suggestion of Haushofer.
At the same time, he introduces the Tibetan culture and mythology of Hitler, recently
released from prison. The future Fuhrer is captured by a mystical story, he reads with
trepidation the lines of the French esotericist Rene Gayon, who writes about the
mysterious country of Shambhala.

"After the catastrophe of Atlantis, the teachers of a high civilization, the

possessors of Knowledge, the sons of the Outer Mind, settled in a huge cave system.
In the heart of these caves, they split into two "paths": right and left hand. The first
"path" named its center "Agarthi" ("Hidden place of goodness") and gave himself up
to contemplation without interfering in worldly affairs. The second "path" founded
Shambhala, the center of power that controls the elements and the human masses.
The magi warriors of the peoples of the Earth can conclude a contract with
Shambhala by making oaths and sacrifices."

Is it not the ultimate dream of every self–respecting statesman to acquire such a

powerful ally? Haushofer also sought to establish a connection with Tibet, with the
mysterious country of Shambhala. To a large extent, he succeeded.
Ernst Schaeffer, one of the youngest and most talented employees of the
Ahnenerbe Institute, took the baton from Haushofer's hands. Ernst was born in 1910 in
the family of a major entrepreneur – there is practically no information about his
childhood and adolescence to our time. According to unverified information, even as a
child he was fond of Oriental culture. His father was an avid collector of all kinds of
Chinese vases and Japanese weapons, and the boy grew up in an appropriate
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 64

After graduating from high school, Ernst entered the university, but he studied
zoology, not his favorite orientalism, obviously in a fit of momentary passion. It was as
a zoologist that he went to Eastern Tibet in 1931 as part of the Dolan expedition.
Dolan had no idea that later this campaign would be called the "Schaeffer
expedition". The young German behaved modestly, not betraying his true interests in
any way. No one knew that he was a member of the NSDAP and was closely acquainted
with Himmler. The Reichsfuhrer of the SS "blessed" the young man for the trip and set
him several difficult tasks, including the search for the country of Shambhala. Of
course, Himmler would have preferred to send someone older and more experienced,
but if such an opportunity came up, why not take advantage of it? Besides, he knew
perfectly well the value of Schaeffer.
The expedition set off from Burma and had to cross the war-torn areas of China.
Almost half of the expedition members, including Dolan, die – Schaeffer takes over the
leadership of the remaining and stubbornly continues to move forward. He examines
areas that no European has ever set foot in before. It crosses mountain ridges, deep
moist valleys, and crosses stormy rivers. In his book "Mountains, Buddhas and Bears"
published after the expedition, Schaeffer described these crossings as follows:

"There were no bridges in sight. Two ropes were stretched across the river
flowing in a narrow crevice, two pins were built on opposite banks. When you rotate
them, one rope goes in one direction, the other in the opposite direction. Only one
load, pack animals or an individual person is attached to these cables. They fly over
a terrible depth in a few seconds."

Schaeffer and his companions examined the upper reaches of the great Chinese
Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, corrected a lot of inaccuracies that were found in abundance
on geographical maps. At the same time, they had to engage in armed clashes with
bandits more than once. The labors were rewarded – Schaeffer found and described
many relict plants, concerning which it was believed that they no longer existed in
nature for a long time, as well as the panda bear, which was also unknown in Europe at
that time.
Did Schaeffer fulfill Himmler's task? Nothing is known about this. In general, from
this moment on, the young biologist begins to lead a double life – on the one hand, he
continues his open scientific research, on the other – plunges headlong into occult
topics. There is enough time and energy for both. In any case, Himmler's affection for
him remains and even grows stronger. In 1933, immediately after the founding of the
Heritage of Ancestors Institute, Schaeffer became its full-time employee.
In 1935, Schaeffer was invited to a new German-American expedition. Half of the
participants were Germans, half were Yankees. At the same time, the funding was
mainly American, it was handled by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. But
at the very beginning of the journey, there is a conflict between the two sides, and the
Americans turn back. Judging by the evidence I have, it was Schaeffer who provoked
the conflict in order to get rid of unnecessary eyes. American scientists complained for a
long time about the bad temper of their German colleague – which is quite funny,
because in fact the young scientist was distinguished by an open, good-natured
The Germans continued their journey, reached the sources of the Yangtze and the
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 65

Mekong (almost all the great rivers of East Asia begin in the same area). According to
official data, Schaeffer did not reach Lhasa– the official capital of Tibet, quite a bit.
Haven't you reached it?
The results of the second expedition were even more striking than the first. A lot of
new species, both plants and animals, were discovered, in particular the orango
antelope, dwarf pigeon, blue sheep, many unknown and rare birds. Schaeffer is writing
another book, his name is becoming famous in scientific circles. In 1937, Schaeffer
defended his dissertation. At the same time, he is appointed head of the newly formed
Tibetan Department of Anenerbe.
That's where the results of the "branches" that Schaeffer made from his official
route come up. The SS now has thousands of ancient Tibetan manuscripts at its disposal,
a significant part of the vast cultural heritage, the wisdom of the East. The results were
so encouraging that the question arose about the immediate organization of a new,
regular expedition.

In Search of Maitreya

10 сентября 1938 года в кабинете Гиммлера происходит совершенно

секретное совещание. Его участники – сам рейхсфюрер СС Шеффер и еще
несколько ведущих специалистов Тибетского отдела. Точное содержание их
беседы неизвестно – ни протокола, ни свидетельств участников не сохранилось.
Мы знаем только одно: именно на этом совещании был окончательно
определен состав, а также сроки и задачи экспедиции.
Состав оказался весьма пестрым: помимо профессиональных ученых в
экспедицию вошли профессиональные разведчики и диверсанты, а также
специалисты по радиосвязи. Гиммлер в ту пору грезил организацией прямой
радиосвязи с Лхасой, чтобы постоянно общаться с высшими непознанными
силами. Очевидно, планировалось размещение в Тибете постоянно действующего
центра. Фактически делался первый шаг к колонизации Тибета, этой
таинственной прародины Ариев, нацистской Германией.
В апреле 1939 года экспедиция прибыла в Индию. Шеффер очень торопился:
в Европе уже чувствовалось приближение большой войны, и англичане
относились к немецким ученым не слишком-то дружелюбно. Местная пресса в
своих публикациях открыто называла Шеффера шпионом. Поэтому сотрудники
«Аненэрбе» вздохнули с облегчением, когда индийско-тибетская граница осталась
Первым делом Шеффер повел экспедицию к подножию горы Канченджанга.
Никаких исследовательских задач уже не ставилось, Шефферу нужно было как
можно скорее и эффективнее выполнить свою основную миссию. Ссылаясь на
труды известного специалиста по буддизму Альберта Грюнведеля, руководитель
экспедиции утверждал, что у подножия этой горы находится один из входов в
таинственную Шамбалу. Здесь экспедиция провела несколько недель. За это время
на вершине горы удалось установить контейнеры с радиоаппаратурой, которая
могла работать в автономном режиме. Специальная ветроэнергетическая
установка снабжала мощный передатчик электричеством, аккумуляторы
страховали его на случай безветрия.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 66

Особое внимание было уделено мерам безопасности. Все подходы к

ретранслятору минировались, любая неосторожная попытка приблизиться влекла
за собой неминуемый взрыв. При этом взрывы автоматически вызывали сход
лавины, которая уничтожала и аппаратуру, и того, кто попробовал бы прийти за
Далее Шеффер и сотоварищи двинулись в столицу Тибета – Лхасу. Здесь он
был принят с распростертыми объятиями, как старый знакомый (можно ли после
этого поверить, что ранее он здесь не бывал?). Регент Тибета Квотухту пишет
Гитлеру личное письмо, в котором говорится:

«Глубокоуважаемый господин (король) Гитлер, правитель Германии,

господствующий над обширными странами! Да пребудут с Вами здоровье,
радость покоя и добродетель! Сейчас Вы трудитесь над созданием обширного
государства на расовой основе. Поэтому прибывший ныне руководитель
немецкой Тибетской экспедиции сахиб Шеффер не имел ни малейших
трудностей, ни в пути по Тибету, ни в осуществлении своей цели установления
личных дружественных отношений, более того, мы надеемся на дальнейшее
расширение дружественных отношений между нашими правительствами.
Примите, Ваша Светлость, господин (король) Гитлер, наши заверения в
дальнейшей дружбе в соответствии со словами сказанными Вашей стороной.
Это Я подтверждаю Вам! Написано 18 числа первого тибетского месяца года
Земляного Зайца (1939 год)».

Кроме того, регент отправил фюреру германской нации подарки: собаку

особой тибетской породы, шелковый платок, серебряную чашку с крышечкой,
инкрустированную драгоценными камнями. Однако не установление
дипломатических отношений было основной целью пребывания здесь Шеффера.
Он жадно искал следы непознанного разума, пытался войти в контакт с высшими
силами. Как еще, кроме влияния высших сил, объяснить появление здесь, в
бесплодных горах, прекрасного города с множеством дворцов и храмов,
выполненных на недосягаемом уровне мастерства? Легенда гласит, что их
построили демоны, вызванные сюда первым далай-ламой. Шеффер пристально
изучает ритуалы буддийских монахов и находит в них много общего с ритуалами
древних германцев, по крайней мере, такими, какими он их себе представлял. Все
церемонии тщательно фиксировались на кинокамеру: Шеффер снимал фильм о
таинственной и чудесной стране.
Тибетские власти настолько доверяли немецким ученым, что позволили им
проникнуть в святая святых буддийских монастырей – в их подземные святилища,
куда пускали, мягко говоря, далеко не каждого. Именно здесь проходил обряд
обретения дара ясновидения. Суть его заключалась в следующем: тибетские
монахи давно заметили, что пророчествовать люди начинают чаще всего после
мозговой травмы. Если нанести подобную травму искусственным путем, человека
можно превратить в ясновидящего. Ритуал назывался «открытием третьего глаза»,
В центре лба просверливали отверстие, затем закрывали его деревянным клином,
мазали целебными мазями и давали зарасти. Шеффер и еще несколько участников
экспедиции дали согласие на проведение подобной операции. Вероятно, результат
оказался хорошим, поскольку подобные операции в начале 1940-х годов начали
делать многим офицерам СС. В 1995 году в районе Севастополя было обнаружено
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целое немецкое военное кладбище, на котором все покойники имели треугольное

отверстие во лбу.
Шеффер, однако, искал контакта с высшей сущностью, контакта с
Майтрейей. Он был убежден, что таковой существует» В своих отчетах Шеффер
описывал ритуалы буддийских монахов.

«Монахи в алых праздничных одеяниях в унисон произносили

праздничные тексты. Нарочито низкие, рокочущие голоса сливались в
невыразимое журчание, исходившее, как казалось, из обнаженного чрева
Майтрейи – грядущего Будды. Это была самая грандиозная статуя на высоком,
расписанном красным лаком алтаре… Симфонии красок и запахов вторил
великолепно отлаженный оркестр. Глухо бухал барабан, свистели флейты,
выточенные из человеческих костей, мартовской капелью рассыпался звон
тарелок и золотых колокольчиков. Майтрейя, которого здесь называют Чампой,
был изображен в виде добродушного бритоголового толстяка. Ему еще не
пришло время новым воплощением Будды сойти с небес на грешную землю, и
он с грустной улыбкой взирал на происходящее сквозь благовонный дым,
сжимая в руке дорожный узелок. Придет срок, и с победным громом
расколется скрывающая его гора, и он уже в облике принца пойдет по
тибетским тропам, возвещая наступление эры счастья и справедливости».

Но контакт с Майтрейей установить так и не удалось. Официально не

удалось найти и Шамбалу, хотя существуют определенные факты, которые
заставляют в этом усомниться. Во всяком случае, в конце лета 1939 года, успев
буквально за пару недель до начала Второй мировой войны, экспедиция вернулась
в Германию. В ее активе числилось немало достижений, В Мюнхене Шеффера
встречали как национального героя, к самолету вышел сам Гиммлер, Сразу же
встал вопрос о подготовке новой экспедиции, еще более представительной.
Помимо всего прочего, с ней предполагалось отправить небольшой военный отряд
и внушительный груз оружия. Очевидно, немцам в Тибете все-таки было что
защищать и колонизировать. Только Вторая мировая война не дала осуществиться
этим планам.
Тем не менее, радиомост с Лхасой действовал до 1942 года, когда англичане,
добравшись до ретранслятора, все-таки уничтожили его. При этом весьма
любопытны воспоминания одного из участников этой экспедиции – британского
ученого, которого взяли с собой на всякий случай. Он обнаружил у подножия
горы Канченджанга остатки немецкого базового лагеря, причем выглядели они
так, как будто были покинуты лишь недавно. Но даже не это самое интересное: от
остатков лагеря была протоптана широкая тропинка к скальному выступу, у
которого она… обрывалась без всяких следов! Ученый предположил, что здесь
находится потайной вход в толщу горы, и собирался подробно исследовать это
место. Однако группа, предназначенная для захвата ретранслятора, к этому
моменту уже добралась до вершины горы и наткнулась на минное заграждение.
Мины сдетонировали, вызвав сход лавины и навсегда похоронив и остатки лагеря,
и таинственную тропинку. Британский ученый лишь чудом сумел уцелеть.
Кроме того, после неудачной экспедиции интерес к Шамбале должен был бы
по логике вещей смениться разочарованием. Этого, однако, не произошло.
Тибетский отдел «Аненэрбе» разрастался, при Гитлере начал функционировать
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тайный «тибетский штаб», состоявший целиком из монахов.

Любопытная деталь: Германия одерживала победы до 1942 года, после чего
начала терпеть постоянные поражения. Конечно, на то есть великое множество
вполне объективных причин, но кроме них всегда есть определенный личностный
фактор. В теории менеджмента есть понятие «качество управленческих решений»,
которое характеризует, насколько хорошо руководитель руководит. Так вот,
именно это качество управленческих решений у Гитлера резко упало в 1942 году,
синхронно с уничтожением передатчика. Так что вопрос о том, не получал ли
фюрер рекомендаций из Шамбалы, по-прежнему остается открытым.
Как же сложилась дальнейшая судьба наших героев? Шеффер был в 1941
году отправлен в Финляндию. Поговаривали, что он впал в немилость у
Гиммлера, что ученого отправили в ссылку… Подобные разговоры напоминают
скорее стандартную маскировку. Скорее всего, Шеффер принял участие в
загадочном проекте «Лапландия», подробности которого неясны мне по
сегодняшний день. Это подтверждается и тем обстоятельством, что в 1943 году
Шеффера благополучно «извлекли» из опалы, и он снова начал работать по своей
тибетской тематике. Вместе с ведомством доктора Геббельса ученый принял
участие в пропагандистской кампании «Дружественный и таинственный Тибет».
А в 1944 году, почти за год до поражения Германии, его следы теряются.
Поговаривали, что Шеффер снова принимал участие в какой-то таинственной
миссии за рубежом. Восстановление связи с Тибетом? Другой, не менее смелый
проект? Во всяком случае, возвращаться в Германию из своей последней
экспедиции после мая 1945 года Шефферу было уже незачем. Возможно, он и
сейчас в глубокой старости доживает свой век в каком-то далеком уголке Земли,
посмеиваясь про себя над наивными историками, бьющимися над загадками его
тибетских экспедиций.
Что же касается тибетцев из окружения Гитлера, то все они пали в конце
апреля 1945 года при штурме Берлина русскими войсками. В плен не сдавались,
своих раненых пристреливали, и все свои тайны унесли с собой в могилу.
А этих тайн, судя по всему, было немало…

Проект «Арктогея»

Не только Шамбалу искали нацистские ученые. Их амбиции простирались

гораздо дальше. Они задумали найти легендарную прародину германцев. Ее
помещали в различных местах – в загадочной Атлантиде, мифической Лемурии,
далеком Тибете. А Герман Вирт, первый глава «Аненэрбе», размещал ее в
Арктогея – земля, которая, согласно гипотезам, существовала на Крайнем
Севере. Этот огромный остров – вернее, целый континент – был густо заселен
людьми до наступления ледниковой эпохи. Согласно версии Вирта, это была
страна Солнца, разума, порядка, уравновешенных инстинктов и истинной веры.
Именно здесь возник праязык, основа человеческой цивилизации.
Остатки этой древней цивилизации ныне погребены под морскими волнами и
слоем льда. Один из остатков Арктогеи – Гренландия. Недаром викинги – потомки
древних германцев – считали ее священной землей. После того как Арктогея
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 69

сначала скрылась подо льдом, а потом под водой, предки арийцев вынуждены
были эмигрировать в Евразию.
Вирт со всей определенностью говорил одно: мифическую прародину нужно
воссоздать! Конечно, сделать это на Северном полюсе не представлялось
возможным. Зато к услугам немцев были пустующие территории Антарктиды –
вполне, как оказалось, пригодные для жизни. Впрочем, это – тема для другой
главы или даже книги…
Проект «Новая Швабия» был и остается одним из самых засекреченных в
истории Третьего рейха – возможно потому, что он действует до сих пор…

Копье Судьбы

Одна из самых загадочных историй, связанных с институтом «Аненэрбе», –

это история реликвии, известной как «Копье Судьбы». Древнее оружие
принадлежало династии Габсбургов и, по преданию, должно было приносить им
«Копье судьбы» было любимым артефактом самого Адольфа Гитлера.
Впервые их встреча произошла еще до Первой мировой войны. Гитлер, будучи
совсем молодым человеком, бродил по залам венского дворца Хофбург,
превращенного в музей. Вход туда был бесплатным, что являлось весьма
немаловажным обстоятельством для вечно бедствовавшего юноши. Случайно
оказавшись в зале сокровищ Габсбургов, экспонаты которого он до той поры
считал никому не нужным хламом, Адольф был привлечен лекцией одного из
гидов, возглавлявших экскурсии. Вот как он сам напишет об этом впоследствии.

«Группа остановилась точно напротив того места, где я находился, и гид

показал на старый наконечник копья. Вначале я не обращал внимания на то,
что рассказывал гид, считая присутствие рядом со мной этой группы всего
лишь вторжением в интимное течение моих мрачных мыслей. Вот тогда-то я и
услыхал слова, которые вскоре изменили мою жизнь: „С этим копьем связана
легенда, согласно которой тот, кто объявит его своим и откроет его тайну,
возьмет судьбу мира в свои руки для совершения Добра и Зла… В Средние
века, – продолжал рассказ гид, – некоторые германские императоры владели
этим копьем и верили в легенду. Однако за последние пять столетий никто уже
не испытывал доверия к этим сказкам, если не считать Наполеона,
потребовавшего себе это копье после победы в битве при Аустерлице. После
разгрома наполеоновских войск наконечник копья был тайно вывезен из
Нюрнберга и спрятан в Вене“.

Когда экскурсанты продолжили свой путь по залам музея, будущий фюрер

приблизился к витрине и долго смотрел на копье. Древко его состояло из двух
ветвей, закрученных в спираль, которые венчал потемневший от времени
наконечник, удивительно острый и тонкий. Впоследствии Гитлер выяснил, что, по
преданию, копье было способно летать, закручиваясь в воздухе и преодолевая
различные невидимые поля. Кроме того, оно обладало еще рядом магических
свойств, и этот список, скорее всего, был далеко не полным.
Но все это потом, а в тот момент Гитлер просто смотрел на копье, не в силах
отвести глаз. Впоследствии он вспоминал:
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«В ту же секунду я понял, что наступил знаменательный момент в моей

Однако я не понимал, как этот чисто христианский символ мог вызвать у
меня столь сильное волнение.
Долгие минуты я стоял, рассматривая копье, совершенно забыв обо всем,
что происходило вокруг. Казалось, что копье хранит какую-то тайну, от меня
ускользавшую, однако мною владело такое чувство, будто я знаю о ней
инстинктивно, не в состоянии проанализировать ее смысл в своем сознании.
Копье было чем-то вроде магического носителя откровения: оно открывало
такие прозрения в идеальный мир, что человеческое воображение казалось
более реальным, чем реальный материальный мир. Это было, как если бы я
столетия тому назад уже держал это копье в руках, и оно дало мне все свое
могущество. Как это было возможно? Что за безумие овладело моим разумом и
родило бурю в моем сердце?».

На следующий день он снова пришел в музей, чтобы посмотреть на копье. А

затем отправился в библиотеку, чтобы подробнее познакомиться с историей
необычной реликвии. Последуем и мы за ним…

Христианская легенда

Думаю, все мы помним евангельские строки, посвященные распятию Христа.

Прекрасно помнил их и Гитлер, несмотря на свою неприязнь к христианской
религии. Спаситель был распят на горе Голгофа – в переводе с арамейского ее
название означает «голова», «череп». Гора была специально предназначена для
казни преступников.
Казни через распятие происходили достаточно часто – в тогдашней Римской
империи было неспокойно. То рабы взбунтуются, то покоренный народ поднимет
восстание, не понимая всей прелести принадлежности к «цивилизованному
миру», то вдруг объявится какой-то бродячий проповедник, смущающий народ.
Вокруг места казни стояло оцепление из римских легионеров. Ими командовал
центурион. История сохранила для нас имя человека, который командовал
солдатами во время казни Христа. Его звали Лонгин.
В то время каждый римский легионер обязан был суметь соорудить крест.
Ничего сложного в этом, в сущности, не было. Необходимо было всего лишь
срубить дерево, зачистить два бруса – горизонтальный и вертикальный – и
скрепить их вместе при помощи веревок или, для надежности, зарубок в дереве.
После этого можно было приступать к самой казни. Два гвоздя забивались в руки
несчастного, третий проходил насквозь через щиколотки обеих ног. Все операции
– от повалки дерева до забивания гвоздей – производились одним орудием,
боевым топором. Дополнительно можно было привязать обреченного на казнь к
кресту, чтобы гвоздь не разорвал человеческую плоть под весом тела и, жертва не
рухнула с креста.
Перед центурионом, руководившим казнью, стояла обычно важная задача. Он
должен был не только командовать всей процедурой казни, но еще и
удостовериться в смерти жертвы. На кресте обычно умирали медленно – кровь на
ранах быстро сворачивалась и больше не вытекала. Жертва страдала от голода и
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 71

жажды. По мнению некоторых исследователей, специфическая поза на кресте

рано или поздно приводила к удушью. Обычно для сокращения страданий
приговоренным перебивали голени. Когда смерть наступала, центурион должен
был пронзить копьем сердце распятого, чтобы удостовериться в его смерти. Этот,
выражаясь современным языком, «контрольный прокол» был произведен и в
отношении Христа. Спаситель, к слову сказать, мучился на кресте сравнительно
недолго, лишь около шести часов.
В Евангелии от Иоанна эта процедура описана так:

«Но так как тогда была пятница, то иудеи, дабы не оставить тел на кресте в
субботу, просили Пилата, чтобы перебить у них голени и снять их. Итак,
пришли воины, и у первого перебили голени и у другого, распятого с Ним. Но
придя к Иисусу, как увидели Его уже умершим, не перебили у него голени, но
один из воинов копьем пронзил Ему ребра, и тотчас истекли кровь и вода».

Крест, гвозди и копье – орудия распятия Христа – были сохранены

христианами и свято чтимы. Первым прекратил свое существование крест.
Разделенный на множество мелких частиц, он был в IV веке, после принятия
Римом христианства, распространен по всем приходам империи.
А вот гвоздям и копью повезло больше – дробить на кусочки их никто не
стал. Впрочем, интересует нас в данном случае именно копье…

Длинный и его копье

Вернемся к нашему центуриону Лонгину. В переводе с латыни его имя

означает «длинный». Люди высокого роста вообще чрезвычайно ценились в
римской армии. Стандартный римский командир, он не выделялся ничем
особенным. Однако после распятия, если верить евангельским текстам,
прекратился в ревностного христианина. В Евангелии от Матфея сказано:

«Центурион же и те, которые с ним стерегли Иисуса, видя и все бывшее,

устрашились весьма и говорили: воистину Он был Сын Божий».

После испытанного душевного потрясение центурион стал одним из лидеров

христианской общины. Свое копье он сохранил в качестве реликвии. Лонгин
много проповедовал и, в конечном счете, обрел дар исцелять людей от глазных
болезней. Сегодня он канонизирован церковью. А как же его копье?
Сначала мы видим его среди христианских реликвий в Риме. Но Римская
империя быстро пала, и следы копья теряются на несколько веков. Возможно, оно
хранилось в одном из множества монастырей, которые были в бурлящей Европе
единственным – пусть зачастую и призрачным – оплотом стабильности. Но, как
только все более или менее успокоилось, Копье вновь оказалось на поверхности.
В X веке оно под названием «Святое Копье» фигурирует в списке реликвий,
принадлежащих германскому императору Оттону Великому. Согласно легенде,
ранее оно принадлежало самому Карлу Великому, который, в свою очередь,
получил его из рук римского папы в качестве благодарности за освобождение
Рима от варваров. Описание копья доказывает, что речь идет именно о том
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 72

предмете, который видел в Хофбурге Гитлер. Впоследствии копье переходит из

рук в руки и используется при коронации императоров. Taк, на средневековой
миниатюре, мы видим Генриха II, который держит копье в момент возложения на
него императорской короны.
Однако затем происходит нечто непонятное. Святое Копье почему-то время
от времени называют копьем святого Маврикия. Путаница? Судя по всему, нет.
Святой Маврикий – это, как и Лонгин, римский солдат, христианин,
пострадавший в эпоху гонений в IV веке. Его вместе с множеством единоверцев
предали мучительной казни. Согласно легенде, перед смертью Маврикий успел
бросить копье, которое описав совершенно немыслимую траекторию в виде
креста, вонзилось в горло императорского легата, командовавшего уничтожением
христиан. С тех пор копье считалось реликвией, дарующей победу над врагами.
Оно принадлежало сначала представителям Бургундского дома, а затем попало к
германским императорам. И началась путаница. Сначала все прекрасно понимали,
что речь идет о совершенно другом копье. Но после того как будущий император
Отгон Великий взял его с собой в поход против венгров и разгромил последних в
битве на Лехе, в день памяти святого Лонгина, оно получило дополнительное
прозвище – «Копье Лонгина». Прошло совсем немного времени, и его владельцы
стали утверждать, что в их руках – то самое копье, которое пронзило сердце
В XIII веке копье попадает в руки династии Габсбургов – не самых
влиятельных и сильных германских князей. С этого момента начинается
стремительное возвышение их рода. По совершенно необъяснимой причине
Рудольф Габсбург вскоре избирается германским императором, затем под власть
Австрии добровольно переходят Чехия и Венгрия. Спустя три века после
обретения Копья Судьбы – так теперь стала называться реликвия – Габсбурги едва
не превратились в полновластных хозяев всей Европы. Карл V, германский
император, был одновременно и испанским королем. Казалось, еще один рывок –
и вместо нескольких крупных государств возникнет единая универсальная
Рывка не случилось. Слишком сильным было объективное противодействие
подобным планам. Однако на протяжении столетий род Габсбургов, когда-то
захудалый и никому не известный, являлся хозяином одной из великих держав
Европы. Не благодаря ли Копью Судьбы? Гитлер хотел это выяснить на
собственном опыте.

Свою судьбу ищут сами

Мечта фюрера осуществилась 12 марта 1938 года. Германские войска,

сосредоточенные в Баварии, ринулись через границу. Нет, это не было войной.
Австрийское руководство подчинилось ультиматуму из Берлина: Австрия должна
войти в состав рейха. Собственно говоря, об этом мечтали многие австрийцы, и
немецкие танковые колонны повсюду встречали с цветами. Произошел так
называемый аншлюс.
Первыми из крупных нацистских функционеров в Вену прибыли Гиммлер,
Гесс и Шелленберг. А на следующий день, 13 марта, в бывшую столицу
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 73

торжественно въехал Гитлер. С трудом скрывая нетерпение, он дождался конца

торжественных церемоний и отправился в Хофбург, где его дожидалось заветное
копье. У входа в музей стояли Сивере и Кальтенбруннер, глава австрийских СС.
Оба они прибыли к Хофбургу за несколько дней до аншлюса, их задачей было
стеречь копье как зеницу ока. Со своей задачей оба деятеля вполне справились –
когда полиция попыталась взять музей под контроль, там уже находились готовые
стоять насмерть автоматчики. На штурм полицейские не пошли, а осада в связи с
аншлюсом продлилась недолго.
Гитлер долго стоял в молчании перед копьем. А потом отдал распоряжение
доставить его в Нюрнберг. Почему же не в штаб-квартиру «Аненэрбе»? На это
нашлись свои причины.
Гиммлер, рейхсфюрер СС, которому подчинялось, в том числе и «Наследие
предков», с удовольствием взял бы реликвию себе. Он тоже был наслышан о
мистических свойствах древнего артефакта, якобы способного полностью
изменить судьбу его владельца. Но Гитлер был не менее сильно заинтересован в
копье – и рейхсфюреру СС пришлось довольствоваться копией, которую
установили в замке Вевельсбург. Впрочем, определенное время ходили слухи –
судя по всему, ложные, – что пронырливому Гиммлеру удалось-таки поменять
местами копию и оригинал.
Передача копья была юридически оформлена как дар Австрии своему новому
фюреру. Усилиями специалистов Министерства пропаганды этот акт был широко
разрекламирован. Копье отправилось в Нюрнберг – столицу нацистского
движения, – где было помещено в церковь Святой Екатерины. Главным
хранителем копья был назначен обербургомистр Нюрнберга Вилли Либель,
человек, которому поручалось организовывать все партийные праздники. 13
октября 1938 года Копье судьбы оказалось в своем новом обиталище.
Этот день был объявлен в Германии днем общенационального праздника. На
вокзале собралась огромная толпа, чтобы увидеть прибытие поезда. Войска
образовали живую ограду на пути от вокзала до церкви Святой Екатерины, по
которому бронированные машины везли императорские сокровища. Такой
праздник планировалось повторять ежегодно, однако реализовать это не
получилось – в 1939 году началась война, и всем стало не до шумных торжеств.
С началом войны по приказу Гитлера было изготовлено несколько копий
священного оружия. Они были расположены в древних орденских замках на
границах Германии, а потом, по мере захвата чужих территорий вермахтом,
распространялись по всей Европе. Считалось, что эти «клоны» Копья судьбы
помогут защитить границы «тысячелетнего рейха» от врагов.
Не помогли. Может быть, потому, что копии снимались не с настоящего
Копья Лонгина?

Где находилось настоящее Копье Судьбы?

Честно говоря, я сам изначально до конца не был уверен, что копье Маврикия
и копье Лонгина – не один и тот же артефакт. Уж слишком много было указаний
на то, что речь идет об одном предмете. Однако несколько довольно странных
фактов заставили меня насторожиться.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 74

Во-первых, Святое Копье упоминается среди реликвий христианский

общины только в самый ранний период ее существования. И снова «всплывает»
на поверхность лишь в IV веке, уже после истории с Маврикием. Оказывается, что
мы не в состоянии выстроить непрерывную цепочку фактов. Конечно, вполне
возможно, что копье три века пролежало в каком-то тайнике, чтобы его не
уничтожили язычники. Но ведь крест и гвозди почитались, чуть ли не открыто! С
чего бы это такое внимание именно к копью?
Лишь потом, внимательно изучив древние тексты, я заметил весьма
интересный факт: копье никогда не было собственностью христианской общины.
Оно оставалось у Лонгина. То есть, пока Лонгин был в общине, оно находилось с
ним. Потом вместе с ним и «ушло». Только куда?
Известно, что Лонгин стал страстным проповедником и обошел многие
страны. Его маршрут довольно хорошо известен. В частности, он прошел по
территории современной Сирии, Турции и отправился на Кавказ. Именно там, на
территории современных закавказских республик, он задержался на весьма
продолжительное время, основал христианскую общину и руководил ею до самой
своей смерти. К слову сказать, армянская христианская церковь до сих пор
почитает Лонгина как своего основателя.
Теперь мне было ясно, в каком направлении искать. Конечно, ни русского, ни
армянского я не знал, и пришлось обратиться к переводчику. Оказалось, что я веду
поиск совершенно правильно: упоминания о Святом Копье встречались
практически на каждом шагу. Первый документ, который мне удалось достать, –
рапорт русского генерала, который в 1805 году сражался с турками на Кавказе.
Русскими войсками был занят, в частности, Эчмиадзинский монастырь. Здесь
русскому генералу показали реликвию – древнее копье – и рассказали
удивительную историю. По преданию, именно этим копьем было пронзено сердце
Христа, и оно обладает гигантской магической силой. Несмотря на бурные
времена, ни разу за свою многовековую историю монастырь не был подвергнут
разграблению, ни разу на него не напали враги.
Зная о чудесных свойствах реликвии, монахи с ее помощью творили
настоящие чудеса. Нередко копью приходилось совершать длительные
В XVIII веке, когда в Грузии началась эпидемия холеры, армянские монахи
помогли своим православным единоверцам, пронеся Копье в сопровождении
крестного хода по всей стране. В итоге болезнь была вынуждена отступить.
И вот Копье перед русским генералом. Долго всматривается он в древнюю
реликвию, а затем садится и пишет рапорт своему императору.

«Его Императорскому Величеству генерала от инфантерии князя

Цицианова рапорт.
К прежде взятым мною при возвращении из-под Еривани из
Ечмиадзинского Армянского монастыря сокровищам в наибогатейших иконах,
мощах, ризнице, украшенной драгоценными камнями, как для сбережения от
лжепатриарха Давида, который все оное хотел увезти в турецкие области, так и
по просьбе архиереев той нации, генерал-майор Несветаев нечаянным захватом
оного монастыря сделался властителем и остальных сокровищ, большой
важности по святости христианской, а именно: Святое Копие, коим прободен
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 75

был Христос Спаситель наш, рука святого Григория, Просветителя армянской

нации, – все сие найдено между рогож и нечистых тряпок для утаения,
богатейшая ризница и иконы, и все то доставлено сказанным генерал-майором
Иесветаевым в Тифлис, куда мощи и Святое Копие армянскими архиереями
вносимы были с довмеемою (достаточной) церемониею.
Ныне же генерал-майор Портнягин занимается переписью всего того с
армянским духовенством, по совершении чего для успокоения той нации,
имеющей большую веру к оному Святому Копию и мощам, не оставлю я
обвестить, как и о прежде привезенных, что они забраны единственно для
сбережения от лжепатриарха Давида, расхитившего уже сокровища
Ечмиадзинского монастыря, но что, когда Богу угодно будет восстановить на
патриарший престол патриарха Даниила или Ечми-адзин будет под российским
правлением, тогда все сие возвращено будет в целости тому монастырю, яко
собственность никем не отъемлемая,
О всем сем имею счастье всеподданнейше донести Вашему
Императорскому Величеству – имею таковое поднести рисунок того Святого
Копья. Генерал от инфантерии князь Цицианов. Елисаветполь. Июня 17 дня.
1805 года».

По сегодняшний день настоящее Святое Копье хранится в Эчимадзинском

монастыре. О нем мало кто знает, что, впрочем, только на пользу монахам.
Многие по-прежнему считают, что копье Лонгина – это, то самое Копье Судьбы,
которое хранилось у Гитлера. Впрочем, его судьба также до конца не понятна.
После разгрома Германии многочисленные копии Копья быстро разошлись
по рукам победителей. Причем каждый владелец утверждал, что именно в его-то
руках и находится оригинал, что еще больше усиливало путаницу. Но экспертиза
раз за разом подтверждала, что очередная «реликвия» – не более чем фальшивка.
Куда же делся оригинал? Проследить его путь совсем непросто. Нюрнберг на
момент капитуляции Германии не был занят войсками ни одной из стран
антигитлеровской коалиции. Поэтому у нацистов было время спрятать Копье
Судьбы. Куда? Точно сказать этого нельзя. Об этом можно строить лишь
предположения. Известно, например, что когда Сиверс на допросе хотел
рассказать о местоположении Копья, его грубо оборвали. Почему? Кто из
допрашивавших его не был заинтересован в том, что бы Сиверс открыл правду?
Загадки, сплошные загадки…

Тайный институт и явные масоны

В своих речах Гитлер клеймил не только евреев. Он обрушивался на масонов,

которые, по его словам, помогли евреям захватить власть над миром и своими
тайными ложами оплели все страны, поймав их политическую и деловую элиту в
прочную сеть.
Это известно каждому. Поэтому я несказанно удивился, когда нашел в
бумагах отца потрепанную книжку – вернее, просто набор страниц, потому что
обложка была утрачена окончательно и бесповоротно. На титульном листе

«Барон фон Зеботтендорф. Прежде чем пришел Гитлер».

Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 76

Честно говоря, литературу по истории Третьего рейха я знаю довольно

хорошо, но вот с такой книгой мне сталкиваться не приходилось. Впрочем,
удивиться этому факту я не успел. Поперек второй страницы стоял большой
чернильный штамп «К уничтожению». Такой штамп, насколько мне было
известно, ставился на издания, которые следовало немедленно изымать и
уничтожать – на сочинения Маркса, Ленина и прочие «опасные книги». Но что
такого опасного мог написать Зеботтендорф? Ситуация откровенно заинтриговала
Справочные издания мало что смогли сообщить мне. Лишь связавшись с
издательством, которое выпустило книгу в далеком 1933 году, я узнал интересные
подробности: оказывается, практически весь тираж книги был уничтожен через
день после ее появления на прилавках. Издатели чуть не попали в концлагерь.
Почему Гитлер пощадил Зеботтендорфа, остается загадкой.
Что же такого написал барон в этой книге? В беспредельной наивности он
решил описать, при чьей помощи Гитлер пришел к власти, и подумал, что это
сойдет ему с рук. Не вышло – тайные знания должны были оставаться тайными.
Но сегодня мы вполне можем приподнять над ними эту завесу…

Кто Вы, Великий Магистр?

Барон Зеботтендорф в своей книге описал деятельность некого тайного

общества. Имен он предусмотрительно не называл. Впрочем, не называли их и
сами члены общества – в общении между собой они пользовались цифровыми
кодами. Задача у тайного общества была одна: сделать из будущего фюрера
Великого Магистра, главу организации масонского толка.
Для этого у Гитлера имелись все задатки. Часто говорили о его способности
ясновидения (причем без всяких выпиливаний «третьего глаза»). Однажды,
находясь на фронте, он заблаговременно покинул место, куда через несколько
секунд упал снаряд. Да и позднее, уже в бытность свою крупным политическим
лидером, Гитлер демонстрировал феноменальное везение. На него было
совершено, по моим данным, около 40 покушений, и лишь во время одного из них
(20 июля 1944 года) фюрер получил контузию и несколько царапин. Остальные не
оставили даже синяков.
Кто же занимался подготовкой будущего Великого Магистра? Первую группу
составили: русские масоны-эмигранты. Ненавидя власть красных, они искренне
поверили в национал-социализм и взялись за «воспитание» Гитлера. Тем более
что последний, несмотря на всю свою открыто провозглашаемую ненависть к
славянам, относился к этим людям с уважением. Очевидно, он считал их
потомками германцев, которые и составили дворянскую элиту Российской
империи. Главой этих русских масонов был прибалтийский немец
Шойбнер-Рихтер, который внес огромный вклад в развитие Гитлера как
политического лидера. Правда, русские масоны ратовали за крепкий
русско-германский союз – урок, который глава НСДАП не пожелал усваивать ни
под каким соусом.
Русские шагали вместе с Гитлером по брусчатке Одеонплатц в Мюнхене в
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день «пивного путча». Генерал Бискупский заслонит фюрера от пули своим телом.
Другая пуля сразит Шойбнера-Рихтера. «Все заменимы, но только не он», – так
сказал Гитлер, узнав о его гибели.
Впрочем, у русских инициативу довольно быстро перехватил Хаусхофер, о
котором мы довольно много писали выше. Его «Светящаяся ложа» станет
работать над созданием более мощной масонской организации, во главе которой
можно будет поставить Гитлера. Понятное дело, что по отношению к самой
«Светящейся ложе» эта организация должна будет занимать, по мысли
Хаусхофера, подчиненное положение.
И действительно, такая ложа была создана. Правда, серьезной
самостоятельной роли она не получила. Противопоставить себя Гитлеру она не
могла, поскольку тот считался Великим Магистром, сам же фюрер предпочитал
опираться на массовую партию, а не на небольшую, хоть и
высокоинтеллектуальную секту. В отношении фюрера к масонам в этот период
начинают смешиваться ненависть и восхищение. Он писал:

«Их иерархическая организация и инициация путем символических

ритуалов, которые, так сказать, не утруждают мозги, но заставляют работать
воображение через посредство магии и символов культа, – все это опасные
элементы, элементы, которые я заимствовал. Не думаете ли вы, что наша
партия должна иметь такой же характер?
Орден – вот чем она должна быть. Да, орден, иерархический орден
светского священства».

Посмотрим на кадры германской кинохроники тех лет. Вот фюрер выступает,

и мы видим полный набор тайных масонских жестов! Руки под прямым углом
скрещены на груди – да-да, именно так делали масонские магистры. Это
изображение рунического знака «двойной топор», символа власти. В книгах по
черной магии он трактуется следующим образом: «Жест магистра – скрещенные
руки на груди, конечно же, не что иное, как символ смерти и возрождения,
используемый в ритуале вызывания мертвых».
Поэтому ни о каком разгроме масонских организаций не могло быть и речи.
Вот о том, чтобы поставить их под государственный и партийный контроль, –
совсем другое дело. Здесь нацисты постарались на славу. Так и не появившаяся
толком на свет масонская ложа была воплощена в институте «Аненэрбе».
Значительная часть его кадрового состава, действительно, были из числа тех, кого
Хаусхофер прочил в сподвижники Гитлеру.
Впрочем, мнение Хаусхофера было на тот момент не столь интересно. Он
создал уже свою, подчинявшуюся только ему масонскую ложу. Именно в нее он
интегрировал институт «Наследие предков» и все прочие проекты, связанные с
масонами Третьего рейха. Естественно, с послушными ему масонами, поскольку
противоречия Гитлер не терпел. Эта ложа должна была, в частности, поставить
под свой контроль все независимые масонские организации рейха. Кроме того, ей
надлежало взять на себя контакты с зарубежными масонами – постольку,
поскольку это окажется возможным – и, таким образом, содействовать внешней
политике Третьего рейха. Главой, Великим Магистром этой ложи Гитлер назначил
одного из своих ближайших соратников.
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Имя этой ложи – СС.

За фасадом масонского храма.

Да-да, именно так. Гитлер считал СС определенным аналогом масонских лож

и не раз называл Генриха Гиммлера своим личным масоном. Действительно,
масонство во многом послужило прообразом эсэсовских формирований.
Масонские практики активно внедрялись в таких сферах, как психологическая
обработка, иерархическая структура, образование. При этом делать подобные
заимствования отнюдь не считалось зазорным. В конце концов, сами масоны
когда-то позаимствовали все это у Тевтонского ордена – этого цвета германского
До Второй мировой войны СС являлись элитарной организацией. Прием в их
ряды новых членов сопровождался сложными церемониями, отбор проводился
весьма тщательно, словно при комплектовании масонских лож. Даже церемония
посвящения в члены СС была, в сущности, позаимствована у масонов.
Кандидат в члены СС должен был первым делом представить свою
родословную, которая ясно и четко доказывала бы его арийское происхождение.
Стаж: «чистой крови» должен был быть исключительно велик – два с половиной
века, с конца XVII столетия. После этого он должен был пройти определенную
стажировку, которая сильно напоминала монастырское послушание. И лишь по
истечении этого «испытательного срока» молодой человек становился
полноправным эсэсовцем. Ему вручали кортик и перстень (к слову сказать, эти
регалии тоже позаимствованы у масонов).
Высшие иерархи ордена СС – двенадцать обергруппенфюреров, с которыми
Гиммлер постоянно советовался – заседали за особым дубовым столом. Все это
должно было воспроизводить обстановку совещаний рыцарей Круглого стола.
Каждый из этих посвященных имел собственный дубовый стул, на котором
красовалась серебряная табличка с его именем. Кроме того, он носил кинжал
особой формы и массивный серебряный перстень.
Заседания избранных проводились обычно в замке Вевельсбург – «столице»
империи СС, любимой резиденции Гиммлера. Он был воздвигнут в кратчайшие
сроки на месте древнего средневекового замка, принадлежавшего
барону-разбойнику. До XX века от исторической постройки уцелели лишь
живописные руины. Расположение замка не случайно: он является центром
своеобразного мистического треугольника, который образуют три сакральных
места. Первое из них – Тевтобургский лес, где в начале новой эры предводитель
германцев Арминий одержал победу над римскими легионами Вара. Эта победа
священна для всех немцев, поскольку остановила римское вторжение в Германию
и обеспечила независимость германских племен. Вторая вершина треугольника –
скалы Экстернштайна, место, где в древности поддерживался древнегерманский
культ огня. На этих скалах, нависших над Рейном (священная для всех немцев
река, которую они называют не иначе, как Отец Рейн), жрецы устроили
обсерваторию, откуда наблюдали за движением звезд и занимались
предсказаниями будущего. Здесь был создан рунический зодиакальный круг.
Третья вершина – древний город Армабег, от которого остались одни руины.
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Археологи из «Наследия предков» предполагали, что Армабегу не менее 10 тысяч

лет и, следовательно, он древнее всех известных городов мира.
Сам замок, за возведение которого взялся известный архитектор Герман
Бартельс, тоже был треугольным в плане. Число «три», равно как и «двенадцать»,
вообще было священным в ритуалах СС. Северная башня замка предназначалась
для собраний рейхсфюрера СС и его двенадцати посвященных – антипода
христианских апостолов.
Периодичность заседаний также имела определенный ритуальный смысл.
Под башней находилось подземное помещение – крипта, – где был зажжен
священный вечный огонь. К нему вели три ступени, а вокруг огня находилось
двенадцать возвышений для торжественных церемоний. Здесь предполагалось
проводить ритуалы мистических погребений и торжественного сжигания гербов.
Впрочем, согласно некоторым данным, здесь же предполагалось приносить
человеческие жертвоприношения.
Были в замке и исследовательские лаборатории, правда, немного. Здесь
трудились ученые, создававшие психотронное оружие, изучавшие механизм
управления человеком. После войны все результаты этих исследований куда-то
пропали. Однако это меня не удивляет.
Впрочем, планы на будущее относительно Вевельсбурга у Гиммлера были
поистине грандиозными. Если мегаломания Гитлера еще держалась в
определенных разумных рамках – по крайней мере, не наблюдалось сильных
разрывов с реальностью, – то Гиммлер в своих мистических планах превзошел все
разумные пределы. Он собирался воздвигнуть вокруг замка целый город,
кварталы которого будут образовывать концентрические круги. В соответствии с
геомантией – учением о «магии Земли» – Гиммлер считал Вевельсбург
энергетическим центром мира.
Специалисты из «Аненэрбе» – особенно из отделов, связанных с
оккультными науками – прекрасно знали, какие чувствительные струны следовало
нажимать в душе своего начальника. Финансирование соответствующих
направлений постоянно росло, а ученые представляли рейхсфюреру СС все новые
и новые доказательства действия оккультных сил. В 1942 году они выступили с
заявлением, что их противники – в первую очередь русские – прибегают к услугам
каких-то потусторонних сущностей, которые и позволяют им побеждать!
Великобритания и США, говорили они, опутаны масонскими ложами, которые
при помощи мистических приемов пытаются сломить германскую нацию.
Следовательно – подводили логичный итог эксперты «Наследия предков», –
необходимо противопоставить вражеским усилиям такие же методы. К примеру,
использовать в военных целях древний ритуал «маятниковой локации»,
приспособив его к современным условиям.
Впрочем, об этом стоит рассказать поподробнее.

Маятник, но не Фуко

Как вы думаете, сколько человек может заниматься воскрешением старой

традиции «лозоходства», применявшейся кладоискателями в Средние века.
Лаборатория? Отдел? Нет, друзья мои! Целый научный институт, работавший в
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рамках системы «Аненэрбе». Назывался институт просто и без изысков –

Институт маятника, благо лозоходство переименовали в более современную и
приятную ученому уху «маятниковую локацию». Случай с этим институтом
весьма показателен.
Для тех, кто не знает, постараюсь вкратце описать принцип лозоходства. В
старину считалось, что подземные реки и колодцы, а также клады можно найти,
воспользовавшись веточкой орешника. Ветка должна быть в форме вилки –
человек берет в каждую руку по ответвлению данной «вилки» и медленно
движется вперед. Как только он окажется нал подземным объектом, ветка в его
руках отклонится.
Именно этот феномен представители «Аненэрбе» собрались использовать в
военных целях. Каким образом, спросите вы? Да очень просто! Для поиска
британских подводных лодок. Не подумайте, что современные лозоходцы летали
над морем на самолетах. Им вполне хватало морских карт, над которыми они
просиживали дни напролет в комфортабельных кабинетах. А потом в конце дня
выдавали сводки об «обнаружении» вражеских субмарин. Думаю, не стоит
уточнять, что данные расходились с действительностью абсолютно, если
исключить единичные случайные совпадения.
Правда, встречались и исключения. Например, некто Страниак, архитектор
по профессии. Он действительно продемонстрировал необыкновенные
способности, не находившие рационального объяснения. Ему не требовался
ореховый прутик для того, чтобы обнаружить корабль – стоило ему посмотреть на
фотографию судна, как он тут же называл приблизительный район его
местонахождения. Страниака некоторое время проверяли на германских судах, и
ошибки оказались на удивление незначительны. Чаще всего архитектор правильно
указывал местонахождение кораблей.
Талант Страниака пригодился в 1943 году, когда в Италии произошел
государственный переворот, в результате которого друг и союзник Гитлера –
Бенито Муссолини был свергнут и заключен под стражу. Естественно, первым
желанием фюрера было спасти своего друга. Но вот незадача – место, где
содержался свергнутый итальянский лидер, было неизвестно. Военная разведка не
сумела справиться с задачей – Муссолини постоянно перевозили из одного места
заключения в другое, и информация, полученная через абвер, постоянно
оказывалась устаревшей. На помощь пришли специалисты Института маятника,
которые привлекли к поискам дуче Страниака.
Впрочем, в данном случае талантливый архитектор допустил ошибку. Он
сообщил, что дуче находится на острове Маддалена в Средиземном море. На
самом деле Муссолини содержали в горном отеле, о чем военная разведка,
наконец, сумела получить достоверную информацию пару дней спустя. После
этого случая доверие к Институту маятника упало и, к его рекомендациям никто
не относился всерьез. В 1944 году институт был тихо ликвидирован.
Однако помимо подобных полукомических институтов в рамках «Аненэрбе»
существовало немало научных групп, которые занимались серьезной работой.
Впрочем, охватить своим вниманием все их проекты мы все равно не сможем.
Поэтому обратимся напоследок к святая святых «Наследия предков» – его
обрядам и планам на будущее.
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Обряды «Аненэрбе»

Помимо Вевельбурга у масонов из СС был еще один центр власти. Речь идет,
как вы понимаете, еще об одном средневековом замке. Он находился не на юге, а
на востоке Германии. Это была постройка XI века – легендарный замок Вартбург,
в котором Мартин Лютер переводил Библию на немецкий язык. Место, в
общем-то, священное для всех немцев, в особенности протестантов. Именно в
этом замке расположилось руководство «Аненэрбе». Именно здесь составлялись
проекты создания военно-духовного государства.
Именно здесь формировалась идеология будущего государства. Известный
специалист по расам и психолог Эрих Энш утверждал: «Раса и кровь, кровь и раса
– это лежит в основе всего. От строения капиллярной сети и до мировоззрения
протягивается единая прямолинейная нить. Мир идей человека зависит не только
от духовных факторов, но и от общего бытия». Чтобы сформировать единую касту
рыцарей СС, предполагалось создание четырех специальных «орденсбургов» –
«орденских замков», закрытых школ-интернатов, где должна была воспитываться
элита завтрашнего дня. Каждый замок был рассчитан на пятьсот человек.
Первый из «орденсбургов» – замок Фогельзанг – был открыт уже в 1935 году.
На его воротах (как и на воротах: концлагерей) создатели сочли нужным написать
краткое и емкое выражение. Была выбрана фраза «Слепое повиновение» – первый
и главный закон, которому должны были научиться будущие рыцари. Не следует
обдумывать и обсуждать приказы старших, их нужно выполнять беспрекословно и
Наплыв желающих попасть в орденский замок, несмотря на строгий отбор и
тяготы военного воспитания, был огромен. Сказалась тяга к униформе, с одной
стороны, и тоска по средневековой романтике – с другой. Ведь здесь все было
окрашено в таинственные цвета прошлого, мистического и загадочного. Даже сам
ритуал посвящения – «кровавое крещение» – внушал благоговение и страх. Этот
ритуал был разработан с учетом новейших достижений психологии и позволял
добиться полного зомбирования молодых людей.
Воспитанников держали на особой диете, которую разрабатывал для них
лично Гиммлер. Они, например, вообще не пили кофе, зато в огромных
количествах потребляли минеральную воду. Считалось, что это очищает организм
от шлаков, оздоровляя его. С той же целью проводили «магнетические сеансы».
Физические нагрузки были весьма серьезными, тренировки занимали
львиную долю времени воспитанников. Однако этим дело не ограничивалось:
кандидаты в орден СС обязаны были изучать руны, древние германские предания,
расовую теорию. Женитьба молодого эсэсовца могла состояться только с личного
разрешения рейхсфюрера, после тщательной проверки арийского происхождения
невесты. При этом жизнь молодой семьи строго контролировалась. В недрах
«Аненэрбе» создавались на этот счет инструкции, которые иначе как бредовыми
не назовешь. Например, новобрачным рекомендовалось зачинать детей не
где-нибудь, а на кладбищах. В результате исследований было якобы установлено,
что зачатые в таких условиях дети наследуют дух мертвецов, лежащих в могиле.
Археологи из «Наследия предков» провели пробные раскопки кладбищ, чтобы
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 82

определить, что за покойники там лежат. Если останки принадлежали людям

нордического типа, то кладбище попадало в специальный список
рекомендованных для процедуры зачатия.
Немного позднее, чем орденские замки, были учреждены подготовительные
школы, так называемые «Напола». Девизом этих школ было: «Верить,
повиноваться, сражаться!» Критерии отбора в них были гораздо менее строгими.
После окончания таких школ лучшие отправлялись в замки, где формировалась
элита, все остальные попадали во фронтовые части и подразделения охраны
лагерей, которых с каждым годом становилось все больше. Соответственно росло
и число «Напола».
Каждый выходивший из ворот «орденского замка» обязан был принести обет
верности и послушания. С нарушившими обет жесточайшим образом
расправлялись. Возможности вернуться к нормальной жизни у эсэсовца уже не
было, он не принадлежал самому себе. Глава Германского трудового фронта
доктор Лей говорил по этому поводу:

«Каждому из вас следует запомнить, что тот, у кого партия отнимет право
на коричневую рубашку, потеряет не только работу. Он будет уничтожен вместе
с семьей, женой, детьми. Таковы жестокие, неумолимые законы нашего

Церемония посвящения отличалась особой, мрачной торжественностью. Она

была почти полностью скопирована с церемонии посвящения в рыцари
Тевтонского ордена. После нее получивший две похожие на молнию руны «зиг»
новобранец мог считать себя частью особой, сверхчеловеческой расы. Гиммлер
стремился сделать все для того, чтобы как можно дальше дистанцировать эту расу
от обычных людей. Он мечтал о своем сверхчеловечестве. И эксперты «Аненэрбе»
охотно поддерживали своего рейхсфюрера.
Орден СС должен был превратиться в замкнутую корпорацию, государство в
государстве. Члены ордена должны были подлежать только орденской
юрисдикции, повиноваться только орденским законам. Планировалось создать
города и селения ветеранов СС по всему миру, как колонии в человеческом мире.
В конце концов, планировалось даже создание особого эсэсовского государства на
территории древней Бургундии. В своей речи весной 1943 года Гиммлер
высказался по этому поводу следующим образом.

«На мирной конференции мир узнает о воскрешении древней Бургундии.

Эта страна, бывшая когда-то землей наук и искусств, была сведена Францией
до уровня заспиртованного придатка. Суверенное государство Бургундия, со
своей армией, законами, монетой, почтой, станет образцовым государством
СС. В нее войдут Романская Швейцария, Шампань, Франш-Конте, Эно и
Люксембург. Официальным языком будет, разумеется, немецкий. Править
будет только СС, национал-социалистическая партия не будет иметь в
Бургундии никакой власти. Мир будет потрясен и восхищен государством, где
будут применены наши концепции».

Из числа эсэсовцев руководители ордена отбирали посвященных, которые,

как правило, вступали в ряды «Аненэрбе». Им совершенно необязательно было
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 83

становиться учеными, просто, таким образом, их поднимали над массой тупых,

бездумных исполнителей. Как говорил Гитлер:

«Речь вовсе не идет об уничтожении неравенства между людьми, наоборот,

его необходимо усилить, поставив непреодолимые барьеры. Каким будет
грядущий социальный порядок? Друзья мои, я скажу вам это: будет класс
господ и толпа различных членов партии, разделенных строго иерархически.
Под ними – огромная безликая масса, коллектив служителей, низших навсегда.
Еще ниже – класс побежденных иностранцев, современные рабы. И надо всем
этим встанет новая аристократия, о которой я пока не могу говорить… Но эти
планы не должны быть известны рядовым членам партии».

Особое место занимали в системе институтов СС концентрационные лагеря.

Они были не только резервуаром дешевой рабочей силы, не только орудием
наказания для инакомыслящих. Они представляли собой гигантские жертвенники,
на которых в жертву древним богам приносились тысячи и миллионы людей.
Печи Аушвица – это ритуал. Ни больше и не меньше.
Были у СС и собственные мощные разведывательные институты. Это и
внешняя разведка Вальтера Шелленберга, и знаменитое гестапо Генриха
Мюллера. Сюда отбирали лучших, самых способных молодых людей из
орденских замков. Старые кадры постепенно уходили, освобождая место новым,
фанатичным, молодым поколениям.
Сложно сказать, как выглядел бы мир, если бы все эти планы реализовались.
Но, к несчастью для всех масонов, магов и сверхлюдей из «Аненэрбе», Третий
рейх потерпел в 1945 году сокрушительное поражение.
Однако был ли разгромлен институт «Наследие предков»?

Призрак Четвертого рейха

Международный трибунал в Нюрнберге запретил наряду с другими

нацистскими структурами и «Аненэрбе». Чуть позднее был отправлен на казнь и
Сиверс. По свидетельству очевидцев, в свои последние часы он держался с
поразительным достоинством. Перед казнью Сиверс попросил несколько минут на
молитву. Молился он по своим, эсэсовским, обрядам. А потом совершенно
спокойно сунул голову в петлю.
Сиверса можно понять: он был формальным руководителем «Наследия
предков» и должен был принять смерть после формальной кончины этой
организации. Все было совершенно логично. Сиверс знал, что на самом деле с
падением Третьего рейха для тайной масонской ложи СС ничего не потеряно. Да,
ей пришлось уйти в тень, но ее дело продолжало жить.
Уже в 1946 году в Мадриде, где правил союзник Гитлера Франко, была
создана организация «ОДЕССА» – в расшифровке эта аббревиатура звучит как
«Общество бывших членов СС». Но члены СС, как мы уже знаем, бывшими не
становятся. И всю Европу накрывает тонкая сеть под кодовым названием «Паук»,
через которую из Германии в безопасные страны бегут десятки и сотни бывших
эсэсовцев. Приоритет отдается тем, кто запятнал себя кровью, и сотрудникам
«Аненэрбе» – таким, как мой отец. Во главе «Паука» стоял известный диверсант
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 84

Отто Скорцени. В распоряжении Скорцени находились крупные финансовые

средства – нацистские вклады никуда не делись, – а также множество чистых
бланков паспортов других государств. Одна только Аргентина передала ему 7
тысяч бланков.
Большая часть архивов «Аненэрбе», не захваченных Красной армией, тоже
была переправлена в Южную Америку. Куда они делись потом, было для меня
большой загадкой (впрочем, сегодня мне уже известен ответ на этот ребус). В
южноамериканских государствах процветали немецкие колонии – поселения,
основанные бывшими эсэсовцами и пользовавшиеся практически полной
независимостью (в одном из таких поселений, собственно говоря, и вырос автор
этих строк).
Институт «Аненэрбе» фактически возродился под прежним названием и до
1975 года (до смерти Франко) функционировал в Мадриде. Далее его дислокацию
пришлось менять и вообще перейти к схеме децентрализации как более выгодной.
Конечно, ветераны Третьего рейха постепенно отошли от дел, но им на смену
пришла молодежь, которая горит желанием «не уронить честь отцов».
«ОДЕССА» и «Аненэрбе» стали пионерами по части многих финансовых
махинаций. Да-да, они не только тратили нажитое за годы нацистского господства
в Германии, но и активно зарабатывали. Тайные финансовые и разведывательные
нити тянулись в Ирландию, Австрию, Швецию, Швейцарию, Китай, Гонконг,
Тайвань, Германию, Ливан, Египет, Ирак, Иорданию, Иран, Тунис, Турцию,
Марокко, Италию и Южную Африку. На многих традиционных направлениях
«теневой экономики» наследники СС уничтожили традиционные мафиозные
кланы и полностью контролируют в некоторых регионах, например, торговлю
оружием, драгоценными камнями, отмывание денег. Мафия не в состоянии
сражаться с ними, потому что на фоне эсэсовцев выглядит как школьный хулиган
на фоне серийных убийц.
На базе «Наследия предков», в котором сформирован собственный
финансово-экономический отдел, построен рентабельный бизнес охранных,
сыскных и аудиторских мировых компаний. Мировая финансовая империя
нацистов представлена концерном Флика, в структуру которого входит известная
фирма «Мерседес-Бенц», трест «ИГ Фарбениндустри», Объединенные
австрийские металлургические и сталелитейные заводы, фирма «Штайбах»,
концерн «Ферайнигештальверке АГ» и сотни других транснациональных
компаний, трестов и корпораций. Центром деятельности нацистов считается
Чили. Именно здесь с 1958 года работает исследовательский комплекс «Аненэрбе»
под названием «Дигнидад». Именно здесь, в отрогах Западных Кордильер,
расположены центры подготовки – современные орденские замки. Нацисты
помогли в свое время прийти к власти Пиночету, после чего чувствовали себя в
Чили совершенно вольготно.
Впрочем, безнаказанно действуют они и по другой причине. Дело в том, что
наследники СС слишком много знают о международных связях нацизма, о той
помощи, которая оказывалась ему со стороны западных демократий, их
правительственных и масонских кругов. Современный Запад, обходящий
гробовым молчанием многие загадки Третьего рейха, крайне не заинтересован в
том, чтобы эта информация стала достоянием общественности.
Hans Ulrich von Krantz: "Ahnenerbe. "Ancestral heritage". Hitler's Secret Project" 85


Настало время поставить точку. Наверное, это самое сложное из всего, что
предстоит сделать автору. Перечитывая рукопись еще раз, я замечаю, что сейчас
многое сделал бы иначе. Что книга получилась слегка сумбурной, несколько
перегруженной фактами. Но что поделать – для каждого автора книга как ребенок.
Она такова, какая она есть. И, смею себе польстить, мой первый опыт на
писательской ниве не столь уж плох. В конце концов, основных своих целей я
достиг – познакомил вас, дорогие читатели, с теми страницами истории Третьего
рейха, которые ранее замалчивались либо трактовались совершенно неверно.
Конечно, я и сам многого не знаю, много скрыто от меня «белыми пятнами».
Но если мы согласимся не закрывать на них глаза, не ограничиваться убогой
лубочной картинкой, которую подсовывают нам в чьих-то корыстных интересах
продажные историки, мы рано или поздно прикоснемся к истинному знанию. Вера
в это поддерживает меня и заставляет продолжать мои исследования.
В процессе работы с документами отца я наткнулся сразу на три
интереснейшие темы, которые заслуживают отдельного исследования. Им и будут
посвящены мои следующие книги.
Что это за темы? Помните, мы говорили про Арктогею, про проект
колонизации Антарктиды, про множество исчезнувших неизвестно куда людей,
документов, сокровищ?
Я убежден (и не просто убежден, я точно знаю) – этот проект был
Нацистская база в Антарктиде действовала долгие десятилетия и, вполне
возможно, действует до сих пор.
Отдельно мое внимание привлекло «чудо-оружие» Третьего рейха.
В течение 1942–1945 годов гитлеровское руководство неоднократно обещало
солдатам на фронте его скорое появление. Пропагандистский трюк? Да, именно
так это сегодня обычно и трактуют. В то же время никто не отрицает, что
Третьему рейху первым удалось создать реактивную боевую авиацию, дальние
баллистические ракеты.
А какие еще проекты были близки к завершению?
Я занялся двумя из них: космической ракетной программой и атомной
Ведь многие историки признают, что немцы вплотную подошли к созданию
собственной ядерной бомбы и чуть не опередили Америку.
На самом деле, они шли вровень. И только случайность помешала
применению германского ядерного оружия весной 1945 года.
Что касается ракетной космической программы, то она была нацелена в
первую очередь на создание межконтинентального баллистического оружия,
способного достичь территории США. Такая ракета действительно была создана и
запущена. О ее судьбе я тоже обязательно расскажу.
До встречи на страницах следующих книг!

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