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A. Background of the study

Anxiety is a common problem that someone often find when doing

performance. According to Willingham and Cole (1997, p. 213), anxiety is an

effect of bad performance. It is a condition or situation where someone feel worry,

nerves, or fear about their performance, that will really give negative effect for

their performance. When someone feel anxiety, it is difficult for them to create

great performance. Their mind will divide become two parts, they think a lot

about their performance and work hard to solve their anxiety. It will mess their

goal to get great performance.

Speaking anxiety is the feeling of fear, stress, nerves that could inhibit

students’ learning of the language. Speaking anxiety is very influence for

someone’s performance. When someone has high level of speaking anxiety, it will

make their performance does not run well. It is different with someone who has

low level of speaking anxiety, generally they more be able to give their maximal

performance and more confident when speaking.

There are many factors can influence students speaking anxiety, one of

them is teacher. Teacher has important role in increase students’ level of anxiety.

Based on the study of Brown (2007) stated that teachers’ factors, can create

various problems in language besides learners’ and learning factors. The teachers’

wrong behavior may avoid language learner to express their mind competently

and make the students feel anxious when speaking. So, the teacher needs to pay
attention to language learners’ remark, questions, anxiety and must be courteous

to the learners.

Based on the explanation above English speaking anxiety is the feeling of

fear, nerves, stress when speaking in English. However, limited study on

exploring the teachers’ strategies to help students reducing their speaking anxiety

content found. Most of the previous research is more focus on university students

(e.g: Bughio, 2015; Wang & Roopchund, 2015; Handayani & Rahmawati, 2017;

Tien, 2018; Mitha, Amri & Narus, 2018; Miskam & Saidalvi; 2019), English

speaking anxiety in Indonesia (e.g: Indriaty, 2016; Khusnia, 2016; Sutarsyah,

2017; Nadia, 2018; Atma,2018; Hutabarat & Simanjuntak, 2019), and relationship

between speaking anxiety and speaking ability (e.g: Susanto, Palupi, Mustikawati,

2017; Handayani & Ngadiman, 2018).

Moreover, other study concern on students’ level of anxiety (e.g:

Tanielian, 2014; Tercan & Dikilitas, 2015; Ziaurahman & PhD, 2015; Elaldi,

2016), factors that influence speaking anxiety (e.g: Khusnia, 2016; Sari, 2017;

Weda & Sakti, 2018), and sources of English speaking anxiety (e.g: Sadighi &

Dastpal,2017; Tulgar, 2018).

Based on some previous research mentioned above, it can be assumed that

most of previous research aim to find out university students, English speaking

anxiety in Indonesia, relationship between speaking anxiety and speaking skill,

level, factors, and sources of English speaking anxiety. However, I did not found

the study about teacher’s strategies to help students reduce their English speaking

anxiety. Most of previous that have investigated in English speaking anxiety, most
of them at university level, some of them at senior high school level, and only one

of them at junior high school.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher felt interested in

conducting the research by the title: “How Teacher’s Strategies Helping

Students in Reducing Their English Speaking Anxiety at Senior High


B. Purpose Statement

The purpose of this qualitative research will be to explore teacher’s

strategies in reducing speaking anxiety of students at Senior High School


C. Research Questions

The following were the research questions:

1. What are the teacher’s strategies in reducing students speaking


2. Why do teacher use those strategies?

3. What are the teacher’s strategies for new students and old students?
Literature Map


Atma, 2018; Cruz, 2019

Teacher’s Role in Reducing Students

Students’ Problem in Speaking Anxiety Speaking Anxiety based on Students’


Low public speaking

Having to speak Teacher using a Having the
skills, emotional
foreign language modelling approach students
in front of other to correction speak up
students (Burden,2004;Young, (Young,
(Beatty & Frieland,
(Price, 1991) 1990) 1990)

Feel anxious and Confronted

Teacher more likely
tart to panic when Lack vocabulary with two
as a failitator
asked to speak in (Young, 1990) options
(Auerbak, 2001 in
English (Horwitz et
Burden, 2004)
(Nozi et al, 2014) al, 1986)

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