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To Whom It May Concern

Regarding Bear Clan Patrol Calgary’s volunteers, current operations and the future.

Bear Clan Patrol Calgary is an Indigenous lead grassroots organization that aims to assist the city’s
most vulnerable populations with needed necessities while facing the realities of living houseless. Bear
Clan Patrol Calgary is a modern adaptation of the traditional clan system for an urban context.

There are no barriers to the services provided by Bear Clan Patrol Calgary – our assistance is provided
regardless of the demographics and situations faced by those we serve. Our primary demographic are
the unhoused populations (primarily Indigenous) living in Downtown Calgary and the community of
Forrest Lawn.

All of the labour that goes into Bear Clan Patrol Calgary is provided by a dedicated team of volunteers.
Rising to meet the challenges that come with providing those in need with supplies on a week by week
basis involves taking to heart the values of honor, respect and integrity.

Bear Clan Patrol Calgary provides those we serve with donated winter clothing, prepackaged food,
harm reduction and other items on a weekly basis. When it comes to helping folks stay safe we provide
a number of different harm reduction supplies – needles (called “shorts”), pipes (called “bubbles”),
naloxone and narcan kits, wipes and other items provided in partnership with Alberta Health Services.

We also operate a food distribution program in co-operation with the Forest Lawn Community
Association and the Tsuut’ina Nation’s food bank as well as the Costco located within Tsuut’ina. Our
volunteers collect donations from the Costco and drive them to the Forest Lawn Community
Association where they are redistributed to families on weekends. It is through strong community
building that efforts such as these are successful.

Our financial needs are met through e-transfer donations from community members and in some cases
local businesses. Bear Clan Patrol Calgary does not have any official sponsors or revenue streams other
than those provided through community donations.

As we head towards the future it is the hope of Bear Clan Patrol Calgary that we can build towards a
shared vision of an in-person dedicated space where community needs, learning provided by Elders and
community members, workshops and other programming can be offered alongside our existing efforts.
Executing this vision will take time as we form partnerships with other groups and as we welcome
more volunteers into Bear Clan Patrol Calgary.

The Bear Clan Patrol Calgary Team

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