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Laser Therapy for Nail Fungus.

Is 405nm and 635nm laser for nail fungus treatment potentielly


The use of lasers in the treatment of nail fungus (onychomycosis) is

becoming increasingly popular. The 405nm and 635nm lasers are
commonly used for this purpose. While there is a potential for
adverse effects associated with laser therapy, including the risk of
skin damage, eye damage, and pain, there is no evidence to suggest
that laser therapy for onychomycosis with these wavelengths is
directly linked to cancer.
However, it's important to note that any medical treatment, including
laser therapy, should be performed by a licensed and experienced
healthcare professional who can provide guidance on potential risks
and benefits. It's also crucial to follow the recommended treatment
protocol and precautions to minimize the risk of adverse effects. If
you have any concerns about the safety of laser therapy for your nail
fungus, you should discuss them with your healthcare provider.

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