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Seo ee eae Sey COCs ao corey eotcas Poo ee Scns od ao please i need a plan for shared value essay ertcas ea Dee eee ee ca Porter and Mark Kramer in ther article “Creating Shared Value Se ae RC ea 2. Explain the importance of shared value in addressing social and CO en ae eee See eee] ity 3. Provide an overview of the key elements o1 a shared value plan. Pie Section 1: Identify Key Social and Environmental Challenges 1. Identify specific social and environmental challenges that are relevant to your business or industry, and that your plan will Bred eee een Co aed SCR ma 3. Consider the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (S065) as a framework for identifying key challenges and Coos Section 2: Define Shared Value Opportunities 1. Identify opportunities for creating shared value that will address the Oe aan 2. Determine the business case for pursuing shared value eprortunities. includina cotential henefits

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