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Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 46, No.

12, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/s11664-017-5742-z
 2017 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society

Optical and Structural Properties of Zn2TiO4:Mn2+



1.—Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São Francisco Xavier 524,
sala 3030-D, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ CEP 20550-900, Brazil. 2.—Departamento de Fı́sica,
Pontifı́cia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brazil.
3.—Instituto Politécnico, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, P.O. Box 97282, Nova Friburgo,
RJ 28601-970, Brazil. 4.—e-mail: 5.—e-mail:

Polycrystalline Zn2TiO4 samples with Mn2+ doping level of 0%, 0.1%, 1.0%,
and 5.0% have been produced by conventional solid-state method and their
optical and structural properties investigated. Rietveld refinement of x-ray
diffraction patterns revealed the formed phases and the crystallographic
parameters. The chemical composition was obtained by x-ray fluorescence
measurements. The optical properties were studied by photoluminescence,
excitation, reflectance, and photoacoustic spectroscopy. All measurements
were performed at room temperature. The photoluminescence spectrum of the
pure sample (0% Mn2+) showed a band in the red region associated with
Zn2TiO4, while the sample with 0.1% Mn2+ exhibited two bands, in the green
and red spectral regions, assigned to Mn2+ ions at tetrahedral and octahedral
sites. No emission was observed for the samples with 1.0% or 5.0% Mn2+. The
excitation results for the sample with 0.1% Mn2+ ions showed characteristic
peaks of Mn2+ transitions. Tanabe–Sugano theory was used to obtain the
crystal field Dq, B, and C Racah parameters from the energy peak positions in
the excitation spectrum of the sample with 0.1% Mn2+. Photoacoustic mea-
surements revealed a broad band, characteristic of semiconductor materials,
hiding the Mn2+ transitions.

Key words: Mn2+ photoluminescence, reflectance, photoacoustic absorption,

crystallographic data

INTRODUCTION doped with V5+, Cr3+, and Sn4+. These systems show
broad bands from 500 nm to 800 nm, and the
The functional material Zn2TiO4 has been inves-
intensity of the luminescence of the doped samples
tigated in recent years for several interesting
is higher than the emission intensity of the undoped
properties. Among all its applications, one can cite
samples, by 300% for V5+, 400% for Cr3+, and 800%
its use as a thermoelectric material (where addition
for Sn4+.5 Zn2TiO4:Tb3+ nanophosphor is a green
of TiO2 increases the electrical conductivity of
light-emitting material for use in white light-emit-
ZnO),1 as a catalytic sorbent of contaminants for
ting diodes (wLEDs), having an emission peak at
environmental protection,2 as a gas sensor,3 and as
493 nm.6 Zn2TiO4:Eu3+ luminescence sensors show
a dielectric material for microwave devices used in
a band from 600 nm to 650 nm with barycenter at
communication.4 Various studies have been dedi-
630 nm. This material is also considered useful for
cated to the photoluminescence of Zn2TiO4 doped
wLEDs and display applications.7 Cu-doped
with transition metals and rare-earth ions, for
Zn2TiO4 shows a photoluminescence band with
example, disordered Zn2TiO4, either undoped or
peak at 386 nm.8
Host materials with tetrahedral and octahedral
sites are interesting because they allow doping with
(Received April 3, 2017; accepted August 4, 2017; several kinds of ion. Some ions usually occupy
published online August 29, 2017) tetrahedral sites (Co2+), while other ions are

Optical and Structural Properties of Zn2TiO4:Mn2+ 6849

common at octahedral sites (Cr3+). On the other spectra were corrected for the response of the
hand, Mn2+ is an example of an ion which can be detection system.
found at both tetrahedral and octahedral sites.9–11
The energy position of the emission and absorption
bands will depend on the symmetry of the ion RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
neighborhood and can occur over wide wavelength Figure 1 shows photographs of the samples with
intervals. These facts motivate study of (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%, and (d) 5.0% Mn2+ under
Zn2TiO4:Mn2+, in which Zn2+ ions are located at white light. The undoped sample (0% Mn2+) had
tetrahedral and octahedral sites. In this system, white color, while the color of the other samples
Mn2+ ions can occupy Zn2+ sites, generating emis- intensified greatly as the doping level was
sion in different spectral regions. increased, from light brown (0.1% sample) to deep
brown (5.0% sample).
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The color is associated with the immediate neigh-
Samples were obtained by traditional solid-state borhood of the impurity ion and its electronic
reaction using ZnO, TiO2, and MnCO3 with high configuration, as well as the doping level in each
purity (99.9%) as precursors. The quantities of the sample. In this case, the color is due to absorption
oxides were calculated to obtain 2 g of stoichiomet- transitions of Mn2+ ions, which have d5 electronic
ric Zn2TiO4 according to the equation configuration.
Figure 2 shows the x-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
2ð1  xÞZnO þ TiO2 þ 2xMnCO3 ! Zn2ð1xÞ Mn2x TiO4 terns for the samples with (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%,
þ 2xCO2 and (d) 5.0% Mn2+, as refined by the Rietveld
method using a pseudo-Voigt mathematical function
ð1Þ to fit the diffraction peaks.12 The measured Bragg
with x = 0, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.05, corresponding lines were identified using data files from the
respectively to 0%, 0.1%, 1.0%, and 5.0% of Mn2+, International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD).13
that is, Zn2TiO4, Zn1.998Mn0.002TiO4, Zn1.98 The observed phases were cubic Zn2TiO4 (first set,
Mn0.02TiO4, and Zn1.90Mn0.10TiO4, respectively. PDF 86-0156) and hexagonal ZnO (second set, PDF
The raw oxides were milled in an agate mortar to 80-0075). The difference between the simulated and
obtain homogeneous and fine powder. Next, the experimental patterns is the dotted baseline. The
oxides were pressed into three disks, each with results show the presence of almost pure Zn2TiO4
12 mm diameter, 3 mm thickness, and mass of phase, with ZnO peaks of very low intensity. The
0.67 g, which were placed in alumina crucibles for samples with 0%, 0.1%, and 1.0% Mn2+ contained a
heating at 1000C for 12 h. After this procedure, the small amount (<5.0%) of ZnO compound as residual
oven was turned off and the samples were cooled to phase. The sample with 5.0% Mn2+ was single-
room temperature by thermal inertia. phase Zn2TiO4, without traces of ZnO. Similar
results with 1% to 3% unreacted ZnO were obtained
CHARACTERIZATION earlier.14,15 Table I presents the crystallographic
data, quality refinement parameters, and phase
X-ray diffraction (XRD) data were obtained using composition of the samples.
a PANalytical X’Pert PRO powder diffractometer at The results in Table I show that the unit cell
40 kV and 40 mA using Cu Ka radiation (x-ray volume did not change. According to Vegard’s law,16
wavelength 1.5418 Å). The data were refined by the the lattice parameter changes linearly when an ion
Rietveld method using the FullProf free package.12 of different size substitutes a host ion. In the
An Artax 200 (30 kV, 200 lA, molybdenum anode) Zn2(1x)Mn2xTiO4 sample, the ionic radii are: Zn2+
was used to perform x-ray fluorescence (XRF) (rtet = 0.60 Å and roct = 0.74 Å), and Mn2+
measurements. Photoluminescence and excitation (rtet = 0.66 Å and roct = 0.83 Å).17 Therefore, it is
measurements were performed using a Quan- expected that increasing the Mn2+ doping level will
taMaster QM 300 system with a 75-W xenon lamp lead to a linear increase of the lattice parameter of
at spectral resolution of 2 nm. Reflectance data Zn2(1x)Mn2xTiO4.
were obtained using an Ocean Optics visible–near On the other hand, Jacob et al.18 argued that the
infrared (Vis–NIR) USB4000 spectrometer. Photoa- linearity predicted by Vegard’s law does not apply
coustic data were obtained using a 300-W Xe lamp for all solid solutions, being more appropriate for
(Newport) and an Oriel 77200 monochromator with solutions in which the difference in atomic radius
spectral resolution of 2 nm to select the light between the host and substitutional ions is less than
wavelength. The absorbing radiation was chopped 5.0%. As the ionic radius of Zn2+ ion is 12%
at 10 Hz using an Oriel model 75095. The detection smaller than that of Mn2+, the dependence of the
system was a B&K model 4943 microphone in a lattice parameter on doping level is probably not
homemade photoacoustic cell with quartz window, linear. In addition, Yoder-Short et al.19 affirmed
and a Stanford Research Systems model SR830 that Vegard’s law is more easily observed for ions in
lock-in amplifier to analyze the signal. All optical tetrahedral coordination.
6850 Sosman, López, Camara, Pedro, Carvalho, and Cella

Fig. 1. Photographs of samples with (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%, and (d) 5.0% Mn2+.

Zn2TiO4 is an inverted spinel, with some Zn2+ respectively. These results indicate that it is possi-
ions occupying octahedral sites. If a majority of the ble that x-ray diffraction measurements of samples
Mn2+ ions substitute for Zn2+ at octahedral sites, it with very low doping level, such as those studied in
would be difficult to observe linear dependence of this work, are not sufficient to identify small
the lattice parameter on doping level. In this case, changes in lattice parameter with high precision.
the dependence of the lattice parameter on the It is important to note that no Bragg lines for
doping level is unknown. Mn2TiO4 were identified in the x-ray diffractogram
Changes in the lattice parameter (and thereby the (Fig. 2). Therefore, the quantity of Mn2TiO4 pro-
cell volume) are commonly observed in solid solu- duced lies below the instrumental capability.
tions with high concentration of substitutional ions; As seen from the XRD measurements, all samples
For example, in Mn1xZnxTiO3 (0.1 £ x £ 0.8),20 in presented Zn2TiO4 as main phase, with small
which Mn ions are substituted for Zn ones, the cell quantities of unreacted ZnO. Zn2TiO4 has Zn ions
parameter decreased linearly with increasing Zn at two different sites, with tetrahedral and octahe-
content from x = 0.1 to x = 0.8. In Ref. 19, the dral symmetry. Due to the 2+ valence and similar
authors also showed that the unit cell parameter values of ionic radius, as mentioned in the previous
values of cubic Zn1xMnxSe with x = 0, 0.015, and paragraph,17 replacement of Mn2+ ions at Zn2+ sites
0.05 were 5.6675 Å, 5.6784 Å, and 5.6721 Å, respec- is expected. Due to the small quantities of ZnO in
tively. It was observed that the lattice parameter the samples, the probability of Mn2+ occupying Zn
increased from x = 0 to x = 0.015 but decreased from sites in this phase is very low. Therefore, the data
x = 0.015 to x = 0.05, revealing a nonlinear depen- analysis in this work considers the samples to be
dence of the lattice parameter on the doping ion single-phase Zn2TiO4 when considering the Mn2+
concentration. A similar effect was observed in ion occupation.
Zn2(1x)Mn2xTiO4, where for x = 0 and x = 0.05 the Figure 3 shows the x-ray fluorescence data for the
lattice parameter value was 8.467 Å and 8.465 Å, samples with (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%, and (d) 5.0%
Optical and Structural Properties of Zn2TiO4:Mn2+ 6851

Fig. 2. XRD data for samples with (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%, and
(d) 5.0% Mn2+.

Mn2+. These measurements show that the samples

contained Zn and Ti (all samples), and Mn (doped
samples). These results indicate that the intensity
of the signal attributed to the Mn ion increased as
the sample color intensified. This fact is important
because it means that the color change does not
occur because of spurious impurities, but only due to
the change in the quantity of divalent Mn ions.
Figure 4 shows photoluminescence spectra for the
pure and 0.1% Mn2+-doped samples, obtained at
room temperature when excited at 350 nm and
chopped at 200 Hz. The spectrum of Zn2TiO4 with
0.1% Mn2+ (solid line) from 500 nm to 850 nm
exhibits two bands: a weak band at 532 nm (green
region) and an intense band with barycenter at
690 nm (red region). The shape and wavelength
position of the observed bands are similar to the
T1(4G) fi 6A1(6S) spin-forbidden transition of
Mn2+ ions observed elsewhere,11 in tetrahedral
and octahedral coordination, respectively. The full-
width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the red band is
equal to 0.17 eV (665 nm to 731 nm) for the 0.1%
Mn2+ sample. The pure sample exhibited an intense
band at 717 nm with FWHM of 0.20 eV (690 nm to
775 nm). A similar band, from 500 nm to 850 nm,
with barycenter at 720 nm and FWHM of 0.2 eV,
was observed by Markevich et al.,21 but those Fig. 3. x-Ray fluorescence data for samples with (a) 0%, (b) 0.1%,
authors did not explain the origin of the red (c) 1.0%, and (d) 5.0% Mn2+.
6852 Sosman, López, Camara, Pedro, Carvalho, and Cella

Table I. Crystallographic and Rietveld refinement parameters for samples

Mn2+ (%) 0 0.1 1.0 5.0

Observed phases
(a) Zn2TiO4 (%) 98.70 98.57 99.14 100
Space group 
Crystal system Cubic Cubic Cubic Cubic
Database code ICSD 080851 080851 080851 080851
Unit cell parameters
a (Å) 8.467 (1) 8.467 (5) 8.466 (8) 8.465 (7)
V (Å3) 607.10 607.10 606.78 606.57
a, b, c () 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90
(b) ZnO (%) 1.30 1.43 0.86
Space group P63mc P63mc P63mc
Crystal system Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal
Database code ICSD 067849 067849 067849
Unit cell parameters
a = b (Å) 3.249 (3) 3.249 (3) 3.249 (3)
c (Å) 5.207 (3) 5.207 (3) 5.207 (3)
V (Å3) 47.61 47.61 47.61
a, b, c () 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 120
Half-width parameters
U 0.0042 (9) 0.0064 (8) 0.0046 (2) 0.0085 (6)
V 0.0081 (5) 0.0081 (7) 0.0081 (4) 0.0083 (9)
W 0.0085 (8) 0.0085 (1) 0.0089 (8) 0.0086 (1)
Agreement factors
Rwp 9.9 9.8 9.5 10.6
Rp 10.7 10.4 10.1 11.5
Rexp 7.13 7.06 6.99 7.31
v2 1.92 1.93 1.86 2.12
GOF 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
Goodness of fit, GOF = Rwp/Rexp.

Fig. 4. Room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of Zn2TiO4:

pure (black circles) and 0.1% Mn2+ (solid line).

emission of the Zn2TiO4 (pure) sample. One can

speculate that the red band is due to defects in the
host that originate in the Zn/Ti disorder.22 Further Fig. 5. Room-temperature excitation spectrum monitored at 690 nm
investigations are required to explain this point. for Zn2TiO4:Mn2+ (0.1%).
Optical and Structural Properties of Zn2TiO4:Mn2+ 6853

Fig. 6. Diffuse reflectance spectra of samples with (a) 0% (pure

sample), (b) 0.1%, (c) 1.0%, and (d) 5.0% Mn2+.

Figure 5 shows the excitation data at room tem-

perature for the sample with 0.1% Mn2+. The
spectrum was obtained by monitoring the emission
at 690 nm with light excitation chopped at 200 Hz.
The excitation signal of the band at 532 nm is not
shown because the weak signal leads to very low
signal-to-noise ratio.
Fig. 7. Photoacoustic measurements of Zn2TiO4 with (a) 0.1% and
The peak at 422 nm provides the strongest evi- (b) 5.0% Mn2+.
dence that the observed optical properties are due to
Mn2+ ions, because this transition is characteristic of
Mn2+ ion. This peak is attributed to the 6A1(6S) fi Figure 6 shows the diffuse reflectance spectra of
A1,4E(4G) transition, and all other transitions are samples with (a) 0% (pure sample), (b) 0.1%, (c)
identified after this first attribution. The remaining 1.0%, and (d) 5.0% Mn2+. Figure 6a presents the
peaks are assigned as follows: 6A1(6S) fi 4T1(4P) characteristic spectrum of pure Zn2TiO4, showing
(310 nm), 6A1(6S) fi 4E(4D) (345 nm), 6A1(6S) fi the fundamental absorption edge at 400 nm. A
T2(4D) (361 nm), 6A1(6S) fi 4T2(4G) (445 nm), and similar spectrum was observed earlier by Jang
A1(6S) fi 4T1(4G) (460 nm).23 The energy parame- et al.26 For the doped samples (b–d), the absorption
ters that describe the impurity–ligand system are edge remained close to 400 nm, indicating that the
the strength of the crystalline field (Dq), and the bandgap energy was not shifted significantly when
interelectronic Racah parameters B and C, which compared with the undoped sample. The reflectance
characterize the covalent or ionic character of the signal weakened as the Mn2+ concentration was
impurity–ligand bond.23–25 The energy parameters increased. This feature means that the absorption
Dq, B, and C were obtained using Eqs. 2, 3, and 4 intensity increased with increasing Mn2+ doping
and the energy positions of the peaks in the excita- level. The diffuse reflectance of the samples with
tion spectrum15: 0.1%, 1.0%, and 5.0% Mn2+ was high in the interval
  from 600 nm to 700 nm, being close to 90%, 80%,
A1 6 S !4 A1 ;4 E 4 G ¼ 10B þ 5C; ð2Þ
and 45% of the reflectance intensity for the pure
  sample, respectively. This is an important charac-
A1 6 S !4 E 4 D ¼ 17B þ 5C; ð3Þ teristic of materials regarding their potential use as
A1 6 S !4 T2 4 G ¼ 10Dq þ 18B þ 6C 26B2 =10Dq : Photoacoustic (PA) measurements of the samples
ð4Þ with (a) 0.1% and (b) 5.0% Mn2+ are shown in Fig. 7.
A broad absorption band from 320 nm to 700 nm
can be seen in the photoacoustic spectrum for these
The obtained values were Dq = 887 cm1, samples. The same occurred for the 1.0% Mn2+
B = 756 cm1, and C = 3227 cm1. The Dq value is sample (not shown in this paper).
characteristic of Mn2+ at octahedral site. The Racah The spectrum for the 5.0% Mn2+ sample is more
parameters point to covalent character of the impu- intense than that of the 0.1% Mn2+ sample, as
rity–anion bond. The ratio C/B = 4.3 lies in the expected due to its higher doping level. Generally,
interval of 4.2 to 4.9 mentioned in literature.23–25 PA measurements are performed on samples with
6854 Sosman, López, Camara, Pedro, Carvalho, and Cella

high doping level, which present a more intense use as a semiconductor material or radiation emit-
signal. Consequently, it is possible to observe ting source. The Mn-doped samples were intensely
energy structures in more detail, allowing identifi- colored. The samples doped with 0.1% and 1.0%
cation of weak transitions. Despite the expected presented high diffuse reflectance. These two
weak signal, the 0.1% Mn2+ sample was investi- results make this system interesting for applica-
gated by PA spectroscopy because this was the only tions in the pigment industry.
sample, among those studied in this work, that
presented photoluminescence. The importance of
PA spectroscopy for emitting systems is due to the The authors are grateful to Fundação Carlos Cha-
fact that the PA spectrum shows bands from all gas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de
absorber centers present in the material. Therefore, Janeiro (FAPERJ), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoa-
it is expected that the photoacoustic spectrum will mento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES), and
show a structure similar to that observed in the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e
excitation spectrum, including signals from Tecnológico (CNPq) for their financial support, to the
spurious optical centers present in the sample. CBPF for XRD data, and to the LIETA/IFADT/UERJ
However, d–d transitions of Mn2+, which would be for XRF measurements. I.C.S.C. and L.P.S. thank
similar to the peaks in Fig. 5, are not seen in Fig. 7, CNPq for Research Productivity fellowships.
which shows broad absorption bands characteristic
of semiconductor materials. Mayén-Hernández
et al.27 studied pure cubic phase of Zn2TiO4 by CONFLICT OF INTEREST
photoacoustic spectroscopy, observing a band from The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
283 nm to 700 nm with an energy bandgap at interest regarding the publication of this article.
336 nm (3.7 eV) in the photoacoustic absorption
spectrum, a result similar to that shown in Fig. 7. In
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