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7 Days 24 November 1971

Jingoism, Chauvinism, Nationalism: all branches of the same

poisonous roots? Tom Nairn analyses the scoundrel’s last refuge

as one of a related complex of ideas. It is appeared at the time) it helped foster a antithesis arrived — the descent into romantic
Patriotism pretends to be natural and mainstream of patriotic culture. In England the patriotism and imperialism which marked the
everlasting: a permanent aspect of healthy important to see them as a whole.
The primary term of the series is “nationalism”, music halls somewhat later played a very similar second half of the nineteenth-century. However
“human nature”. It is nothing of the kind. which denotes the territorial and cultural basis of role to the vaudevilles: “Jingoism” comes from an far Marxism looked beyond this era, to a future
The patriotism we know is a cultural the nineteenth-century European state system, and 1878 music hall anti-Russian song, “We don’t want now only beginning, it was undeniably ill-adapted
formation with a distinct lineage, belonging implies acceptance of nation-state units as the to fight, but by Jingo! if we do . . .” An 1882 to it.
“natural”, just form of society. This idea was an definition of Jingoism stated it was “ the idea that Marx’s socialism certainly gave a new
to one period of human history. As that no State can be in a healthy condition that is not interpretation to internationalism, and inspired the
period ends, so will the ideology of organic part of the Nineteenth-century liberal
world-view. “Patriotism” then refers to the occasionally pitching into its neighbour” (OED) struggles of the First and Second Internationals
patriotism. subjectivity of this world-view — the belief that but in the era of general imperialism “ normal” against patriotism. Yet the dominant trend of the
False consciousness — here as elsewhere “nation comes first”, that a primary allegiance is patriotism was not far from this sentiment. era was the eclipse of socialism by nationalism, as
— can impose itself because it seems to owed one’s “country” and co-nationals as against “Extremes” serve to define the “norm” in the the latter provided the basic conditions within
“foreigners”. “Chauvinism” by contrast denotes cultural field as a whole. which the working class grew and organised itself
express certain truths of human existence. High culture too formed patriotism — in — the fragmented world of claustrophobic national
patriotism in an extreme or pathological form: the
In this case the unremarkable truth that aggressive belief that national loyalty is not just England e.g. through the influence of figures like cultures. In 1914, consequently, internationalism
people from different localities, or with primary but absolute, that one’s nation is Carlyle, Ruskin (whose Inaugural Address at was unable to prevent the final disaster of the
different speech and customs, have always intrinsically superior to others and so justified in Oxford in 1870 inspired the imperialist mission of patriotic epoch, the World War.
tended to mistrust one another. In a world maltreating them. Clearly chauvinism (sometimes Rhodes), Tennyson,, and Kipling. Here also the Fossilised Nostalgia
of scarcity, the “foreign” was always more called “Jingoism” in England) is very close to In both east and west Europe, in fact, a
racism, since this superiority is bound to be Deutsche Dogge und Englische Bulldogge
fossilised patriotism remains the norm. No eastern
a threat than a reason for curiosity and founded on inherited “human nature” in a State-bureaucrat’s speech is complete without a
interest. Originally of course this had quasi-biological sense. salute to the right of national self-determination
nothing to do with “nations” in our sense: More concretely, what this archaic terminology (whose actual meaning was shown in
it applied even to neighbouring valleys and conceals today is that there is no longer such a Czechoslovakia), or a smiling reference to the
villages, or to different streets in the same thing as good, decent, reasonable patriotism in forthcoming national folklore festival (the only
Europe. Imperialism and fascism between them possible form of bureaucratic-communist culture).
town. poisoned the tree of European nationality at the In the west de Gaulle’s Europe des patries still
root. The distinctively “national” consciousness proves an effective obstacle to the Common
“For the Public Good” and cultures of present-day Europe are only the Market’s “supra-national” ambition. Why else
Much political history is the story of how, in tenacious but rotting remnants of the growth. would the communist and other left movements
class-divided societies, the rulers have channelled Since May 1968 the stench has been overpowering. there have spent the last 20 years nervously
and exploited this inchoate popular feeling in their knocking at the tradesman’s entrance to the
own interest (or, as they often put it, “in the nation-states, and mumbling their stories (all too
interest of society as a whole”). The simplest way Antics o f a super-patriot often true) about their “roots”, “native
to neutralize the internal antagonisms of class To function properly, patiotism depends upon traditions” , rights to belong, etc? The bourgeoisie
struggle and social discontent has always been to both popular and intellectual or “high” culture, as fears nothing like an “international conspiracy”.
direct the hatred outwards on to a (real or well as upon the organisation and force of the Alas, how hard it is for Marxists to conceal the
imagined) external enemy. Hence, the natural State. It depends, especially, upon the fatal odour of cosmopolitanism, still clinging to
divisions of humanity (territorial, cultural, racial, maintenance of national unity between popular them after so much patriotic desinfectant, as the
etc.) have invariably been/exploited to contain and and “high” culture at key points. butler eyes them up and down!
repress its artificial divisions within societies (class, The origin of the term “chauvinism” is In 1848 Marx thought that the world-wide
caste, etc.). interesting in this respect. Originally French, it was market formed by capitalism would soon give “a
But the peak of achievement in this respect, first used there in the 1830s, and denoted the cosmopolitan character to production and
modern “patriotism”, could not be attained until antics of a Napoleonic super-patriot called Nicolas consumption in every country”, and take away
society itself had developed a long way. It was not Chauvin. Accounts of Chauvin agree he came from from industry “the national ground on which it
until after the French Revolution (1789) and the Rochefort and was wounded seventeen times in stood” (Manifesto). In this “universal
English Industrial Revolution (1780-1830) that Napoleon’s wars, but are otherwise suspiciously interdependence”, the old “local and national
such false consciousness was finally crystallized vague: the most concrete description (in Larousse) Romantic Reaction seclusion and self-sufficiency.. . National
into something like the form we know. Even then, awards this folk-hero “three amputated fingers, a The most important single date in the history of one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness” would
the process was completed only by the decisive broken shoulder, and a hideously mutilated patriotism is probably 1848. This was the final rapidly become impossible. To emphasise the
social experience of European imperialism, forehead”, for which the nation paid him off with watershed between the older, more rationalist, and point, he even said that “from the numerous
between 1870 and 1945. “a sabre of honour, a red ribbon, and a more internationalist culture of bourgeois Europe national and local literatures, there arises a world
two-hundred franc pension”. (the culture of the eighteenth-century literature”. The gap between this perspective and
The New Lay Religion Chauvinism got into its stride with the French Enlightenment) and the newer culture of the century of patriotic narrow-mindedness after
During this century and a half, in fact, the invasion of Algeria in 1830. Next year the patriotism. Although impaired and in retreat since 1848 is only too evident.
internal menace of class strife became far greater. Cogniard brothers play La Cocarde Tricolore: the Napoleonic wars and the rise of chauvinism,
Modern industrial capitalism was gathering round Episode de la Guerre d'Alger appeared in Paris, the former was not wholly defeated until after the Material Cosmopolitanism
itself huge urban masses with no old or settled where it won instant and enormous success. The failure of the revolutions in 1848. Only then did Nevertheless, the material basis of inter­
social loyalties — hence, a new and stronger (if Cogniards dominated the Parisian popular theatre the “romantic” reaction against the Enlightenment
somewhat synthetic) form of social allegiance was dependence is now indeed rapidly forming, and is
for 40 years. “Everyone knows”, wrote Théophile triumph completely. “Cosmopolitan” became a shown in developments like the multi-national
urgently required to keep them mystified and in Gautier, “ that the Cogniard vaudevilles were the term of abuse. It became an article of bourgeois
their place. Such was the need which patriotism corporations and the European Common Market.
main agent in moralising the workers, and kept the faith the true internationalism was only possible Traditional “great nation” nationalism becomes
was invented to satisfy: it gathered up the old savings banks going.” on the basis of fully realised nationalism. Whereas
débris of instinctive prejudice, local emotion and more like the toy nationalism of (e.g.) Scotland or
the Enlightenment had been “abstract”, the Croatia every day. Still anchored to the
decaying religious faith, and hammered them into Rape the Girls romantic ideology of patriotism was “particular”
the new “lay religion” of the nation. The bourgeois-national cultural wreckage salvaged from
The hero of the play is “La Cocarde” (the and national; where the Enlightenment had looked the Second World War, the ancient patriotism
instrument for doing this was the new, more cockade), a scarred Napoleonic veteran glad to be to a rational future, romanticism looked to a
powerful and efficient machinery of the remains the official ideology of the rulers and the
back at work again, and the piece itself is much rational future, romanticism looked to the past, to intellectuals, but is being undermined. In Britain,
nineteenth century State. The way this instrument like a Carry On film of over a century ago. Comic the “folk”, to instinctive roots and attachments.
functioned was chiefly by war, or the threat of it is true that many factors in recent history lend
natives abound, and a Frenchman is worth any five
war, against the other emerging modern unusual strength and resistance to patriotism: last
of them. “Jean Chauvin”, a naïve young lieutenant Marx’s and Engels’ Views
nation-states. Then finally, as the imperialist with his heart in the right place (“son of Nicolas”, summer’s debate on Common Market entry
struggle among these states to ravage the rest of 1848 was also the year of The Communist provided a lucid diagram of this contradiction at
as it were) serves alongside La Cocarde. The main Manifesto, and the important formative
the world grew in intensity after 1870, it furnished problem, successfully solved, is how to get first work here. Still, it is the opinion of that pundit of
a number of perfect (and real) external enemies experiences of Marx and Engels (both theoretical patriot culture F. R. Leavis that “any national
into the Bey of Algiers’ harem and rape the girls. and political) took place in the years leading up to
for patriotism to focus upon. On the way there, over innumerable dead Arabs, identity worth preserving is rapidly disappearing —
it. Marx’s work of this time was, in one sense, the a process that ‘entering Europe’ will beyond
the characters constantly erupt into tearful songs last and greatest expression of the Enlightenment
about “France” (although the greatest single hit question accelerate” (Times, 2 November, 1971).
Creature of the Jungle (i.e. the Critique o f Hegel’s Philosophy o f Right, Dr. Leavis’s gloom should only add to our delight
was Jean Chauvin’s solo about the dire effects of the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts, and the
Forged in this way as a creature of the eating camel-meat). in this disappearance: even through the mouth of a
Manifesto). No sooner had the Enlightenment Leavis, the truth of the Communist Manifesto will
imperialist jungle, “patriotism” is inherited by us However absurd the chauvinism of melodramas yielded its ultimate fruit than the long era of its out.

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