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What are Survey Tools?

Survey tools are online tools that can be used to electronically
collect answers or responses to questions from a target
audience. They feature a variety of question types, including
multiple-choice, ranking, open-ended, and many others.

Considerations for Using Survey Tools 

 When creating an online survey for your students, keep

the survey as simple and concise as possible, and design
effective questions. 
 Check the survey by completing it yourself prior to giving
it to students. 
 Before conducting the survey, explain why you are
collecting the data and share whether or not the survey is
anonymous. Express how much you appreciate student
feedback and explain how valuable it is to you as you
refine your course. 
 If you are requesting open-ended feedback, for example,
guide students on how to provide effective feedback by
articulating the characteristics of effective and ineffective
 What is the importance of survey tools?
 Internet survey tools allow you to create tough
questionnaires as well as easy ones. You can use
extensive branching techniques and features to determine
the complexity of questionnaires. This allows you to get
accurate results based on your target audience.

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