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Definition :pick out and emphasize on something
3 synonyms:displaying,pushing, recommending 3 antonyms:understate, de-emphazise minimize
2. Gullible
Definition :easily deceived or cheated
3 synonyms:foolish, unsuspecting,silly 3 antonyms:suspicious,untrusting,astute
3. Unduly
Definition:beyond a normal or acceptable limit
3 synonyms:overly,excessively,extremely 3 antonyms: reasonably, barely,just
4. Awash
Definition:containing, covered with, or thoroughly penetrated by water
3 synonyms:saturated,wet,soaked 3 antonyms:dry,droughty,dehydrated
5. Eradicating
Definition:to destroy all traces of
3 synonyms:erasing,destroying,canceling 3 antonyms:protecting,saving,creating
6. Convalescence
Definition:the process or period of gradually regaining one's health and strength
3 synonyms: rehabitlation,recovering,healing 3 antonyms: decline,worsening,sinking
7. Manifest
Definition:not subject to misinterpretation or more than one interpretation
3 synonyms:evident,obvious,clear 3 antonyms:dark,unclear,unknowable
8. Sceptical
Definition: not easily convinced
3 synonyms: doubting, disbelieving,suspicious 3 antonyms:naive,trustful,confident
9. Lure
Definition:to lead away from a usual or proper course by offering some pleasure or advantage
3 synonyms: tempt,seduce, persuade 3 antonyms:warn,alert,caution

10. Apathy
Definition:a lack of emotion or emotional expressiveness
3 synonyms: numbness,coldness,emotionless 3 antonyms:sensibility,empathy,pity

11. Conspicuous
Definition:likely to attract attention 3 synonyms:noticeable,dramatic,marked
3 antonyms:subtle,unremarkable,modest
12. Compulsory
Definition:forcing one's compliance or participation by or as if by law
3 synonyms:mandatory,required,urgent 3 antonyms:optional,elective,unnecessary
13. Dearth
Definition: A falling short of an essential or desirable amount or number
3 synonyms:shortage,lack,deficiency 3 antonyms:plenty,abundance
14. Unveiled
Definition: show or announce publicly for the first time
3 synonyms: disclose,display,open 3 antonyms: conceal,hide,cloak
15. Authentic
Definition:worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact
3 synonyms:certified,genuine,honest 3 antonyms:fake,false,unreal
16. Simulating
Definition:to present a false appearance of
3 synonyms: pretending,assuming,affecting 3 antonyms:boring,discouraging,unexciting
17. Prior
Definition:coming before all others in importance
3 synonyms:primary,main,first 3 antonyms:last,least,minor
18. Amnesty
Definition:release from the guilt or penalty of an offense
3 synonyms:pardon,forgiveness,immunity 3 antonyms:punishment,sentence,penalty
19. Lenient
Definition:allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior in a strong way
3 synonyms:compassionate,merciful,gentle 3 antonyms:strict,tough,harsh
20. Enhanced
Definition:intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
3 synonyms: aggravated,emphasized,deepend 3 antonyms:light,soft,weak
21. Vague
Definition:not expressed in precise terms
3 synonyms:unclear,obscure,confusing 3 antonyms:specific,clear,direct
22. Futile
Definition: producing no results 3 synonyms:unsuccessful,useless,meaningless 3
23. Fuel
Definition:something with a usable capacity for doing work
3 synonyms:energy,power,force 3 antonyms:cut,deactive,shut off
24. Charismatic
Definition:having an often mysterious or magical power to attract
3 synonyms:charming,attractive,appealing 3 antonyms:repulsive,boring,obnoxious
25. Chastise
Definition:to criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings
3 synonyms:scold,lecture,blame 3 antonyms:approve,endorse,praise
26. Stern
Definition:given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint
3 synonyms:relentless,hard,severe 3 antonyms:easy,tolerant,responsive
27. Repudiate
Definition:to declare not to be true
3 synonyms:deny,reject,contradict 3 antonyms:acknowledge,accept,confirm

28. Evict
Definition:to force (someone) to leave a place
3 synonyms:eject,dismiss,chase 3 antonyms:take,accept,recieve

29. Taunt
Definition:to attack repeatedly with mean put-downs or insults
3 synonyms:tease,mock,insult 3 antonyms: compliment,applause,flattery

30. Eject
Definition:to drive or force out
3 synonyms:out,dismiss,expel 3 antonyms:accept,admit,take

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