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Student:________________________________________Total Possible Points = 40

Criteria Unsatisfactory (0-3) Satisfactory (4-7 points) Exemplary (8-10) Points

Quantity and Timeliness Does not submit at least one Submits at least one initial Submits 2+ initial responses early in
initial post on Monday or response early in the week; the session and two or more
Tuesday; submits < 4 posts; does submits 4-5 posts; generally, thoughtful peer responses early in
not post throughout the week; posts over several days; has 2 the session; posts > 5 responses
makes many posts very close in references with references; throughout the week; >2 references
time; has < 2 "references with and at least two peer with references; posts meaningful
references." responses. comments. No more than 10% of the
postings are a direct quotation.

Spelling and mechanics Does not submit posts that are Submits posts that have one or Submits posts that contain
in complete sentences. Or two more grammatically incorrect grammatically correct sentences
or more of the complete sentences and two spelling without any spelling errors.
sentences are grammatically errors.
incorrect and have greater than
2 spelling
Demonstrates knowledge errors. Post(s) and responses show Post(s) and responses show evidence
Post(s) and responses show little evidence of knowledge and of knowledge and understanding of
and understanding of evidence of knowledge and understanding of course course content and applicability to
content and applicability understanding of course content content and applicability to professional practice and include
to professional practice and applicability to professional professional practice. other resources that extend the
practice. learning of the community.

Generates learning within Posts do not attempt to elicit Posts attempt to elicit Posts elicit responses and reflections
responses and reflections from responses and reflections from from other learners and responses
the class other learners and/or responses other learners and responses build upon and integrate multiple
do not build upon the ideas of build upon the ideas of other views from other learners to take
other learners to take the learners to take the discussion the discussion deeper. Offers new
discussion deeper. Has tendency deeper. insights and excellent references.
to simply agree. Offers no new
insights and or references

Total Points:

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