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CHST 222 – Mid-term Participation Self-Evaluation and Proposal

This assignment is worth 10% of your final mark.

1. Review your postings in the discussion forums. Select your best postings from four
different modules. There are 6 weeks/modules in the discussion forums, so you will eliminate two
modules. Once you select your four modules, pick three postings from each module. Thus, in
total, you are submitting 12 postings: three postings for each of four modules.

Marks are pro-rated based on the number of ‘complete’ modules. For instance, if you
submit complete groups of postings for two modules, your maximum mark is 50% of 10 marks.
The instructor pro-rates all incomplete submissions.

2. For each module, select one thread that you initiated/created, plus two postings where
you responded to other students. Copy and paste your postings in the Word document. Answer
the appropriate questions as you complete this exercise. Do not edit, annotate, or change any
text from your postings.

3. This assignment is a self-reflective evaluation, which means that you are asked to reflect
on your e-conversations and think about what you did well, as well as the areas that could benefit
from improvement. Did these conversations help your learning in the course (and help other
students learn)?: why or why not?

Think about the criteria as you write your evaluation and propose your participation mark
(using the scale). Your self-evaluation should not exceed the limits of the first page.

4. Upload your completed document to the dropbox on the website. Late marks apply for
proposals submitted after the due date and time. Remember! Policy 60 (Academic Integrity)
applies to all coursework: do not plagiarize or submit postings that you did not author. All
documents are checked by turnitin.

5. The instructor will review the proposal and accept, lower, or increase your proposed mark.

Assessment Criteria for Weekly Participation

Positive attributes Negative attributes
The student consistently initiates postings in a Posts late in the week and/or beyond the point
timely fashion (usually before mid-week). where there is a reasonable chance of interactive and
The student responds to postings made by other thoughtful scholarly engagement in an e-forum.
students within 72 hours.
Makes a minimum of three postings per module. The student fails to initiate a new thread and/or
1. The student creates a new discussion thread,
respond to threads created by his/her classmate.
which contains an original topic or discussion or
insight. The posting may repeat or copy topics that have
2. The student also responds to at least two
already been discussed at length in the forum.
different threads posted by classmates.
Positive attributes Negative attributes
Demonstrates self-initiative in being an active The student does not appear to make an effort to
participant in the learning community. participate in the learning community and engage
with colleagues in a meaningful fashion.
Fosters lively academic discussion and/or debate in No one responds to your posting, or there is little
the learning community. evidence of sustained scholarly dialogue.

Posts thoughtful and insightful commentaries or Summarizes assigned readings or materials.

questions, which stimulate further discussion and Regurgitates comments or summaries already made
interaction with peers. by other students. It is doubtful that you read any
other postings in this forum.
Makes connections to academic course materials, Makes disconnected or unrelated statements.
concepts, and historical developments.
Examines the materials in relation to the historical Rarely discusses the course materials. Offers present-
period under discussion. minded or anachronistic commentary.
Discusses present day or current events that may or
may not be related to the assigned materials.
Example: making that working at Walmart is slavery.
Expresses thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise The posting is difficult to read or understand. There
way with obvious connections to the materials. may be inappropriate language.
Extends, enhances, or challenges in-progress Criticisms are not constructive in nature. Repeats
discussions in a scholarly fashion. what other participants have already stated.
Cuts and pastes information from internet or other
If a source is quoted directly, the student provides sources, without citations. All direct quotations
and/or copied information must be in quotation
complete citation information. Please note that you marks & include the formal citation information
are NOT required to do additional research in this (author, publisher, date, pages) in Chicago Style
course. The discussion boards are designed to
encourage discussion on the assigned materials for
If you use the thoughts, words, ideas, and research of
the module. other authors, you must provide full citations;
Course materials can be cited using parenthetical
otherwise you are plagiarizing someone's work.
citations. Example: Foote argued that ... (Foote,
Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and you are
responsible to self-educate yourself about the
Ryerson policy on plagiarism.

Assessment Grading
• High quality and excellent participation: 8 to 10 marks
o Well researched, insightful, and timely discussion
o Responds to others in a positive manner. Offers new thoughts and interpretations.
o Asks relevant and stimulating questions to foster discussion.
o Submitted the required number of postings in at least four different modules.
• Good quality participation: 7 marks
o Tends to respond, but not initiate discussion.
o Makes timely valid academic contributions.
o Submitted the required number of postings/threads in at least four different modules.
• Needs work/satisfactory participation: 6 marks
o Tends to make statements. Does not foster collaborative discussion.
o Repeats what other participants have already said (repetitiveness).
o Submitted the required number of postings in at least four different weeks.
• Marginal or no participation: 0 to 5 marks
o Summarizes readings.
o The majority of a posting is about current events and NOT the assigned reading materials. o
Submissions with plagiarised information automatically receive a grade of zero. Plagiarism is
dealt with to the full extent of Ryerson policies on academic integrity. o
Does not demonstrate an ability to synthesize or comprehend materials. o
Does not respond to the questions.
o Postings are difficult to read or understand.
o Did not read or work with the assigned materials.
o Did not make the required number of postings. Mark will be pro-rated based on your actual
number of postings.

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