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What is globalization?

It’s the interdependence of the countries from the economic, social and cultural ambit
caused by the trading and exchange of goods and services that has been generated thanks
to the innovation and technological advances.

Emilio Vinay
Daniela González
Santiago Salvador

What is development?
It’s the process that creates progress by improving the wealthfare and prosperity through the
betterment of economics, education, political and social environment and health, in order for
humans to have access to all their fundamental freedoms and rights.

Emilio Vinay
Daniela González
Santiago Salvador

Development and Globalization: an introduction

- Development
1. Multidimensional: human economical, cultural, environmental, spiritual and
social aspects.
2. Includes individual behaviors and structural institutions. It involves the
transformation of society and the institutions.
3. Economic growth: this means that the economy is 1 part of development but it
also includes other aspects, to include other assets we need a certain economy
to better them.
4. Reduction of inequality and poverty. Development would be achieved when
there is an increase in middle and upper class instead of poor class.
A DEFINITION: "las series de transiciones para una población dada y para todos los
grupos de población comprendidos desde un patrón menos humano a otro más humano de
la existencia, al ritmo más rápido posible, al más bajo costo posible, mientras se toman en
cuenta todos los lazos de solidaridad que existen entre las poblaciones y los grupos
poblacionales" (lebet y moreaux, 1942)
- Enfoque económico
- excluir a un sector, al más pequeño
- solidaridad: al final somos lo mismo porque somos la misma
- Where does the idea of development come from?
1. 19th Century: 2nd Industrial Revolution and Imperialism: colonial and civilization
discourse: civilization vs barbarism, civilization won.
2. From WWI to WWII colonial crisis, rejection to facism, European exceptionality and
extreme nationalism. The Europeans themselves saw the crisis of these wars.
Basically the empire kind of went down.
3. Modernity as universal: liberalism
4. 1950s and 1960s: Development Theory (European theory- how was connected to
modernity and liberalism) -> It said that modernity should be universal
- Development theory
1. Modernity vs Tradition: the world divides in 2 and creates that modernity is
good and traditionally is bad.
2. Development seen as evolution
3. Europe, the US and the west were seen as the role models: the only way in
which the rest of the world could get development was only their vision of
4. Modernity: progress, rationality (take out ethics), secularism, capitalism and
5. Universal conception of modernity:
6. Development vs underdevelopment:

- Globalization
1. From solid to liquid structures: characteristics and coexistence in the global
era.: 19th century and before, the structures were solid (stable) and after the
19th century they became liquid (fluid). Coexistence between solid
(absolutism nowadays for example) and liquid
2. Interconnection and flows: means that everything is gonna be interconnected
(economics, politics and socials) , for example the process of making and
buying clothes.
3. Does globalization exist? Since when?
- Since the beginning of times
- 1492: Columbus arrival to America
- Industrial Revolution and colonialism
- World War I and II
- 1970s and 80s: internet and neoliberalism
- Post Cold War: New World Order.
4. Changes: states, corporations and international organizations.
States: social, migration, covid,
5. Types of globalization: economic, political and cultural.
6. Globalization metaphors: does it flaw or does it hop?
7. Países metiches

El diseño institucional de un país es determinante para su desarrollo económico,

social y político y condicionan las consecuencias del sistema político.

Desarrollo es igual al resultado de variables determinadas por las instituciones. Es un proceso

que enriquece la libertad de los individuos en la búsqueda de sus valores propios, la
modernidad (que se entiende como el desarrollo democrático) Tiene una mayor afinación por
el desarrollo económico, debido a la burocracia, el estado de derecho (nivel economico,
social y politico).
El neoinstitucionalismo estudia los rasgos de las estructuras institucionales económicasque
posibilitan el desarrollo de los pueblos.

Dicha corriente propone como agenda de investigación el estudio de las instituciones

definidas por North como "las reglas del juego en una sociedad" o, más formalmente, son las
limitaciones ideadas por el hombre que dan forma a la interacción humana.

El neoinstitucionalismo recomienda un Estado fuerte pero limitado en sus funciones.

- rationality = development
- interdisciplinary analisis: it includes all types of sciences
- Structural emphasis: economics and politics- it means that it puts emphasis on the
whole structure, the big picture, not only the state or what happens in one country or
in one group, it focuses on the whole society.
- Historicity: includes the historical context.
- Marxist and neo marxist approach: habla de las estructuras sociales tras la
globalización, meaning that it studies the capitalism relations, classes relations around
the world and the exploitation from the center countries.
1. Colonization was the one that created the servile and slaves relations, benefit from
that structure, inequality has been the base of the social structure.
2. No hay desarrollo si no hay no desarrollados,
3. Usar los recursos de las colonias para ellos tener un desarrollo
4. Countries from the periphery are gonna be dependent from the center, not only
political or economical, it means its ideological, its beyond the material process.

Historical development of DT
- Background: 19th Century - imperialism, created under the ideas of the dichotomies
between civilizations vs barbaric societies. One argument to colonize was the right of
being white men to bring civilization to the world. (west vs East) LA was considered
- LA: Marti -anti-imperialism- cortar con la influencia europea, américa para los
americanos, LA dice no mames usa bajale de huevos.
- 20th C: 1940-50 LA: how to achieve development: Autonomous (their own
perspective of development, the latin american societies) Industrialization (according
to those societies it is necessary to have some degree of technology to give an impulse
to their economy.
- Why is there no development in LA? we didn't have the imperialistic idea, many ideas
and structures have been imposed in our societies.
- 1947: CEPAL (comisión económica para américa latina) they questioned where does
undervelopment come from and how to achieve development? - they found out that
even if they follow all the structures that made europe developed, they wouldn´´
become developed because there is a contradiction, at the end of the day they have
international financial capital and enclave economies.
2 main Approaches
- SElf critical:
-we need to become societies that are critical of ourselves
- Neo marxist
-If we don't pay attention to what is happening in international capitalism, we will
never be independent. We would only achieve it by deleting the capitalist society.

Latin America: Critical history and economics

Dependence theory says that:
- without colonization Europe would never have become developed.
- Contradiction of capitalism: development or limitations? desarrollo para los países
centrales pero limitaciones para los países underdevelopment
- 1950: LA - world economy - expansion of capitalism.
- Domestic capital subjected to international capital.
- Dependence relations are maintained, dependence from LA towards European
countries, but the strongest one is to the USA. USA influenced in the LA decisions
(US intervention)
- There are only 2 ways : developed or intervened.

1. What is extractivism?
Is related to our daily activities, specifically that economic growth needs to be our goal. A
system where you can be and do whatever you want. But it is not easy, the wellbeing is
achieved by materialism is wrong. It is promoted in a productive economy, independent from
pricing countries. It is not only an economic system, it is a way of power.
2. What is the relation between extractivism and capitalism?
They have the same bases from treating others as inferior and extractivism leads to
3. How is extractivism connected to the dependence from some societies forwards
Every economy has been created by the slavery, it has been more than 5 centuries and is
adapted every single time, even we adapt the ideology in our daily life.
4. How does extractivism create different degrees of development and
Because nowadays it reaches more and smaller territories.
5. What does the video propose to light against extractivism?
Being activists, oppose and protest against the things and actions that affect our development,
our environment and our society.

Neoliberal Reforms in Latin America

- Implementation supported by U.S (1980s)

Political and Economical Reforms

1. The state: should reduce and eliminate social expenses, increase the prices of public
services, close or transfer public companies, deregulation of the public sphere.
2. Opening to the international market: elimination of customs duties, trade
agreements, opening and deregulation of FDI, the entrance to international economic
and political institutions.
3. Monetary and financial policy: Deregulation of banks and credit institutions,
privatization of banks and opening to foreign capital.
Political reform toward construction of representative democracy.


- What is democracy?
is the power that we as people have to choose a representative and give them our sovereignty
in order to administrate and represent our country.
- What is welfare?
is the point in your life when you don't have the lack of anything, you have a home, work,
money, health, social security, you are in a good place.
- Is there a relation between democracy, welfare and development? if so how is it?
Yes, it is supposed that democracy leads to have a welfare and a development, but sadly it is
not achieved because of corruption.

- participation in elections
- democratic regime
- liberties
- recognition of rights
- direct participation
- recognition of citizenship
- structure to maintain the economic and political interests of the elite.

- Infrastructure
- Access to public services
- Recognition of citizenship
- Equality

Institutionalism Pluralism
- Enfoque dentro de las instituciones (Reformista) cambiar desde dentro al sistema, no
destruirlo como tal.
- Plantea que Naciones Unidas no es el único instrumento para alcanzar y resolver.
- Instituciones paralelas a los Estados.
- No se piensa en una justicia universal, se piensa en justicias localizadas, que no
recaiga en instituciones, sino en juzgados que tomen en cuenta el contexto. (local y
- La ciudadanía no se limite al Estado, sea internacional, que los ciudadanas y
ciudadanos puedan intervenir en la políticas públicas en términos internacionales.
(términos de participación)
- Propone:
1. Múltiples canales institucionales, que se piense en la sociedad civil
2. Diversidad y descentralización, que se piensen más formas de participación
fuera de las instituciones internacionales.
3. Competencia, no solo lo establecido es viable, pensemos en nuevas y la más
4. Experimentación, no puedes mantener la misma forma de institución. (a la
para de competencia)

Politics and economy of development

- Development as freedom
1. Theory proposed by Amartya Sen
2. development needs to go beyond economic or political growth
3. Political and economical liberties are necessary to achieve freedom
4. Freedom=agency (it is the capacity of people to build their own development)
humans as active people not as passive people, means to have all the
conditions so that humans can create their own development.
5. Freedom in the broad sense= political, economic, social, services, guarantees.
(freedom is connected to development because the state facilitate us through
rights, laws, help, institutions, etc; in order to achieve development)
6. Actors: states, laws, political parties, market, media.

Two ideas to consider:

1. Economic growth is not the same as development
2. Development is the expansion of freedom and elimination of sources that limit
freedom. (poverty and tyranny)

Some of these liberties:

1. Political liberties:
- Political participation
- Education
- Health
- Social security
- Pensiones
- Sustainable planification of the city
2. Economic liberties
- Everyone has access to markets (market of jobs and products, proper
conditions in the workplace)
- Social assistance, creation of laws and state intervention (is the one who
provides social security and the one that could regulate the market)
- Elimination of poverty
5 types of freedom
1. Political freedom
2. Economic facilities
3. Social opportunities ( justicia social: todas las leyes y reglas que se hagan para
garantizar y regular la convivencia de la sociedad se debe de hacer a través de una
mediación que llama el “velo de la ignorancia”, suponer que nacerás en un contexto
económico desconocido, por lo que debes crear leyes que beneficien sin importar la
posición económica.) - El estado debe garantizar que todas las personas garanticen las
mismas oportunidades de las personas sin importar las condiciones en las que hayas
4. Transparency guarantees: means that you are gonna have access to public information
(no corruption)
5. Protective security (social security, the state guarantees the basic minimum in order
for a quality life).

- When he talks about freedom says that freedom is connected to every freedom, that
cannot be separated and through them you achieve freedom in general and therefore
achieve development.
- In his view, if we get to that point, everyone would be a creator of development.

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