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1)Explain the syntax of java,also explain what is java class,objects,constructors?with Example ?

2)Explain Data types in java,and Operators in Java and also explain the Comments in java?

3) Explain the various Decision-making statements, loop constructs in java

4) Demonstrate the core object-oriented concept of Inheritance, polymorphism

5) : Explain the concepts of method overloading, constructor overloading,

6) Explain the concept of Abstraction, packages.

7) Introduction to abstract classes, abstract methods, and Interface in java

8) Demonstrate creation of threads using Thread class and Runnable interface, multithreaded

9)Explain java Collections

10) Explain Exception handling in java, throwable class, throw, throws, finally

11) Explain the concepts of java Applet, awt, swings.

12)Explain java Modifiers,java inner class,Encapsulation in Java?

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