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Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application

Paper - 1020201403 Programming in Core Java
Question Bank

UNIT - 1 Introduction to JAVA

01. When was Java initially released, and by whom?
02. Discuss the main features of Java that distinguish it from other programming languages.
03. Explain the significance of Java's slogan "Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA)" in the
context of its history and features.
04. Enumerate the different versions of Java released to date and highlight the major changes
introduced in each version.
05. Describe the role of James Gosling in the development of the Java programming
06. Compare and contrast the syntax of C++ and Java, focusing on key differences in
language constructs and programming paradigms.
07. Discuss the memory management differences between C++ and Java, including aspects
like garbage collection and pointers.
08. Explain how exception handling differs in C++ and Java, and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach.
09. Analyze the platform dependency issues associated with C++ and how Java addresses
them through the JVM.
10. Evaluate the performance differences between C++ and Java, considering factors like
execution speed and memory usage.
11. What is the role of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in executing Java programs? Explain
its architecture.
12. Describe the concept of bytecode and its significance in Java programming.
13. How does the JVM ensure platform independence for Java programs?
14. Discuss the process of JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation in the context of Java bytecode
15. Explain how the JVM manages memory allocation and garbage collection in Java
16. Outline the steps involved in setting up a Java Development Kit (JDK) on different
operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS).
17. Discuss the importance of setting up environment variables like JAVA_HOME and PATH
for Java development.
18. Describe the role of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Eclipse, IntelliJ
IDEA, and NetBeans in Java programming.
19. How can you verify if Java is correctly installed on your system? Provide the necessary
commands or steps.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 1

20. Explain how to compile and run a simple "Hello, World!" program in Java using
command-line tools and IDEs.
21. Discuss the basic structure of a Java program, including the order of elements such as
package declaration, import statements, class declaration, and main method.
22. Explain the significance of packages in Java and how they help organize code.
23. Describe the purpose of import statements in Java and provide examples of different
import scenarios.
24. Discuss the role of access modifiers (e.g., public, private, protected) in Java classes and
25. How do comments contribute to the readability and maintainability of Java code? Provide
guidelines for writing effective comments.

UNIT - 2 Building Blocks of Java

26. Define identifiers and literals in Java. Provide examples of each.
27. Explain the rules for naming identifiers in Java. Can an identifier start with a digit?
28. Differentiate between valid and invalid identifiers in Java.
29. Discuss the significance of naming conventions in Java programming.
30. What are literals in Java? Provide examples of different types of literals.
31. Enumerate and describe the primitive data types in Java.
32. Explain the difference between primitive data types and reference data types in Java.
33. What are keywords in Java? Provide examples and discuss their significance.
34. Describe the role of the final keyword in Java and provide examples of its usage.
35. Discuss the concept of data type casting in Java and provide examples.
36. Define constants and variables in Java. How are they declared?
37. Explain the scope of variables in Java. Differentiate between local, instance, and class
38. Discuss the default values assigned to different data types in Java.
39. How do you declare a constant in Java? Provide examples.
40. Explain the significance of the static keyword in variable declarations.
41. Discuss the syntax and usage of the if-else statement in Java. Provide examples.
42. Explain the purpose of the switch statement in Java. Compare it with nested if-else
43. Describe the syntax and usage of the for loop in Java. Provide examples.
44. Discuss the differences between while and do-while loops in Java. When would you use
45. Explain the roles of break and continue statements in loop control.
46. Discuss implicit and explicit type conversion in Java. Provide examples.
47. Explain the concept of widening and narrowing conversions in Java.
48. When is type casting necessary in Java? Provide scenarios where type casting is used.
49. What is the difference between upcasting and downcasting in Java?
50. How does Java handle automatic type promotion during arithmetic operations?
51. Discuss the String class in Java and its importance in string manipulation.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 2

52. Describe basic string operations such as concatenation, substring, and length calculation.
53. Explain the difference between == and .equals() when comparing strings in Java.
54. Discuss the StringBuffer class in Java and its advantages over String for mutable string
55. Provide examples demonstrating the usage of StringBuilder for efficient string
56. What are wrapper classes in Java? Why are they needed?
57. Provide examples of wrapper classes for primitive data types in Java.
58. Discuss the usage of wrapper classes in converting primitive data types to objects and
vice versa.
59. Explain the concept of autoboxing and unboxing in Java.
60. Discuss the advantages of using wrapper classes over primitive data types in certain
61. What is garbage collection in Java? How does it help in memory management?
62. Explain the difference between garbage collection and manual memory management.
63. Discuss the different types of garbage collectors available in Java.
64. What are the factors affecting the performance of garbage collection in Java?
65. Provide guidelines for optimizing Java code to minimize the impact of garbage

UNIT - 3 Objects and classes in Java

66. Explain the concept of classes and objects in Java. How are they related?
67. Discuss the steps involved in creating a class in Java.
68. Provide an example of defining a class with attributes and methods in Java.
69. Describe how objects are instantiated from classes in Java.
70. Discuss the role of constructors in initializing objects in Java.
71. Explain how memory is allocated for objects in Java.
72. Discuss the differences between stack and heap memory in Java.
73. What is the significance of the "new" keyword in Java object instantiation?
74. Describe the process of garbage collection and its impact on memory allocation for Java
75. How does Java manage memory leaks in the context of object creation?
76. Define method overloading in Java and provide examples.
77. Discuss the rules for method overloading resolution in Java.
78. Explain constructor overloading in Java and its benefits.
79. Provide an example demonstrating the concept of constructor chaining in Java.
80. Discuss the limitations of method overloading in Java.
81. Define inheritance in Java and explain its significance.
82. Provide an example of a simple inheritance hierarchy in Java.
83. Discuss the concept of multilevel inheritance in Java with an example.
84. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using inheritance in Java.
85. Explain how method overriding works in the context of inheritance in Java.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 3

86. Discuss the usage of the "this" keyword in Java methods and constructors.
87. Explain how the "super" keyword is used to access superclass members in Java.
88. Provide examples demonstrating the use of "this" and "super" keywords in Java.
89. Discuss the importance of method visibility and access modifiers in Java.
90. Explain the concept of method overriding and method hiding in Java.
91. Define static members in Java and explain their characteristics.
92. Discuss the significance of static initialization blocks in Java.
93. Provide examples illustrating the usage of static members and static blocks in Java.
94. Explain the concept of a static nested class in Java.
95. Discuss the advantages and limitations of using static members and static classes in Java.
96. Define abstract classes and methods in Java.
97. Discuss the role of abstract classes in providing a blueprint for concrete subclasses.
98. Provide an example demonstrating the declaration and usage of abstract classes and
methods in Java.
99. Explain the differences between abstract classes and interfaces in Java.
100. Discuss scenarios where abstract classes are more suitable than interfaces in Java.
101. Define polymorphism in Java and explain its importance.
102. Discuss the two types of polymorphism supported by Java: compile-time and runtime
103. Provide examples demonstrating the implementation of compile-time and runtime
polymorphism in Java.
104. Explain the concept of method overriding and its role in achieving runtime
105. Discuss the benefits of polymorphism in Java programming.
106. Differentiate between method overloading and method overriding in Java.
107. Explain the rules for method overloading resolution in Java.
108. Discuss the rules for method overriding in Java, including method signature and
return types.
109. Provide examples illustrating the differences between method overloading and
method overriding.
110. Discuss scenarios where method overloading and method overriding are commonly
used in Java.
111. Define nested classes and inner classes in Java.
112. Discuss the differences between static nested classes and inner classes in Java.
113. Provide examples demonstrating the declaration and usage of nested and inner
classes in Java.
114. Explain the benefits of using nested and inner classes in Java programming.
115. Discuss the visibility and access control rules for nested and inner classes in Java.
116. Explain the significance of access modifiers in Java and provide examples.
117. Discuss the differences between public, private, protected, and default access
modifiers in Java.
118. Explain the purpose of non-access modifiers like final, abstract, static, and transient
in Java.
119. Discuss the importance of encapsulation and data hiding in Java programming.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 4

120. Provide guidelines for choosing appropriate access modifiers and modifiers for class
members in Java.
121. Define interfaces in Java and explain their role in achieving abstraction.
122. Discuss the declaration syntax for interfaces in Java and provide examples.
123. Explain how interfaces support multiple inheritance in Java.
124. Discuss the concept of interface inheritance and method hiding in Java.
125. Provide examples illustrating the declaration and implementation of interfaces in

UNIT - 4 Packages
126. Explain the concept of packages in Java and their importance in code organization.
127. Discuss the guidelines for naming packages in Java. Are there any naming
conventions to follow?
128. What is the purpose of type imports in Java packages? How do they simplify code?
129. Explain the concept of package access in Java. How does it control the visibility of
classes and members?
130. Describe the contents of a Java package. What can be included in a package besides
131. Define the term "package object" in Java. What role does it play in package
132. Discuss the specifications for creating and maintaining a package in Java.
133. Explain the steps involved in creating a package in Java, including directory structure
and file organization.
134. What is the purpose of the file in Java packages? How is it used?
135. Discuss the benefits of using packages in large-scale Java projects.

UNIT - 5 Applet Programming

136. Define an applet in the context of Java programming.
137. How does an applet differ from a standalone Java application?
138. Discuss the advantages and limitations of using Java applets.
139. Explain the role of the java.applet.Applet class in applet programming.
140. What are the key components required to create and run an applet in Java?
141. Describe the life cycle of an applet in Java, including initialization, start, stop, and
destroy phases.
142. Discuss the steps involved in creating an applet in Java.
143. Explain the purpose and usage of the <applet> tag in HTML for embedding Java
144. What are the attributes that can be specified in the <applet> tag? Provide examples.
145. How do you specify the size and position of an applet within an HTML page using
the <applet> tag?

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 5

146. Discuss the java.awt.Color class in Java and its usage in applet programming.
147. Explain how graphics are handled in Java applets using the java.awt.Graphics class.
148. Describe the role of the java.awt.Font class in applet programming for text rendering.
149. Provide examples demonstrating the usage of Color, Graphics, and Font classes in
Java applets.
150. How can you draw basic shapes like rectangles, circles, and lines in a Java applet?
151. What is an applet skeleton in Java? Discuss its structure and purpose.
152. Explain the significance of the init(), start(), stop(), and destroy() methods in the
applet life cycle.
153. Provide examples demonstrating the implementation of these applet display methods.
154. Discuss the role of the paint() method in applet programming and how it interacts
with the Graphics object.
155. How can you override the paint() method to customize the appearance of a Java
156. Describe how parameters can be passed to Java applets using the <param> tag within
the <applet> tag.
157. Discuss the syntax for specifying parameters in the HTML <applet> tag.
158. Provide examples demonstrating the passing of parameters to Java applets using
159. How can you access these parameters within the Java applet code?
160. Discuss the advantages of using parameters to customize the behavior of Java

UNIT - 6 Exceptions
161. What is an exception in Java? Explain its significance in error handling.
162. Discuss the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java.
163. Explain the role of the Throwable class hierarchy in Java exception handling.
164. Describe the consequences of unhandled exceptions in Java programs.
165. How can exceptions help in identifying and resolving runtime errors in Java?
166. Enumerate and explain the categories of built-in exceptions in Java.
167. Discuss the process of creating user-defined exceptions in Java.
168. Provide examples illustrating the creation and usage of custom exceptions in Java.
169. How can you handle exceptions thrown by methods that you call in your Java code?
170. Discuss the best practices for designing and using custom exceptions in Java.
171. Explain the difference between the throw and throws keywords in Java exception
172. Discuss the usage of the throw keyword to explicitly throw exceptions in Java.
173. Describe the purpose of the throws clause in method declarations.
174. Provide examples demonstrating the use of the throw and throws keywords in Java
175. Discuss scenarios where you would use throw and throws in Java programs.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 6

176. Describe the purpose and syntax of the try, catch, and finally blocks in Java exception
177. Discuss the order of execution of try, catch, and finally blocks in Java.
178. Explain the role of the catch block in handling exceptions thrown within the try
179. Discuss the significance of the finally block in Java exception handling.
180. Provide examples demonstrating the use of try, catch, and finally blocks in Java
181. What is a thread in Java? How does it differ from a process?
182. Discuss the advantages of using multithreading in Java programs.
183. Describe the components of the Java thread model.
184. Explain the difference between user-level threads and kernel-level threads.
185. How do threads facilitate concurrent execution of tasks in Java programs?
186. Describe the life cycle of a thread in Java, including its various states.
187. Discuss the transitions between different states in the life cycle of a thread.
188. Provide examples illustrating the creation and execution of threads in Java.
189. Explain how the Thread class and Runnable interface are used to create threads in
190. Discuss the significance of the start() method in initiating thread execution.
191. Explain thread priority in Java and how it affects thread scheduling.
192. Discuss the range of thread priorities in Java and their default values.
193. How do you set the priority of a thread in Java? Provide examples.
194. Discuss the factors to consider when assigning thread priorities in Java programs.
195. What are the implications of thread priority for concurrent execution in Java?
196. Explain the concept of inter-thread communication in Java.
197. Discuss the methods provided by Java for inter-thread communication.
198. Provide examples illustrating the usage of wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods
for inter-thread communication.
199. Discuss scenarios where inter-thread communication is necessary in Java programs.
200. How can you prevent race conditions and deadlocks when implementing inter-thread
201. Define synchronization in the context of multithreading in Java.
202. Explain the concept of a critical section and the need for synchronization.
203. Discuss the synchronization mechanisms provided by Java, including synchronized
methods and blocks.
204. Provide examples demonstrating the usage of synchronization in Java programs.
205. Discuss the advantages and limitations of synchronization in Java multithreading.

Prepared By: Khushboo Jain 7

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