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Many people think that children should be allowed to chose thier teachers.

I agree with them I have my

arguments which will be listed below.

Firstly, I think that Its important for the child to work with the right teacher. It is easier for a child to learn
with a teacher with whom he feels comfortable because openness plays a big role in the learning
process. Not every teacher is able to show warmth to a child what is important for the child. Some
teachers are always fighting, releasing negativity and so on. The negativity coming from the teacher has
a great impact on the learning process and most importantly on students.

Secondly, I believe that I think that qualification is important. Of course the child will choose the teacher
from whom he will receive knowledge. Even today there are teachers in school who cannot impart
knowledge to children.If only they were allowed to choose their teachers individually, it would allow
them opportunity to choose teachers from whom they would learn and the hours spent with them
would not be wasted.

To sum up i think that the arguments given above are enough to illustrate that children should
be allowed to chose thier teachers.

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