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Many people think that programming should be made compulsory for all students.

I agree with them i

have my arguments which will be listed below.

Firstly, I think that a computer is a bicycle for your mind. Learning how to to code teaches children how
to think. Computer programming isnt just about teaching how to type line of code It is more about
teaching children how to think differently. If you want to write good code a you need to use logical
thinking. All this helps and develops the human brain

Secondly, Programming helps children learn how to have fun with math. Coding is the math language.
Learning to program involves many important skills. Children grow their math skills while typing code
without realizing it. They are using their logic and calculation skills and thats another big reason why
coding should be compulsory for all students.

to sum up i think that the arguments given above are enough to illustrate that programming
should be made compulsory for all students

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