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define the following terms (5mks)

i. First aid
ii. First aid kit
iii. Sickroom
iv. First aider
v. Ventilation
2.outline five importance of first aid (5mks)
3.state five principles of first aid (5mks)
4. give five desirable qualities of a first aider (5mks)
5.highlight three essential features of a sick room (3mks)
6.outline the procedure of cleaning and preparing a sick room (3mks)
7.define the following terms (5mks)
i. Patient
ii. Invalid
iii. Infirm
iv. Convalescent
v. Motivation
8.explain four effects of illness on an individual (8mks)
9.explain four patient motivation techniques (8mks)
10.state five importance of patient motivation (5mks)
11.explain five basic human needs and their fulfilment (10mks)
12.highlight four qualities of a good home nurse (4mks)

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