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Article by- Vivek Kumar Kushwaha

Date- 2020, May 22nd

Since ancient times we have seen pictures and painting of different spiritual
leaders across various tradiation but one thing that is common among all of
them is the‘HALO’that surrounds their head whis is known as the Aura-
Engery field. It not only surrounds just the head but also extends all around the
Every individual releases and is surrounded by some radiations or energy field.
This energy field known as AURA has various features and is distinct for all
living organisms. The AURA is made up of neural thoughts, patterns and
spiritual energies of the ambient air. The AURA has spin, from its chakras and
other forces, and qualities like pulsing, luminiscence, and sound.

In Latin and Ancient Greek, aura means wind, breeze or breath. It was used
in Middle English to mean "gentle breeze" & by the end of the 19th century,
the word was used in some spiritualist circles to describe a speculated subtle
emanation around the body.
The aura is often seen as a mix of fine coloured frequencies where each colour
define its own individual nature and characterstics.
In scientific research we have found that the aura is Electromagnetic feild of
energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5 feets (in an average
healthy body) and appears to be depleted in cases of unhealthy person.
A person is considered to be healthy in terms of physical vitality, metal clarity,
emotional well being as well as highly positive spiritual energies. So a person
who is healthy at all these levels has a bigger and brighter aura and vice versa in
the case if an unhealthy person.

Now, according to a very famous law of physics “When there is a electrical field
around a body, a magnetic field gets developed automatically”. So the tiny
electrical impulses in our body results into the formation of a magnetic field
around our body which is actually know as the AURA- electromagnetic field of
the body. Since everything in this universe is made up of the same constituent
particles electron, protons, neutrons etc that means EVERYTHING HAS AN
AURA. And if we keep on expanding these so called elementary particles we
reach a point where we find nothing but pure energy vibrating at the very
essence of these solid looking objects. Everything in this physical universe is
nothing but energy which connects to everything in the universe.

Emerging scientific evidence from the field of Quantum Physics is showing us

that we are all interconnected.We are not separate beings, we are individuated
beings. This individuation occurs through the conditioning of society, through
the old Newtonian perspective of reality and the dual nature of reality. Because
of this belief in dual nature of reality, we believe that we are separate beings.
But, how do we know that we are interconnected? We come to this knowing
through our own experience. One way we experience this interconnectedness is
through the human aura.

Here are some of the signs that you have experienced the Universal Human Energy
Field of yourself and others, and our interconnectedness:

o You felt anxious, panicky when you entered a room full of people.
o You turned around, only to find out that someone was staring at you.

o You felt instant calm and peace in someone's presence.

o You felt anxious, angry, irritable in someone's presence, without any
particular trigger or verbal communication from the other person.
o You feel drained around certain people.
o You feel drained or overwhelmed in large crowds, shopping malls, or at
o You had a sense of how someone is feeling, despite their behavior indicating

These are just a few examples. If you have answered yes to any of these, then you
have felt, experienced, the auric field of another person. Which means that you have
experienced interconnectedness. We can also experience the energy field of animals,
plants, rocks, minerals, etc.
Deep Red Aura – Hard working, vitality, energy

Red Aura – Sexuality, competitive spirit, winner

Orange – Adventure, business

Orange yellow Aura – Academic, logical, scientific

Yellow Aura – Sunny, energetic and creative

Green Aura – Social, harmonious, teachers

Deep green Aura – Goal oriented, good organizational skills

Blue Aura – Caring, loyal, sensitive

Indigo Aura – Calm, clear, artistic, introverted

Violet Aura – Sensual, charismatic

Lavender Aura – Fragile, imaginative, sensitive

White Aura – Transcendent, spiritual and quiet

Dark and murky pink: Immature and/or dishonest nature

Yellow-Green: Creative with heart, communicative

Turquoise: Relates to the immune system.Sensitive, compassionate, healer, therapist.

*Not to be used for Aura reading. Description do not contains the exact color of
Aura. Only an outline review of colors are presented here.
Aura and chakra are connected and can influence each other, but these two
concepts aren’t the same. Aura is the energy that your body produces and emits. It
pours out of your body and influences the surroundings. Chakras, on the other hand,
are a series of seven gates present between the body that controls the circulation of
energy. These gates are usually perfectly aligned and the flow of energy through
them is smooth and uninterrupted. Chakras can become misaligned, which can
interrupt the flow of energy.

The Aura can be considered as a ‘mirror’ that reveals our present mental, physical
and spiritual state. Like Auras, Chakras also come with specific spiritual colors. The
word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit language meaning spinning vortexes of
energy. These vortexes or pools of energy lie inside our physical bodies. There are 7
main Chakras, each connected to a major organ and located along the spine. The
Chakras are ‘power stations’ of the body, in that; they are responsible for
distributing the energy throughout the body.

The Auras and Chakras together constitute the spiritual colors of an individual. Both
Chakras and Auras are vital to an individual’s health and well being. Both these
channels of energy can get ‘clogged’ due to stress or illness and impact overall
health. Certain forms of meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi and other sciences from across the
world help relieve blocked Chakras and purify Auras to restore health and well
Today with the development of Hi-tech electronic gadgets and instruments which
are able to detect the fine subtle vibrations in our surroundings, it has become
possible for us to actually capture a glimpse of the human aura.

The research on capturing this subtle energy field through electronic instruments
was started by Semyon Kirlian, who accidently discovered that if an object on a
photographic plate is connected to a source of high voltage, small corona discharge
create an image on the photographic plate. And soon after his research the
development of Kirlian camera was done, through which scientists were able to
photograph the electromagnetic field around our fingers.
Photograph of ElectromagneticField across Fingers

It was found, that objects which are not alive, do not change parameters of their
"aura" more than 2%. LIVING objects however can change their aura field
dramatically and quickly.

All living objects show continuous changes in their aura. A major series of
experiments of a team of scientists coordinated by Prof Korotkov in St Petersburg,
Russia, demonstrated that Aura of the human body continues to change
continuously for almost exactly 72 hours after clinical death. It seems, that
among other things, not only the time, but also the reason for death can be
determined on the basis of these changes.

Slowly and gradually as more research was done in this field of Aura photography
different technologies were developed claiming to capture the human aura or the
electromagnetic field. Now till date we have different systems like PIP (Poly contrast
Interference Photography), DAS (Digital Aura Scanning system), RFI ( Resonant Field
imaging) etc which claim to capture the human aura and also help us in detecting
the subtle imbalances in our bodies.
Poly contrast Interference Photography

Digital Aura Scanning system

[1] Chhabra G., HUMAN AURA: A NEW VEDIC APPROACH IN IT, University of
Petroleum & Energy Studies, May 2013
[2] Iovine, John (May 2000). "Kirlian Photography: Part 1".
Poptronics (15)
[3] Sharma N. ,What Is Human Aura, BioField Global Research Inc.,
[4] Wisneski, Leonard A. and Anderson, Lucy (2010). The Scientific Basis of
Integrative Medicine. ISBN 978-1-4200-8290-6.

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