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How to see and read the aura (fb2)
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How to see and read the aura of 2266K (trans. Shepeleva ) (Entertaining metaphysics)
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Ted Andrews 
How to see and read the aura
How to see and read the aura

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Dedicated to Katie and the girls

about the author

Ted Andrews is a professional writer, studying and teaching the metaphysical and
spiritual science. Across the country, he holds seminars, symposiums, conferences and
lectures on various aspects of ancient mysticism. Ted Andrews deals with the analysis of
past lives, the interpretation of the aura, numerology, tarot cards and studying Kabbalah,
considering all these methods, developing and improving internal human potential. He has
the abilities of clairvoyance and holds a spiritual medium, a specialist in general hypnosis
and acupressure. In addition, it examines and applies grass as an alternative means of
treatment. He is the author of several books and co-operate with a number of
metaphysical journals.

Chapter 1. What is the aura

The aura of every person. Any one of us saw or felt the auric fields of others. The
problem is that most people do not pay attention to these feelings or misunderstand them.
Mystics from all parts of the world talk about the glow that they see around the
person's head. But, it is good to see and feel the aura, it is not necessary to be a
mystic. Everyone can learn it. In this process, there is nothing magical; only need to
recognize the existence of the aura and consideration for their feelings. To do this, you
need something to learn and understand, practice, spending some time, and
persevere. Below you will find questions relating to the aura. If you can answer yes to one
or more of these questions, then you are already felt by the energy of the aura.
Very good children see and feel the aura. These sensations are often expressed in
drawings. Around the children painted figures depict an unusual shade of colors, thus
transmitting subtle energies seen.
Very often, these paintings evoke adult cries: "Why is the sky around mom purple",
"Why do you have a cat green and pink", "Why are you drawn a brother in blue," Figures
do not mean that the cat is from the point of view of a child on the actually it looks green
and pink, and his brother - in blue. Just a child felt the colors of the aura and then use
colored pencils expressed his impressions. Unfortunately, such comments only contribute
to the fact that this is a subtle perception of the child subsequently disconnected.
There are many definitions of aura. Meanwhile, in the first place it should be noted
that the aura is an energy field that surrounds all living and inanimate objects.  Any object
that consists of atoms, has an aura that is surrounding his energy field. Each atom of any
substance consists of electrons and protons, which are in constant motion. These electrons
and protons are vibration electric and magnetic energy (see. Fig. 1). Atoms of living
creatures and plants are more active and vibrate more than the atoms of inanimate
objects. Therefore, the energy fields of trees, plants, animals and people are defined and
perceived more easily.
Fig. 1. The energy of vibration of atoms

Do you ever feel the energy field aura?

(If you can answer "yes" to any of the following questions, then you feel your aura on
the influence of the external field.)

1. Do you feel the desolation, while some people in society?

2. Associating Do you have a specific color with the people?  (For example, can for
someone to say: "I always imagine it in yellow.")
3. Have you ever felt someone staring at you?
4. Does have someone an instant liking or dislike?
5. Have you ever felt how it feels to another person, regardless of his behavior?
6. whether the reasons you feel the presence of the other person before you actually
heard or seen it?
7. Could certain sounds, colors and smells make you feel more comfortable, or,
conversely, uncomfortable?
8. Does your thunderstorm nervousness and irritation?
9. Do you feel that some people are inspired and charge you more energy than
10. Have you ever had entered the room, feel stiffness, nervousness or
irritation? Have you ever wanted in some areas to stay long? I wanted to leave
immediately if a particular room?
11. Have you ever ignored or rejected their first impression of someone, then make
sure that it was true?
12. Do you feel that in some areas to be nicer and more comfortable than the
other? Can you define the difference one from another room? Have you noticed, in this
respect than the room of your brother / sister (parents and children) is different from

The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body in all
directions. Aura is three-dimensional. In a healthy person, it forms around the body of an
ellipse or an egg shape (see. Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Human Aura
Aura completely surrounds the physical body. It is three-dimensional and in a healthy
person has the shape of an ellipse.  The shape, size, color, and brightness of the colors of
the aura indicate individual characteristics of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

Normally, the average person the aura extends from the body to a distance of 8-10
feet  . I heard that the aura of the ancient teachers could extend from the body for a few

kilometers.It is believed that this was one of the reasons their ability to attract a large
number of followers anywhere else. It is worth noting that often the teachers and tutors of
humanity was made to represent a halo. Nimbus - is part of the aura that is easiest to see
the common man (see Figure 3..).

Fig. 3. Nimbus
Nimbus can be seen on most of the artistic image of the ancient mystics and
teachers. The easiest way to distinguish the radiation is the aura around the head.  The
better your health, the higher spiritual development, the more the light radiation coming
from your body. Nimbus is often considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment.

Although data on the size and power of the ancient aura of teachers do not have the
evidence, it is known that the healthier a person physically and spiritually, the more
energy it will vibrate, and the farther away from his physical body will be distributed
aura. How viable is your aura, the more energy you have to implement their plans. The
stronger your aura, the less likely that you will undergo the influence of external forces.
If external influences can easily cause harm to a person, it means his auric fields are
weak. This aura condition can lead to the fact that people will be much more pliable
towards strangers to manipulation and begin to tire more quickly. Weakened aura of a
person can cause sensations inherent losers, health problems, and loss of ability to act
effectively in many or in all situations.As you will learn from this book, control over your
environment begins with the control of your energy. Methods to strengthen and increase
the auric field for different purposes are described in the last chapter.
The aura or energy field of man involves two aspects. Firstly, the aura, as described
in the traditional metaphysics, make your energy subtle bodies. These bodies are thin
layers of different energy intensities that surround and penetrate the physical body (see.
Fig. 4). Their main function is to assist in the coordination and regulation of activity of the
soul in the material world.Features of the subtle bodies in this book are not considered.  It
is enough if you simply consider them as part of the auric field.
Fig. 4. Weak and strong aura radiation
The stronger the aura and its vibration, the better your health and the less likely that
you will fall under the influence of external forces.

Secondly, part of the auric field are the energy emitted by the physical body. On them
we will focus.
It's nice to live in a time when modern science and technology have the capacity to
detect and monitor any energy fields, and especially those that belong to the human
body. According to modern science, the human body is composed of energy fields. The
energy radiation coming from the body, include electrical, magnetic, acoustic, thermal,
light and electromagnetic field (see. Fig. 5). Some of these energy fields are generated
within the body. Other field body receives from the outside, and then they are
transformed. This process is due to the interaction between the natural energy fields. Such
interaction, we describe in detail in this chapter. It can be considered as a special kind of
natural osmosis between your energies and the energies of the world around you: you
absorb the energy of plants, trees, flowers, animals and even the earth itself.
Fig. 5. The energy of the physical body radiation
There are various energy fields, which are emitted by the physical body and
surrounded it. These include lighting, electrical, thermal and thermal, acoustic, magnetic,
electromagnetic and other fields. There are scientific ways to measure these bodies. They
help to prove that the human body is a power system.

In the ancient customs of the Native Americans and other peoples of the world the
importance and power of the natural totem evolved including the fact that by combining
with the energy of this totem people raised their own energy. The closer the contact and
was exact - setting on the totem, the stronger became man. In Chapter 4, we consider the
dimension of the aura, and you will see that the aura becomes stronger and more direct
contact with the ground or the elements of nature. Try to influence the aura, standing on
the ground with his bare feet and shoes.You will notice significant changes.
The energies of nature are easily absorbed and converted by the body. A common
form of healing and rejuvenation is a trip to the sea. The maritime climate has four basic
elements of life: Fire - the sun, the air - sea breeze, water - the sea, and, of course, the
Earth. The human body is able to absorb and transform these elements into a healing
energy, which strengthens its entire energy system - physically and in other
ways. Communication and contact with the four natural elements restores energy balance
in man.
However, the aura is composed not only of the energy absorbed and converted from
the elements of nature. There is also a subtle interaction of the human body with the
energy fields of the heavens (see. Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Thin body, a part of the aura

The radiation of the stars - how often is described in astrology - and are absorbed by
man and transformed into sources of its energy. Some planets may affect human stronger
than others.Keep in mind that each of us has its own unique energy system, and the way
it interacts with the subtle energy of the environment for each individual.  Anyway, enough
short training and introspection to improve their perception of these energies and learn to
deal with them more efficiently.
You need to know how your auric field interacts with external forces and
energies. You must understand how your aura affects other people and how they affect her
energy. You should learn to identify the boundaries and the power of your energy fields, as
well as the times when it is important to strengthen, balance and cleanse your aura. You
must learn to feel when your aura losing energy. To feel good, both physically and in other
ways, you need to have an idea about these subtle energies, and more tangible energies
of your body.

properties aura
You will begin to better perceive and understand their aura if understand what are its
main properties.

1. Any aura has its own individual frequency.

Any unique energy field. It is impossible to find two completely identical power field,
there are only similar. The composition of the aura can include sound, light and
electromagnetic fields, but their power and intensity will vary from person to
person. Everyone has their own individual rate.
If the frequency of your aura close to the frequency of another person, there is a
natural harmony between you. You come together it is much easier with such
people. Often believe that this harmony is a sign of the existence of the relationship in a
previous life. It is possible that in some cases this is true, but it is often the cause of
harmonious relationships lies in the structure of a similar aura. These people are close to
the frequency of the physical, emotional, mental and / or spiritual levels, and this is
independent of the relationship in a previous life.
On the other hand, there are people, aura frequency of which is very different from
yours. Because of this, you may have an instant dislike to such a man, a sense of
discomfort, worry in his presence, and so on. D. Often those subtle first impression that
you get (or make on someone) to reflect the way in which your aura is tuned to the
frequency of another person. Emerging with the discomfort does not always mean that a
bad man; most likely at this stage two energy field - yours and his - have not been put in
resonance with each other. Initial dissonance can go in harmony, when you meet with this
person after a long time. It often occurs in cases where relationships are formed on the
principle of attraction of opposites.
With practice, you will learn how to adjust and change the frequency of your aura,
and therefore easy to adapt to other people and establish relationships with them without
difficulty. Such skills are associated with the ancient methods of werewolves. You should
be able to agree on the energy of its aura to the environment and the auras of
others. Typically, this process occurs naturally and is often mild form of defense. By
learning to consciously control it, you will be able to interact with other energy fields to the
extent necessary - gently or vigorously.

2. Your aura is constantly interacts with Auric fields of others.

Your aura has strong electromagnetic properties, so you are constantly emitting and
absorbing energy. Every time you come in contact with another person is an exchange of
energies (see. Fig. 7). You can give away some of their energy (an electrical property) and
to absorb some of their energy (magnetic property). The greater the number of people
with whom you interact, the more intense the energy metabolism.
Fig. 7. Energy metabolism in the interaction of auras

If you do not know about this exchange, you can save a lot of energy waste by the
end of the day: probably feel devastated, will be experiencing for some new emotions in
your head begin to scroll strange thoughts. Each of us there were days when it seemed to
us that we are a little crazy. The reason for these feelings is not so much of ourselves, how
much energy you have accumulated in contact with other people during the day.
We are all familiar with people who have communication with the other devastating
effects. Talk with them, even on the phone, can unnerve. When such a companion leaves
or hangs up, you often feel as if your stomach punched hole. Energy metabolism of this
type is bad: there is only outflow of energy from your aura. The exercises given in the last
chapter, will help you every day to balance your aura, maintaining its vibration and
preventing this kind of interaction.

3. The human energy field can also interact with the energy fields of animals,
plants, minerals, and other objects.
All objects, animate and inanimate, thanks to its atomic structure have energy
fields. The energy fields of animate objects is stronger and much more easily detected
than the field of inanimate objects, but they both can be used to strengthen your personal
energy field.
Staying in nature balances and cleanses the aura. The custom of hugging trees should
recognize a wise and useful: a very active energy fields of trees, and they dynamically
interact with the human energy fields. Each tree, as each person has their own individual
rate. Interaction with trees of different species cause different results. If, within 5-10
minutes to sit under a willow tree, it will ease a headache. The result of human energy
cooperation with pine trees is a cleansing: these trees stretched and absorb the aura of
human negative emotions, especially guilt. (In this case, the pines are not harmed as they
absorb the negative energy and use it for themselves as a fertilizer.)
Now once again become popular crystals and stones. This is due to their
electromagnetic properties. The energy released by crystals and stones, is easily absorbed
by the human auric field. Chapter 4 provides exercises to measure the aura. They allow
you to carry out an experiment that will give you the opportunity to see the results of the
impact on the aura of crystals and trees. A few minutes soak in the hands of a crystal or a
few minutes, hug a tree, and then measure your aura. Compare the results with
measurements of the original data. You will find that your aura is increased in size.
The animals also have an aura, and they also affect you. In several parts of the
country were carried out research to identify the impact of pets on elderly people and the
Stroking animals not only helps to lower blood pressure, but also balances the aura
stabilizes the physical, mental and spiritual energy. Recall feature of human interaction
with the totems, which we mentioned when discussing the first aura of property. It is
relevant in connection with the third feature of the aura, which is now in question.
4. The longer and closer contact, the better the energy metabolism.
Your aura leaves its fingerprints on everything with which you interact. This may be
another person, a part of the environment or the subject. The longer and closer contact,
the clearer will be the imprint. Due to the electromagnetic properties of your aura
magnetizes you places and objects. Accustomed to sit on any particular chair you leave
around it prints its energy, it becomes "your". If as a child you had your own room, you
know that its atmosphere is different from the atmosphere of the room parents or your
brother or sister's room.
Your aura charges surroundings the kind of energy that is in harmony with your own
energy. Many people can not sleep anywhere but in his own bed. On the other beds have
energies that are comfortable for them. The period of getting used to the beds, garments,
new homes and other things - is the time it takes your aura to magnetize and configure
the environment or the subject of your energy frequency.
Blanket child or his favorite soft toy magnetize the energy of his aura. Toy or blanket
absorb energy. Interaction with a blanket or a toy for a child is charging way, rebalancing
and contact with his own basic form of energy. That is why, when, after a hard day a child
holding or cuddle toy or blanket, they have a calming effect on him. Children use energy
reserves accumulated in the toy or blanket. They are always upset when their favorite
items are placed in the washing machine because they feel: when washing a toy or blanket
cleaned of accumulated charge of energy.
The same principle works in connection with kerchiefs and rugs for prayer and
meditation. They are charged with the energy of a certain frequency corresponding to the
process of meditation and reading the prayer. Thus, every time a shawl or pad is used for
this purpose, their energy is activated, and the man is able to much more easily enter a
meditative state and hold it.
The basis of psychometry (reading from vibrations of objects) is the result of direct
interaction with the human aura aura of the object. The longer a person in contact with the
subject, the more the object is charged with energy similar to the energy of its owner.  If
you then take this thing into the hands of a susceptible person, then he can be considered
energy imprints that will allow him to understand the nature of its owner.
The longer you are exposed to certain types of energy, the more they affect you and
the more you influence them. If the energy field of a person stronger than you, it can
cause in your field or resonance and positive feedback, or the opposite reaction.  Therefore,
the pressure from your friends is a powerful influence. The energy of the whole group of
more energy the average person. The closer the contact between the group and the
individual, the greater the human aura is in harmony with the aura of the group and
reflects its characteristics.
Close contact, such as sexual interaction can be very intricate twist auric energy of
people. Sex creates a powerful and deep exchange of energy between the auras of people
involved in it.Such energy links and "garbage" can exist much longer than those that arise
in everyday communication. They are quite difficult to wash off, and balance, it takes
time. Whatever your beliefs, no such thing as "free sex" does not exist. If a person is
promiscuous sexual contacts and enter into another intimate relationship, without tearing
the old energy connection, he can twist subtle levels of energy of many different people.
The longer and closer contact with another person, the finer and stronger interaction
of auric fields. Parents (especially mothers) share their auric energy with the children
throughout their lives. If there is a strong relationship going dynamic interweaving of these
energies and sharing them. When a person dies his family tragedy in part it lies in the fact
that the energy of the deceased is taken away from them. The closer and more intimate
relationship, the more time may be required for such energy unraveling. Even in families
where, apparently, there was a special closeness, there is a subtle feeling of emptiness,
because the energy of the deceased family member is released and removed from the
energy field of those who remain in the material world.

5. aura - and the changes within it - reflects the physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual part of man.
Color, brightness, size and shape of the aura, and its other characteristics provide
information about the health and well-being of man. Later, you make sure to see the aura
simple. As a rule, it is much harder to explain what you see.
In most cases, a weak field aura makes a person more susceptible to external
influence (see Figure 8..) - To disease, to emotional or mental disorders. A good example -
the well-being of employees in large offices. If you rest, the noise in the office: the sound
of the keys and the sounds produced by the other office equipment, - it does not bother
you. You can easily ignore it.But when you get tired of the daily affairs and your energy
wanes, Aura vibration is reduced, and you easily are exposed to the noise around
you. They descend upon you, penetrate your auric field, causing irritation and
imbalance. The more you realize this, the easier it will take steps to keep your aura in a
balanced and secure state.
Fig. 8. Examples of the impact of the weak and the strong aura

If your aura is weakened, you are more susceptible to the influence of external forces
- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  A strong aura can repel or stop the external
action to prevent balance disorders.

Every time you show a strong emotional reaction to something in your aura the
appropriate change. This can affect the color, shape, or any other such characteristics. The
same situation arises in the mental and spiritual reactions. Reflect on your aura and the
actions that you do. Chapter 5 explains how to interpret the aura of perceived
characteristics, especially color.
The colors of the aura and their intensity can vary dramatically throughout the
day. These changes depend on what is happening or happened in your life.  Typically, there
are one or two more color stable vibration. They may reflect a lifestyle that you are driving
over a certain period (one month to one year). Number of colors can serve as an
appropriate indicator for these periods.
For example, the abundance of green in the aura over 4-6 feet from the body
sometimes indicates a period of development and change, which lasts from 4 to 6
months. However, you should always be strictly limited to this explanation. In a single day
can occur various changes color - overlay on the main type of energy that you have in this
moment of your life. So, inside this green are other colors of various intensities, reflecting
the different aspects of development and change. This phenomenon makes it difficult to
interpret what he saw in the aura. In such cases it is necessary to act by trial and error, as
well as to develop and use intuition.

Repulsion and attraction of the aura
The proposed exercise can easily be done by you and someone from your
friends. This is a good way to prove that the energy field around you is firmly connected
with the physical body, and has a powerful effect on him.

1. Ask your friend to stand with his back to you.

2. Stand behind each other at a distance of about 3 feet, put your hands in front of
you as if you're going to push it (see. Fig. 9).
3. Slowly pull the hands forward as if pushing an invisible wall.
4. Then tighten the outstretched arms back as if an invisible wall you attract to
5. Repeat these movements. Repellent. Attracts. Forward. Back. Makes movements
slow and careful.
6. With the help of these movements you push down and magnetize the aura of your
friend. This in turn leads to the back and forth swinging his physical body. During your
physical body are pushed forward motion will be rejected, and during your movements
attracting - ago.
7. Other costs back to you and do not see your repulsive and attractive
movements. Consequently, they have influenced him at an unconscious level.
8. Sometimes, swinging hard to notice those he performs the exercise. In this case,
draw on a third person as an observer. Ask him to stand up or sit down at a distance of 5-
10 feet, so that you and your friend were standing sideways to him.  Wiggle will be clearly
9. Change roles. Ask your friend to repel and attract your aura. Stay in the role of
observer. Remember, you are doing the exercise, to ensure that the auric field that
surrounds the human body really exists.
10. Sometimes it is useful to put someone in front of a man, whose aura repel and
attract. This third party acts as a "catcher", preventing the fall, which may cause swinging.
Fig. 9. Repulsion and attraction of the aura

Since the aura is an active part of the overall energy system, repulsion and attraction
of the aura causes the physical body to move in the same way forward and backward.

Chapter 2. The feeling of the aura

The reactions of most people to talk about the aura can be divided into two
types. Some believe that such things as the auric field does not exist.  Others may believe
that the energy field - it is a reality, but do not believe that it can be seen. Fortunately, the
time has come when we can prove that the aura exists and that it can be seen.
Most people see and perceive only what they need, or significant for them in the near
future. Our contemporaries have very little knowledge about the functions and activities of
the physical body. It is believed that if we have the doctors, then spend time learning
themselves not worth it. Thus, we disclaim responsibility for its state and deprived of most
of its internal energy, as well as control over their bodies. With such a careless attitude of
people to their physical body and its energy can not be surprised by the widespread
prejudice in relation to the more subtle energies of life.
This chapter will help you improve your perception of subtle energy fields around
you. You will learn to see and feel the energy of the radiation of the body, understand the
impact they have on you. The key to success here is to practice and perseverance in
carrying out the exercises listed below.
Exercises are arranged on the principle of increasing complexity. First are the simple
energetic exercises, so you can begin to feel and perceive some subtle auric energy.  Then
there are exercises that will help you not only feel the energy, but also to see them.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the aura, we are often confronted with prejudices.  If,
contrary to research, the opinion that the aura does not exist, the task of developing its
perception may be exigeant. Most of the people from his childhood in the dark about the
subtle energies of life, or know very little about them. Any experience with these energies
is accepted to write off on a well-developed imagination. Exercise will help you get rid of
these outdated, limited views and ideas. They will contribute to the revival and
development of a more subtle perception which was suppressed in childhood, increase
your sensitivity, as well as develop and strengthen the visual perception of the aura.
With regard to the time required to achieve results, it is very individual factor. The
key to success is persistence. At the beginning of some exercises will be prepared better
than others. Do not be afraid of failure at the first attempt to feel and see the aura.  Here,
as well as in the development of any capacity, it takes time and practice. And remember:
the ability to see the aura is natural for each of us. This skill is dormant in us for many
years. You must gradually develop it systematically and persistently develop these
previously unclaimed "muscles". If you regularly engage in and not allow yourself to fall
back, you are sure to succeed!
The exercises may seem kind of fun, but remember that they have a serious
side. Learning to see the aura - it's your obligation to ourselves and others. Let the efforts
be honest - because the development of this ability is part of your life-long process of self-
improvement. This skill will allow you to get to know much yourself and others. You enter
the area, which lead to the perception of the innermost. Take the same to this process
seriously and responsibly.
Exercising will be more productive if you learn relaxed concentration. Excessive zeal
can impede progress. Learn to meditate and relax the body. Before each exercise is useful
to carry out short-term gradual relaxation. Take a few minutes to this: close your eyes and
breathe deeply with the diaphragm. Alternately, to focus on every part of your body,
starting with your feet.Mentally send to this area soft, relaxing feeling. Imagine it, feel it,
think about it. Then climb up the body, passing through all of the major muscle groups,
and end up on top.
When performing relaxation exercises should not rush. Close your eyes and take
deep, rhythmic breaths. Upon request for a complete relaxation, you can listen to relaxing
music or nature sounds. The more you focus your attention on each part of your body, the
more relaxing. The more relaxed you are, the better able to concentrate. Finally, the better
you are able to concentrate, the more sensitive to subtle energies around you become.
Relaxation promotes entry into the state of hypersensitivity. In a relaxed state, you
become hypersensitive. If ever you Abrupt withdrawal of thought or dream ringing phone
or a loud noise, then you know this kind of condition. Being relaxed, that is, being in an
altered state of consciousness, you feel stronger external energy. phone call you feel
louder. Scents - intensive.The light and the colors become brighter. Thus, thanks to the
relaxation will be easier to perceive the subtle aura of energy. It will increase your

1. The development of the ability to feel and perceive their subtle energies
In this exercise you will be working hard to become more sensitive to subtle radiation
that surrounds your physical body. This exercise you can do alone or with a partner.
In the hands of each of us there is a point characterized by strong energy
activity. Such points at a number of distributed throughout the body.  Seven of them are
associated with the traditional chakra system (see. Fig. 10). The radiation energy around
parts of the body, where the chakras, much stronger.
Fig. 10. The system of chakras

Chakras connect all the internal energy and the energy coming into the body and
coming out of it.  They help to distribute the energy needed to carry out your physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual functions.  The seven major chakras are points of strong
electromagnetic activity in the aura field. Hands and feet are also highly active sites. Thin
aura of energy is much easier to identify the places around these points.

Your hands can be very sensitive to subtle energies that surround the body.  With
their help, you will feel the energy and project them into the outside world. This action is
known as the "royal touch" laying on of hands, essential or therapeutic touch in healing.
Because the hands are the easiest tool for determining the subtle energies of the
aura, it was their first workout targeted exercises. Increase the sensitivity of hands, you
will also do more sensitive and other areas of the body.

1. Sit the way you want. Perform pre-relaxation exercises.

2. Within 15-30 seconds vigorously rub the palm of one another. This will help to
enhance their sensitivity.
3. Extend your arms in front of about 1-1.5 feet. Point the palm of your hand on top
of each other. Keep your hands at a distance of about 2 feet from one another.
4. Begin to shift your hands slowly. Move them as close as possible, but do not let
them touch.
5. Slowly slide the palm of your hand about 6 inches [2] . Repeat this slow movement
together or apart. Your movements should be slow and smooth (see. Fig. 11).
6. In carrying out this exercise, pay attention to your feelings. You may experience a
feeling of pressure or other sensations, such as massaging, tickling, arisen between the
seal palms.Perhaps you feel the warmth or coolness, you feel the pulsation.
7. Take a few minutes trying to determine what you are feeling. Do not worry about
what is imaginary sensations or not. Do not worry if your feelings are different from other
people's experiences. This is normal. Remember, your aura has its own individual
frequency, so you can take it in his own way. All that matters is that you feel it.
8. This exercise develops the skill of concentration. It will also help you realize that
your energy field does not end on the surface of the skin. If you want my impressions and
sensations obtained in this exercise, you can add to the bookmark, and then to compare
them with those feelings that you will be the further development of this ability. So you
are better aware of their progress in the perception of subtle energies that surround the
9. After this exercise, you will want to go further. Strip forearm their weaker
hand. Keep your dominant hand at a distance of about 1.5 feet above the bare forearm
(see. Fig. 11).
10. Slowly lower the arm to the forearm. Notice any sensations. How low you have to
lower the arm to the forearm to feel the energy emanating from it? Remember that you
can feel pressure, heat, cool, air sealing, and the like. Feelings will be largely similar to
those you encounter when working with your hands. They may be slightly, but something
you should definitely experience. If you do not feel, repeat the movement
slowly. Remember that you are doing the awakening of their ability to consciously perceive
the subtle energies around you.

Mixing and dilution of the hands contributes to the fact that the environment their
energy accumulates between them and is more palpable for us.  Hands become more
sensitive to the perception of subtle energies.

When the hands become more sensitive, you can use them to detect the auric energy
emitted by other parts of the body. Energy can manifest itself in the form of sensation of
heat, pressure, tingling, tingling and so on. D.
Fig. 11. The ability to feel and perceive the subtle energies
2. Development of the ability to send and feel the different types of energy
Ancient occult aphorism says: "Energy follows thought." On what to focus your
thoughts, there is concentrated energy and aura. Your aura adjusts its frequency in
accordance with your thoughts. If you focus on the important meeting, your aura is tuned
to a serious vibration that corresponds to the given circumstances. If you are looking
forward to vacation, then by the time he arrives, your aura will tune to a more relaxed,
paltry rate. The ability to sense and monitor your aura will help you better be aware of the
energy of the thought that you project to yourself throughout the day.
In addition, you are constantly exposed to the influence of external energy. They can
deal with your auric field and affect your balance. energy data have different sources,
including, for example, anger, the desire to put pressure on you (for example, when
buying things), attempts to manipulate or, conversely, cordial, friendly attitude. The more
sensitive you become towards his aura, the better become aware of and control the energy
that you allow to penetrate the aura and go outside.
We've all been in a situation where at the entrance to the room felt that it just
happened something like a quarrel or dispute. In such cases, the air in the room seems to
be dense and compressed, and we are starting a little bit nervous. Meanwhile, there are
many similar energy balances and projections, which are not so easy to detect. They can
easily affect you if you do not learn to recognize and feel them.
In the next exercise, you will work to improve the understanding of how the external
energy can affect you. Improve their auric sensitivity, you can block those energies that
cause stress, and skip those that promote healing.

1. Sit the way you want. Take a few minutes to relax. Optionally, you can do the
exercise with your eyes closed.
2. Keep one hand palm up. Aim at the open palm index finger of the other hand. The
finger should be at a distance of 3-6 inches from the palm of your hand.
3. Take a few deep, slow breaths. With each inhalation and exhalation, imagine how
in your hand with an extended index finger is formed energy.
4. After a few minutes, then slowly begin to delineate the index finger of a small
circle. Visualize the flow of energy, spirals coming out of your index finger, the ring creates
an energy that deals with the open palm of the other hand (see. Fig. 12).
5. Pay attention to the sensations that you feel in the palm of your hand.  Just as in
the previous exercise, a sense of each person will be individual. You can sense the
formation of heat in the palm of your hand ring seal, pressure or tingling circular. If at this
moment you close your eyes, then your feelings are likely to become more acute. The
longer you mentally project and focus energy, directing it through the index finger on the
palm, the stronger will be the feeling.
6. Now do the same exercise, directing energy to the naked forearm. Visualize and
send out energy in the form of small coils. Pay attention to your feelings. Over time and
with the appropriate practice, you will find that the feelings that you are experiencing,
performing this exercise, almost of the same species. Modifies will only
intensity. Gradually, you develop the ability to perceive the feelings that will signal that
your energy field left imprints subtle energies.
7. Another option exercises - doing it with a partner. Ask the other person get back to
you. Hold your hand at a distance of 6-12 inches from the back of your partner.  Slowly
direct the energy from his hands to his partner back as in the previous case, you sent it to
his own forearm. "Draw" on the back, without touching it, the simple geometric shapes:..
Circles, squares, triangles, etc. Repeat this movement a few times by hand. Concentrate
on projecting power.
8. Ask your partner to try to feel and to determine the shape of the figures that you
were drawing on his back. Notice the sensations and compare them with those that you
received in the previous exercise.
9. Gradually increase the distance. How far can you push the hand away from his
arm, so as not to lose the sense of community it? How far can stand the man, projecting
energy on your back that you were able to feel it? Do feelings are changing with increasing
distance? Pay attention to their reactions. This increases your overall sensitivity to subtle
energies and their effect on your aura.
10. Slowly lower the arm to the forearm. Notice any sensations. How close are you
pulled the arm to the forearm to feel the energy coming from it? Remember that you can
feel pressure, heat, cool, seal and so on. D. Feelings will be almost the same as when
performing a variant with palms. Perhaps they will not be as strong, but you still feel
something. In the absence of sensations slowly repeat the movement. Remember that you
are doing the awakening of their ability to consciously perceive the subtle energies around
Fig. 12. The ability to send and feel the subtle energies

3. Intrusion Detection aura

In carrying out this exercise, you will work to increase your sensitivity to the situation
where the external energy field interact with your aura, facing him or invade it. For this
exercise you need a partner.
1. Take a few minutes to relax, and then stand back to the wall and close your eyes.
2. Your partner should stand at the other end of the room.
3. The task of the partner is to quietly and slowly approach you until you feel it in
your auric field. The partner has to move slowly, pausing after each step.
4. Keep your eyes closed and think of what is happening in the room only by reason
and your aura. Optionally, you can plug your ears with cotton wool and blindfolded, to
have no auditory and visual cues. Pay attention to how you perceive the room before the
start of exercise. Note any changes that you feel.
5. How close you came to a partner before you feel it? What feelings have you
experienced? Can you feel which side suitable partner? Add a third or fourth person. Better
if you feel their energy when they come up to you all together?
6. It is a good exercise for experimentation and exciting break away.  Do not be afraid
to modify and change it. Before starting the exercise, mark a place at a distance of 6-8
feet away from you. When close your eyes, continue to focus on this point. Can you feel
when your partner crosses that invisible line? What feelings accompanied this
transition? What happens when two people cross that line?

By performing these exercises, you will get a confirmation of the fact that they are
able to go beyond the physical body. You become more sensitive to all your auric
field. With an increase of the sensitivity of your visual perception is improved, too.

Chapter 3: The visual perception of the aura

The ability to see the aura is a physical rather than metaphysical, and each person
can develop it in yourself. Explain what you see, it is much more complicated in this case
involved a large intuitive and metaphysical aspects. How to learn to explain what he saw,
we will look at in Chapter 5.
There are two ways to see the aura - the intuitive and real. They are equal in
effectiveness, provided that what they see is given the correct interpretation.  Both
methods can be effective tools to understand the essence of things, and the perception of
the physical aura also helps you get rid of the complex "unbelieving Thomas" inherent in
your consciousness.
With the intuitive method, you do not see the aura of the physical eye, and the mind's
eye. To do this, relax and mentally visualize the person, and then contact your intuitive "I"
with questions about the energy of the human aura. What color is for him a major? What
other colors are present in the aura, and where they are most strongly localized?  With
these colors say about the human energy on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
In most cases, the intuitive perception of the aura gives the same detailed and
accurate results, as well as physical; most importantly - the right to explain
them. Therefore, one way of perception can not be considered better and more effective
than the other. However, physical perceptions gives you a more tangible idea of subtle
energy fields.
With the help of intuitive perception is easier to see the aura of another person than
his. In the latter case, there is a risk misled and imagine what you want to see in your
aura, and not what it actually is. Always useful to have some kind of proof or confirmation
of their intuitive knowledge. Simple means of checking your intuitive perception - "Magic
Vine" and the Pendulum (more on this - in the next chapter).
To see the aura of the physical vision anyone can learn. This ability is inherent in
every person. Most children see auras, but do not realize it. Parents faced with the
"colored fantasies" of the child, hardly perceive his words as evidence that the baby saw
the aura or spiritual guides. Often, society and parents are the child's mind is programmed
in such a way that he felt similar sensations fictitious and unrealistic. When this happens,
the child is closed, and an innate ability to perceive subtle energies atrophies. Whatever it
was, it is possible to awaken and develop again, no matter how much time she dozed.
In your power to teach your eyes to pass and to recognize the light in a wide
range. To understand how this happens, it is necessary to know the principle of the eyes,
especially his pupil, iris and retina.
Pupil is a small aperture which transmits light (see. Fig. 13). It appears black for the
same reason that the window of the house from a distance looks black - inside lighting is
not as bright as outside. Pupil tuning accordingly can pass more or less light.

Fig. 13

Iris using the muscles passes through the pupil more or less light. Light passes
through the lens and retina annoying.  Inside the retina are sensitive nerve fibers, called
rods and cones.When the rods and cones are stimulated, a chemical is released, which
helps to detect and fix the light of different color and intensity. With the help of the
exercises described in this chapter, color vision and sensitivity can be improved to increase
the sharpness.

In bright light, the pupil decreases and increases in dim lighting. The iris opens and
closes the pupil. It is a muscle that controls the amount of light penetrating through the
When using the movement of the iris into the light is transmitted, it passes through
the lens, and acts on the retina. The retina can be considered fairly light-sensitive part of
the eye. It has a special nerve cells, called rods and cones, which are used to determine
specific color and brightness of the light. When the rods and cones are stimulated, a
chemical is released which helps to convert this signal into a stimulation of the
corresponding color and intensity of light. Then the signals via the optic nerve is
transmitted to the brain, and people fix what he saw.
The greater the irritation felt by the rods and cones, the more subtle light emission
can perceive. Exercises for eyes that are described in this chapter, strengthen the eye
muscles. They will help you better manage your eyesight. It is believed that a person uses
an average of 15-20 percent of the cones and tubes, so most of us do not notice subtle
light energy aura.
Dr. Arthur Guyton, a professor of physiology, writes: "Between the established limits
of maximum adaptation to darkness and maximum adaptation to light the retina can
change its sensitivity to 500 000-1 000 000 times, automatically adjusting to changes its
lighting" ( "Fundamentals of Human Physiology" ). This means that man is endowed with
the ability to perceive this light spectrum, which is much wider than we can imagine.

Eye exercises with cards

special cards designed for training and strengthening the eye muscles. By
strengthening muscles, especially the iris, you learn to control the amount of light which
passes through the pupil to the retina. This ability can be developed to the point where
you will be able to distinguish the subtle light radiation, which are usually not perceived.
Eye exercises using cards are exercising eye muscles. They will enhance your eyes,
and along with the emergence of the ability to perceive subtle light radiation will increase
the severity of color vision. Just as when performing any exercise, you must increase the
load gradually, so as not to overextend yourself or those muscles that you train.  Drills will
have the greatest effect when performing daily, possibly twice a day, for no more than 10-
15 minutes. This time is quite enough to feel the results.
Each of the four cards can be cut from a sheet of plain paper. Their size - 18 by 18
inches, but to strictly adhere to this option is not necessarily, it's just
recommendations. Please note only that the card should be large enough so that you can
clearly see them when they are hanging on the wall in front of you at a distance of 6-8
Attach the card to the wall at eye level. If you intend to perform the exercises while
sitting, then, hanging cards, guided by a sitting position. Make sure that the wall around
the cards free of foreign objects: you should not detract nothing. Best of all, if the wall is
clean and empty. The distance between your eyes and the cards must not exceed 8 feet.
1. Card "Spiral"
This card helps to strengthen the muscles of the iris and deep vision, and maintain
eye work together. Most of the objects you can see with the help of both eyes. When you
look at an object, it focuses on both eyes. When you translate a close look at a distant
object, and vice versa, the muscles in your eyes change shape of the lens so that a new
object of attention was in focus on the retina. With age, the eye becomes more difficult to
make the transition from a distant object for one's neighbor. It should not be.
To perform the exercise, focus on the center of the spiral. Focus on it (see. Fig.
14). Think of it as a point located deep inside the tunnel formed by the spiral.

Fig. 14. Card "Spiral"

Now try to remove your focus from spiraling tunnel, as if pulling on the surface of the
deep-lying point. Then move the view, letting your eyes move slowly in a spiral -
something inside, then outside. Mentally visualize as if you first coil attracting to itself, and
then delete it. She starts to turn into a three-dimensional image.
If you have any difficulties with the implementation of the exercise, focus, look at the
outer turn of the spiral and begin to move in a circle until you reach the center.  Then
change direction and go back from the center of the spiral outward. As a rule, on the
second or third time, you will begin to feel the effect of moving the inside, then outside.
Do this exercise no more than 3-4 minutes. It will allow you to feel the inner muscles
of the eye working. If you encounter in the eyes of some discomfort, stop immediately.

2. Card "Clarity of color"

On this card (see. Fig. 15, 17) are alternately placed small (6 inches in diameter) of
colored circles on a white background. It is useful to make a few circles of different
colors. For this purpose, well suited thick colored paper (and it is expensive). It is also
possible to use pieces of fabric. You will need at least three colors that make up the base
of colors: red, yellow and blue.However, the exercise will be more effective if you make
circles all seven colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and
purple). Prepare as many circles of different colors and shades, as you want.
Fig. 15. Card "Clarity of color"
Fig. 16. Card "Contrast light shift"
Fig. 17. Card "Clarity of color"

With this exercise you learned how to identify difficult-cones colors that your eyes do
not usually notice. Hang the card in front of him and in turn put her in the center of the
circles of different colors, one at a time. Stare at it for 5-10 seconds. If color has a specific
name, mentally pronounce it when gazing into the corresponding circle. So you learn to
recognize and identify difficult-color variants. For this exercise, you can come back
periodically throughout the day. When you sit and watch TV, keep a card and the colored
circles. During commercial breaks you can see a few of them.
If you want to use this card to perform physical exercise, add to it a second, a white
card. Second, it is a white square should hang on a par with the first at a distance of about
a foot away from him.
Focus your eyes on the color wheel and try to present it in the form of three-
dimensional colored ball or colored recesses inside the white square. Use the method of
moving from the previous exercise and allow your eyes to delve into the color wheel, and
then go back. Repeat this several times until you feel like you are entering into the round
recess and go back.
Now pull the eye to the outer edge of the color wheel, and slowly start to trace his
eyes clockwise. Repeat this motion 4-5 times, then change direction and do the same
amount of reps.Make sure to move your eyes rather than head.
When you complete all the rotation, move quickly look at a blank white square. Most
likely, you will see an afterimage on it (see. Fig. 18).
Fig. 18. A residual image to a blank card

Residual images are not part of the aura. They tend to float on the cards or
background focus point. A residual image means that you are subjected to the rods and
cones severe irritation.Pause, noting any reactions or effects. If nothing happens, repeat
the exercise again, and then move to another color.
Part of the phenomenon of image retention is the perception of complementary
colors. Often on a clean white surface it appears the circle of the opposite color. It can be
connected with the astral prototype color. When the vibration is moved and operates on a
more subtle level of life, its incidence begins to match the one that is better able to reflect
the energy of this level. The color that is perceived as red, can be transformed into green
on the astral level in the material world. The light spectrum, these colors are opposite, but
in reality they are only different frequencies are different manifestations of the same
energy corresponding to the different dimensions of life.
This is called reverse the law, or the effect of specular reflection.  If you look in the
mirror, you will see your image, which is reflected in the opposite position.  That is, you will
see yourself on the contrary. When you perceive the subtle dimension, such as the astral
level of existence, there is the same effect.
Remember that all the levels and all the energies interact with the material world, like
from the outside and inside of you. The development of the ability to see and read the
auric field includes work to improve the perception of more subtle dimensions.
Over time, you begin to see the other colors that surround the residual image. This
would indicate you achieve certain results. These colors are subtle light radiation, which
initially with exercise are invisible. Shortly thereafter, you will start to see the color of the
actual rotation of the eyes.
Close your eyes and give them a rest. Then continue to do the exercise, using a circle
of a different color. Pay attention to your feelings. Do not be discouraged if the first
attempts you can not see the color or image retention. Practice and concentration will give
their results. Exercising for 10-15 minutes, try to use as many colors as possible.

Colors and their astral prototypes

Red Green.
Blue - orange.
Yellow - purple.
Green and yellow - red and purple.
Red and orange - blue-green.
Yellow-orange - blue-violet.

The residual image color range, though not part of the aura, but points to the
irritation of cones and rods. It may reflect the difficult-colors that you did not initially

3. Card "Contrast light shift"

Exercise with this card has two functions (see. Fig. 16). First, it stimulates the rods in
the retina. Sticks help you to determine the different intensities of light. While color fixed
mainly by means of cones, the light mainly recorded by a retinal rods. The more irritated
sticks, the wider the spectrum of light that they register.
Secondly, this card will help you develop the ability to focus the eyes gently. Such
soft focus allows you to see auras around people. It is a scattered mind, which covers
some land and is not directed at something specific within this area. We all know a
thoughtful look, as if directed to nowhere. The proposed exercise will allow it to develop
and monitor the focus, which in turn makes it possible to see auras around people.
Fig. 19

The card shows a white star on a black background. This contrast of black and white
will promote adaptability sticks. Ultimately, you have to learn to see the aura only when
you want it.Therefore, you must develop the ability to connect and disconnect the aura
vision at will, and what contributes to this exercise.
Focus your gaze at the center of the star. When you look at a star itself, try to
imagine it as a luminous opening on a dark background. Use the method of moving from
the first exercise and allow your eyes to move around the inside of the hole in the shape of
a star, then outward.
Now focus on the center of the star. Focus on the star and hold the trick, slowly
counting to 15. Turn perspective on black background around the star.  This shift helps to
relax the eyes.Stop focusing on the star itself and let the eyes distractedly looking at the
entire region around the star. So you switch the eyes with direct focus on the soft, diffused
look that covers the entire area, not just a particular object.
Move the focus back to the center of the star. Hold it for a count of 15, then loosen
the concentration. At the same time pay attention to the eyes. You will feel their muscles
contract and relax.
If it is difficult to focus only on one of the focus points and hold at this point,
assuming relax to 15. Then, extending the entire card view. Move the focus back to the
point, and then relax.Optionally, you can move the focus from point to point. At the same
time, increase the focus.
Working with this card, you will notice an interesting phenomenon. In the transition to
soft focus, you begin to see faint stars additional shading, formed around its edge. It
differs from the residual image occurs with the previous card. You can see it only on one or
both ends of the star. In the beginning, it will be almost gray, but if you continue to work,
start to appear, and other colors. Usually there is one of the first blue color.
With this exercise, you activate its ability to see the aura.
4. Card "eye movement"
This card is intended for general training the eye muscles (see. Fig. 20).  It develops
the ability to quickly capture the eye and the light color. This exercise should be performed
as quickly as possible. The key to success is speed. The faster you move your eyes, the
better to be able to notice things that are not so easy to see. Rapid eye movement better
stimulate the activity of cones and rods in the retina. The greater the speed of eye
movements, the easier they perceive color.

Fig. 20. Card "eye movement"

One can start with any of the five points shown on the card. Then quickly move her
eyes to the opposite point. Hold for a second, and then move the eyes back. Move your
eyes in a circle from one point to the other, making vertical, horizontal, diagonal and
circular movements.
This exercise is useful to carry out separately by each eye, and at the same time with
two eyes. For many people, one eye is weaker than the other. Exercise will help to cope
with the "lazy" eye, because it causes both eyes to work at full capacity.  Close one eye
with his hand. Work the free eye. Then change the eye. After that, work with the card with
both eyes together.
This exercise, like all previous ones, should not be performed for more than 10
minutes at a time. If you feel that your eyes overextended, stop. Remember that in this
case you stretch and strengthen the eye muscles and activate the mechanism, which has
long been dormant. Trying to do too much in a short time will not benefit. Be patient and
persistent and you will succeed. Remember, to see aura - it's natural.

Optimal conditions for the visual aura

Despite the scientific evidence of the existence of the aura, there are still people who
doubt that it can be seen. So people, I often recommend exercise to prove the existence of
the aura and the ability of a person to see her. On a warm, cloudless day, sit back in an
open area covered with grass. In this position, look at the distant trees. Run through the
eyes of the base of the trees to their tops. Look closely at the line, which is formed by the
tops of trees against the blue sky. Do not strain your eyes. Just relax. Try to look at the
same time to cover as much of the sky as possible. Allow yourself to relax and soft focus,
this state is like a dreamy and pensive look, aimed nowhere.
According to the contours of the tops of the trees on the skyline you will see a light
mist. Passively observe this picture. Fog soft, transparent color, lighter than the blue of the
sky above it, will frame the trees against the sky. Most of all, this phenomenon manifests
itself in the spring, when activated juices and vitality of trees, where the energy is
distributed from the roots to the branches. This mist - trees of the aura!
Which conditions are optimal in order to see the aura? This question refers to the
study of the aura, and with regard to him, there are many differences.  Some say that the
best aura is visible in the dark, because it is in the dark is better manifested subtle
glow. However, it is worth noting that, unfortunately, the light energy is released by the
body (photon radiation) is absorbed by the darkness. But on the other hand, darkness
makes the retinal rods work especially intense, to provide us with "night vision." Others
believe that the aura is best seen in bright light because the light spectrum gets more
freedom to maneuver and become more active. Bright lighting is an irritant to the cones of
the retina, and the color is intense and difficult to distinguish, are perceived much easier.
I found that the aura is most easily seen in the intermediate conditions. At the
beginning of training the greatest effect is achieved in a room with subdued lighting. When
you develop the ability to see the aura, you will be easier to adjust to it to determine its
color. So, I recommend that beginners work in a demimonde. Room at dusk is a great
place to experiment. Poor lighting will make you activate night vision, and retinal rods will
absorb and capture a large part of the light spectrum, especially at levels that usually go
1. You need muted lighting, smooth white wall and a smooth piece of white
cardboard, the size of which should be sufficient to ensure that your hand might affect it.
2. Before carrying out this exercise, take time to relax. Optionally as a warm-up
exercise can do with the cards - quickly, in the short program.
3. Start with the hands. Pull out one of them in front of him at a distance of about
one foot. Behind her other hand to keep smooth white cardboard. Hand reflected on a
white surface (see. Fig. 22). In the hands of a flat reflection on a white surface, you will be
much easier to determine the light emission, if you gently being focused on her eyes.  First,
any radiation in the form of fine mist. If you continue to exercise, the mist will turn
color. Extend your arms in front of him, leaving a distance of 3 inches between them (see.
Fig. 21). Start focusing. First, focus on the top edge of your hands, then switch to a soft
focus, covering the entire area around the arms. Point the soft, diffused look at the area
between your hands and around them. Concentrate. Then again, switch to soft focus. Soon
it will start to show the aura of your hands.
4. If the reflection of your hand flat on a background of white cardboard focus
attention on the fingertips. Hold the trick for about 30 seconds.
5. Now switch the focus from the tips of the fingers on the hand and the whole
surrounding area of cardboard. Relax your eyes. According to the contours of the hand on
the cardboard background, you will begin to see a light mist.
6. If you are doing this exercise you have difficulties, do some exercises for the eyes,
while holding his hand on cardboard background. Focus is on the interior points, then on
the outside.Move your eyes around the arm contour. Switch with concentrated focus on
the soft. Continue to exercise, and the fog always will.
7. Pay attention to any color that you will be able to observe, even fleetingly. Did you
see shades of colors or flash, which are often underestimated. Do not miss them! Having
developed this ability and learning to control it, you will find that you also develop the
skills to keep the colors in the field of view for longer periods.
8. In the next step engage with both hands. Pull them in front of him, palms, expand
yourself. Keep them at eye level, at a distance of 3-4 inches apart. Behind them should be
clean wall.
9. As in the previous stage, focus on the fingertips or the space between them.  Hold
the trick for 30 seconds or longer. Then change it to soft focus, covering both arms and
their surrounding area. Notice which way the hand to shade on a clean background
wall. Passively observe this picture.
10. What I saw can vary: a light mist surrounding the arms, colors and reflections of
a stable color. Did you feel the heat waves like the one that rises from the road on a hot
sunny day. In the beginning, it is almost always a dull white or blue color, almost
indistinguishable. Over time, as you develop your ability, color, clarity and color vibrancy
of the aura will become more visible to your naked eye.
Fig. 21. Feeling the aura of energy between your hands

Fig. 22. The visual perception of the aura hands on a background of white


The visual perception of other people's aura

The next step is to work on the visual perception of other people's auras. If you
continue to do the exercises, you can get tangible results within 1-2 months. It depends
on the regularity of your training and perseverance.

1. Ask your partner to get up close to the pure white wall. For beginners it is best to
do the exercise in a room with subdued lighting. Stand or sit at a distance of 8-10 feet
from the partner. You should see a partner from head to toe against the background of a
large and free of foreign objects in the area.
2. Start with a focus on the eyes of your partner's forehead. From the forehead to
move around, outlining the partner's body in a clockwise direction. Do this as quickly as
possible, do a few turns. At this point you just stimulate the rods and cones of the retina of
your eyes.
3. Return your focus on the forehead or on the top of the head partner.  Hold
concentrated focus in this area for 15-30 seconds.
4. Switch the focus centered on the soft covering a vast area around the body. Hold
the soft focus, implementing passive observation. As a rule, most pronounced aura around
the head and shoulders. If necessary, repeat. You start to see the aura of other
people! (See. Fig. 23.)

Fig. 23. The visual perception of other people's aura

Chapter 4. Measurement of field of your aura

To measure the energy field around the human body, there are many modern
electronic devices. Unfortunately, the most common man are available. However, this does
not mean that we can not afford to determine the size and strength of our auric field. To
do this, and with a high degree of accuracy allows devices to make and use that anyone
can. We are talking about tools radiestezii.
Radiesteziya - a method for detecting radiation. It involves the use of the device for
measurement of a particular radiation. This system conversion unrecognized reactions of
the nervous system to the subtle energies into tangible and visible reaction.  The two most
common devices are radiestezii "Magic Vine" and the pendulum.
Both devices will help you to exchange information with the levels of your mind, to
perceive subtle energy fields. Man constantly interacts with the external energy, however,
are not always aware of it or simply does not allow for such a possibility. "Magic Vine" and
swingarm helps to establish contact with those parts of ourselves that are aware of this
"Magic Vine" and the pendulum - it is a means of communication with our
subconscious. Subconscious aware of any interaction with external energy, no matter how
they are subtle. "Magic Vine" and the pendulum effect increase our perception, extend the
capabilities of our eyes. They are the link between the nervous system (and the
subconscious, the current through it) and those energy fields with which we interact.
The history of the two methods has its roots in antiquity. Despite the fact that the
"magic vine" and the pendulum is often considered purely psychic means, they are used in
many traditional, conservative areas. During the war, they were used for the detection of
underground mines and tunnels. Many utility companies teach their repairmen use these
tools to dig only those pipes that are not repairable. And although some people scoff at the
use of the vine and the pendulum, their accuracy has been confirmed by scientific
instruments and methods.
The highest state of consciousness, or intelligence, communicates with us through the
nervous system, sending us to different signals. radiestezii devices (such as a "magic vine"
and the Pendulum) amplify these signals, so that we can find them and understand.  Thus,
with the help of these devices, we open additional channels of sensitivity to subtle energies
of life.

Production of "divining rod"

When most people hear about dowsing, they represent a man who goes on the field
and holding the upper part of the Y-shaped tree branch, trying to find a ground water or
minerals.However, dowsing has a much wider application. A good dowser can not only
detect the subtle energy fields, but also to obtain answers to their questions.
"Magic Vine" allows us to communicate with the intuition. It extends the capabilities
of the eye, providing visual cues that are easy to recognize. By themselves, the bars do
not have special properties. They only help to increase our sensitivity.
Dowsing tool is known under different names. Most often used for its manufacturing
conventional branch (willow or other trees). "Magic vine" can be done independently of the
available tools, and it will not be less effective (see. Fig. 24).  It's very simple. Almost half
of those who have made the vine with his own hands, quickly achieved good
results. Another had some time to practice. In general, to learn dowsing skills everyone
Fig. 24. Usual "magic vine"

First of all you have to do set the framework for "divining rod". It's easy. All
necessary materials are likely to be found at home. Now we analyze how to make two sets
(second bit better the first, but both are effective).

1. Take a conventional metal hanger for clothes and cut it in two places, as shown in
the figure (see. Fig. 25).
2. Now bend the side of the cut piece of the hanger to the vertical position.  The
bottom and sides should form a right angle, to be strictly perpendicular to each other (see.
Fig. 26).
3. Take a piece of thin cardboard rectangular size of 3 to 6 inches, twist it in a tube,
which could slide on a vertical rod of the metal (see. Fig. 27). Twist the cardboard as
possible tighter, taking into account that the tube does not fit tightly to the rod.  Leave
space for free sliding. Then fasten the cardboard tube with tape.
4. Place the cardboard tube on the vertical part of the frame (see. Fig. 28).  It will
handle your "divining rod". Make sure that the end of the vertical portion protrudes from
beneath the handle at least one inch. If necessary, trim knob until a more appropriate size.
5. Fold the protruding out of a cardboard handle end of the frame so that the pen is
not slipping (see. Fig. 29).
6. Make a paired structure, repeating the steps. We finished the instrument handle
must be free to move on rods. The design by the form must correspond to that shown in
Fig. 24.
7. At the request of the ends of the rods framework can strengthen small weights for
balance. Well suited fishing sinker. Take the finished design on the handle. Turn the
horizontal part, to make sure that it moves freely.
8. A lot of hangers from the dry cleaners at the bottom already have cardboard
cylinders. If you manage to find a hanger, it will save you time. From the cylinder will turn
solid, freely moving pen.
9. A more complicated and costly option can be made from materials purchased at
the store household goods. In particular, if you do a good grip, it will provide a more solid
grip and freer movement of the rods themselves. The best material for the frame and the
handle is copper. The metal - a great conductor of electricity, and therefore it is more
sensitive to subtle energy fields and signals sent by our nervous system. Take the copper
tube with a diameter of 0.75 inches and ask the store to cut you two pieces of 4-5 inches
long. Also need two copper cap for each pipe segment (see. Fig. 30).
10. Drill a hole in each cap size such that through it freely around the rod of the
frame. Secure the caps on the ends of each pipe section. To be safe, you can paste
them. Insert the rod into the handle so that the tip protrudes slightly from the
bottom. Slightly bend the protruding end. Your "Magic Vine" is ready.

Fig. 25. Step 1
Take an ordinary clothes hanger, cut it in two places.
Fig. 26. Step 2
Bend the side of the hanger to the vertical position, to get the right angle.

Fig. 27. Step 3
Twist a piece of cardboard, and fasten it.  Make a tube rather tight and dense, so you
can keep it. At the same time it should slide freely on the vertical part of the frame.

Fig. 28. Step 4
Place the cardboard handle on the vertical part so that the rod protruding from under
the knob at least 1 inch.
Fig. 29. Step 5
Bend the protruding part of the rod to fix the handle on it.
Fig. 30. Production of "divining rod" of copper tubes

Measurement aura with "divining rod"

"Magic Vine" to detect and measure the auric field, as well as to determine the color
of the aura (about this - in the next chapter). Moreover, with its help you can get negative
or positive responses to their questions (see. Fig. 31).

Fig. 31. Measurement of the human aura

Stand at a distance of about 30 feet from the man. Hold the rod in front of you, start
slowly toward him.  When you come across a boundary of the human aura, the vine has to
react. This will mean that you have found the external border of the aura.   From this place
you can outline the circle around the person and show him what size it has an aura.
First of all you need to realize that the vine is the link between the nervous system
and the unconscious, which is aware of everything that is happening around and within
you. Use the vines secret is to relax and decide how you will interact with it.
Ask the installation about how you interpret responses vines. What should indicate a
discrepancy rods? What will tell their mating? Define it in advance and always adhere to
accepted guidelines. Most people are trying to find an aura using vines, expect the bars
should disperse to the sides when they come into contact with the field of the aura.  When
using vines to answer questions assumed that the reversal rods in hand indicates a
negative response, and the crossing rod or a connection means a positive
response. (Principle of answers "yes" and "no" in more detail in the next chapter on the
definition of the aura colors.)

1. Relax. Do not attempt to measure the aura on the basis of preconceived

expectations. This can create a mental barrier that will prevent the action of vines. Just
ask the installation that you want to measure the aura and that the rods should disperse to
the sides when the come into contact with it. (Some people prefer to have the rods
crossed in a collision with the outer boundary of the human aura. It's a matter of personal
preference. You should just make sure that you are up to the beginning of the session
made a decision about the expected response of the vine.) Relax and allow the vine to
perform your job.
2. Take the rod in your hand and effortlessly keep it in front of you at shoulder
height, at a distance, allowing the rods to make available a full circle without touching any
parts of your body.
3. Ask your partner to stand at a distance of about 30 feet from you. At the beginning
of the rods must be sent directly to the opposite side from you.
4. Slowly and gradually begin to approach partner. When you come up with its aura,
the vine must respond. This reaction will notify you of the external border of the auric field
partner.From this point you can make a complete revolution around the partner, because
the aura extends in all directions from the body.
5. Thus, a person must be able to detect when someone or something crosses the
invisible border of his aura. It should feel that at this point one has intruded in its space.
6. Train in the use of vines. Measure the aura of your friends and pets. Ask your
partner to take up the crystal, and then re-measure its aura. detect any difference? Will it
be significant?Try to use other stones. Ask your partner to take off his shoes and stand
barefoot and measure yourself again his aura. Is there a difference in the results? Measure
his auric field after he stands up in the arms of a tree. Measure aura after eating
chocolate. Measure the aura of the partner when he holds an apple. As it changes, when in
his sweet hands? Listen hard rock and then measure the aura. What happened to
her? Then listen to classical music and then perform the measurement. Use a variety of
flavors. Experiment, have fun and learn.

Practicing the use of "divining rod", you will begin to see certain images. Also, you will
see that some things are good for your energy field, and some - not.  You will begin to
perceive the subtle impact that you have on the outside world, and re-acquainted with his
true "I".

pendulum Opportunities
As a general rule, the method of "divining rod" is considered a precursor of the
pendulum method. The pendulum, acting on the same principle as the vine, easily reacts
with a certain energy field. His work is based on the principles of bioelectrical. By itself, the
pendulum, as well as a "magic vine," does not give any answers.
The subconscious mind communicates with us through the nervous system. As our
aura spreading around us in all directions, it is sensitive to everything that happens around
us.Consciousness, as a rule, aware only that on which it is focused through the five
senses: taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. At the same time the largest sensory organ
is the skin. It is sensitive to many subtle effects, which are often not available to other
senses. If their response reactions you will be guided only by the five senses, you can skip
the impact those around you of the subtle energies. On the other hand, the subconscious
is aware of all energy interactions with your field, even those that go beyond the five
physical senses. These interactions are assimilated, and they can be made accessible to
consciousness through meditation, hypnosis and other methods and means related to a
higher level of consciousness. One of these methods is radiesteziya.
To understand this, you need to better understand how the subconscious
works. Consciousness is the center of orderly activity of the brain. It controls the
perception and expression of feelings. When you consciously concentrate on some activity,
your brain produces electrical waves. The term "beta-value electroencephalogram" is often
used to describe the waves generated during the operation, controlled by
consciousness. People began to place undue reliance on the ability of the intelligence, so
ignore any subtle sensory perception of life, or completely lose it.
Alpha index of the electroencephalogram occurs when relaxed and evidence that the
brain wave has a frequency of about 10 cycles per second (Robert Silverman,
"Psychology"). The more you relax, the more sensitive you become. Consciousness
controls only about 10 percent of the body and brain activity. It follows that, if you want to
awaken a more subtle sense perception, you should learn to relax and thus gain access to
the subconscious.
The subconscious mind controls the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the
function of vital organs and smooth muscles (involuntary movements of the muscles). As a
rule, people are not aware of its activity, yet it controls the most important activities of the
body, providing reproductive function and even self-preservation. It controls the operation
of the stomach, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver, allocation organs and
reproductive organs of higher forms of sensation and perception.
The autonomic nervous system is the part of the central nervous system. In the body,
the central nervous system coordinates the work of the senses, as well as muscles and
glands. For example, if you prick your thumb with a needle, then the signal will be
transferred from the tactile organs to the brain, and you will feel the pain.
The skin is a highly sensitive organ, and has the ability to perceive subtle energy to
the external environment. External energy interacts with the field emitted by the skin and
around the human body, and the message is transmitted into the body and into the
brain. However, at such a delicate perception is not always there is a noticeable
reaction. Meanwhile, the arriving message may become available and be transferred into
the consciousness. This situation is comparable to receiving a message on an answering
machine. If you can use an answering machine, then you play back the recording and
listen to the message. In our case, it may be useful to use "divining rod" and the
The nervous system is still a mystery, but we know that it is a dynamic and sensitive
information transfer system. It is connected with the subconscious and higher internal
perception processes. "Magic Vine" or pendulum amplify the signal that the nervous
system transmits smooth muscle, so that she has made tangible, recognizable reaction.
It is believed that the subconscious controls 90 percent of the body and brain
activity. It is also the source of the higher forms of perception and intuition (those that are
outside the normal five senses), memory, creativity and abstract thinking.
The nervous system sends electrical signals and impulses that cause the pendulum to
move. Swing the pendulum is ideomotor response. It is caused by the action of the
muscles of involuntary movement, enabled the subconscious through the sympathetic
nervous system of the body. Messages received through the aura, are transmitted in the
nervous system. pendulum method is based on the fact that the message (in the form of
electrical pulses) stimulate smooth muscle reaction. This reaction can consciously perceive
as a pendulum motion. The pendulum plays the role of a bridge between the subconscious
and conscious.
Produce pendulum easily. The necessary items you can find at home or buy in
haberdashery. Detail of the pendulum often buttons, rings and crystals. The best are
pendulums, having as cargo round, cylindrical or spherical object. balanced pendulums
work most effectively. The selected object is hung on a thread, cord, chain, and so on. N.
The load must hang loosely on the chain or thread. His movements give answers (positive
or negative) to your questions and contribute to the perception of subtle energy.  Pendulum
is an amplifier. Fig. 32 shows four types of the pendulum.
Fig. 32. Common types of pendulums
Fig. 33. Programming pendulum movements

Learning to use a pendulum. Enough little practice in a quiet place. In addition, it is

necessary the ability to relax. Before working with the pendulum, you need to calm down
and get rid of emotions, because they can cause a short circuit in the electrical system.

1. In the first stage of work with the pendulum need to adapt to it. Sit down and take
a comfortable position. Legs place smoothly. Lie on your elbow on a table.
2. Take the pendulum of the chain of the thumb and forefinger. Let it hang freely for
1-2 minutes. Then start gently rotate it clockwise. Give him to stop, and then take a few
turns counterclockwise. After that perform movement in horizontal and vertical direction
and diagonally. While you are adjusting to the treatment of the pendulum. Start
experimenting. Suffice minimal muscle activity to bring the pendulum in motion. You will
find that can cause oscillation of the pendulum, not making deliberate efforts.  Allow the
pendulum to stop. Think to yourself: "rock clockwise." Visualize this thought runs through
your hand to the chain of the pendulum and to the load. Do not swing it physically. Do
everything with the help of thought. When the pendulum starts to swing, mentally order
him to stop and look, as it will freeze. Be patient. Remember that you are dealing with
electrical impulses sent by the brain through the nervous system to stimulate the activity
of smooth muscle.
3. Now you have to teach the pendulum to answer your questions. This step is similar
to computer programming. You tell the pendulum, what's the point will have each of its
responses. By asking a question, you need to understand his movements. You must notify
the subconscious mind on what traffic you expect to see, and what they will mean.  Fig. 33
is an exemplary diagram that you can use for programming procedures. Draw a diagram
similar to this one if you wish. Start with two intersecting lines, as shown in the upper
figure. Put a figure on the table and keep the pendulum so that its cargo was over the
center of the drawing. Tell yourself out loud: "When I ask a question and the answer
should be" yes ", the pendulum begins to move [insert direction; in this case - the up and
down along the vertical axis]. " In support of your words to swing the pendulum in the
vertical direction. Let him make slow oscillations and repeat your statement. With this
exercise, you define vocabulary for communication process. Check it out. Ask a question
the answer to which you know (for example, it must be "yes"), but this time do not
consciously swing the pendulum. Let the inner strength of the nervous system will carry
out a physical reaction. Ask questions such as: "My name is [insert your name]?" Or "I
[name your age] years?" So you're not only build up your vocabulary to communicate with
the pendulum, but also make sure that he does not need help to move.  At a certain
practice, you will learn how to successfully work with the questions, the answers to which
will initially be unknown to you.
4. Now do the same for the "no" response, using the same approval and swinging the
pendulum along the horizontal axis. Tell yourself out loud: "When I ask a question to which
the answer must be" no ", the pendulum begins to move [insert direction; in this case -
horizontal line]. " Slowly swing the pendulum along the horizontal line, repeating the
statement. Remember that while you only define the vocabulary for communication. Then
test your ability to swing the pendulum without the control of consciousness. Ask one or
two questions, the answer to that, as you know, must be negative. Let the pendulum
swing independently. Do not apply in this case no assistance. The pendulum will swing.
5. Give exercises for about 5 minutes every day for a week. This time is sufficient to
program the subconscious mind to the direction of motion of the pendulum set you way.
6. If desired, instead of the vertical and horizontal swing can assign a circular motion
(see. Diagram in Fig. 33). clockwise movement will mean the answer is "yes", and
counterclockwise motion - "no."
7. Once you have programmed your swingarm, pay attention not only to the direction
of movement, but also on the intensity and speed. These parameters are also significant,
and indicate how closely you have to take the response.
8. When you start to program the pendulum, check it out. Prove to yourself that it will
move without your conscious physical assistance. Place the elbow on a table, take a
comfortable position. Keep the pendulum at rest, and then mentally say "yes." Repeat to
yourself the word and move the eyes up and down in a vertical line until then, until the
pendulum will begin to swing itself is not in this direction. It takes 1-2 minutes. Keep a
relaxed state. Now, say mentally the word "stop." When the pendulum stops, repeat the
procedure with the word "no" and a horizontal line. Then do the same with a circular
motion in both directions. You learn to move the pendulum, using only the power of his
9. You have to learn to ask ourselves questions that can be answered "yes" or
"no." The more specific the question, the better the response. For example, some people
ask the pendulum to whether certain foods are edible. Pendulum gives a positive
answer. But if the question is formulated differently: "Will the benefit of this product to
me," that the pendulum may be answered in the negative. Experiment with this. Ask
yourself questions that can be answered unequivocally "yes" or "no."
• Lived (a) I before?
• Do I get this week's promotion?
• Had (and) I first psychic abilities?
• Do I sleep information is transmitted, which I missed (a)?
• Will [name] to call me tonight?
• Do I have a soul?
• Do I need to start a new training?

10. It is important to remove the emotion from the process of requesting

information. Some people can not relax, and thus the pendulum is only responsible as they
want. If you relax and try to be as passive, responses of the pendulum will be very
accurate. The process involves less consciousness, the stronger and more deeper the
Remember that when the alpha-EEG indicators - that occur when you are relaxed -
you become more sensitive to subtle energy interacts with the field of your aura. When
beta-indicators - focusing conscious - your feelings are usually limited to the five senses.

Detection of aura by using the pendulum

Set aura size using the pendulum is not as easy as using a "divining rod", but still
possible. Here, there are two ways, and they can complement each other (see. Fig. 34).

Fig. 34. Measurement of the aura by a pendulum

The first method is based on asking questions. Use the scheme answers "yes" and
"no." Ask yourself questions about the size of the aura: "My aura has a size of 15 by 20
feet? My aura has a size of 10 by 15 feet? my aura size ranges from 0 to 10 feet, "Start
with general questions such as these, and then move on to more specific:" my aura size is
11 feet? my aura size - 8 feet "?
The second method is similar to the aura of measurement using "magic vines." Ask
your partner to stand at a distance of 20 feet from you. Relax. Tell yourself and your
pendulum that you want to receive signals indicating the detection of the other person's
aura. In this case, you are not going to catch it.
Slowly and carefully go forward. Since your body is moving, there is a greater
likelihood that it will cause oscillation of the pendulum. Therefore, to determine the contact
with the aura of the partner is right for another code - a circular motion. In this case, a
positive response (moving clockwise) will indicate that you have reached the borders of
the aura.
After each step, makes a stop, allowing the pendulum to calm down, and then
react. Despite the fact that this method requires more time than others, it is quite
effective. He did not - one hundred percent accuracy, but will help you to improve the
ability to perceive subtle energies.
Despite the fact that this method is not as simple and quick as the use of "magic
vines," it can still be effective. After each step in the direction of the partner stop and allow
the pendulum to stop, before it will give you a pre-programmed response. As an indicator,
indicating contact with the border of the aura, take a circular motion of the pendulum in a
clockwise direction.

Chapter 5. The value of the color gamut of the aura

Color is an integral part of our lives. It captures the essence of each of us. Words
denoting the color used to describe our physical health, mood, relationships and even
spiritual experiences. Listen to the conversations of the people, and note how often in their
descriptions they mention color.
"You just turned pink with pleasure."
"He was so angry that he even blushed."
"She turned blue from the cold."
"They just turned green with envy."
"From fear, he turned white."
"It was the golden rule."
Color - a property of light. When the light is refracted at different wavelengths, we
see a variety of colors. The same thing happens if we substitute the lens under the sun's
rays: the rainbow effect on the opposite surface. The seven colors of the rainbow are only
a small part of the light spectrum, which includes a variety of shades and color options.
Aura Energy manifests itself in the form of light and color. Color, brightness and
location of the point to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. After
working with the exercises described in this book, you will learn how to visually identify the
color of the aura. At the initial stage it is possible to do using the "divining rod" and the
pendulum. Determine the color of the aura range easily. But to understand and explain the
meaning of each color is not easy.
We are sensitive to color and well perceive it. It is also sensitive to the fact that it can
reflect. We just do not pay enough attention to this information. Each of us had to wonder,
seeing that our friend allegedly "tarnished". Also, we constantly hear comments on that
blouse or shirt to someone perfectly in color, and someone on the contrary, paler. Often
such statements indicate our unconscious perceptions of the aura, but just do not count as
Different colors represent different human moods and different types of energy. If you
can identify common values of specific colors, you must also keep in mind that there are
many shades of the same color - yellow, green, etc. To learn to understand the
significance of these colors, it takes time and practice...
In determining the aura of colors should take into account the following points (see.
Fig. 35).

Fig. 35. The appearance of colors in the aura

Colors can take various forms, colors and positions around the body (Fig. B),
including in the form of a gently into each other colored layers (Fig. A).
1. The colors, which are painted in the aura of land that are closest to the physical
body, reflect the physical condition and energy of the person. The colors of the more
remote areas of the body reflects the emotional, mental and spiritual energy, which can
affect the natural color.
2. The cleaner and quieter colors, the better. The more turbid and dense color may
indicate a violation, increased activity and other potential problems in the area to which
they belong.
3. Black and while saturated colors can indicate levels of energy. This is not
necessarily a bad thing, so do not jump to conclusions.
4. Often the aura is present in more than one color. Each color represents different
aspects. You must understand how these colors interact with each other, and the effect
may cause a combination thereof. This knowledge will also come with practice.
5. When you start to see the aura of other people, keep in mind that you are looking
at them through his aura. To explain the meaning of what you see, you need to be aware
of their own aura. Described earlier exercises for the eyes to help you see it in the
mirror. If your aura is dominated by yellow color, and in the aura of another person - blue,
instead of the blue you can see green, because that's what it appears from the compound
of yellow and blue. The subconscious mind is usually aware of these effects and makes
natural adjustments and you have to be careful not to make hasty conclusions.
6. Do not judge people on the basis of what you have seen in their auras. What he
saw, and the interpretation that you are giving him, in many respects depends on your
state of mind at this time. Drawing inferences about corresponds to a particular color,
consider all the details, all the arguments for and against are taken into account, to some
specific areas of color refers aura. You have no right to dictate to others how they should
behave. Introduce the person with your observations, explain the possible values of what
he saw, and then give him the right to make their own decisions, to make their own
7. Learn how to explain what he saw to use your intuition. Ask the person questions
about the meaning of what you see in his aura. Only in this way, with the help of a
response, you will be able to develop criteria for its interpretation. Remember that color,
its location in the aura and clarity can indicate different things. Your task is to learn how to
synthesize them.
8. Aura changes frequently. Colors next to the body sections (approximately 1-2 feet)
often undergo changes many times during the day. Any strong emotion, active physical or
mental activity can manifest itself in the instability of color and aura of light. Our aura vary
and lifetime. When you develop the ability to see the aura, you will find that every human
aura is the predominant color (or colors) that remains constant, although the shades
sometimes vary. Later, you will start to see additional colors, having a certain attitude to
the basic tones. Typically, the first of all the colors are shown shades of gray or light blue.
9. Do not worry if you can not see the colors at once.  Continue to work with the
exercises and you will definitely see them. Typically, at the beginning are particularly
humans persistence and at the same time expect that achieve results within a specified
period. If the results can not be achieved quickly or precisely at the appointed time comes
disappointment. Do not set yourself any time limits. Do the exercises every day. Only the
daily training and expansion of perception will ensure your success. It is useless to wait for
the results if you perform exercises 2 or 3 days in a row, and then make a week break.  Be
consistent. You may be able to achieve tangible effect within 4-6 weeks. At least, during
this time you will learn to see the aura, even if you do not distinguish its colors. Most
people with whom I have worked have achieved excellent results in the period of 1-6
months. But in order to confirm that the process is running, rather the entire month!
10. Having started to develop their visual perception of the aura, you will see the aura
around any person and object. This can cause confusion. The exercises described in this
book are designed to help you develop the ability to optionally turn on and off the aura
vision. Remember that you may not tune in to the energy of another person without his
consent. In many cases, aura reading, like reading personal letters. Even if you have
accepted some kind of information, you have no right to disclose it until you are told to do
so. Come to his ability to see the aura of a serious and responsible.

Meaning of colors
Color can be constructive and destructive. It is able to stimulate or inhibit, repel or
attract. The properties of color is even male or female. It can reflect positive or negative
energy, and appearing in the aura, to provide information about personal characteristics,
mood, level of development and human health. Aura Color reflects both the physical and
spiritual aspects of the individual.
For the interpretation of the colors in the composition of the aura it requires a lot of
experience. Each color has its general characteristics, but it varies somewhat depending on
the hue. In the note should be taken of color location, intensity, and even the form that
takes the color within the aura field.
This book does not attempt to explain all the nuances of interpretation of colors of the
aura field. There are only general information about the main colors in connection with
reflecting their energies. This information will help you understand what can be found on
the aura colors.
Colors next to the body of the aura reflects the particular areas of human physical
condition. They also point to energy, most recently manifested in his life and had
influenced him. Colors areas more remote from the body, often reflect the energy with
which a person is just beginning to interact. In the presence of relevant practice in color
and its location in the aura, you'll be able to determine when there were certain types of
energy in a person's life.

Colors of rainbow
Red is the color of strong energy, fire and the primary creative force. This life-
affirming energy. She's hot. It can indicate strong passion, mind and will. Red is a vibrant
color that also reflects the anger, love, hate and unexpected changes. Furthermore, it can
indicate recovery and conversion.
It is the color that affects the circulatory system, reproductive system (sexual energy)
and the awakening of latent abilities and talents.
The abundance of red color or turbidity may indicate excessive irritation,
inflammation, or the presence of any other disorders. Sometimes the red color indicates
the nervousness, temper, aggression, impulsiveness or anxiety.
Orange is the color of warmth of heart, artistic creativity and emotions. He points to
the good spirits, fun and sociability. It is a color that can reflect the opening of a new
perception - especially subtle worlds (astral standard of living).
In addition, some of its shades indicate that emotional instability and
excitement. Muddy shades of orange can reflect pride and arrogance, as well as anxiety
and vanity.

The yellow color in the aura can be seen one of the first. Pale yellow color around the
scalp indicates optimism. Yellow - the color of mental activity and vitality. It can reflect
new learning opportunities, lightness, wisdom and intellect. Softer shades often talk about
enthusiasm that arose in connection with some life events, about the power of imagination
and spiritual development (especially the transition from light yellow to white).  Yellow is a
color that embodies the power of thought, the awakening psychic abilities and
More thick and muddy shades of yellow can reflect an intense process of thinking and
analysis, as well as over-critical, feeling unrecognized and propensity to dogmatism.

Green is the color of sensitivity and growing compassion. It reflects the development
of empathy and calm. It may be a sign of a reliable, trustworthy and straight rights. The
presence in the aura of bright shades of green, turning into the blue range, indicates the
ability to heal. This abundance of color, stability and friendliness.
Muddy or dark shades of green can indicate indecision and avarice, often denote
jealousy and possessiveness. Sometimes they indicate a lack of faith in their own strength
and suspicion.

Blue, like yellow, a color that is more easily seen in the aura. It is the color of calm
and quietness. It reflects the dedication, sincerity and seriousness, may indicate the ability
of clairvoyance and telepathy.
Bright shades of blue are talking about an active imagination and good intuition. More
dense tones of blue can indicate a sense of loneliness that at a certain level is a lifelong
search for the divine. More dense shades of blue indicate religiosity. Bright blue shades
indicate honesty and discretion. They also sometimes mean that the person has found or is
about to find his true vocation.
Muddy shades of blue can reflect the confusion of perception indicate melancholy,
impulsiveness and restlessness, authoritativeness, fearfulness, forgetfulness and
Purple and Magenta
Purple is the color of warmth and transformation. It is the color combination of heart
and mind, physical and spiritual. It reflects independence and intuition, as well as points to
a dynamic and well-developed imagination. It is a sign of a person in the search. The
purple shades often indicate the ability of a realistic and prudent attitude to business. More
pale and bright colors of purple and magenta colors can indicate humility and
spirituality. Red and purple shades sometimes mean a deep passion, will power or the
need for more in-depth work on oneself.
More dark and murky colors say about the need to overcome anything. They can also
mean a well-developed erotic imagination. In addition, over the muddy shades indicate a
propensity to superiority over others, point to the need for sympathy and feelings about
the lack of understanding from others.

Other colors of the aura

Pink is the color of compassion, love and purity. It can reflect joy and peace, as well
as a well-developed sense of camaraderie. When present in the aura of pink color, it
indicates that the person differs calm temperament, modesty, love art and all that is
Depending on the shade of pink may indicate immaturity and underdevelopment
(especially muddy shades). Sometimes he shows the truth or, on the contrary, its
absence. In addition, the pink color marks the time of the birth of a new love and a new

Gold color indicates the active spiritual energy and finding the truth.  It reflects the
higher energies of love and restoration of harmony, may indicate strong ecstatic and deep
inspiration.Gold color - a sign of the revival period.
More murky shades of gold can indicate that the person is still in the process of
awakening higher inspiration and has not yet grasped this. They testify to the relentless
activity of the alchemical process: the person continues to work hard to make the lead
weight of his life in pure gold.

White is often possible to see in the aura before everyone else. Often it appears as a
clear hue. White includes the entire color spectrum, and when it is clearly visible in the
aura, it is often accompanied by other colors (on this basis, you can find out whether it is
the color of energy, or simply a consequence of poor perception of the aura). White color
in the aura reflects truth and purity. He points out that the energy of a person is able to
purify and ennoble. In addition, it indicates the awakening of creativity.
Gray - the color of the origin and beginning. It might indicate the movement of the
disclosure of internal capacity. Shades of gray, similar to the silver reflect an awakening of
the feminine energies, which are embodied in such properties as inspiration, intuition and
The dark shades of gray, especially close to the defined area of the physical body,
may indicate physical abnormalities. In addition, sometimes they point to the need not to
leave unfinished business. The abundance of gray in the aura may indicate a person
stealth and its accessories to the type of so-called lone wolves.

Brown often present in the field of aura. According to many people, he points to the
lack of energy or an imbalance, but this is not always the case.  Brown - the color of the
earth. The aura, especially on the head and around the feet, it can mean the beginning of
growth and development. Sometimes it indicates the appearance of new roots and the
desire to cultivate such qualities as diligence and consistency.
On the other hand, brown in the face or near the head may indicate an inability to
understand people and the need to learn this. If a brown color is visible in the chakras,
probably, it signals an energy contamination of these centers. Since Brown may reflect the
problems of the physical body, the color is often difficult to interpret in certain
circumstances. But when he saw him in the aura, you have to be careful. In such cases,
should not draw hasty conclusions. Focus on the response of human response; it is best to
help you understand the meaning of Brown in his aura.

The black
The black color in the aura cause most difficulties have interpreters. I've heard people
say that the appearance in the aura of black color indicates impending death or terrible
disease. From my point of view, it is not.
Black is a color of protection. It is a color that can protect people from the effects of
external energy. When he appears in the aura, it is possible, it means that the person is
protected.Black can also indicate that a person has secrets. There is nothing wrong with
that, if complied with reasonable limits. Black sometimes indicates the imminent revision
of its commitments and contributions.
In addition, the black color can signal violations. Physical abnormalities often appear
as black or dark areas in the aura around the physical body. The location of these spots
serves as a reference for the detection of problems. The presence of black color in the
outer layers of the aura may indicate the presence of holes in the auric field. I saw this in
the auras of people, who as children were the victims of violence [3] , as well as those who
were highly dependent on a variety of substances (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and so on. D.).
Silver glitter
I often had to observe in the aura of another phenomenon - the lights, the
shimmering soft light. They are usually bright flash and have a silver color. I have found
that they can point to one of several aspects. These sequins, as I call them, are almost
always a sign of great creativity and fertility. Appearing in the auric field, they indicate that
this person activates a creative and fruitful start.
Noticing sparkles in the aura of a woman, I ask her if she was pregnant, because such
elements are often present in the auras of pregnant women or those who have given birth
within the previous 6-9 months. However, be aware that not every woman who has
observed in the aura of sequins, pregnant.
In my opinion, these brilliant lights indicate stimulating creativity and the ability to
bear children. At the same creativity and fertility may take many forms. They do not
necessarily have to be expressed in pregnancy. According to my theory, at some point in
the activity of creative potential it becomes so high that it begins to manifest itself in the
form of lights in the auric field, and it attracts new souls to such a person.  Then, when the
opportunity arises, they "penetrate".
If a woman, in the aura I saw the glitter, is not pregnant, I warn her that she was
very careful in the next 6-9 months, because there is a greater chance of becoming
pregnant. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.
If the willingness to fruit does not end physical pregnancy, it can occur in other areas
of life. As a rule, after 9 months (at most - 10) in a person's life should occur events that
ultimately lead to changes, like the birth of a child. Before a person will reveal a door
leading to a positive and beneficial change. To events unfolded at full scale, it may take up
to six months, but when the opportunity arises, generally, everything happens very fast
and organized.
Developing the ability to see the aura, you'll learn about the subtle differences in her
colors. Study chromotherapy and color therapy will help you not only in the recognition of
the color gamut of the aura, but also to understand its meaning.

Determination of the primary colors of the aura

Before you develop in their ability to see the aura of color, you can define them using
the tools radiestezii - "divining rod" (see Fig. 36.) Or a pendulum. Remember that the
subconscious already has an idea of the aura energies; just that you are not yet able to
consciously and visually perceive them. "Magic Vine" and the pendulum can help you
remove these subliminal information and move them to consciousness.
Fig. 36. Using a "divining rod" for determining the colors of the aura

1. If you are going to use the "magic vine", I recommend to prepare a circular
diagram on the model given in Fig. 38. Draw a diagram on a sheet of plain white paper
with a diameter not less than a foot. On request, you can not designate the color words,
and properly paint every chart section. If you prefer a pendulum, draw a table on the
model shown in Fig. 39. Paint the squares in different colors.
2. Sit back, put both feet flat on the floor. Lean your elbows on the surface on which
rests a table or chart. When working with a "magic vine" you need only one frame. Keep it
well away from him, so that it does not hit any part of your body.  The vine should be free
to describe a full circle. Keep it without tension, so that your hand is above the center of
the diagram. Now you need to focus on the person you are going to recognize the aura. If
you recognize your own aura, close your eyes and think of yourself.
3. Start asking yourself questions, mentally or aloud: "What is the main color in the
aura of [name]" Pause and allow the vine to turn and point to a specific part of the
chart. You can also ask questions about other colors: "What other color is the most
important in the aura of [name]" If the vine will indicate the border between the two
sectors, think about the value of both of them. Remember that there are many shades of
color, which are not reflected in the chart. In this case, you can ask the following question:
"What is the color closest to the color of the aura [name]?"
4. When using the pendulum process is carried out in a similar manner. Lie on your
elbow on a flat surface so that the pendulum is hung at a distance of 3-6 inches from the
table with the color scheme (see. Fig. 37). Start at one end of the table and go through all
the colors. To determine the color of the aura to ask questions, to which the pendulum can
answer "yes" or "no": "Is there a red color in the aura of [name]?", "Is the red primary in
the aura of [name]?" And so on. . Notice how confident answers pendulum. The confidence
of his answers, the more clearly can be shown in the color of the aura.
5. Go with the pendulum in all the colors of the table. Remember that you need to
formulate your questions so that they "yes" answer, or could be "no." This method is
suitable for determining the color location in the aura: "Is the red mainly over the head?",
"Does Green indicates some aspects of the physical body?", "Does the blue color in the
aura of a darker shade ? "," Is the yellow color in the aura over the head? "

Fig. 37. Using a pendulum to determine the colors of the aura

Fig. 38. A sample of the color chart to the aura of recognition with the
"divining rod"
Fig. 39. A sample of the color table to recognize the aura using the pendulum
Do not be afraid to experiment. The more you use these techniques, the better will be
able to realize that your energy can go beyond the physical body. You will increase the
quality of your perception and eliminate barriers to the development of the physical

Visual perception and interpretation of a healthy aura

When you begin to visually perceive the aura, it is likely to be for you to have a view
of the field, close-fitting to the physical body. This particular field is to a large extent
reflects the state of physical health. In a healthy person the energy of the physical body is
manifested in the aura of power emanating rays. This energy can be different colors, but
the shape is more like not a cloud surrounding the body and energy flows emanating from
it (see. Fig. 40). Colored areas are often allocated on the general background of the aura
Fig. 40. Outbox-energy rays
In a healthy person the energy closest to the physical body, often takes the form of
outgoing energy flows propagating in the auric field at a distance of 1-2 feet.  These
threads stand out against the entire aura.  They must radiate symmetrically and evenly.

The appearance of this radiation carries a lot of information on the human health.  The
stronger, proportional and symmetrical beams, the stronger and healthier person. The lack
of symmetry rays indicates the weakness of the physical body, a violation of his balance
and the presence of any disease. Lots of asymmetric power flows can serve as reference
points in the body to detect problem areas.
It often happens that unstable energy flows emanating from the physical body,
appear in the aura before being felt illness or physical problem. If you carefully follow the
aura field and timely notice changes in it, you can take appropriate preventive measures to
solve the problem before it manifests on the physical level in the form of disease or
In a healthy person the energy emanating rays look proportionate and stable. They
extend from the physical body to a distance of 1-2 feet, and then gradually begin to blur
and blend with the overall field of the aura. If the outgoing rays look symmetrical, but
extend only 4-8 inches, then, human physical energy is declining. Unless steps are taken
to restore energy, probably the periodic occurrence of health problems.
Distortion rays may indicate a physical problem. Typically, these rays are observed in
those regions of the body where the breach occurred. Distortions may occur in the form of
asymmetric radiation, discoloration or change the color rays (streams look cloudy or dirty),
and even in the form of flashes or ignition (see. Fig. 41).
Fig. 41. Health problems seen in the auric field
Outgoing rays may indicate a specific problem areas.  Outbreaks in the left shoulder
and right hip may indicate muscle tension.  energy sealing in the head voltage signals and
headache.Asymmetric radiation may reflect weak energy levels, indicative of too much
physical exertion, poor circulation and / or other problems.
Outbreaks in the outgoing rays appear as areas in which the rays acquire a reddish
tint or color just becomes darker and dense compared to the background. It usually signals
the similar "flash" in the relevant areas of the body.
Malaise, pain, pulled muscles and other disorders often manifest themselves in the
aura in the form of outbreaks in the outgoing beam. For example, a darker portion of the
outgoing energy with a touch of red in the shoulder area can point to any physical
abnormalities, ranging from chronic bursitis and ending with stretching muscles.
In the interpretation of the important role played by the response. Ask the person if
his shoulder worries. Tell him about what he saw and what it could mean. If a person has
no problems in this area, just tell me what you have noticed a small flash, and therefore it
needs to be very careful with this part of the body within a few days.
Interpreting person seen in the aura, you are responsible for his physical
condition. Only qualified doctors - not even spiritual healers - have the right to make
diagnoses and prescribe or recommend treatment. You can only give advice and tell you
about known methods, of which a person can, if necessary, to find out more. But you do
not make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment!
I have encountered situations where people began to see the aura, especially
reflected in the physical aspects of it, and tried to draw general conclusions.  For example,
seeing in someone's aura of dark spot, he immediately reported that this person has a
predisposition to cancer or that he is in a pre-cancerous condition. These findings are not
only irresponsible - they are extremely cruel. Any person who has applied for the
interpretation of the aura, is in a vulnerable position. He opens and becomes available for
exposure to certain functional levels. In this case, it is important to avoid the negative
nucleation seeds, not to destroy the agency of man. It should be carefully and deliberately
chosen words. You must be sensitive and have a developed intuition to determine how a
person will respond to your message. For the development of these qualities it requires
long-term training. If you do not intend to accept these terms, you should not engage in
other professional people aura interpretation.
In this chapter, you are familiar only with the recommendations relating to the
interpretation of color and appearance of the aura. They are not final and unalterable
information.Interpretation of any aura always requires a unique approach. If a person
comes to you with a problem - the physical plane, or any other - and you therefore get
some negative information, remember: you have no right to tell him the details. Say you
find a problem in a certain area and that it would be useful to be examined by a
professional doctor.
Remember that when you are dealing with aura, it is necessary to take into account
many changeable factors. The colors of the aura of their hue, saturation, vibration,
position, combinations and so on - all this determines the interpretation. The study of the
aura will help you pinpoint problem areas and sensibly assess the nature of possible
deviations. Discuss your feelings with someone you recognize the aura, but do not make
hasty statements. You act as an educational tool, helping another person to look at
yourself from a different angle. You awaken in him a higher awareness of their energetic
nature and are contributing to the fact that it corresponds to the higher meaning of life.

Chapter 6. Enhancing and protecting the aura

At a certain stage of development, you will realize that you are not only one of the
physical body. You begin to realize that in the world there are many things that can not be
seen. Most people focus their attention on the fact that you can touch and see, but judging
by the scientific data, affects a number of factors that are inaccessible to the human eye
on us.
If you do not know how you act on external forces, then eventually it may lead to a
weakening of your energy system. Such attenuation is typically manifest as either real
physical disease or in the form of mental and emotional disorders. Every day, your
individual energy system is exposed to various types of stress. Until you learn to recognize
the symptoms of unwanted attacks and to protect yourself from them, you will notice that
your life is steadily more difficult.
We all have the experience of our intervention in the energy field of the external
forces. We always feel the influence of external noise, heat and electricity. Furthermore,
our energy impinge on other people. Remember, if you are someone made to feel inferior
or insolvent? I have to buy a thing or participate in something against their will? Was it so
that you feel exhausted after a conversation with some man? All these are examples of
intrusion into your energy field.
The role of the defender of your energy performs primarily aura. A strong and viable
aura reflects all the negative, debilitating and unbalanced power. Maintain aura in this
state is easy.The most beneficial effect on her having a healthy lifestyle.  Proper nutrition,
exercise and fresh air all reinforce the aura field. Conversely, lack of exercise and fresh air,
poor diet, alcohol and drug abuse, smoking contributes to wear the aura field.
In addition, the aura of great impact (greater than commonly believed) has emotional
and mental state. Prolonged stress, emotional trauma, mental disorders and instability,
turmoil, anxiety, fear and other negative phenomena weaken the aura field. Weak results
in an aura of energy leakage. You get tired more quickly. If this happens for a long time,
the holes and tears formed in the aura field. Along with other disorders begin to arise with
physical health problems. Fig. 42 shows how a weakened aura: in it you can see the tears
and dark spots, its shape is asymmetric and unsteady.
Fig. 42. Weak Aura

With schenii where recently there was a scandal or conflict, if the air is sealed, and
there is tension. If such a room to play back a recording of Gregorian chant for 10
minutes, it will purify him from any negative energy. The same thing happens with
aura. Some people on the basis of various reasons and personal taste hardly perceive the
music of Gregorian chant. If you are among them, listen to classical music, which has to
inspire you and calming effect. You can choose any work, starting with the suite "Water
Music" by Handel and ending with Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony."
To protect and strengthen the field of aura can use different fragrances. In the Native
American tradition of widespread use as a means of purifying the smoke that give the
burning grass.This smoke and smell of different herbs to help clear the field of the aura
and the environment. Aromas of essential oils most strongly affect the aura and energy of
emotional and mental nature. Oils and spices have long been used to combat various types
of illnesses - physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Typical cleaning mixture - sage with sweet grass. These two flavors have on the auric
field cleansing and balancing action. Another common fragrance of the same property is
the incense.Some people do not recognize it because of its association with the Christian
religion, but incense has a high energy vibration that gives a beneficial effect.  Those who
are engaged in healing and counseling are aware of the powerful effect of the fragrance of
gardenia. It helps to avoid excessive involvement in other people's problems, and in
addition, strengthens the aura and helps to preserve the emotional independence. There
are other flavors that are beneficial for the aura and protects it. Spend some time studying
this issue, and you learn a lot about their action.
Another means of protecting and strengthening the aura is a quartz crystal.  The
energy charge inherent in the crystal, able to enhance and expand the field of the
aura. For the sake of the experiment have someone measure your aura when you stand
first without the crystal in his hands, and then with the crystal. Even a small size in inch
quartz increases the auric field to 3-4 feet.
quartz crystal with double-sided treatment (sharp points on both sides) have a very
high degree of efficiency. Wearing such a crystal in your pocket can stabilize the aura and
is particularly useful during stressful or exhausting meetings. Crystal will save you from
over-voltage and very tired.
At the end of the day, when you are feeling exhausted or just want to restore your
energy reserves, sit and wait, holding in each hand pointed at both ends of the quartz
crystals (see. Fig. 43).
Fig. 43. Restore energy reserves using a quartz crystal
Relax and imagine how the energy of the crystal charging your body and fills your
aura energy.
Breathe rhythmically. This will create favorable conditions for the recovery process. In
order to balance and strengthen your energy, you will need 5-10 minutes. In addition,
crystals can help to move from the working attitude to the more relaxed "home" state.  You
stop thinking about work as quartz cleanse the aura of energy waste, which you have
brought from the office.
The following exercises are useful for protecting and enhancing the entire auric
field. They will help you regain your balance and recharge your batteries. In addition,
thanks to them, you can avoid the interference of unwanted forces and energies.  The
stronger your aura becomes, the less the impact will be subject to your energy field.

1. How to protect yourself from exhaustion
Each of us knows from personal experience that communication with some people
cause a breakdown. You talk with the person on the phone or meet in person, and when
the conversation is over, feel completely exhausted. Your strength is running out, you are
completely de-energized, you can get sick stomach, and so on. D. All of this testifies to the
energy drain.
Some people attract or absorb the energy of others. Most often this is due to the fact
that those involved in the communication process, do not realize what they are doing. In
many cases, people use your energy as an adjunct to, rather than creating their own
energy reserves. At the same time they are aware of is that after a conversation with you,
or while you in the same room as their condition improves. However, they have no right to
use your energy, and you should not allow this.
This does not mean that you should accuse such a man that he is a vampire, or
refuse to communicate with them due to the fact that it draws energy from you.  If you
behave like this, people may think that you are angry or act rashly. Of course, in this case,
your problem will be solved, because after such an accusation he does not want to see
you. However, many people are not available for the perception of subtle energies, and
when dealing with them, you have to remember about it.
It is best just to rectify the situation, not to mention her word. You can check whether
the person uses your energy or not. One of the easiest ways to control a range of the
energy circuit.After your body and around it within the field of the aura are energy
flows. You can override these flows so that your energy is circulated only in the field of
your aura and your body. So you do not let that energy out through the aura, and will save
your aura of energy from other people.
In order to close the energy circle, you need only take a certain position (see. Fig.
Fig. 44. The closure of the energy range
You have to cross my legs in the ankle and connect the fingers so that they touch
each other.  (Optionally, you can connect only the thumbs and index fingers.) Thus, you
will create a closed system, and your energy will not go out.
Until next time the person who drains your energy field, accept this position. Relaxed
place your hands on your hips, fingers somknite and cross your legs. This pose is simple
and quite common, so you no nothing suspect. You can take it during telephone
conversations with such people.
Having to defend itself in this way, you will get feedback from some friends. Namely,
they can tell you: "You're not as friendly as they used to," "You're not as open", "Are you
mad at me?" In fact, you do not be angry with these people. You keep talking as kindly
and often as they used to with them. But the difference is that now you do not let them
take away your energy! You just do not give them drain your strength. Because they do
not get from you "make-up", it seems that there is something wrong. But nobody has the
right to use your energy without your permission.

2. Energy Breathing Technique

To aura was strong, needed fresh air and proper breathing. Maximum provides an
aura of energy breathing through the nose. Many people have a bad habit of mouth
breathing, not realizing that the more natural and useful is the nasal breathing.
If the person is breathing by mouth, it becomes more susceptible to various
diseases. This weakens the breathing life force aura and can even weaken its
structure. Between the mouth and there is no light air filtration system, so dust, dirt and
other impurities fall directly into the lungs. Furthermore, when the mouth breathing in cold
air enters the lungs, leading to inflammation of the airways.
Breath nose useful for your entire energy system. Nose morning so that he is able to
absorb prana from the air. Prana - a life-giving energy contained in the air. Many eastern
breathing techniques involve a conscious focus on the tip of the nose and the entire nasal
cavity during inspiration. This improves the absorption of prana, aura increases vitality and
stimulates the entire energy system of the person.
The nostrils and nasal passages are provided with hairs to filter and sift through the
air. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity warmed the air, it becomes suitable for
sensitive lungs, and the very breath stimulates and strengthens the aura field.
In yoga "lunar wind" called Ida, and the "solar wind" - pingala. The balance between
them is the sushumna. Your energy inherent polarity, it can be positive and negative, male
and female, solar and lunar. This method of breathing quickly fills the aura of energy and
restores the whole body polarity. In addition, it improves the ability to learn and absorb
information, balances the brain hemisphere. If you perform these exercises before the
training, then reduce training time. During breathing, the method of the day may be used
as a rapid tonic.
The basis of this method is the alternate breathing, in which the breath is done
through one nostril, and exhale - through another. (Remember that a conscious focus on
the tip of the nose, especially during inspiration, enhances the effect.) The order is
maintained by the nose pinching fingers.

1. Place the fingers of the right hand to the nose and exhale. Squeeze the tongue to
the roof of the mouth just behind the front teeth.
2. Use your thumb to hold the right nostril and slowly counting to four, inhale through
the left nostril.
3. Without releasing the right nostril, the other fingers of the right hand, hold the left
nostril so as to completely block the air move. Start an account and hold your breath until
you count to 16. (If you have never practiced concentrated rhythmic breathing, this time
delay may be for you too long. In this case, cut through or read faster. Gradually you will
be able to hold their breath for longer periods . to get started, try to breathe on 3
accounts, hold your breath for 6 and then exhale for 3 account. try to choose the most
effective rhythm and stick to it.)
4. Release your thumb and release the right nostril and the left sandwiched
leave. Make a slow exhale through the right nostril; try to make it last as long as you do
not count to 8.
5. Then fully release the nose and the thumb of his left hand, hold the left
nostril. Considering to 4, take a slow breath through the right nostril. After that, the other
fingers of his left hand hold down the right nostril so that air does not pass through the
nose. Hold your breath for a count of 16.
6. Release your thumb and count to 8, then exhale through the left nostril, keeping
the right nostril squeezed.
7. Repeat this exercise 4-5 times, changing nostrils alternately. Breathe in through
one nostril, hold your breath and exhale through the other. Then change the nostril and
repeat the procedure. To quickly raise the tone, do exercise at least 4-5 times each
nostril. It allows you to quickly saturate the energy of the whole body and aura.

3. Cleaning the funnel

This is an exercise in visualization helps cleanse the entire auric field.  It is best to
carry it out at the end of the day, especially in those cases when you communicate with
many people. It helps to get rid of energy waste and prevent its accumulation, leading to
imbalance in the auric field. For the desired effect it takes only about 5 minutes.

1. Sit down and gradually relax. To prepare for this exercise is useful to apply the
method just described rhythmic breathing. Optionally you can also read a simple prayer or
mantra.Remember that the shape of the exercises presented here is only a
recommendation, and you should learn how to adapt it to its power.
2. Visualize that at about 20 feet above your head is formed by a small transparent
vortex consisting of white fire. Visualize it as a small spiritual tornado. When a tornado will
form tonneleobraznuyu, visualize it so large that it can accommodate all of your body with
an aura. Imagine the narrow end of the funnel comes in through your crown and down in
the middle of the rod body (see. Fig. 45).
3. This vortex of spiritual energy must be twisted clockwise. When he touches the
aura, imagine that it sucks all the energy and burns waste accumulated by you during the
4. Try to see, feel and imagine how the vortices move down, up and running through
your entire aura and body. Remember that it washes out and cleans up all your energy
field of the accumulated per day of external energy.
5. When this energy vortex will pass through your body, let it go out through your
feet and penetrate into the heart of the Earth. Visualize this vortex takes all the energy
waste in the lower worlds, where they serve as fertilizer and will benefit the lower

Fig. 45. Creation of a cleaning of the funnel

4. Creation of the middle pillar

This exercise is taken from an ancient system of development, known as the mystical
Kabbalah. All of its elements: sound, visualization and breathing - is saturated with the
aura of a large amount of energy. It helps to seal gaps and holes in the auric field,
balances and stabilizes it. With this exercise, you can increase your energy level so as to
have the strength to perform everyday activities. Furthermore, it protects from your
energy absorption by other people.
In this exercise, the Hebrew names of God are used as a mantra in conjunction with
special images and specific breathing. This combination is called a synergistic effect - the
formation energy, which is not greater 3 times, and eight. The three components (the
names, images, and respiration) increases exponentially energy (in this case, two-thirds
times) (sm. fig. 46).
Fig. 46. The Middle Pillar Ritual

1. Sit or stand. Take a few minutes to relax.

2. Visualize the transparent white sphere, filled with light, which slowly descends to
you from heaven and is above your head. It vibrates from excess energy.
3. Silently say the name EHEIEH (E-hei-e). Emphasize each syllable, feeling your
crown full of energy. Repeat this 5-10 times the name. It means "I am what I am." Try to
see and feel how the light sphere is growing rapidly and fills the entire upper part of your
4. Pause and visualize the sphere beyond the beam of light coming down towards the
throat, where the second light sphere is formed. Start vibrate aloud the name of God YHVH
ELOHIM (Yeh-ho-va E-lo-chem). Imagine that this area is becoming more lively and
sparkling. Vibrate the name of 5-10 times. It means "the Lord God the creator."
5. Pause and visualize the scope of this light beam and goes down toward the
heart. It is formed by the third sphere, consisting of brilliant light. Slowly the syllables
vibrate the divine name YHVH ELOAH VaDAATH (Yeh-ho-va E-lo-ah Ba-da-am). Repeat it
5-10 times, feeling the light sphere gets bigger and fills this part of your body.  This name
means "God manifested in the mind."
6. Pause and visualize the scope of this light beam and goes down to the groin.  Try to
see and feel how a fourth sparkling sphere. Slowly vibrate the divine name SHADDAI EL
CHAI (Shad-dai Al-Hay) 5-10 times. Feel this part of the body is filled with energy. The
name means "the Almighty living God."
7. Pause and visualize the fourth of this luminous sphere beyond the beam and down
to your feet. It is formed by the fifth sphere, and the beam is lowered down into the heart
of the earth. When you vibrate the sound of the divine name ADONAI HaARETZ (A-to-Nai
and Ha-Retz), transparent sphere filled with light. Repeat this 5-10 times the name. It
means "the Lord of the earth."
8. Thus, you formed the middle pillar of equilibrium, passes through your body and
aura. Focusing again on the top and begin to breathe rhythmically. Slowly exhale and
making counting from 1 to 4, try to see and feel how the energy down the left side of your
body radiate from the center and strengthens the aura from this side of the body.  Then
inhale for 4 accounts and direct the energy up the right side of the body from the feet to
the crown. Try to see and feel how this energy comes out rays, enhancing your aura with
this side of the body. Hold your breath for 4 counts, then exhale and inhale again. Do this
4-5 times.
9. Now, when you exhale, try to see and feel the flow of energy down the front of
your body at the expense of from 1 to 4. Inhale and allow the energy to climb up the back
of your body.Hold your breath for 4 counts and repeat this process 4-5 times.  Thus you
will strengthen all your auric field. Feel how the energy around you. Remember that it is to
close up all the gaps in the field of the aura and restore all lost energy.
10. Now feel the energy going from your feet. Inhalation send light up in all colors of
the rainbow through the feet and the middle pillar to the top of the head. When you
exhale, this spray iridescent light across the top of the head so that it fills all your auric
field with color and energy. Take a break and give yourself the opportunity to enjoy this
sparkling and renewed energy.

The ritual of the middle pillar also has a purifying effect on all the auric field. It
strengthens the aura and the development of higher levels of energy, including your
psychic abilities. As this ritual raises human energy to a high level, it also contributes to
the development of visual perception of the aura field, increases the overall sensitivity and
sensitivity - and any other psychic.
In his classes I teach this ritual and consider it absolutely necessary for every person
intending to reveal their higher faculties. This ritual is so powerful and effective that it
should be a key both for beginners and for those who for years has been metaphysics. It
contributes to ground, protect and enhance. I did not find any exercises that would give
such good results and so well tailored to fit the person.
Traditionally, in the ritual of the middle pillar visualized five areas. A stronger version
of the ritual includes six luminous sphere. It is related to the physical eye, and also with
psychic visions (clairvoyance). This embodiment is the ritual even more effective in
stimulating the visual aura (see. Fig. 47).
Fig. 47. Option ritual middle pillar

1. Sit down, close your eyes and relax.

2. Visualize a transparent ball filled with light and gently sloping down to your
crown. Begin to vibrate the name EHEIEH (E-heh-ye), feel the top is filled with
energy. Repeat this 5-10 times.
3. Visualize a beam of light coming down from this area to form a second sphere in
the forehead. Quiet intoned divine name JEHOVAH (Je-ho-va). Visualize the sound is
transmitted to the far end of the universe and comes back. Feel your inner eye is filled
with energy. Repeat 5-10 times the name.
4. From the sphere, which arose in the forehead, a beam of light down below, to form
a third sphere, in the area of your throat. Vibrate divine name JEHOVAH ELOHIM (Yeh-ho-
va E-lo-chem). Try to see and feel how the light sphere comes to life thanks to the
shimmering vibrations. Repeat 5-10 times the name.
5. From this sphere beam down below and forms a fourth light-filled sphere, now in
the region of the heart. It comes alive with the sound of every divine name JEHOVAH
ELOAH VaDAATH (Yeh-ho-va E-lo-ah Ba-da-am). Repeat 5-10 times.
6. Pause and visualize a beam of light coming down from the sphere of the heart to
the groin area. There is formed a fifth luminous sphere. Visually, imagine how it is formed
and radiates brilliance with every sound of the divine name SHADDAI EL CHAI (Shad-dai El
7. Again, pause, and then visualize the beam of light coming down from the fifth
sphere at your feet. There is formed the sixth luminous sphere, and the beam goes further
down, in the heart of the planet. When you say in a singsong voice divine name ADONAI
HaARETZ (A-to-Nai and Ha-Retz), visually imagine the sixth sphere revived.
8. Thus, you formed the middle pillar of light that stretches from heaven, passes
through you and down into the ground. You stepped inner light centers that will strengthen
and protect your aura, as well as help you to awaken visual perception of the aura.  Now
follow the procedure rhythmic breathing and visualization, both in the traditional ritual of
the middle pillar (see paras. 8, 9, 10).

The effect on the aura of ritual chants

Mantras and chants used in the Eastern and Western esoteric traditions. They are
powerful restorative and invigorating means. The word "mantra" comes from Sanskrit. As
the value is comparable with the words "spell" or "conspiracy". The mantras and hymns
sound intensity is used for special purposes. With their help, you can change the aura field,
heal human and access to higher levels of consciousness.
The chants and mantras cause changes in the body, the mind, the emotional realm
and the spiritual component of personality. Sounds intensify energy that are around us and
inside us.
The vibration of the mantra has a purifying effect on the aura field.  The efficacy of
mantras is based on human faith. They work because you associate certain thoughts with
sounds, which then increase the change of your energies. In addition, the efficacy of
mantras is due to the fact that their value affects the mental body, leaving an imprint on
our energy. However, many mantras and chants apply regardless of the value, and only
because of their sounds. Sounds contact with the aura field, causing a change in him.
singing process releases energy and gives the spoken word and the mystical sounds
of an effective force. Of great importance is the rhythm of the chants. Spoken intoned
mantra have an active influence. The question of how many times you need to say a
mantra to get the result, is often controversial. You must decide how much they work for
you best. Typically, to achieve results rather 10-15 minutes of repetition of certain
Work with mantras and chants easy. Choose a mantra and possibly read its
value. Then, choose a time when you no one will disturb and you can relax.  Begin to say
the mantra syllable by syllable. Give her a chance to ask their own rhythm, which will be
useful to you.
When you stop uttering the mantra should continue to echo in your mind.  It may
even slightly buzzing in the ears. This is the signal that occurred some energy change. Do
not worry if you do not have such feelings appear. Their absence does not mean that the
mantra has not worked for you. These sensations are only a number of general guidelines.
When you hear the mantra echoing in your mind, do the meditation associated with
the energies of the mantra. Visually, imagine how they are activated in your auric
field; focus on how much light and energy appeared in and around you.  Try to see how
your aura is in contact with others, vibrating stronger than before.

Examples of mantras
1. Ohm
Om is considered the most effective mantra. It corresponds to the Egyptian word
"Amen" and, in fact, is the name of the divine Logos. The Sanskrit word Om denotes a
spark of life, the part of the divine, which is contained in the material world.
Many believe that there are several hundred ways of pronunciation and chanting the
mantra Om ; each of these methods in a unique way affects the aura. When you select a
voice, and pull the sound "o", you are working on an aura of others and your own auric
field. When you stretch the "M" (buzz), the overall effect is deepening.
Uttering Om, you need to see themselves liberated from the domination of the
physical life. You must visualize how broken your limiting and inhibiting the development
of thought-forms, as the cleaned of accumulated energy waste your aura. Om Mantra - is
the sound of contact with the divine, and therefore it is a means to release your
energies. It has the power to cleanse, to create new opportunities that will allow you to go
to the highest manifestation of energy.
Moreover, Om is the means of activation attention. This mantra calms and stabilizes
the aura field, tidies the particles of your subtle bodies. In this mantra reacts entire energy
system of the person. When your energies are ordered, the health restored quickly, and
meditation are more useful.
A variation of the mantra Om is Aum . This form improves the visualization of the
aura and organizes thoughts. It is a special affirmation that your energy is elevated and
the level is continuously rising, as if you are saying to yourself: "So be it!"
Mantra Aum helps eliminate the weaknesses and gaps in your auric field.
During the utterance of the mantra Om is useful to visualize the Sanskrit letters
denoting the syllable, on the background of the physical body (see. Fig. 48).
Fig. 48. The use of the Sanskrit character Om to strengthen the aura
Start by visualizing the symbol on the body. Then, when you inhale mentally say:.
"Om" Feel the symbol starts to vibrate and filled with force. When you exhale, say "Om"
loud. Visually, imagine and feel the flow of the character come clean clear energy that fills
and strengthens all of your auric field. Continue this action for 10-15 minutes. You will find
that your energy reserves will increase significantly, and clashes with the external energy
to a lesser extent will affect your aura.

2. Om mani padme hum

This mantra literally translated as "the jewel in the lotus." This is one of the most
popular mantras. It has many meanings and interpretations. It is believed that it
establishes a connection with the energies of the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin.
Kwan Yin has the same meaning for the East, as the Virgin Mary - in the West.  It is
considered a healer and protector of children. Legend has it that when Kwan Yin attained
enlightenment and became ascend to heaven, leaving the ground, she heard human cries
and decided to stay to help humanity. Kwan Yin - Chinese Goddess of Mercy, patron of
children. In addition, the legend says that it can prevent any violence, as well as able to be
among the many demons, but do not suffer, and not to fall under their influence.
The mantra Om Mani Padme Hum has a protective effect on the aura.  It strengthens
all energy resources and helps to avoid wasting energy or use your other people.  This
mantra is useful to apply before participating in emotionally charged events or to visit
places for which, as you know, is characterized by increased tensions. Mantra makes the
aura strong enough, with it you will be protected from physical or other invasion of other
The six syllables of the mantra activate the energy needed to transform the energy of
debris accumulated in your aura, in a purified energy. The mantra balances the emotions
and the body heals.
Om - the unity of existence and sound. This call sign. With the help of the resonance
properties of this part of the mantra, you can establish a link between their aura and aura
of Kwan Yin.
Money literally means "precious stone." In this case we have in mind is something
intangible which are not subject to change and reach of harm. It is a symbol of higher
values inside the mind. This part of the mantra symbolizes enlightenment achieved
through mercy and love. Just as a jewel can eliminate the need and poverty, this part of
the mantra helps rid your aura of unwanted energies.
Padme literally means "lotus". It is a symbol of prosperity and spiritual awakening of
subtle energies in your auric field. The sound of this part of the mantra helps to cleanse
the aura of energy waste, which causes its turbidity. And harmonize your aura.
Hum - the syllable, which in itself can not be translated. While Om is an infinite sound
inside of you and the universe, Hum is a something finite at infinity. This part of the
mantra supports the potential of the aura field. It awakens sensitivity to those around you
energy and improve awareness of how these energies affect you. Hum activates the
perception of the physical aura, and promotes harmonization, allowing a person to
effectively comprehend himself as a single energy system.
Relax, as for the first mantra of pronunciation. Close your eyes and inhale mentally
utter the mantra to himself. Then, as you exhale, say the mantra out loud, projecting it to
the outside world syllable by syllable. Select your individual rhythm. Give it a chance to
work for you. Remember that with this mantra your aura will become stronger and will be
under constant protection.

Golden wedding garment

The phrase "golden wedding garment" came to us from the secret Christian
teachings. To get to the ancient initiation rites could not everyone, but only those who
have received special training. This tradition is reflected in the Christian parable of the
royal feast (Matthew 22: 2-14). Not having his "golden wedding garment", it was
impossible to enter. Under this garment understood net aura and pure human soul.
Aura Cleansing occurs when replacing the lower desires a more exalted, and through
selfless service to people and love for all living things. Such a garment surrounding the
body is made up of energy blue and gold colors. After the procedure of cleansing and
strengthening the aura and soul of man give a person the opportunity to become a real
invisible assistant, able to consciously use your body to go to other people and other
places in dreams and reality.
To cleanse and revitalize the aura need to clean and activate chakras. About chakras
already been discussed in Chapter 2. Chakra - is the center of light in the human body.  In
Eastern traditions they are portrayed in the form of lotus flowers, and in the secret
Christian teachings, they are compared with the roses, filled with light. When these roses
emit light spreading clean energy in the body and around it, the aura begins to resemble
the golden wedding garment.
The following meditation is an effective exercise that helps to activate 12 light
points. Traditionally, people focus on the 7 chakras. 12 centers identified in the exercise,
fully energize and balance the aura than traditional 7. These 12 centers are in every
person, but often remain in a latent state. Opening and starting to function fully, they are
transformed into marvelous light sources 12, which is filled with an aura of golden glow
(see. Fig. 49).
Fig. 49. 12 chakras modern adept and dedicated
These light sources 12 are in a latent state in the body of each person. They
represent the 12 energy centers, which are in the open and an active state are
transformed into marvelous light sources in your body.
12 light emitting roses are highly symbolic. In the past, the number "12" is rich with
symbolism, the most glaring example - the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Glowing rose in the foot reveals that if you devote his life to the service of others, as
well as adherence by the ancient teachers and do good at the relentless desire. Glowing
rose in bloom knee after hours of prayer and meditation, as well as provided that the basic
principle of your life becomes humility. Glowing rose in her arms open, when you give
yourself to the service of others, holding out their hands to help and heal.  Glowing rose
filled with power and energy, when you strive every day to learn and do something new.
Rosa at the base of your spine - a traditional area of the root chakra - is revealed
most fully when you are more and more clean their energy and learn to convert the energy
of the lower parts of your body.
Glowing rose in the solar plexus actually combines two traditional chakra - the chakra
of the spleen and solar plexus chakra. When the mind and emotions are in balance, they
together form a new light source.
Rosa in the heart radiates mercy and compassion and covers everything that you
encounter in life. When you learn to love, showing the necessary compassion and
understanding, her radiance will heal you and everyone around you.
Rose in the throat area is fully revealed when you learn to use the power of
words. While you utter harsh, angry and destructive words, this center will not reveal the
full extent. It is used for verbal expression of the creative force of desire.
Glowing rose in the frontal chakra comes to life when you gain the ability to
harmoniously combine intuition and reason. As you begin to trust your inner vision and
develop your inherent feminine types of activities, which include taking care of the
offspring, imagination and intuition, it will lead to a brighter glow aura.
Glowing Rose at the top is the center of the male energy. When you learn how to
protect women's forms of energy associated with the care of offspring, and inspiration, and
act on them as part of your own life situations, this center will begin to emit a glow.
The following meditation is designed to help you uncover the sources of light and
illuminate the aura. This is an effective exercise is useful to do on a regular basis.  I
recommend running it at least once a month. Make sure when doing this exercise you will
not be disturbed. Turn off the phone and take a comfortable position. Optionally, you can
start with a gradual relaxation, sending warm thoughts and calming the different parts of
your body. To help yourself, use a slow rhythmic breathing. Breathe deeply and
relax. When you start to relax, let your energy accumulate around you. Imagine that
someone threw you on the shoulders of a soft blanket. You will warm and calm you feel
completely safe.
Relaxing, you will see yourself on the top of the stairs, and at the bottom - a faint soft
light that attracts and invites you to come down. With each step down you relax more and
more.Going down, you feel lighter and lighter. Reaching the level of the hallway, you
become weightless so that your feet barely touching the steps. You continue to go down
and experience in this amazing feeling. You forget how wonderful it was to relax and allow
yourself to just drift through the air.
At the bottom of the stairs you will find yourself in a small circular room. In the center
of the room is high mirror in an ornate frame. Above the mirror shines a soft light that has
attracted your attention and made to go down the stairs. You go from the stairs and stops
in front of a mirror. First, the mirror there is nothing, but then, when you gazed at it, it
appears slight vibration, and you see your reflection.
Do you see yourself without clothes, and your body has a perfect shape. Presented
itself in front of you is your true inner "I". It warms and heals you. You will realize that
they started to forget how beautiful you are.
Looking in the mirror, you see two small rosebuds forming on your feet. In your eyes,
these gentle and beautiful buds begin to blossom petal by petal. As long as they are
revealed, you remember all the steps that have been on their path of life, in order to
achieve its present position. Do you remember wrongly selected turns and the time when
the first, all went smoothly and easily. You see a situation where others helped you to
choose the direction. And finally, you see the light path, which lies in front of you and
show you the way to the future.
Now the roses begin to form on your lap. They are as tender and beautiful as a rose
on the feet. As long as your eyes bloom petals, you remember a time when others knelt to
help you. In memory swam in a situation where you have fallen, and you had to climb. Do
you remember the times when you have seen how others have fallen, and you stopped,
knelt, and provided them with some care.
You continue to look in the mirror and see how the roses are formed on your
handset. Their gentle and fluttering petals one by one begin to open. While they bloom
before your eyes float images from the past. Do you remember a time when others are
angry at you raised your hand and someone's loving hand wiping your tears. You
remember, the other held out a helping hand to you and friendship, and you, too, held out
a hand to others. You see people you once made happy by expressing your love gentle
touch of the hand to their face.
Then you can see how Rose formed in the groin area. When she begins to unfold
before your eyes, you appear to those aspects of your life that you have purified and
ennobled. You see those areas of your life that you changed to their advantage, as well as
those that require you to further action and effort.
Another rose appears just below the solar plexus. While it is dissolved, before your
eyes pop up all the situations when your emotions spilled over the edge, as well as those
cases in which you do not allow them to appear. You begin to see the days when you react
to people and situations, combining compassion with action. Do you remember when other
people are succumbing to your influence, I have made in my life something positive and
Next Rose appears in the heart, and as long as it is dissolved, you remember all the
situations where you liked and did not find reciprocity. You will come to mind those cases
where people responded to your love. You see the love of those who are close to you now,
and you can see how your ability to love will make you a healing power for those with
whom you touch.
Now there rose a tenth - in the area of your throat - and blossoms petal by petal. As
she revealed, do you remember the days when you had to hear rude and offensive
words. In your mind float episodes, when you spoke harsh and negative things about the
other or others. And then you remember those occasions when someone's words uplifting,
motivate, encourage you, and gave you strength. You will also see people who is now with
you and could speak kind and encouraging words. You mentally mark, you need to talk to
these people in the near future.
Eleventh Rose formed in the area of your forehead. Meanwhile, you remember all the
dreams that you had as a child. Recalls the time when you are unable to implement them,
and times when you refused to follow his sublime ideas. Then you see the dreams that
come true in front of you. They activate your imagination, and you remember that desires
and dreams are never without the ability to implement them. The only thing that can
destroy them, is a compromise.
As revealed last rose to the top, you can see everything you need to do to make your
dreams come true. If you want, you can see their perspective, their future, you only need
to strengthen the energy in that direction. This rose is associated with the implementation
of your life.
Your body is manifested all 12 roses. They begin to radiate a renewed radiance. From
them comes the energy. Golden glow surrounds you like a draped garment of golden
light. When it fills your entire aura, radiating light and healing power, you mentally to offer
prayers and give thanks for the reminder of your true nature.
Then you mentally mark that these roses do not need to fade away, and the image
gradually dissipated in the mirror. Despite the fact that the reflection disappears, you
continue to feel the Roses, filled with light and energy, as well as realize that golden glow
penetrates into your aura that surrounds you.
This sensation is preserved when you go to the stairs and climbing up her back to
consciousness, bringing with it new opportunities 12 glowing roses and golden wedding
There are many ways to increase the sensitivity to subtle energy fields. The ability to
see the aura not only destroys the old barriers, but also increases your sensitivity.  It
connects the physical and metaphysical aspects of life. Developing the ability to see the
aura and perceive the finer aspects of life, you begin to exhibit talent in other areas. Your
intuition is expanded and strengthened, to you baby back the ability to enjoy and wonder
of life. Every day becomes a unique event! Every day is perceived as a happy gift!


An American foot is 30.48 cm. - Note.  Ed.
( Back )

American inch equals 2.54 cm. - Note. Ed .
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In such situations, the consciousness of the victim at the time of the violence literally
pushed out of the body and auric field. The more violence there is, the more correct form
takes the hole. Through this opening, and ejection of consciousness, many people do not
always remember the details of the perfect over them violence. In addition, in connection
with the aura begins to lose energy continuously, and the person becomes vulnerable and
suffer from a variety of physical, emotional and mental disorders occurring throughout his
life. This aura of the gap is very difficult to heal. Asking for advice and some of the
exercises described in the next chapter, can help in restoring the integrity of the
aura. However, to draw conclusions about experiences with violence, relying only on the
visual perception of the aura, it is inadmissible. Doing this question can only be a very
experienced specialist and only under strict therapeutic control.
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Table of contents
 about the author
 Chapter 1. What is the aura
   Do you ever feel the energy field aura?
   properties aura
   Exercises
 Chapter 2. The feeling of the aura
   Exercises
 Chapter 3: The visual perception of the aura
   Eye exercises with cards
   Exercises
   Optimal conditions for the visual aura
   The visual perception of other people's aura
 Chapter 4. Measurement of field of your aura
   Production of "divining rod"
   Measurement aura with "divining rod"
   pendulum Opportunities
   Detection of aura by using the pendulum
 Chapter 5. The value of the color gamut of the aura
   Meaning of colors
   Colors of rainbow
   Other colors of the aura
   Determination of the primary colors of the aura
   Visual perception and interpretation of a healthy aura seen
 Chapter 6. Enhancing and protecting the aura
   Exercises
   The effect on the aura of ritual chants
   Examples of mantras
   Golden wedding garment

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