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Production Performance of White Leghorn Layers Fed

Lactobacillus Fermentation Products


Calhoun Research Station, Box 10, Calhoun, Louisiana 71225


Department of Poultry Science, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station,

Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

(Received for publication April 30, 1986)

ABSTRACT A series of trials was conducted to determine if adding a Lactobacillus fermentation product
(LAC) to the feed of laying hens would improve their production performance. Feeding a liquid, nonviable
LAC product to either cage or floor housed laying hens did not improve hen-day egg production, feed
efficiency, nor egg size during a 48 week experimental period. Laying hens fed a dried, nonviable LAC
product did not show any improvement in hen-day egg production nor feed efficiency compared with laying
hens fed no LAC or zinc bacitracin. Addition of a viable LAC product to rations of differing protein levels
did not improve hen-day egg production, livability, or egg size of laying hens.
(Key words: Lactobacillus, fermentation products, laying hen, egg production, egg size)

1987 Poultry Science 66:480-486

Lactobacillus organisms are subdivided into suboptimal levels of sulfur amino acids and
two groups based on fermentation patterns lysine promoted a growth rate equal to broilers
(Brown, 1977). The first group is homofermen- fed diets containing adequate amino acid levels.
tative, producing mainly lactic acid (in excess Francis et al. (1978) observed an improvement
of 85%) from glucose fermentation. A second in turkey poult body weight and feed efficiency
heterofermentative species produces approxi- when Lactobacillus product or zinc bacitracin
mately 50% lactic acid as an end product along was added to the diet. However, when the prod-
with considerable quantities of acetic acid, uct was combined with zinc bacitracin in the
ethanol, and carbon dioxide. Huber etal. (1976) diet, poult performance was not as good as when
observed Lactobacillus organisms proliferate the Lactobacillus product or zinc bacitracin was
rapidly when high-energy carbohydrate rations fed alone. Potter et al. (1979) observed that
are fed. Lactobacillus growth was optimal at feeding turkeys a dry Lactobacillus acidophilus
pH 5.5 to 5.8. The gut pH of chickens and the culture in combination with varying protein
typical diets they are fed, seem to meet the levels significantly enhanced body weight up to
criteria for maximal lactobacilli proliferation 12 weeks of age. At 16 weeks of age, body
and growth. weights and feed efficiency measures of turkeys
Krueger et al. (1977) reported that addition fed the Lactobacillus culture were not different
of a Lactobacillus complex to laying hen rations from controls.
increased egg production and feed efficiency. Watkins et al. (1982) used gnotobiotic chicks
An increase in both egg production and large to assess the effect of challenging them with
eggs was reported by Hargis and Creger (1978) Lactobacillus acidophilus and pathogenic Es-
when laying hens were fed a Lactobacillus com- cherichia coli in vivo; chick body weight was
plex; feed efficiency was not affected. Dilworth not affected. Mortality in chicks given Lac-
and Day (1978) found that addition of various tobacillus acidophilus decreased from 66.7% to
levels of Lactobacillus to broiler diets resulted zero.
in a significant improvement in growth rate and The objective of these experiments was to
feed efficiency. In addition, they found that Lac- determine if Lactobacillus products would im-
tobacillus supplementation of diets containing prove the performance of laying hens and in-


crease the size of eggs produced. In addition, a Data were analyzed in each trial using the
Lactobacillus fermentation product was General Linear Models program and the Duncan
evaluated, when fed in combination with zinc multiple range test available in the Statistical
bacitracin or with varied protein levels. Analysis System (Barr etal., 1979). The experi-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mental design was a randomized block with a
Experiment 1. A total of 1,680 day-old split-plot arrangement of treatments. The main
Shaver 288 pullet chicks was obtained from a plot was a factorial arrangement of the two hous-
commercial hatchery and cage reared to 23 ing methods (cage vs. floor) and four levels of
weeks of age. Pullets were debeaked at 3 weeks Lactobacillus product. The 12 28-day laying
of age and vaccinated at 1, 7, and 15 weeks of periods constituted the split-plot.
age for Newcastle disease and infectious bron- Experiment 2. A total of 2,688 day-old Bab-
chitis. At 23 weeks of age, birds were randomly cock B-300 female chicks were cage reared and
selected and placed either in laying cages or subjected to experimental protocols and data
floor pens. Each cage was 40.6 cm wide by analyses described in Experiment 1. Pullets were
45.7 cm deep and contained five birds. Floor kept in laying cages. Treatments were diets,
pens were 3.35 m wide x 3.66 m deep and with or without zinc bacitracin, in which four
contained 65 birds each. levels of a dried, nonviable Lactobacillus fer-
Pullets were placed on a 16L:8D (hours of mentation product were added (Table 1). The
light:hours of darkness) cycle throughout the eight treatments were randomly assigned to lay-
laying period during which performance data ing hens (four replications, 84 hens/replication).
were collected. A liquid nonviable Lactobacillus Eggs were collected on 3 consecutive days every
product was added at one of four levels (0, .26, 4th week from 35 through 71 weeks of age and
.52, and .78 L/ton) to the diet of laying hens. sized according to United States Department of
Diets and water were provided ad libitum. All Agriculture (USDA) size categories.
diets (Table 1) met or exceeded, by calculation, Experiment 3. Procedures in Experiment 3
the amino acid requirements of the laying hen were similar to Experiment 2, with three major
established by the National Research Council exceptions. The main plot was six treatments:
(National Research Council, 1984). Beginning two levels of a dried viable Lactobacillus fer-
at 23 weeks of age, egg weight, feed intake, mentation product, each fed in combination with
hen-day egg production, and mortality measure- either a sand or ground corn cob carrier vehicle
ments were recorded for 12 28-day periods of and either a 14 or 17% protein diet (Table 1).
lay. All hens were weighed at the beginning and The six diets were randomly assigned to 2,688
end of the experiment. laying hens (four replications, 112 hens/replica-

TABLE 1. Composition of diets

Ingredient Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Exp<:riment 3

Corn 63.22 63.22 63.25 66.00 63.40
Soybean meal, 4 5 % protein 25.50 25.50 25.50 18.15 25.60
Sand 4.80
Defluorinated p h o s p h a t e 2 2 2 2 2
Oyster shell 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.25 7.25
Vitamin and mineral m i x 1 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25
Salt .25 .25 .25 .45 .45
DL-Methionine .05 .05 .05 .10 .05
Soybean oil 1 1 1 1 1
Zinc bacitracin .03 .03
Protein, % 17 17 17 14 17
Metabolizable energy, kcal/kg 2,829 2,829 2,830 2,830 2,830

'Vitamin and mineral mix provides (per kilogram of finished feed): vitamin A, 11,000 IU; vitamin D 3 , 1,650
ICU; vitamin E, 8.25 IU; vitamin B 1 2 , .011 mg; riboflavin, 4.4 mg; niacin, 33 mg; d-pantothenic acid, .33 mg;
thiamine, 1.1 mg; zinc, 44 mg; copper, 2.0 mg; iodine, 1.17 mg; iron, 20.3 mg; cobalt, .20 mg, and manganese,
60.75 mg.
TABLE 2. Production performance of laying hens fed varying levels of a liquid, nonviable Lactobacillus ferm

Housing fermentation Hen-day Egg Feed Feed
method product egg production weight consumption efficien

(ml/kg) (%) (g)

Cage 0 76.4 64.0 113.9 2.33
.26 74.3 63.3 112.4 2.40
.52 74.9 63.3 112.0 2.36
.78 73.1 63.4 111.3 2.41
Mean 74.7 ± . 5 1a 63.5 ± .50 a 112.4 ± 90 a 2.37 ±
Floor 79.9 62.9 121.2 2.42
.26 80.1 62.7 120.4 2.41
.52 76.7 62.6 117.6 2.46
.78 78.3 63.1 119.7 2.43
Mean 3 78.8 .64 u 6 2 . 8 : .31 L 119.7 + .91 1 2.43 ±

' Means within a column followed by different superscripts are statistically different (P<.05).
Trade name = Culbac, a fermentation product of Trans Agra Corp., a subsidiary of Texas Gas Transmission Corp., Me
Grams of feed per gram of egg.
Mean ± standard error.
TABLE 3. Production performance responses of laying hens fed a dried, non-viable Lactobacillus
with and without zinc bacitracin1 from 23 through 70 weeks of age (Experime

fermentation Zinc Hen-day Egg Feed Feed
product bacitracin egg production weight consum ed efficien

(mg/kg) (mg/kg) (%> (g)

0 0 79.8 64.5abe 126.6 2.47
250 0 81.3 64.2 C 126.2 2.43
500 0 80.9 64.6abc 126.7 2.43
750 0 81.3 64.8 a 127.6 2.43
0 27.5 80.5 64.6abc 124.7 2.40
250 27.5 80.1 64.2bc 126.6 2.47
500 27.5 79.5 64.7ab 126.7 2.47
750 27.5 80.4 64.1c 126.0 2.45

Means with in a column followed by different superscripts are statistically different ( P « 0 5 ) .

Trade name = Culbac, a fermentation product of Trans Agra Corporation, a suibsidiary of Texas Gas Transmission Cor
Trade name = Baciferm, Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, IN.
Grams of feed per gram of egg.

TABLE 4. Egg she classifications from laying hens fed a dried, nonviable Lactobacillus fermentation product1
with and without zinc bacitracin1 from 35 through 70 weeks of age (Experiment 2)

fermentation Zinc Extra Large Medium
product bacitracin large eggs eggs eggs

/ n \
0 0 65abc 3 1 abc 4
250 0 62 c 33 a
500 0 67ab 2 8 bcd 5
750 0 68a 28cd 4
0 27.5 67ab 28bcd 5
250 27.5 64 3 1 abc 5
500 27.5 69a
27 4
750 27.5 63e 3 2 ab 5

Mean within a column followed by different superscripts are statistically different (P<.05).
Trade name = Culbac, a fermentation product of Trans Agra Corporation, a subsidiary of Texas Gas Trans-
mission Corp., Memphis, TN 38138.
Trade name = Baciferm, Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, IN.

tion). Eggs were collected and sized according without the addition of zinc bacitracin, to pro-
to USDA size categories on three consecutive duce a larger percentage of extra large eggs with
days each week from 27 through 50 weeks of a corresponding decrease in the percentage of
age and every 4th week from 51 through 70 medium eggs. However, the treatment without
weeks of age. added Lactobacillus product had the same or
higher percentage of extra large eggs as the other
RESULTS treatments.
Experiment 1. The addition of various levels Experiment 3. No improvement was noted in
of a liquid, nonviable Lactobacillus fermenta- production performance (Table 5) or in egg size
tion product to the diet of either caged or floor classification due to feeding various combina-
housed pullets did not improve feed efficiency, tions of a viable Lactobacillus product at two
egg weight, or hen-day egg production over the protein levels to laying hens during the 12 28-
12 28-day periods of Experiment 1 (Table 2). day periods of the experiment. Statistical differ-
Mean hen-day egg production and feed con- ences in the percentage of extra large eggs were
sumption for floor housed laying hens were obtained by adding the Lactobacillus product to
greater (Ps£.05) than for caged laying hens. Egg the 14% protein diet but not to the 17% protein
weight and mortality for caged laying hens were diet (Table 6).
significantly greater (P=£.05) than floor-housed
hens. Body weight gain and feed efficiency were DISCUSSION
not influenced by level of Lactobacillus product Unlike the findings of Krueger et al. (1977)
fed or rearing methods. or Hargis and Creger (1978), no increase in
Experiment 2. The Lactobacillus product hen-day egg production, egg weight, or im-
with or without zinc bacitracin in the diet did provement in feed efficiency for laying hens fed
not influence feed consumption, hen-day egg Lactobacillus products was observed. There are
production, feed efficiency, or mortality (Table several possible reasons as to why feeding these
3). Although there were statistical differences products to laying hens in the present studies
in egg weight due to treatment, no beneficial failed to be beneficial. Siriwar (1977) reported
effect on egg weight resulted from addition of that Lactobacillus cultures are host-specific as
the Lactobacillus product (Table 3). A similar well as being specific in their byproduct produc-
finding was noted for eggs classified according tion. Perhaps the cultures used were not host-
to size (Table 4). There was a tendency for specific for the avian species used in the exper-
increasing levels of the Lactobacillus product, iment. However, this fact alone cannot entirely
TABLE 5. Production performance of laying hens fed various combinations of a viab
fermentation product1 and protein from 27 through 70 weeks of age (Exper

fermentation Hen-day Egg Feed Feed
product Protein egg production weight consumption effic

(mg/kg) (%) (g)

0 17 69.5 60.8 106.8 2.54
375 s 17 72.1 61.0 108.1 2.47
375 3 17 71.9 60.5 107.3 2.48
0 14 69.8 60.4 106.2 2.54
375 2 14 69.0 60.4 107.2 2.58
375 3 14 69.8 60.8 107.4 2.55

'Trade name = Probios, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Microbial Products Div., Portland, OR 97201.
Lactobacillus carrier was sand.
Lactobacillus carrier was ground corn cobs.
Grams of feed per gram of egg.

TABLE 6. Egg size classification from laying hens fed various combinations of a dried, viable Lactobacillus
fermentation product* and protein from 27 through 70 weeks of age (Experiment 3)

fermentation Extra large Large Medium
product Protein eggs eggs eggs

(mg/kg) (%)
0 17 21.7abc 51.5 24.6
375 2 17 23.4 a 51.4 22.7
375 3 17 20.2abc 53.4 23.8
0 14 19.4 C 52.3 25.0
375 2 14 20.0bc 50.4 26.5
375 3 14 23.0 a b 50.7 22.9

Means within a column followed by different superscripts are statistically different (P<.05).
'Trade name = Probios, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Microbial Products Div., Portland, OR 97201.
Lactobacillus carrier was sand.
Lactobacillus carrier was ground corn cobs.

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may not show benefits. Conditions could change Krueger, W. F., J. W. Bradley, and R. H. Patterson, 1977.
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