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The Ants and the Elephant

Once upon a time, there was a haughty elephant who used to bully smaller
creatures. He’d go to an anthill near his house and spray the ants with water.
Because of their size, the ants could only cry. The elephant simply chuckled and
threatened the ants with death by crushing them. The ants it and decided to teach
the elephant a lesson one day. They jumped into the elephant’s trunk and began
biting him. The elephant could do nothing but howl in agony. He realized his error
and apologized to the ants as well as all the other animals he had harassed.

The moral to this story:

Maintain a humble demeanor and treat everyone with respect. If you believe
you are stronger than others, instead of injuring them, use your strength to
protect them.

The Poor Slave and the Lion

Once upon a time, there was a slave who was mistreated by his master. He
couldn’t stand it any longer and fled to the forest to seek refuge. He came upon a
lion who was unable to move due to a thorn in its paw. Despite his fear, the slave
summoned his bravery and extracted the thorn from the lion’s paw. When the lion
was finally free of the thorn, he dashed into the jungle, oblivious to the slave’s
presence. The slave was eventually apprehended in the jungle by his master, along
with some animals. The slave was then thrown into the lion’s den by the master.
The slave recognized the lion as the one he had aided in the wilderness. The slave
was able to flee the den without being hurt, and he was able to free all of the other

The moral to this story:

Your good deeds will always find a way to come back to you. So do good things
and treat others with kindness, and the world will return the favor.
The Ugly Duckling
The plot centers around a duckling who has always felt different from his
brothers since birth. He was constantly teased since he didn’t look like the other
kids. He had enough and rushed away from the pond where he had grown up. He
traveled far and wide in search of a family who would embrace him. Months
passed, seasons changed, but no one wanted him because he was such an
unattractive duck. Then he came across a family of swans one day. When he
looked at them, he realized he had transformed into a lovely swan during the
months he had spent hunting for a family to call his own. He suddenly realized why
he never looked like the rest of his siblings: he is a swan, not a duck.

The moral to this story:

We should not pass judgment on others just based on their outward

appearance. Just because someone doesn’t suit societal beauty standards doesn’t
mean they’re unattractive. Each of us is lovely in our way, and it’s past time we
accepted and celebrated our differences.

The Dog and the Bone

Once upon a time, there was a dog who roamed the streets at all hours of
the day and night in quest of food. He came across a large juicy bone one day and
instantly snatched it between his teeth and carried it home. He crossed a river on
his way home and observed another dog with a bone in its mouth. He was also
after that bone for himself. However, the bone he was biting fell into the river and
sank as he opened his jaws. He went home famished that night.

The moral to this story:

If we continuously envy what others have, we, like the greedy dog, will lose
what we already have.
Lazy John
John, a boy who was so sluggish that he didn’t bother to change his clothes,
was one of them. He saw the apple tree in their yard was laden with fruit one day.
He wanted to eat some apples but was too sluggish to climb the tree to get them.
As a result, he sat down beneath the tree and waited for the fruits to fall. John
waited and waited until he was ravenous, but no fruit dropped.

The moral to this story:

You can’t get anywhere by being lazy. If you desire something, you must put forth
a lot of effort.

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