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Answer number 1


Leadership is very important when it comes to management, Not everyone is destined to lead.
The good news is that leadership abilities can be developed and improved through time,
giving those in the equipment economic growth access to professional progression and
increased pay. Building relationships with people who can positively present what is
happening on the ground, both positive and negative, is necessary for leaders to tune into
their organisation. use positional authority rather than coaching. Proactively creating longer-
term solutions as opposed to reactively putting out flames. Making choices that their staff
should be making. Micromanaging workers as opposed to fostering their development.

Concepts and applications

Leadership doesn’t mean you always need to look forward for company’s benefits , true
leader should also need to see their employees and in that also Leaders should investigate the
true factors behind unsatisfactory staff performance.

As in this situation where Amar is working hard and even giving extra hours also to full-fill
the actual wants of the organisation. in this scenario Ajay who is leader of Amar need to be
patient about his colleague Amar. Ajay lacks effectiveness as a leader due to his major flaws.
A satisfied employee is one who has time for his hobbies, is in good physical and mental
health. Amar's bad physical and mental health is a result of Ajay having him remain
overnight and work extra hours. Additionally, employees' flaws should be addressed privately
rather than being called out in front of other workers as this will harm their mental health and
make it difficult for them to do their jobs with dedication. Instead of being a strict teacher,
Ajay need to serve as an inspiration and role model for the employers.
In this Maintaining staff motivation is crucial for any management if they want their
company to grow. If he disrespects the workers, it can immediately affect their performance
and, in effect, the quality of the work. A successful leader should have the ability to motivate
people and have a solid grasp of employee psychology.
There are some pitfalls of leader’, where The leader is sometimes the direct cause of the
problem. For example ,
 Employees are unsure about what to do, which is probably a communication issue
 Employee ignorance of its significance is probably the result of a communication
 Lack of job knowledge among employees is probably the result of a training issue.
 Employees are not motivated to perform their duties, which may be the cause.

Sometimes employees also find some difficulties while working with the team, and because
of the leaders pitfalls like,

 using positional authority instead of coaching.

 putting out fires in a defensive manner as rather to proactively identifying longer-term
 Micromanaging staff rather than assisting in their development.
 Lack of adequate performance feedback and training, lack of clear communication of
goals, and assumption that what motivates the employer will encourage the employee
These are some symptoms where you will find lack of leadership qualities.

There are many ways where you can improve leadership quality and skills which is,
 Reaching corporate financial objectives
 Share the company's mission, values, and objectives.
 Identify employee scorecards, key performance indicators, and HPAs
 provide coaching and feedback on employee performance
 Encourage staff to create motivational, career, and training plans
 Create, record, and enhance procedures

So this are the key factors where you can enhance your leadership and give a fruitful
environment to employees where they can feel free and give their level best performance to
the organisation.


As we had seen not only the employees but leader should also need to learn basic skills to
find out difficulties of their employees, even we had seen there are many ways where a leader
can develop the quality of work and trained their employees and make them feel fit in the
position which they hired for, leader must know the rolls and responsibilities of the each and
every employees too, he/she can’t pressurise one employee to do all work, it should be
divided into parts as it’s a main job of leader.

Answer number 2


Reinforcement Learning is the process of being instructed on how to react to a situation and a
variety of potential answers in order to optimise a reward. The learner, who we will refer to
as the employee , must discover what to do for himself by interacting with his surroundings
rather than being told what to do. The goal is to choose its actions in a manner that maximises
the overall benefit. The largest payoff now might not be the best choice in the long run,
making greedy strategies less than ideal.By taking actions and tracking the outcomes, an
agent can use reinforcement learning to show how to operate in a specific environment. The
algorithm presents a state where a user can commend or criticise the algorithm for taking a
certain action based on the input data. The reward/punishment cycle is repeated as the
Reinforcement Learning algorithms learn from the experience and make adjustments.

Concepts and applications

Reinforcement Machine learning involves knowledge. Employee learn about reward and
punishment systems on their own in this situation. It's about using observations to choose the
optimal course of action or path to achieve the greatest rewards and the least amount of
punishment. It serves as a signal for both creative and destructive conduct. Basically, an
employee are created that ability to observe, understand, act upon, and interact with their
Beside this, Sameer has using this learning and making the situation best for every employee
as well, Sameer is practising reinforcement learning and in this learning there are FOUR
elements which is important for a person to learn about it, the four components are mentioned
 A policy: An employee’s behaviour is determined by policy at any given time. In
general, it is a mapping between environmental factors and the actions a person takes
in response to those factors. It's possible for the policy to be as simple as a function or
as complex as function calculations. Everything the employees learn is based on the
 A reward: An Reinforcement learning issue's objective is specified by a reward. The
employee receives a reward as a result of its actions during every time step. The
employee’s main goal is to maximise the total reward received. As a result, the reward
differs between the employees good and negative action results. We might describe
incentives and penalties in a natural system as pleasant and unpleasant experiences.
 A value: The total cumulative amount of awards that the agent may estimate
obtaining in the future, assuming it starts in that position, is a state's value. A
collection of states' values are based on the projected future states and the advantage
such states are expected to produce. A state may indeed be desirable even though it
only generates a small immediate reward since it is regularly followed by other states
that generate larger rewards.
 Environmental model: Another important element of several reinforcement learning
systems is the environment model. This process mimics the behaviour of the
environment and makes predictions about how the environment will react. This
approach will enable the agent to depend on emerging action on future environmental
responses by allowing the agent to predict the upcoming reward if an action is made.
In short, reinforcement learning is learning how to map conditions to behaviours that
maximise a numerical reward signal is known as reinforcement learning. The system is not
given instructions on what to do; instead, it must experiment to determine which activities
result in the greatest reward.


As we had learned that Through trial and error, random interactions with the environment,
and incorporating the results of these interactions, in Reinforcement Learning employee will
gradually learn the best policy. To choose action that currently provide the biggest payoff, the
employee must find a balance between aggressively utilising what he/she has learned so far
and other options.

Answer number 3(a)


High-achievement people will continue to be willing to participate in competitive activities in

order to satisfy this drive. People like Retina will need to belong and will frequently join
teams and should work on her behaviour as well. In this case people who are satisfied with
their job and living life style are most of the time being tangled in small things like getting
trusted by the lower level of employee or being made to do more social work because of their
behaviour, they are not only focused towards their work which is given by the organisation
but they are even very careful about each and every person’s needs and their desire also.
When we only focus on our work and our schedule so our result and even our employees also
can learn something from that, providing education to those who are needy is very important
but in she should understand the limit as well, as in today’s competition many of them wants
to upgrade themselves into some perfect position, where they can get high salary too, so
providing education towards welfare of the society can helpful for everyone also.

Concepts and applications

The current scenario describes how an employee named Renita holds a high position and
receives a fair income, but she is not very happy with her work. She is driven to trains solely
lower-level employees because she wants to improve their daily lives and she believes that
she can provide them more advantages by educating them, In top of that she is even gaining
satisfaction from doing this.
Here, it is clear that Retina’s requirements for survival, security, and social interaction have
all been achieved, which reveals why she is unhappy at work because she is no longer
motivated or satisfied by her increased salary or position. She is driven to be a part of the
social cause, which entails making a difference in the lives of shop floor workers, in order to
satisfy her need for self-worth, which in turn will give her a sense of worth.
In this it has been proved that retina was unhappy despite her high position and good salary
also but instead decided to work as a teacher for shop floor employees. Based on this
information, we can assume that Retina was not entirely satisfied with her job because she
had not yet discovered a higher calling or a fitting and fulfilling purpose for herself, which
was making her unhappy. However, as it turns out in the scenario, Retina discovered her
calling even as teaching the shop floor employees. Retina was a sociable person who enjoys
being of service to others, so we can infer that she was not only unhappy, The fact that she
opted for a low-paying teaching position.


As we had learned that, it is clear that Renita is a very charitable person who aims to support
others in any way she can. In context of this, we can conclude that choosing to work as a
teacher and advising other employees is a really good choice for Renita because she would be
able to contribute to the system in her own unique way, which would make her happier and at
the same high level the general level of education among the workforce. We can therefore
conclude that her decision to leave her profession and migrate into the teaching area has
benefited both herself and the staff, making it a suitable career choice for her.

Answer number 3(b)


Renita not only expert in providing education to others but she is really found of being a
teacher, as in this case we have seen renita is focusing more on making workers educated but
also helping them towards work more with them, this kind of enhance interest can be good
for renita if she chooses to work as a teacher or a trainer, as there are many people who find
their main motive after spending some time with organisation, it is very common to see this
kind of employees in any organisation, as there are many companies who actually inter-
transfer the employee because of the input which they have shown to the particular company.
It seems that retina is also a very good employee just her designation is not according her

Concepts and applications

Many times as a company we need to understand that if any employee is expert in something
which current employees are not that much keen or happy doing the same thing, so as a
company you should take decision to do inter-transfer of the employees, by doing this you
can get some kind of assurance about their performance.
As an individual renita should talk to his supervisor mark about her condition, as she wanted
to start English coaching to their workers which can help the company to communicate easily
and it will be added benefits to them, even after getting high position and decent salary but
despite of everything she is not getting satisfaction by doing that so, she actually like teaching
workers and motivating them and to create some change in their lifestyle, and by doing this
she getting satisfaction.


In this case it is crystal clear that Renita believes in teaching and motivating someone, as she
is achieving satisfaction also by doing that, and if any employee are happy and joyfully doing
their work, so the result also will be fruitful. So as a organisation we need to understand
employees personal desire of work and make sure they are getting satisfaction by doing that.

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